MetaForce is the sixth Forsage Ponzi scheme from serial scammer Lado Okhotnikov.

Okhotnikov’s last scam was Forsage BUSD, a crypto smart-contract Ponzi that didn’t go anywhere.

Forsage BUSD emerged in early 2021. Investors in third-world countries were pretty much all that was left at this point, and Forsage BUSD never really gained any traction.

In early February 2022 Okhotnikov (right) announced Forsage Force, which would eventually launch a week or so ago as MetaForce.

MetaForce’s website domain (“”), was first registered on January 11th, 2022. The private registration was last updated on June 25th.

Lado Okhotnikov is believed to be a Russian citizen. His current whereabouts are unknown but MetaForce’s official FaceBook page is managed from Russia, Ukraine and Georgia.

SimilarWeb currently ranks top sources of traffic to Meta Force’s website as Russia (27%), the US (23%), Kazakhstan (17%) and Belarus (7%).

Read on for a full review of MetaForce’s MLM opportunity.

MetaForce’s Products

MetaForce has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Meta Force affiliate membership itself.

MetaForce’s Compensation Plan

MetaForce affiliates invest 5 BUSD into a twelve-tier matrix cycler.

Two matrix sizes are used in MetaForce’s cycler; 3×1 and 2×2.

A 3×1 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix with three positions below them to fill.

A 2×2 matrix again places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, this time with two positions below them to fill.

A 2×2 matrix has a second level, created by splitting the first two levels off into two additional positions each. This results in a total of six positions to fill.

Commissions in a cycler are paid by filling up matrices. Matrix positions are filled via direct and in indirect recruitment.

When all positions in a matrix are filled, a “cycle” is generated.

First cycle payments across MetaForce’s twelve-tier cycler are as follows:

  • Tier 1 (2×2, positions cost 10 BUSD) – 10 BUSD paid out, 20 BUSD is used to unlock Tier 2 and 10 BUSD creates a new Tier 1 position
  • Tier 2 (2×2, positions cost 20 BUSD) – 20 BUSD paid out, 40 BUSD used to unlock Tier 3 and 20 BUSD creates a new Tier 2 position
  • Tier 3 (3×1, positions cost 40 BUSD) – nothing paid out, 80 BUSD used to unlock Tier 4 and 40 BUSD creates a new Tier 3 position
  • Tier 4 (2×2, positions cost 80 BUSD) – 80 BUSD paid out, 160 BUSD used to unlock Tier 5 and 80 BUSD creates a new Tier 4 position
  • Tier 5 (2×2, positions cost 160 BUSD) – 160 BUSD paid out, 320 BUSD used to unlock Tier 6 and 160 BUSD creates a new Tier 5 position
  • Tier 6 (3×1, positions cost 320 BUSD) – nothing paid out, 640 BUSD used to unlock Tier 7 and 320 BUSD creates a new Tier 6 position
  • Tier 7 (2×2, positions cost 640 BUSD) – 640 BUSD paid out, 1280 BUSD used to unlock Tier 8 and 640 BUSD creates a new Tier 7 position
  • Tier 8 (2×2, positions cost 1280 BUSD) – 1280 BUSD paid out, 2560 BUSD used to unlock Tier 9 and 1280 BUSD creates a new Tier 8 position
  • Tier 9 (3×1, positions cost 2560 BUSD) – nothing paid out, 5120 BUSD used to unlock Tier 10 and 2560 BUSD creates a new Tier 9 position
  • Tier 10 (2×2, positions cost 5120 BUSD) – 5120 BUSD paid out, 10,240 BUSD used to unlock Tier 11 and 5120 BUSD creates a new Tier 10 position
  • Tier 11 (2×2, positions cost 10,240 BUSD) – 10,240 BUSD paid out, 20,480 BUSD used to unlock Tier 12 and 10,240 BUSD creates a new Tier 11 position
  • Tier 12 (3×1, positions cost 20,480 BUSD) – 40,960 BUSD paid out and 20,480 BUSD creates new Tier 12 position

Subsequent cycles pay out as follows:

  • Tier 1 – 30 BUSD paid out and 10 BUSD creates a new Tier 1 position
  • Tier 2 – 60 BUSD paid out and 20 BUSD creates a new Tier 2 position
  • Tier 3 – 80 BUSD paid out and 40 BUSD creates a new Tier 3 position
  • Tier 4 – 240 BUSD paid out and 80 BUSD creates a new Tier 4 position
  • Tier 5 –  480 BUSD paid out and 160 BUSD creates a new Tier 5 position
  • Tier 6 – 640 BUSD paid out and 320 BUSD creates a new Tier 6 position
  • Tier 7 –  1920 BUSD paid out and 640 BUSD creates a new Tier 7 position
  • Tier 8 – 3840 BUSD paid out and 1280 BUSD creates a new Tier 8 position
  • Tier 9 – 5120 BUSD paid out and 2560 BUSD creates a new Tier 9 position
  • Tier 10 – 15,360 BUSD paid out and 5120 BUSD creates a new Tier 10 position
  • Tier 11 – 30,720 BUSD paid out and 10,240 BUSD creates a new Tier 11 position
  • Tier 12 – 40,960 BUSD paid out and 20,480 BUSD creates a new Tier 12 position

Note this all assumes an affiliate has the auto-upgrade feature enabled (this is done so by default).

If a MetaForce affiliate disables auto-upgrade, they pay a 25% fee, effectively only earning 75% of the “subsequent payout” commissions detailed above on each cycle.

Joining MetaForce

MetaForce affiliate membership is tied to a 5 BUSD cycler position investment.

MetaForce Conclusion

MetaForce sees Lado Okhotnikov launch yet another Forsage Ponzi, this time with a token exit-scam.

Aware that after five collapsed Ponzis even the dumbest of investors are probably sick of losing money to him, Okhotnikov is adamant MetaForce isn’t the same as Forsage:

It is.

MetaForce is just another matrix cycler Ponzi that funnels the majority of funds invested up to Okhotnikov and early investors.

One of MetaForce’s early investors is serial promoter of scams Vitaliy Dubinin.

Attached to MetaForce is updated crypto grift buzzword marketing, none of which has anything to do with the Ponzi cycler.

Instead of MetaForce just fizzling out like the five Forsage Ponzi scams before it, Okhotnikov plans to exit-scam through “Force Coin”.

Force Coin is a BEP20 shitcoin. These take five minutes to set up at little to no cost.

When the time comes, MetaForce will stop paying out in BUSD. Payments will be switched over to Force Coin, which initially MetaForce affiliates will be able to cash out.

Shortly after the switch inevitable payment delays and/or problems cashing out will happen. This will ultimately leave the majority of MetaForce affiliates bagholding yet another Ponzi shitcoin.

Watch out for shills having orgasms over accumulating Force Coin as MetaForce matrices continue to cycle over, ignoring the fact they can’t actually cash out.

As in the previous five Forsage Ponzi schemes, math guarantees the majority of MetaForce investors will lose money.


Update 5th August 2022 – The SEC has filed securities fraud charges against Vladimir “Lado” Okhotnikov. Ten additional Forsage insiders and US promoters have also been sued.

The SEC alleges Forage and its various together formed a $300 million dollar Ponzi scheme.


Update 1st September 2022 – MetaForce has collapsed.

Okhotnikov is promising a seventh Forsage reboot while he stalls for time.