Full Velocity provides no information on their website about who owns or runs the company.

Full Velocity’s website domain (“fullvelocity.trade”), was privately registered on December 31st, 2021.

Further research reveals James Ward appearing in Full Velocity marketing videos as CEO:

James Ward (right) first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar in 2010, as the CEO of LGN Prosperity.

LGN Prosperity marketed travel vouchers, with each voucher generating a position in a matrix 2×2 cycler.

Following months of affiliates not getting paid, in mid 2011 LGN Prosperity morphed into LGN International.

This name-change brought on the addition of commissions paid on travel services booked through LGN.

LGN International eventually collapsed in mid to late 2013, with Ward heading up iBizWave as CEO and co-founder in early 2014.

In 2015 Ward launched 2SL Start Living, which saw him return to the travel MLM niche.

2SL Start Living was short-lived, prompting Ward to launch Pangea in 2016.

Pangea’s original business model was a matrix cycler hiding behind travel.

By early 2017 Pangea had collapsed. Ward rebooted Pangea with a new compensation plan.

The only material difference was the cycler expanded to three tiers, so it’s not surprising that Pangea 2.0 also didn’t last long.

In late 2019 Ward resurfaced with Sports Trading BTC, a crypto Ponzi scheme.

Sports Trading BTC collapsed by December 2019, prompting Ward to reboot the scheme as Global Credits Network.

As per website traffic charts provided by Alexa, Global Credits Network collapsed in or around April 2020.

In late June 2020 Ward launched his first smart-contract Ponzi scheme, Lion’s Share.

Lion’s Share collapsed by early 2021, prompting Ward to launch Apex Financial April 2021.

Apex Financial was a joint-venture with Hitesh Juneja and Jason Rose. The scheme saw affiliates invest in AFT tokens, on the promise of up to 0.85% paid daily for 360 weekdays.

Apex Financial’s website is still up. Alexa traffic estimates to its website however reveal a collapse throughout late 2021.

There appears to have been an attempt to reboot Lion’s Share as “Lion’s Share Velocity” mid 2021. Whatever that was it flopped so fast we missed it.

In any event, all of that brings us to Full Velocity’s launch last month.

Read on for a full review of Full Velocity’s MLM opportunity.

Full Velocity’s Products

Full Velocity has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Full Velocity affiliate membership itself.

Full Velocity’s Compensation Plan

Full Velocity markets passive weekly returns of 0.21% to 5.4%.

Returns are purportedly generated via “FV Bot”. FV Bot is a passive crypto trading bot which Full Velocity sells access to.

Full Velocity calculates weekly subscription fees as 30% of returns paid out.

The FV Bot minimum investment amount is $200.

Note all compensation transactions in Full Velocity are made in tether (USDT).

The MLM side of Full Velocity pays on weekly subscription fees paid by recruited affiliates.

Full Velocity Affiliate Ranks

There are six affiliate ranks within Full Velocity’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Gear 1 – recruit one affiliate
  • Gear 2 – recruit three affiliates
  • Gear 3 – recruit five affiliates
  • Gear 4 – recruit seven affiliates
  • Gear 5 – recruit ten affiliates
  • Full Velocity – recruit twelve affiliates

Residual Commissions

Full Velocity pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Full Velocity caps payable unilevel team levels at twenty.

Residual commissions are paid out as a percentage of weekly subscription fees paid across these twenty levels as follows:

  • Gear 1 ranked affiliates earn 25% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and 10% on levels 2 and 3
  • Gear 2 ranked affiliates earn 25% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 to 5 and 5% on level 6
  • Gear 3 ranked affiliates earn 25% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 to 5, 5% on levels 6 and 7 and 2.5% on levels 8 and 9
  • Gear 4 ranked affiliates earn 25% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 to 5, 5% on levels 6 and 7, 2.5% on levels 8 to 14 and 1.25% on level 15
  • Full Velocity ranked affiliates earn 25% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 to 5, 5% on levels 6 and 7, 2.5% on levels 8 to 14 and 1.25% on levels 15 to 20

Joining Full Velocity

Full Velocity affiliate membership is fee.

Ongoing subscription fees, calculated as 30% of weekly generated returns, must be paid in order to continue earning.

Full Velocity Conclusion

Full Velocity signing anyone up for free and collecting fees from profits is an interesting approach.

Unfortunately it doesn’t negate regulatory non-compliance pertaining to securities fraud.

Full Velocity claims its FV Bot

is a hedged based trading system that simultaneously takes long and short positions to create a natural hedge.

It calculated the perfect positions to exit where the loss from the losing position is smaller than the gain from the winning position.

This is NOT like a typical “dollar cost averaging” bot that constantly repurchases positions and then gets stuck for weeks in trades.

There is no way to verify this, due to Full Velocity failing to provide audited financial reports. This is a potential violation of the FTC Act.

Furthermore taking James Ward’s trading value claims at face value raises further questions.

As above, Ward claims FT Bot generated 15.1% in January 2022.

If you had a trading bot capable of generating ~15% a month (Ward claims FT Bot has been running since March 2021), why would you give away access for free?

What someone with a 15% trading bot would actually do is run it themselves quietly. Compound and retire as the richest person on the planet in a few years.

Again, all of that assumes you take James Ward’s trading revenue claims at face value – which you absolutely shouldn’t.

Full Velocity’s website claims weekly returns dating back to March 2021 are “verified third party data”.

Where is this data? Why hasn’t it been filed with the SEC?

However they’re generated, MLM companies offering passive returns are offering securities.

Securities offerings are required by law to be registered with the SEC.

A search of the SEC’s Edgar database reveals neither Full Velocity or James Ward are registered with the SEC.

If Ward is to be believed Full Velocity and its FT Bot are above-board. If that’s the case, why is the company operating illegally?

When you combine this with Ward’s history of launching scam after scam, you get a clearer picture of what Full Velocity is.

Full Velocity is a “lulz can’t touch our money!” scheme. To that end the company makes the usual claims of “you’re in control of your money!” etc.

In reality whatever funds you allocate to Full Velocity’s bot are in fact out of your control.

There’s nothing stopping Full Velocity cleaning out your account. This occurs via rigged trades; either blowing the bot up or coming up with some other excuse.

In both instances admins exit-scammed through rigged trades in their favor.

That’s the end-game of every “lulz can’t touch our money!” scheme. Full Velocity won’t end any different.


Update 28th May 2022 – Full Velocity’s bot has generated upwards of 90% in losses.

As such Full Velocity collapsed on May 11th, 2022.


Update 13th June 2022 – James Ward has rebooted Full Velocity with a new trading bot.