Lifestyle Connections provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the business.

Lifestyle Connection’s product, a savings platform called Lifestyle Savings Network, first featured on BehindMLM as part of our IXQ TV review.

IXQ TV was the successor of vStream TV, both of which sold access to pirated content.

The MPA shut down IXQ TV in late 2019.

All of these companies are owned and operated by David Bremner.

Lifestyle Connections is marketed as being “powered by NXR Global”, presumably yet another company owned by Bremner.

Why this information isn’t provided on Lifestyle Connections website is unclear.

Read on for a full review of Lifestyle Connection’s MLM opportunity.

Lifestyle Connections’ Product

Lifestyle Connections markets access to Lifestyle Savings, a cash back and savings subscription network.

The Lifestyle Savings Network site and app are simple to use. Just search and save. Search zip codes to find deals around you.

Lifestyles Network appears to be powered by a third-party, however that’s not disclosed on Lifestyle Connection’s website.

Bundled with a Lifestyle Savings Network subscription is a “personal financial management system”.

Curiously, Lifestyle Connection fails to provide any information about this service.

Access to Lifestyle Savings retails for $39 a month.

On top of that there’s a telemedicine health care service called Veritas.

Veritas marketing material reveals it’s a “medical cost sharing plan” provided by The Karis Group.

Access to Veritas costs an additional $19.99 a month.

Lifestyle Connections’ Compensation Plan

Lifestyle Connections’ compensation pays on volume generated by Lifestyle Savings subscriptions sold to retail customers and recruited affiliates.

It is assumed the Veritas service is included in Lifestyle Connections’ compensation plan, however there is no mention of it in official documentation.

Lifestyle Connections Affiliate Ranks

There are ten affiliate ranks within Lifestyle Connections’ compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Independent Business Partner – sign up as a Lifestyle Connections affiliate
  • Junior Executive – generate and maintain 150 GV a month or recruit and maintain an affiliate
  • Executive – generate and maintain 1500 GV a month
  • Senior Executive – generate and maintain 2500 GV a month
  • Regional – generate and maintain 5000 GV a month
  • National – generate and maintain 10,000 GV a month
  • International – generate and maintain 20,000 GV a month
  • 1 Star – generate and maintain 50,000 GV a month
  • 2 Star – generate and maintain 100,000 GV a month
  • 3 Star – generate and maintain 200,000 GV a month
  • Ruby – generate and maintain 300,000 GV a month
  • Emerald – generate and maintain 600,000 GV a month
  • Diamond – generate and maintain 1,000,000 GV a month

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is sales volume generated via Lifestyle Savings subscriptions.

  • a retail subscription generates 15 GV a month
  • a Pro affiliate subscription generates 40 GV a month
  • a Pro Plus affiliate subscription generates 60 GV a month

Note that no more than 75% of required GV can come from any one unilevel team leg.

Retail Commissions

Lifestyle Connections pays commissions on the sale of Lifestyle Savings subscriptions to retail customers.

These commissions are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Lifestyle Connections caps payable retail unilevel commissions at four levels.

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – $10
  • level 2 – $3
  • levels 3 and 4 – $1

Note these commissions are monthly recurring, for as long as a retail customer maintains their Lifestyle Savings subscription.

Initial Recruitment Commissions

Lifestyle Connections pays affiliates to recruit new affiliates.

Recruitment commissions are paid out using the same unilevel team as retail commissions (see above).

Lifestyle Connections has two affiliate options, Pro and Pro Plus.

Recruitment commissions are based on whether a recruited affiliate opts for Pro or Pro Plus membership, as well as which membership the recruiting affiliate signed up with.

Pro affiliates earn

  • $15 on the personal recruitment of a Pro affiliate, $3 on level 2 and $1 on levels 3 to 5
  • $20 on the personal recruitment of a Pro Plus affiliate, $3 on level 2 and $1 on levels 3 to 5

Pro Plus affiliates earn

  • $15 on the personal recruitment of a Pro affiliate, $3 on level 2 and $1 on levels 3 to 5
  • $20 on the personal recruitment of a Pro affiliate, $3 on level 2 and $1 on levels 3 to 6

Note that these are initial recruitment commissions. Residual recruitment commissions are detailed below.

Residual Recruitment Commissions

Residual recruitment commissions are paid again using a unilevel compensation structure.

This is volume generated by downline affiliate fee payments after the first month.

On level one (personally recruited affiliates), Pro Lifestyle Connections affiliates receive $12.50 per Pro and Pro Plus affiliate recruited.

Pro Plus affiliates receive $12.50 per Pro affiliate recruited and $15 per Pro Plus.

Residual recruitment commissions below detail levels two to nine of the unilevel team.

  • Junior Executives earn 5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Executives earn 5% on levels 2 to 4
  • Senior Executives earn 5% on levels 2 to 5
  • Regionals to Internationals earn 5% on levels 2 to 6
  • 1 Stars earn 5% on levels 2 to 6 and 2.5% on level 7
  • 2 Stars earn 5% on levels 2 to 6 and 2.5% on levels 7 and 8
  • 3 Stars earn 5% on levels 2 to 6 and 2.5% on levels 7 to 9

Matching Bonus

Lifestyle Connections pays a Matching Bonus on downline residual commissions.

The Matching Bonus is paid through the unilevel team, capped down five levels of recruitment.

  • recruit and maintain two affiliates and personally generate 80 PV a month – 20% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • recruit and maintain three affiliates and personally generate 160 PV a month – 20% match on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • recruit and maintain four affiliates and personally generate 240 PV a month – 20% match on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 and 3
  • recruit and maintain six affiliates and personally generate 400 PV a month – 20% match on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 to 4
  • recruit and maintain eight affiliates and personally generate 600 PV a month – 20% match on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 to 5
  • Ruby ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on level 1 and 7% on levels 2 to 5
  • Emerald ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on level 1 and 9% on levels 2 to 5
  • Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on level 1 and 10% on levels 2 to 5

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by an affiliate’s own sales to retail customers and recruited affiliates.

Infinity Bonus

The Infinity Bonus expands unilevel team volume commissions beyond nine levels.

The Infinity Bonus is paid on unilevel team volume, up until another affiliate at your rank is found in a unilevel leg.

This affiliate caps off the first generation for that leg, with the second beginning immediately after.

If a second same rank as you affiliate exists deeper in the leg, they cap off the second generation. The third generation begins after them.

If no such affiliate exists, the second generations extends down the full depth of the leg. The same happens with the first and third generations if no affiliate exists deeper to cap off.

Using this generational structure, Lifestyle Connections affiliate can earn the Infinity Bonus on up to three generations per unilevel team leg.

  • Regionals earn a 0.5% Infinity Bonus on up to one generation
  • Nationals earn a 0.5% Infinity Bonus on up to two generations
  • Internationals and higher earn a 0.5% Infinity Bonus on up to three generations

Rank Achievement Bonus

Lifestyle Connections rewards affiliates for qualifying at Regional and higher ranks with the following bonuses:

  • qualify as a Regional and receive $100
  • qualify as a National and receive $250
  • qualify as an International and receive $500
  • qualify as a 1 Star and receive $1000
  • qualify as a 2 Star and receive $2000
  • qualify as a 3 Star and receive $4000
  • qualify as a Ruby and receive $10,000
  • qualify as an Emerald and receive $25,000
  • qualify as a Diamond and receive $50,000

Note that Ruby and higher Rank Achievement Bonuses are paid out over twelve months.

Rank must be maintained during these twelve months.

Lifestyle Bonuses

The Lifestyle Bonus is a monthly bonus calculated on raw downline and retail customer numbers.

  • maintain 5000 retail customer and downline subscribers and receive $5000 a month
  • maintain 10,000 retail customer and downline subscribers and receive $10,000 a month
  • maintain 20,000 retail customers and downline subscribers and receive $20,000 a month

Note that for the $5000 bonus, no more than 50% of counted subscribers can come from any one unilevel leg.

For the other two bonuses, the max leg criteria is reduced to 25%.

Joining Lifestyle Connections

Lifestyle Connections affiliate membership starts at $59.95 a month.

Exact pricing is not provided on Lifestyle Connections’ website.


We’re in the era of free apps that share their commissions with users. In that environment, dropping $468 annually just to access savings makes little sense.

This places a big question mark on Lifestyle Savings’ retail viability.

Even if you take into account the advertised exclusivity of some of the offers, you’re still looking at having to make back almost $500 a year just to break even.

If, as I suspect, Lifestyle Savings has little to no retail pickup, you’re looking at affiliates being primary subscribers.

If this is the case, Lifestyle Connections is operating as a pyramid scheme.

Supporting this is retail commissions capping out at four levels. Recruitment commissions range from six to nine levels.

It’s pretty clear where the intended focus is.

As a Lifestyle Connections affiliate, if you’re going to be focused on recruitment over retail that’s not sustainable.

Commissions will dry up once recruitment slows down, eventually leaving you out of pocket.

Bit ironic seeing as you’re supposed to be saving money with Lifestyle Savings.


Update 10th February 2020 – A reader has brought to my attention that Lifestyle Connections has multiple websites up.

This review is based on the information presented on “”.

Lifestyle Connections is also available via “”, which details a flat $49.95 a month for retail and affiliate access.

The same price being charged further reenforces Lifestyle Connections lack of retail viability.