Global Game Arena runs four websites that I’m aware of:

  3. and

Neither website provides any information on who owns or runs the company.

Further research reveals Global Game Arena disclosing Frode Jorgensen as co-founder of the company, and Daniel Grenon as Chief Marketing Officer.

Frode Jorgensen first appeared on BehindMLM in 2012, as suspected owner of the Bidify Ponzi scheme.

Even then Jorgensen had a history of involvement in several fraudulent business opportunities.

Bidify launched as a Zeek Rewards Ponzi clone. Not surprisingly, we uncovered Jorgensen was likely a Zeek Rewards investor himself.

After the SEC shut down Zeek Rewards, Bidify renamed itself MyCenterBid.

By then the penny auction Ponzi game was up. MyCenterBid limped along for a while before collapsing in 2013.

Flush with whatever he’d managed to steal from Zeek Rewards, Bidify and MyCenterBid investors, Jorgensen went underground for two years.

In 2015 he reemerged at a Crypto 888 Club Ponzi leadership event in the Philippines.

That was the last we saw of Jorgensen, although admittedly we haven’t been tracking him closely.

Daniel Grenon made a name for himself scamming people in OneCoin.

Following OneCoin’s collapse in early 2017, Grenon hitched his wagon to Ed Hartley’s Worldwide Cryptocurrency Investment.

Hartley passed away shortly after WCI’s launch. This prompted a company name-change to Worldwide Cryptocurrency International, of which Grenon was cited as a co-founder.

By early 2018 Grenon had gone underground. Like Jorgensen, he is believed to have done a runner with whatever he managed to steal from WCI affiliates.

WCI itself collapsed and was rebooted as Fintegri in late 2018.

Global Game Arena’s other co-founders aren’t publicly disclosed.

Given the pedigree of the company’s named executives however, it’s a safe bet they’ve all probably got long histories of scam involvement too.

On the corporate side of things Global Game Arena provides multiple corporate addresses.

The first is for GGA Holding Pte. Ltd. in Singapore. The provided address belongs to a virtual office merchant, so it’s a safe bet GGA Holding is nothing more than a shell company.

In the footer of their other websites, Global Game Arena provides:

All GGA products and games are jointly operated by Global Game Arena Ltd. and Novus Solutions Curacao N.V.

Registered address: Heelsumstraat 51,E-Commerce Park Curaçao, a company licensed and regulated by the laws of Curacao.

Like Global Game Arena Pte. Ltd., these also appear to be shell corporations.

In February 2019 the Norwegian Gaming Board contacted Global Game Arena.

The Gaming Board expressed concern that, through Global Game Arena, Norwegians were being exposed to

unlawful offers, marketing and dissemination of lotteries and gambling games that are not permitted in Norway.

The Gaming Board cited promotional activity in Norway.

Jorgensen, originally from Norway, has since relocated to Thailand.

It is believed Global Game Arena is being operated out of Thailand itself, although there’s probably some logistics handled from within Europe.

Read on for a full review of the Global Game Arena MLM opportunity.

Global Game Arena Products

Global Game Arena affiliates invest in GGA points, which can be used to participate in offered gambling activities.

The retail side to Global Game Arena occurs when referred non-affiliates purchase GGA tokens.

The retail cost of GGA tokens is not provided on any of Global Game Arena’s websites.

Global Game Arena provide no evidence of being registered or licensed to provide access to gaming activities in any jurisdiction.

This means that the company’s gaming offerings are illegal in most countries.

The Global Game Arena Compensation Plan

Global Game Arena affiliates invest in GGA tokens. Commissions are paid when they recruit others who do the same.

In total Global Game Arena offers affiliates three investment tiers:

  • Affiliate – €130 EUR and then €10 EUR a month (first month waived)
  • Basic – €530 EUR and then €10 EUR a month (first three months waived)
  • Premium – €1530 EUR and then €10 EUR a month (first twelve months waived)

The Affiliate investment tier is your basic promotional package. GGA tokens are bundled with the Basic and Premium packages as follows:

  • Basic – 1500 GGA tokens
  • Premium – 5000 GGA tokens

Before we get into the rest of Global Game Arena’s compensation plan, be aware that 40% of all commissions and bonuses paid out must be converted into casino vouchers or reinvested into GGA tokens.

Finally, the Global Game Arena compensation plan specifies the following “active” requirement:

A Representative becomes/remains Active by having personally purchased minimum one (1) active lottery ticket each, (€10) every week.

Although not explicitly clarified, it is assumed MLM commissions are not paid out unless a Global Game Arena affiliate remains active.

Global Game Arena Affiliate Ranks

There are eight affiliate ranks within the Global Game Arena compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Qualified Affiliate – generate one residual commission cycle
  • Executive Affiliate – generate twenty-five accumulated residual commission cycles
  • Sapphire – generate one hundred accumulated residual commission cycles
  • Emerald – generate five hundred accumulated residual commission cycles
  • Ruby – generate one thousand accumulated residual commission cycles
  • Diamond – generate five thousand accumulated residual commission cycles
  • Blue Diamond – generate ten thousand accumulated residual commission cycles
  • Red Diamond – generate twenty thousand accumulated residual commission cycles

Retail Token Commissions

Global Game Arena affiliates are paid a 10% commission on gambling losses by personally referred non-affiliates.

Recruitment Commissions

Global Game Arena affiliates are paid 10% of funds invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Residual Commissions

In order to qualify for residual commissions, a Global Game Arena affiliate must refer two retail gambling customers.

No minimum spend amounts for referred retail customers are specified.

Global Game Arena pay residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

Affiliate fees paid by recruited Global Game Arena affiliates generates sales volume across the binary team.

  • Affiliate package = 30 GV
  • Basic package = 150 GV
  • Premium package = 450 GV

GGA token investment also generates sales volume however specific amounts aren’t provided.

At the end of each week Global Game Arena tallies up new volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid a residual commission per 150 GV matched on both sides of the binary team.

A 150 GV match is referred to a “cycle”.

Residual commission cycle rates are as follows:

  • Qualified Affiliates receive €50 EUR per 150 GV matched
  • Executive Affiliates receive €55 EUR per 150 GV matched
  • Sapphire affiliates receive €60 EUR per 150 GV matched
  • Emerald affiliates receive €65 EUR per 150 GV matched
  • Ruby affiliates receive €70 EUR per 150 GV matched
  • Diamond affiliates receive €80 EUR per 150 GV matched
  • Blue Diamond affiliates receive €90 EUR per 150 GV matched
  • Red Diamond affiliates receive €100 EUR per 150 GV matched

Matching Bonus

Global Game Arena affiliates can qualify for a Matching Bonus on residual commissions earned by downline affiliates.

Global Game Arena pays the Matching Bonus via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Global Game Arena caps the Matching Bonus across five unilevel team levels.

  • an affiliate who has generated 10 residual commission cycles qualifies for a 15% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • an affiliate who has generated 15 residual commission cycles qualifies for a 15% match on level 1 and 10% on level 2
  • an affiliate who has generated 20 residual commission cycles qualifies for a 15% match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on level 3
  • an affiliate who has generated 25 residual commission cycles qualifies for a 15% match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 and 4
  • an affiliate who has generated 50 residual commission cycles qualifies for a 15% match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 to 5

Rank Achievement Bonus

Starting from the Executive Affiliate rank, Global Game Arena affiliates receive the following Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify as an Executive affiliate and receive €100 EUR worth of GGA tokens
  • qualify as a Sapphire and receive €500 EUR worth of GGA tokens
  • qualify as an Emerald and receive €1500 EUR worth of GGA tokens
  • qualify as a Ruby and receive €5000 EUR worth of GGA tokens
  • qualify as a Diamond and receive €25,000 EUR worth of GGA tokens
  • qualify as a Blue Diamond and receive €50,000 EUR worth of GGA tokens
  • qualify as a Red Diamond and receive €100,000 EUR worth of GGA tokens

Joining Global Game Arena

Global Game Arena affiliate membership is tied to investment in one of three packages:

  • Affiliate – €130 EUR and then €10 EUR a month (first month waived)
  • Basic – €530 EUR and then €10 EUR a month (first three months waived)
  • Premium – €1530 EUR and then €10 EUR a month (first twelve months waived)

In order to remain active, Global Game Arena affiliates must also purchase a €10 EUR lottery ticket each month.


What’s the difference between Bidify and Global Game Arena? Not much.

Instead of a crappy penny auction platform that nobody cares about, now it’s a gambling platform nobody cares about.

The fundamentals behind Bidify and Global Game Arena are the same: invest in points, convince others to do the same and cash out when the internal value of points is arbitrarily raised.

Back in Bidify points were tracked through bids. In 2019 this has been replaced with GGA, an ERC20 ethereum shitcoin.

ERC20 tokens take about five minutes to set up and are for the most part completely worthless.

This is true of GGA, which is not publicly tradeable and holds no value outside of Global Game Arena itself.

Global Game Arena manipulates the internal GGA token value through their “Global Token Marketplace” internal exchange.

The solicitation of investment in GGA tokens on the implication of returns through the internal exchange alone constitutes a securities offering, which Global Game Arena is not licensed to offer in any jurisdiction.

That’s on top of the whole gambling mess.

To that end Global Game Arena offers up the following pseudo-compliance:

Are you open for USA?

No, we do NOT allow citizens of USA to register in Global Game Arena as we do not have the required licenses to operate in the United States.

Their compensation plan is even more restrictive:

GGA operates under strict license restrictions.

NO customers will be accepted from the following countries:

United States, United Kingdom, Norway, Spain, France, Italy, Thailand and Myanmar.

This is of course all bullshit.

Of the two Global Game Arena websites with measurable traffic (Alexa), the .BIZ domain receives 77% of traffic from the US. The .NET domain receives 39% from the US and 36% from Costa Rica.

Global Game Arena even offer a yearly VPN subscription with their Premium €1530 EUR investment package.

There’s no reason to provide their investors with VPN services, other than to circumvent pseudo-compliance geo blocks.

After the Norwegian Gaming Board warning, it seems Global Game Arena is primarily being promoted in the US.

Which means that’s also where the majority of new investment is being sourced.

Between the gambling and unregistered securities offering, every facet of Global Game Arena’s MLM opportunity is illegal.

Curaçao, a tiny island in the Caribbean (population 160,000) is possibly the only jurisdiction Global Game Arena’s gambling activities are legal.

Ponzi and pyramid schemes are likely not legal but let’s be honest, by the time local regulators catch up with Global Game Arena (if at all), it’ll be far too late.

With the greater gambling, pyramid and securities fraud taking place the following point is trivial, but still one I want to make.

The retail side of Global Game Arena, as irrelevant as it is, requires customers to make a loss.

To clarify, here’s Global Game Arena’s own explanation;

When a Representative enrolls eligible new Players/Affiliates, he/she earns a casino bonus calculated from the Net-Income on all your personally referred players.

Net Revenue Calculation : Play – Win = Net Revenue.

Retail commissions are paid on net revenue, which requires a retail customer to lose money (i.e. “win” has to be less than “play” otherwise the sum total is negative).

Worse still, Global Game Arena keep track of net revenue over time, meaning if one of your retail customers wins big, you’re unlikely to ever see a gaming commission on that customer.

Yes this makes no sense from a legitimate business perspective, but then again it’s not supposed to.

The gaming side of Global Game Arena is smoke and mirrors for the same old Ponzi points nonsense Frode Jorgensen started up with Bidify seven years ago.

Norway’s regulatory investigation into Global Game Arena is likely only to cease promotion of the company nationally.

Thailand is unlikely to take action against Jorgensen, owing to little to no local Global Game Arena promotion.

Daniel Grenon is from Canada but it is unclear whether he too has fled for Asia.

Either way as with all Ponzi schemes, once investor recruitment dies out so too will invested funds.

This will prompt a collapse, resulting in the majority of Global Game Arena investors losing money.

Or to put it another way, Bidify/MyCenterBid redux.


Update 1st September 2019 – Global Game Arena has relaunched with a slightly modified compensation plan and business model.

BehindMLM published an updated Global Game Arena review at the time of this update.


Update 14th May 2020 – Global Game Arena appears to have collapsed again sometime after launch. In early 2020 it was rebooted as BetPlay365.


Update 30th May 2020 – BetPlay365 has been rebooted as Daxio.