Nexus Rewards launched in 2022. It was a reboot of the collapsed NXR Global pyramid scheme, combining recruitment commissions with “savings and cashback apps”.

I’m not exactly sure when but Nexus Rewards recently revamped its compensation plan. The official compensation documentation on Nexus Rewards’ website was created on January 1st, 2024.

Nexus Rewards’ reboot resulted in renewed marketing efforts. This in turn led to reader requests for an updated review.

Today we revisit Nexus Rewards for 2024 and see what’s changed.

Nexus Rewards The Company

Nexus Rewards are still going with the Art and Rob Phelps co-creators facade.

Nexus Rewards and NXR Global are tied to David and Bob Bremner (right).

Together with other members of the family, the Bremners have been behind a number of MLM companies over the years.

These include vStreamTV, IXQ TV, Lifestyle Connections, Pyur Global and Pyur Life.

Why Nexus Rewards continues to hide ownership details and who’s actually running the company is unclear.


Update 11th January 2024 – A salty Nexus Rewards promoter has shown up in the comments below to let us know Bob Bremner died last June.

The Bremner family run their various pyramid schemes through Nutronix Revolution, a Virgina shell company.

At time of publication Brenda Bremner, President, is the only listed Nutronix Revolution executive. /end update


Update 21st January 2024 – Because there is overlap between Nexus Rewards and Pyur Life with respect to Pyur Life products being sold through Nexus Global, it’s worth noting Mark Campese is a co-founder of Pyur Life. /end update


Nexus Rewards’ Products

Nexus Rewards’ website lists various savings as products. These include:

  • gasoline savings
  • a bill lowering service
  • purchase cashback
  • prescription discounts
  • a webinar service
  • discount “health and wellness products”

No specifics for any of the services are provided.

Nexus Rewards Compensation Plan

Nexus Rewards’ MLM compensation plan pays on recruitment of affiliates. Ongoing monthly affiliate fees are also commissionable.

Nexus Rewards Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within Nexus Rewards’ compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Active Member – sign up as a Nexus Rewards affiliate and continue to pay fees
  2. Pro – recruit and maintain 5 active affiliates
  3. Pro 25 – maintain 5 active personally recruited affiliates and have a total downline of at least 25 active affiliates
  4. Pro 50 – maintain 5 active personally recruited affiliates and have a total downline of at least 50 active affiliates
  5. 1 Star – recruit and maintain 10 active affiliates and have a total downline of at least 100 active affiliates
  6. 2 Star – recruit and maintain 15 active affiliates and have a total downline of at least 150 active affiliates
  7. 3 Star – recruit and maintain 20 active affiliates and have a total downline of at least 500 active affiliates
  8. Diamond – recruit and maintain 20 active affiliates and have a total downline of at least 1000 active affiliates
  9. Double Diamond – recruit and maintain 30 active affiliates and have a total downline of at least 2500 active affiliates
  10. Triple Diamond – recruit and maintain 35 active affiliates and have a total downline of at least 5000 active affiliates
  11. Ambassador – recruit and maintain 50 active affiliates and have a total downline of at least 10,000 active affiliates

An active Nexus Rewards affiliate is an affiliate who continues to pay monthly fees.

Note that for Pro 25 to 3 Star, no more than 60% of required downline affiliates can come from any one recruitment leg. For Diamond and higher this requirement is reduced to 40%.

Free and Paid Member app Commissions

Nexus Rewards’ compensation plan states that when free members

get and use the Free Apps, they will receive a $34 Bonus and so will you!

You can also earn these App Referral Bonuses on all of your Premium Members as well.

How these commissions are generated and how they are paid out is not disclosed.

Recruitment Commissions

Nexus Rewards pays recruitment commissions down three levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – $25 per affiliate recruited
  • level 2 (must recruit two affiliates to qualify) – $5 per affiliate recruited
  • level 3 (must recruit five affiliates to qualify) – 50 cents per affiliate recruited

Note that affiliates who have qualified for three levels of recruitment commissions can also earn “pass-ups” from their downline who have not qualified.

This “pass-up” feature spans both level 2 and level 3 recruitment commissions.

Infinity Bonus

Nexus Rewards pays an Infinity Bonus via the same unilevel compensation structure recruitment commissions are paid out through.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

The Infinity Bonus is paid as a percentage of newly recruited Nexus Rewards affiliate fees.

Nexus Rewards pays out the Infinity Bonus across rank-based generations.

These start at the Pro 25 rank and expand until a downline affiliate of the same rank or higher is found in the unilevel team leg.

  • Pro 25 pays a 1% Infinity Bonus from level 3
  • Pro 50 pays a 1% Infinity Bonus from level 4
  • 1 Star pays a 1% Infinity Bonus from level 5
  • 2 Star pays a 1% Infinity Bonus from level 6
  • 3 Star pays a 1% Infinity Bonus from level 7
  • Diamond pays a 1% Infinity Bonus from level 8
  • Double Diamond pays a 0.5% Infinity Bonus from level 9
  • Triple Diamond pays a 0.5% Infinity Bonus from level 10

Note that if no same or higher ranked affiliate exists in the unilevel team leg, the Infinity Bonus is paid down the full depth of the leg on each new recruit.

Residual Commissions (1-up)

Nexus Rewards pays a $2 commission on monthly fees charged to each personally recruited affiliate.

This appears to be a 1-up commission scheme, requiring each affiliate to “pass-up” residual commissions generated from their second and fourth recruits.

In turn downline affiliates also pass-up residual commissions generated from their second and fourth recruited affiliates.

Residual Commissions (matrix)

Nexus Rewards pays out 3×10 residual matrix commissions as 2.5% of monthly fees charged to recruited affiliates.

A 3×10 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix with three positions directly under them:(

These three positions form the first level of the matrix.

The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting each of these three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Levels three to ten of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

How many levels a Nexus Rewards affiliate earns residual matrix commissions on is determined by how many affiliates they’ve recruited.

  • affiliates who haven’t recruited earn 2.5% down eight matrix levels
  • affiliates who recruit one affiliate earn 2.5% down nine matrix levels
  • affiliates who recruit five affiliates earn 2.5% down all ten matrix levels

Matching Bonus

Nexus Rewards pays a Matching Bonus on residual matrix commissions earned by personally recruited affiliates.

  • Pro ranked affiliates earn a 50% match
  • 1 Star ranked affiliates earn a 75% match
  • Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 100% match

Bonus Pools

Nexus Rewards takes 2% of newly recruited affiliate fees and places it four smaller rank-based bonus pools.

  • Diamond ranked affiliates receive a share in 0.5% bonus pool
  • Double Diamond ranked affiliates receive a share in 0.5% bonus pool
  • Triple Diamond ranked affiliates receive a share in 0.5% bonus pool
  • Ambassador ranked affiliates receive a share in 0.5% bonus pool

Joining Nexus Rewards

Nexus Rewards affiliate membership is $40 and then $9.95 a month.

Nexus Rewards Conclusion

Long story short, Nexus Rewards is still a pyramid scheme. The issue of the companies savings scheme having nothing to do with its MLM opportunity has not been addressed since 2022.

Instead, commissions are tied to recruitment – with Nexus Rewards pitching itself as “The World’s Most Lucrative $10 Program”.

Sign up, pay $10 a month ($9.95) and get paid to recruit others who do the same. That’s business model and, as per the FTC Act, Nexus Rewards is an illegal pyramid scheme.

It’s not really worth getting into the savings side of Nexus Rewards, as it has nothing to do with the MLM opportunity.

That said, the $34 bonus seems a bit suss. How is a free member generating a $72 bonus (split $34/$34) using an app?

If any money is required, this is potentially misleading advertising on Nexus Rewards’ behalf (another potential FTC Act violation).

As for Nexus Rewards’ new compensation plan, there’s a stronger emphasis on personal recruitment. This is most evident in the ranks, which increases personal recruitment quotas the higher you go.

For reference only five active personal recruits were required to max out Nexus Rewards’ original compensation plan.

Pricing has also been adjusted to better milk new recruits; $40 upfront as opposed to $10.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once recruitment inevitably dries up so too will commissions.

Prior to Nexus Rewards rebooting itself, SimilarWeb tracked just 17,000 monthly visits to its website for November 2023. This was down from 20,000 for October 2023, suggesting a downward trend.

Once the reboot marketing hype dies down, Nexus Rewards will be back at square one.

Math guarantees that the majority of participants in MLM pyramid schemes lose money.