Perfectly Posh was launched in 2011 by founder Ann Dalton. The company sold a range of personal care products.

Circa early 2020 Perfectly Posh was sold off to LaCore Enterprises. This is around the time BehindMLM published its Perfectly Posh review.

In June 2022 LaCore Enterprises merged Perfectly Posh with Innov8tive Nutrition.

This internal merger saw Perfectly Posh products sold through Innov8tive Nutrition website. Perfectly Posh as its own entity ceased to exist.

Today Perfectly Posh’s products are nowhere to be found on Innov8tive Nutrition’s website.

In February 2024 Andrew McBride, citing himself as Perfectly Posh’s “original founder” published a series of videos on his YouTube channel.

In the the first video, dated February 26th and titled “Andrew returns to Posh“, McBride details a resurrection of the Perfectly Posh brand.

I’ve been back about eight to ten weeks and we’ve been working really hard. And what we’re trying to do is not something really hifalutin, we’re trying to get back to the basics.

We’re trying to get back to the basics of great products, great marketing and great distribution.

And I think that Posh has pockets of greatness but in some ways has drifted away from doing the basics really well.

The product strategy was so bad that for a few years there that it probably felt like something new was coming out every week or every few days.

McBride goes on to claim, under ownership of LaCore Enterprises, that Perfectly Posh’s products “have not stayed true to the Posh brand”.

We’re going to focus a lot more on bringing back the signature products and fragrances that helped Posh to grow in the first place.

Today Perfectly Posh’s website is available again with LaCore Enterprises’ Texas address in the website footer.

From this we can surmise McBride has been hired to front Perfectly Posh, as opposed to purchasing the company.

As to McBride’s MLM history, McBride credits himself with being “instrumental in the establishment, growth, and success of” Scentsy circa 2008 to 2011.

McBride’s run with Perfectly Posh began in 2011 and ended in 2017. Later in 2017 McBride went on to launch Because Cosmetics with wife Emily.

Because Cosmetics is a non-MLM company that sells personal care products.

Despite Perfectly Posh’s 2024 reboot Because Cosmetics’ website is still up. SimilarWeb tracked ~4600 monthly visits to Because Cosmetics website for April 2024, down from ~9700 in March.

Despite still appearing to be owned by LaCore Enterprises, there is no mention of LaCore Enterprises on Perfectly Posh’s website.

Oddly enough there’s no mention of Andrew McBride either (McBride is however cited as Perfectly Posh’s CEO in the compensation plan).

Read on for a full review of Perfectly Posh’s MLM opportunity.

Perfectly Posh’s Products

Perfectly Posh’s markets a range of personal care products.

Product categories Perfectly Posh features on its website include body, bath, face, feet, hair and hands.

Perfectly Posh currently lists sixty-three products on its website. This is far too many to list here individually but a full retail catalog is available on said website.

Although not disclosed, it’s assumed Perfectly Posh’ products are formulated and manufactured by LaCore Labs in Texas.

Perfectly Posh’s Compensation Plan

Perfectly Posh’s compensation plan pays on the sale of products to retail customers. Recruited affiliate orders are also commissionable.

Perfectly Posh Affiliate Ranks

There are twenty-three affiliate ranks within Perfectly Posh’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Rank 1 – sign up as a Perfectly Posh affiliate
  2. Rank 2 – generate 100 PV
  3. Rank 3 – generate 250 PV
  4. Rank 4 – generate 500 PV
  5. Rank 5 – generate 1000 PV
  6. Rank 6 – generate 2000 PV
  7. Rank 7 – generate 3500 PV
  8. Rank 8 – generate 5500 PV
  9. Rank 9 – generate 8000 PV
  10. Rank 10 – generate 11,000 PV
  11. Rank 11 – generate 14,500 PV
  12. Rank 12 – generate 18,500 PV
  13. Rank 13 – generate 23,000 PV
  14. Rank 14 – generate 28,000 PV
  15. Rank 15 – generate 33,500 PV
  16. Rank 16 – generate 39,500 PV
  17. Rank 17 – generate 46,000 PV
  18. Rank 18 – generate 53,000 PV
  19. Rank 19 – generate 60,500 PV
  20. Rank 20 – generate 68,500 PV
  21. Rank 21 – generate 77,000 PV
  22. Rank 22 – generate 86,000 PV
  23. Rank 23 – generate 100,000 PV

PV stands for “Personal Volume”. PV is generated via retail sales and a Perfectly Posh affiliate’s own orders.

Note that for Perfectly Posh affiliate rank progression PV is counted accumulatively. There is no monthly PV requirement.

Also note that Perfectly Posh limits Rank Advancement to one rank per week.

Assuming perfect linear rank progression from signing up, this would mean it takes a minimum twenty-three weeks to advance through all Perfectly Posh affiliate ranks.

Retail Commissions

Perfectly Posh affiliates earn 10% to 30% on retail customer sales.

  • Rank 1 affiliates earn a 10% retail commission rate
  • Rank 2 affiliates earn an 11% retail commission rate
  • Rank 3 affiliates earn a 13% retail commission rate
  • Rank 4 affiliates earn a 16% retail commission rate
  • Rank 5 affiliates earn a 20% retail commission rate
  • Rank 6 affiliates earn a 24% retail commission rate
  • Rank 7 affiliates earn a 27% retail commission rate
  • Rank 8 affiliates earn a 29% retail commission rate
  • Rank 9 and above affiliates earn a 30% retail commission rate

MLM Commission Qualification

Perfectly Posh micromanages MLM commission qualification per recruitment (unilevel) leg.

This requires specific sales targets to be reached based on the highest rank affiliate in each recruitment leg.

  • if a recruitment leg has a Rank 1 to 4 affiliate in it no monthly PV requirement exists
  • if a recruitment leg has a Rank 5 affiliate in it, $100 a month in PV must be maintained
  • if a recruitment leg has a Rank 6 to 8 affiliate in it, $300 a month in PV must be maintained
  • if a recruitment leg has a Rank 9 affiliate in it, $500 a month in PV must be maintained
  • if a recruitment leg has a Rank 10 or higher affiliate in it, $800 a month in PV must be maintained.

Note if required PV isn’t satisfied for a recruitment leg, MLM commissions on that leg are passed upline.

Residual Commissions

Perfectly Posh pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Perfectly Posh caps payable unilevel team levels at five.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of sales volume generated across these five levels based on rank:

  • Rank 1 and 2 affiliates earn 8% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and 4% on level 2
  • Rank 3 affiliates earn 8% on level 1 and 3% on level 2
  • Rank 4 affiliates earn 7% on level 1 (not a typo) and 3% on level 2
  • Rank 5 affiliates earn 7% on level 1, 2% on level 2 and 1% on level 3
  • Rank 6 affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 2% on level 2 and 1% on level 3
  • Rank 7 affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 2% on levels 2 and 3
  • Rank 8 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 2% on level 3
  • Rank 9 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 3% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on level 4
  • Rank 10 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 3% on levels 2 and 3 and 1% on level 4
  • Rank 11 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 3% on levels 2 and 3 and 2% on level 4
  • Rank 12 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3 and 2% on level 4
  • Rank 13 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 2% on level 4 and 1% on level 5
  • Rank 14 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 2% on level 4 and 2% on level 5
  • Rank 15 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on levels 3 and 4 and 2% on level 5
  • Rank 16 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on levels 2 and 3, 3% on level 4 and 2% on level 5
  • Rank 17 affiliates earn 5% on levels 1 and 2, 4% on level 3, 3% on level 4 and 2% on level 5
  • Rank 18 affiliates earn 5% on levels 1 and 2, 4% on level 3 and 3% on levels 4 and 5
  • Rank 19 affiliates earn 5% on levels 1 and 2, 4% on levels 3 and 5 and 3% on level 5
  • Rank 20 affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 4% on levels 3 and 4 and 3% on level 5
  • Rank 21 affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 5% on levels 2 and 3, 4% on level 4 and 3% on level 5
  • Rank 22 affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 5% on levels 2 and 3 and 4% on levels 4 and 5
  • Rank 23 affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 5% on levels 2 to 4 and 4% on level 5

Pool Bonus

Perfectly Posh’s Pool Bonus is paid to Rank 10 and higher affiliates who satisfy monthly sales volume requirements.

  • Ranks 10 to 12 must generate a minimum $300 a month in PV
  • Ranks 13 to 15 must generate a minimum $400 a month in PV
  • Ranks 16 to 18 must generate a minimum $500 a month in PV
  • Ranks 19 to 21 must generate a minimum $600 a month in PV
  • Ranks 22 and 23 must generate a minimum $800 a month in PV

Note that specific Pool Bonus amounts paid out are not disclosed.

Joining Perfectly Posh

Perfectly Posh affiliate membership appears to be free.

It should be noted that if a Perfectly Posh affiliate doesn’t have a downline, they are required to generate $100 in sales every 12 months to maintain their account.

This can be $100 in retail sales or an affiliate’s own order.

Perfectly Posh Conclusion

One of the major problems Perfectly Posh experienced after the LaCore Enterprises acquisition was it became a faceless MLM company.

As Andrew McBride got into in his video, products were being pushed out but there was no leadership to tie explain and tie everything together. Who was calling the shots was unclear.

And then things only got worse for Perfectly Posh affiliates with the Innov8tive Nutrition merger.

In that sense it’s surprising to see, based on its website, Perfectly Posh is still a faceless MLM company. McBride isn’t hiding his involvement as CEO so I’m unsure why ownership and executive information isn’t disclosed on Perfectly Posh’s website.

It’s unfortunate because, as far as disclosures go, this is Perfectly Posh’s only potential FTC Act violation I identified. Products, pricing and compensation details are openly disclosed to consumers.

Perfectly Posh’s revised compensation plan is rank-heavy but is still simple enough to follow. Unfortunately there are no retail volume requirements, meaning, over time, a Perfectly Posh affiliate could advance on their own purchases alone.

This would likely be autoship and, if commissions were primarily earned on recruited affiliates also on autoship, this would functionally be a pyramid scheme.

The easiest way to combat this would be requiring a 50% minimum on required PV to rank advance.

I also wasn’t a fan of screwing affiliates out of MLM commissions per individual recruitment leg. I guess it does let affiliates still earn on some legs if they fall short of their highest ranked legs but still, nobody likes losing commissions.

Perfectly Posh do waive a requirement for Ranks 1 to 4 but remember, Perfectly Posh’s PV rank requirements are accumulative. 

As opposed to a monthly PV requirement, in which the majority of affiliates are bunched in lower ranks, time is a big factor in Perfectly Posh rank progression. This could see people missing out on large residual commissions as their downline ranks up.

Personally I think if you’re going to use accumulated PV for rank advancement, baking in a monthly PV requirement for residual commissions in a backdoor way isn’t great. Either go with accumulated PV or a monthly requirement, not both.

As a prospective Perfectly Posh affiliate, one absolutely crucial check you can do is on your potential upline’s PV spread.

By this I mean ask what rank they are, see what the accumulated PV requirement is and ask how much of that was retail sales.

If it was little to none (meaning they qualified on their own orders over time), it’s likely that affiliate is running their Perfectly Posh business as a pyramid scheme.

What you’re looking for a is a minimum 50% ratio, preferably weighed higher in accumulated retail sales volume.

I.e. if your potential upline is Rank 7 that requires 3500 in accumulated PV. At least 1750 PV of that should have been and derived from verifiable retail sales.

Outside of that I can’t personally comment on McBride’s claimed Perfectly Posh product decline since the LaCore Enterprises acquisition. BehindMLM only got around to reviewing Perfectly Posh shortly after the acquisition.

McBride does mention speaking to former Perfectly Posh affiliates though. So if that’s you and you’re longing for Perfectly Posh before LaCore Enterprises (I know the company is still owned by LaCore Enterprises but McBride seems genuine in wanting to run the company as remembered), have a look and see if it’s what you remember.

Outside of minor disclosure issues and a quick check on potential upline accumulated retail PV, I didn’t see any major red flags in Perfectly Posh’s 2024 reboot.

Good luck!