mo-brabus-logoThere is no information on the Mo Brabus website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Mo Brabus website does have an “about us” page, however at the time of publication the link returned a “404 page not found” error.

The Mo Brabus website domain was first registered on the 21st of February 2012. The registry entry was recently updated on January 7th 2015, possibly indicating that this is when it was acquired by its current owner(s).

As to the domain registration itself, the Mo Brabus website domain is set to private but does reveal the Mo Brabus domain uses the name-servers of “”:


emmet-pearse-the-irish-networker-mo-brabus-adminAs per the “About Me” section of The Irish Networker, the blog website is owned by Emmet Pearse (right).

I am 36 years old I live in Northern Ireland in a small “City” called Derry.

I first got involved in network marketing in 2004 when a friend invited me to a hotel meeting about a gaming company from Malta.

Twenty minutes into the presentation I was hooked on the network marketing industry for life, I have the bigdealitus, I was going to make a million dollars over night and be driving a Ferrari by Tuesday lol.

Just like most new newbies in the industry I was not successful with my first company, I busted a gut trying to get it to work based on what I had been told by my upline but I crashed a burned.

I think I have an addictive personality, I just couldn’t quit, no matter how many obstacles came my way I just couldn’t quit network marketing, this is one of the main reasons why I am now a success in network marketing, Most people quit but not me.

Articles for the MLM opportunity Plexus Worldwide (weight loss) appear on Pearse’s blog, with the last post dated November 14th 2014.

Whether or not Pearse is still an active Plexus Worldwide affiliate is unclear.

What is clear though is that with the Mo Brabus website using his website’s name-servers, Emmet Pearse is either the owner or one of the owners of Mo Brabus.

Why this information is not disclosed on the Mo Brabus website is a mystery.

Read on for a full review of the Mo Brabus MLM business opportunity.

The Mo Brabus Product Line

Mo Brabus has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership to the Mo Brabus opportunity itself ($15 a month).

Bundled with Mo Brabus affiliate membership are a series of advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Mo Brabus website.

The Mo Brabus Compensation Plan

The Mo Brabus compensation plan sees affiliates sign up and then invest in $5 Ad Packs and $5 and $1280 matix cycler positions.

Ad Pack ROIs

Each Mo Brabus Ad Pack position pays out an advertised 20% ROI ($6).

Mo Brabus don’t guarantee the timeframe within which the ROI will be paid out, as it depends on the rate of newly invested funds being deposited by affiliates:

The revenue paid out depends on the number ad packs and ad credits sold.

Each Mo Brabus affiliate is capped at investing in 9,990 Ad Pack positions ($49,950), and from withdrawing no more than $1000 a day.

Additionally 25% of all ROIs paid out must be reinvested back into the company.

Referral commissions are paid on ad pack investments made recruited affiliates. Mo Brabus pay out 10% on investments made by personally recruited affiliates (level 1) and 5% on any investments made by affiliates they recruit (level 2).

Matrix Cycler Commissions

Mo Brabus affiliates can also invest in matrix cycler positions, with positions in two matrix systems available.

The first system is a series of four 2×4 matrices.

A 2×4 matrix places an affiliate’s position at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under it (level 1):


In turn, these two positions branch out into another two positions, making up level 2 of the matrix. Level 2 positions branch out into another two positions each to make up level 3, and again to make up level 4.

Commissions in the matrix are paid out when all positions in the matrix are filled, with positions filled via affiliate investment ($5 a position).

Once all thirty positions in the matrix have been filled, a commission is paid out to the affiliate who owns the position at the top of the matrix.

Upon cycling out of the fourth-tier matrix, Mo Brabus pay affiliates $1280.

At this point Mo Brabus offer affiliates the option of participating in an additional “Barbus Blaster” matrix (using the $1280 paid out to purchase a position), which when filled pays out $5120.

A third matrix cycler Mo Brabus refer to as a “Compounding Matrix” is also advertised, however the company states it will not go live until the company ‘reaches at least 20,000 members’.

Joining Mo Brabus

Affiliate membership with Mo Brabus is $15 a month, which includes one Ad Pack investment position.

Additional investment in Ad Pack positions will add to the cost of Mo Brabus affiliate membership.

$150 Founder Member positions are also being advertised, which qualify affiliates for an additional share of 5% of funds invested in Mo Brabus company-wide.


With nothing being marketed or sold to retail customers, an advertised ROI and said ROI funded by new affiliate investment, Mo Brabus fits the definition of a Ponzi investment scheme.

Affiliates buy in for $15 a month and then invest and re-invest in $5 positions. How much of a ROI they receive out of newly invested funds is directly proportionate to the amount they themselves have invested.

The advertising bundled with each position is little more than pseudo-compliance, designed to cover what is otherwise fraudulent investment activity taking place within the company.

Unfortunately Mo Brabus appear to be in denial about the legalities of their Ponzi scheme business model:

Is Mo Brabus is legal?

Mo Brabus is an advertising  website, we offer no guarantees of any financial investment, we sell advertising Adpacks and share our Adpack revenue with our members, there is nothing illegal about this so yes mo brabus is legal.

Who Mo Brabus consulted in regards to the legalities of Ponzi investment schemes is not disclosed, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Emmet Pearse simply came up with his own conclusion regarding his company.

In a paper-thin attempt to cover his ass, Pearse goes on to advise

With that being said you need to make sure such activities are legal in your own country or state.

If they are not then we suggest you do not use our website.

In Ireland, where Pearse resides, Ponzi schemes are most definitely illegal.

As per Ireland’s Competition and Consumer Protection Commission,

Pyramid schemes promise you quick and easy money in return for a cash sum. But they are actually designed to con you into investing significant amounts of money which can never be recovered.

Promoting or participating in a pyramid scheme is illegal under Irish law and if convicted, you may be liable to a fine of up to of up to €150,000 or up to five years’ imprisonment or both.

As with all Ponzi schemes, once affiliate investment in Ad Packs dries up, so too will the ROI payments Mo Brabus pay out on each Ad Pack position.

Eventually a point will be reached where withdrawals exceed new money coming in, at which point the scheme collapses.

Anyone with funds still trapped in the scheme at that point naturally loses the amount they invested.


Update 20th February 2015 – Mo Brabus owner Pearse Donnelly has been in contact and advises that “Emmet Pearse” is a character name he made up.

Why Pearse doesn’t market through the Irish Networker with his real name is unclear.

He has also threatened legal action unless the parts of the review which shine light on his MLM history are removed.

Hi Oz,

Pearse Donnelly Here co-owner of

I am all for freedom of information however I do not give you permission to post my copyrighted omaterial on your website. Can you please remove the image of me and all text from the website from the above post.

Our “FREE” cycler program has not been opened yet so as of right now the information on the above post is Illegal, slanderous and libel.

I would also like to inform you that your description of our cycler is inaccurate, our cycler if free and is a straight line cycler, just incase you want to update your post for your readers.

Please consider this email my legal take down request of my copyrighted material.

I have nothing to hide and understand you are just sharing information with your followers.

I am happy for you to keep your own text content (even though you are painting me to be a scammer which I am not) but I am requesting that you remove all copyrighted content taken from including text and images of me.

The alias I use on the Irish networker is “Emmet Pearse” “a character” therefor you are breaching copyright law by posting content of me in character.

I would like to kindly ask that you take down the image of me on your website as soon as possible.

I will check back in 48 hours before taking alternative steps to resolve this matter.

I wish you every success with your blog in the future.

Just in case you consider posting my private email to you as an update to your blog post I am advising you that if this happens I will instantly take legal action against you. Although I am sure you have more integrity than that as an established blogger.

Kind Regards
Pearse Donnelly

My reply:

Hi Pearse,

Request denied. Please familiarize yourself with US Fair Use laws, particularly those pertaining to the use of copyrighted materials for the purpose of reviews.

Please also be advised that there is nothing illegal, slanderous and libelous about calling out a Ponzi scheme for being a Ponzi scheme.

As per your business model, you are recycling newly invested funds to pay out existing investors. As such Mo Brabus is a Ponzi scheme.