Pure Light Technologies operate in the energy MLM niche and are based out of Idaho in the US.

Heading up Pure Light Technologies is CEO and President Roger K. Young.

According to the company website, Pure Light Technologies initially launched in 2014 as Total Solar Super Green.

The name was changed from Total Solar Super Green to Pure-Light Technologies, Inc. in October of 2015.

PURE-LIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.  is a subsidiary of Total Solar Technologies, LLC with manufacturing facilities located in Rigby, Idaho.

Roger Young (right) is also the CEO of Total Solar Technologies.

The only MLM history I was able to track down on Young was Free Food 2 Go, a “food storage” MLM company launched in 2011.

Total Solar Technologies meanwhile appears to be a fully fledged solar unit retailer, with an emphasis on “off the grid living”.

On the Total Solar Technologies website Roger Young claims to have been

heavily involved in prepping for 25 years and solar energy for 20 years, even living off grid completely for 7 years in the mountains of Montana raising their kids. (Yes, most of the kids were home schooled.)

Read on for a full review of the Pure Light Technologies MLM opportunity.

Pure Light Technologies Products

Pure Light Technologies claim to market light bulbs “based on NASA technology” that “clean and purify the air”.

Pure-Light was formed in 2014 after helping to develop a way to seal a transparent coating of a newly developed TiO2 enhanced formulation (that allows for the TiO2 photocatalytic action in low light) that would last up to 10+ years on light emitting devices.

Pure-Light Technologies has filed a patent pending application on the process.

Out of curiosity I ran a quick search at the US Patent and Trademark Office for both “Pure Light Technologies” and “Total Solar Technologies” but nothing came up.

According to a “simple explanation” provided on the Pure Light Technologies website, their light bulbs use “Pure-Light super oxygen technology”.

PURE-LIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, using a new patent pending process that PLT developed, coats a light bulb with an ultra- thin, transparent coating of a new proprietary enhanced Titanium Dioxide formula (Z-TiO2 ) that reacts with light to produce super oxygen molecules that dissolve viruses, bacteria, mold and breaks down toxic VOCs.

As air comes near the PURE-LIGHT coated light bulbs (approximately 8ft—12 ft) it gets cleansed of these bacteria, viruses, mold, and pollutants.

The air also gets deodorized as well since almost all odors are an organic compound.

There is also a secondary PURE-LIGHT effect on the surfaces of items near the light bulb, such as kitchen/bathroom counters, dishes, stoves, cutting boards, door knobs, etc.

Scientific studies pertaining to the use of titanium dioxide nanoparticles are provided, however nothing specific to Pure Light Technologies’ own products.

As far as I can tell none of the claims on the Pure Light Technologies website have been independently verified.

This is somewhat worrying, considering Pure Light Technologies are marketing their bulbs as being

proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, fungus, and mold… including MRSA, E-COLI, STAPH, CRE, Salmonella and other diseases…even those viruses and bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics.

Pure Light Technologies’ LED bulbs cost $24.95 for a single bulb, $144 for a 6 pack and $280 for a 12 pack (plus shipping).

The Pure Light Technologies Compensation Plan

Pure Light Technologies affiliates are paid to sell the company’s LED light bulb products.

Retail Commissions

Pure Light Technologies affiliates receive a 10% commission on the sale of LED bulbs to retail customers.

Residual Commissions

Pure Light Technologies pay residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Pure Light Technologies cap payable unilevel team levels at four, with commissions paid out as a percentage of light bulb sales across these four levels.

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10%
  • level 2 – 5% (10% if an affiliate signs up before December 31st, 2017)
  • levels 3 and 4 (must have recruited at least 20 affiliates) – 5%

Special Bonuses

If a Pure Light Technologies affiliate recruits twenty affiliates, they are designated Gold Star rank.

Gold Star affiliates who recruit at least twenty Gold Star ranked affiliates are designated Gold Double Star rank.

Pure Light Technologies’ Gold 2 Star rank affiliates qualify for “special bonuses”, including “cruises, cars, vacation packages etc.”

At the time of publication no specifics are provided.

Profit Sharing

Gold Double Star affiliates who recruit at least twenty Gold Double Star affiliates are designated Gold Diamond rank.

Gold Diamond ranked affiliates qualify for shares in 0.5% of Pure Light Technologies’ company-wide sales revenue.

Gold Diamond affiliates receive one share in the Profit Sharing pool per $5000 in commissions they earn from their unilevel team (shares reset annually).

Joining Pure Light Technologies

Pure Light Technologies affiliate membership is either $50 or “free” with the purchase of $150 or more of Pure Light Technologies products.


I’m not a scientist and so my ability to analyze the science behind Pure Light Technologies’ “super oxygen technology” claims is limited.

From what I can tell the provided scientific reports into the use of the technology are limited, and none go over the application of titanium dioxide technology as a coating for household bulbs.

Pure Light Technologies very much market their LED bulbs as “plug it in = hospital-grade sterile environment”.

Other than anecdotal claims from a clinic in Idaho and YouTube testimony videos from their affiliates however, no concrete evidence is provided.

I’m not saying Pure Light Technologies’ LED bulbs don’t work, just that they haven’t convinced me they do with the information they provide on their website.

Moving onto the compensation plan, the biggest issue is Pure Light Technologies cannibalize retail customers into affiliates.

Either you pay $50 and get nothing, or cough up $150 for a 6 pack.

Given Pure Light Technologies’ claims about their LED bulbs, quite obviously every affiliate is going to purchase one or more bulbs.

And when you consider a standard dwelling has six or more light fittings, it stands to reason the average retail customer is going to purchase six or more bulbs anyway.

That leaves a very niche retail market of single-bulb customers.

Also not helping is the fact career progression in Pure Light Technologies’ compensation plan is tied to affiliate recruitment, not retail sales.

With the majority of Pure Light Technologies customers likely also being affiliates, that leaves them open to FTC regulation (ala Vemma and Herbalife).

If there are significant retail sales being made though, Pure Light Technologies’ compensation plan is pretty standard paying four levels deep.

The issue of the LED bulb claims however is still there, so definitely approach with caution.


Update 13th September 2018 – Austin from Pure Light Technologies has been in touch to advise that there are now several published studies pertaining to their bulb products.

The particular study I was forwarded measured “bacterial survival on glass and laminated wood surfaces exposed to Pure-Light coated LED light bulbs”.

After contamination, the surfaces were exposed to Pure Light bulbs for 72 hours at a distance of 5 feet.

After 72 hours the study found a reduction of 57.4% for salmonella, 80% for MRSA and 93.3% for E. coli on wood flooring.

Reductions of 47.3%, 80.6% and 94.7% respectively were measured for glass surfaces.

This certainly appears to demonstrate that Pure Light Technologies’ bulb products do have an effect on some bacteria.

Bear in mind though that the above tests were performed in lab conditions. Results at home may vary wildly.

That aside, what I’m not particularly sold on is the practicality. Who is leaving their light bulbs on for 24-72 hours?

And how is this more effective or convenient than wiping down surfaces with disinfectant?

If you’re interested in digging through the studies yourself, Pure Light Technologies provide a list on their website.

Note that at the bottom of the list is a section related to general studies of titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

I believe these are of little relevance as they don’t specifically pertain to Pure Light Technologies bulbs as the first set of studies do.


Update March 2nd 2019 – Some time between now and last September Pure Light Technologies have abandoned their MLM operations.

The company now sells its bulbs retail and via a “buyers club discount program” (20% to 45% discount).


Update 21st May 2024 – Pure Light appears to have completely collapsed. Pure Light’s website domain is now shilling something called “Roger’s Bulb”.