Aegea Review: Quantum technology energy holograms (seriously)
Aegea claim to operate in the health and wellness MLM niche.
The company doesn’t provide a fixed place of business on its website, instead opting to only provide a virtual office address in the US state of Georgia.
Heading up Aegea are co-founders John Prosser (Chairman Of The Board) and Jeff Cohen (“Executive”).
John Prosser’s Aegea corporate bio cites him as a
prolific humanitarian, social change architect and trusted supporter of national medical issues.
Although Prosser is credited with “30 years of entrepreneurial effort”, I was unable to put together an MLM history on him.
After stints at CBS, NBC, Turner Broadcasting, Kellogg’s and Coca-Cola, Jeff Cohen signed on as Chief Marketing Officer for MonaVie in 2011.
MonaVie collapsed in mid 2014 and was acquired by Jeunesse in 2015.
Read on for a full review of the Aegea MLM opportunity.
Aegea Products
Aegea market what they refer to as “quantum resonance technology” products.
Your body relies on energy, a life sustaining flow which allows it to function properly.
It is only because of the existence of this energy in our body that we can move, breathe, think, feel. and the overall condition of our health and well-being.
The body’s life-force energy becomes dysfunctional, various imbalances will result.
Any disruption of energy through the Meridian System by natural or man-made frequencies, such as disruptive electromagnetic fields, can be from stress, an injury, trauma, or unfavorable living habits and can be traced to the root of all health problems.
Aegea has developed bio-field, vibrational, natural frequencies energy solutions that are wearable technology for the body.
The first of Aegea’s products is a “Quantum Card”.
The QUANTUM CARD is the intelligent way to assist with harmonizing consumable water, food, beverages and also for use on non-consumable liquids like lotions and cosmetics.
Powered by AEGEA’s proprietary QUANTUM RESONANCE TECHNOLOGY (QRT), the powerful programming in this card has the ability to interface with the natural harmonic resonance of water based products.
Simply wave the QUANTUM CARD over your items to enjoy the benefits of Earth grounding energy.
Within seconds you may experience a wide array of positive effects, energy, efficiencies, and even dramatic taste.
Given Aegea claim its “quantum resonance technology” is proprietary, I went looking for a registered patent with the US Patent and Trademark Office.
As of July 3rd, there are no registered US patents for “quantum resonance technology”.
Aegea sell their carbon-fiber “imported from Earth” Quantum Cards for $399 each.
Other products marketed by Aegea include;
- Nitro QuBits – “the world’s first Bio-Energy hologram for Nitric Oxide boost”, retails at $60 for a pack of six hologram discs
- Energetics Relief – “a unique, energy packed QuBIT delivery system designed to support circulation and energy with benefits such as severe discomfort relief, mental acuity, mood, energy, cardiovascular & circulation support”, retails at $70 for a pack of six hologram discs
- EMF Shield – “a corrective, harmonizing resonance technology designed to assist the body with counter-balancing these negative “vibes” from computers, phones, microwaves, monitors, and Wi-Fi devices”, retails at $60 for a pack of two hologram discs
- Freshness Card – “uniquely combines quantum physics, Tesla technology and proprietary energy programming that increases the life of produce, meats, breads and other edibles”, retails at $70 for one card
Aegea also has a “secret” Gold Card product that it does not list in the products section of their website.
AEGEA’s gold bullion bar filled GOLD CARD features the latest design, extraordinary fine quality and excellent purity of precious metal products.
Each card is minted from 1/10th gram of 0.9999 pure Au (Gold).
This 1/10 gram GOLD CARD purchase is perfect for those who want to kick off or diversify their precious metal investments.
AEGEA will offer collectors cards, so start your collection today with the INAGURAL GOLD CARD.
Aegea sell their Gold Cards for $20 each.
The Aegea Compensation Plan
Aegea do offer retail commissions, however the majority of the compensation plan is focused on signing up as an affiliate with monthly autoship and recruiting others who do the same.
Aegea Affiliate Ranks
There are nine affiliate ranks within the Aegea compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Affiliate – sign up as an Aegea affiliate
- Bronze – maintain 40 BV a month autoship and recruit two affiliates
- Bronze Elite – maintain 40 BV a month autoship and recruit four affiliates
- Silver – maintain 40 BV a month autoship and recruit six affiliates
- Silver Elite – maintain 40 BV a month autoship and recruit eight affiliates
- Gold – maintain 40 BV a month autoship and recruit ten affiliates
- Gold Elite – maintain 40 BV a month autoship and recruit twelve affiliates
- Platinum – maintain 40 BV a month autoship and recruit sixteen affiliates
- Platinum Elite – maintain 40 BV a month autoship and recruit twenty affiliates
Retail Commissions
Aegea affiliates earn a retail commission when they sell products to retail customers (non-affiliates).
Retail commissions are calculated as the difference between the wholesale and retail price of products ordered.
Recruitment Commissions
Aegea pay a recruitment commission on each newly recruited affiliate.
New Aegea affiliates must sign up with one of four “Starter Packages”:
- Starter Pack – $99
- Freshness Pack – $199
- Executive Pack – $399
- Quantum Builder Pack – $999
Recruitment commissions on the above package purchases are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Aegea pay recruitment commissions down seven unilevel team levels:
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 60%
- levels 2 and 3 – 10%
- levels 4 to 7 – 5%
How many unilevel team levels an Aegea affiliate earns recruitment commissions on is determined by rank:
- Bronze, Bronze Elite and Silver affiliates earn recruitment commissions on levels 1 to 3
- Silver Elite and Gold affiliates earn on levels 1 to 4
- Gold Elite affiliates earn on levels 1 to 5
- Platinum affiliates earn on levels 1 to 6
- Platinum Elite affiliates earn recruitment commissions on all seven payable levels
Residual Commissions
Aegea pay residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.
A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):
The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).
Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.
Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.
At the end of each week Aegea calculate new sales volume on both sides of the binary team.
This includes retail sales and purchases by affiliates in the binary team.
A residual commission of “up to 20%” is paid on sales volume generated in the weaker binary side.
- Bronze affiliates can earn up to $1000 a week
- Bronze Elite affiliates can earn up to $2000 a week
- Silver affiliates can earn up to $4000 a week
- Silver Elite affiliates can earn up to $8000 a week
- Gold affiliates can earn up to $10,000 a week
- Gold Elite affiliates can earn up to $15,000 a week
- Platinum affiliates can earn up to $20,000 a week
- Platinum Elite affiliates can earn up to $25,000 a week
Residual Matching Bonus
Bronze Elite and higher ranked Aegea affiliates earn a Matching Bonus on residual commissions earned by unilevel team affiliates.
- Bronze Elite and Silver affiliates earn a 20% residual commission match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
- Silver Elite and Gold affiliates earn a 20% residual commission match on level 1 and 10% on level 2
- Gold Elite and Platinum affiliates earn a 20% residual commission match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on level 3
- Platinum Elite affiliates earn a 20% residual commission match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 and 4
For an explanation of the unilevel compensation structure, refer to “recruitment commissions” above.
Check Match Bonus
The Check Match Bonus pays an additional 10% match on residual commissions, based on a generational structure within the unilevel team.
Aegea define a generation in a unilevel leg when a Silver or higher ranked affiliate is found.
The 10% Check Match Bonus is paid on up to five Silver or higher ranked affiliates in each unilevel leg.
Note that unlike a typical generational match, no bonus is paid on volume generated by affiliates between the Silver and higher ranked affiliates in a leg.
Rank Achievement Bonus
Aegea pay a one-time Rank Achievement Bonus from the Bronze Elite rank:
- qualify as a Bronze Elite and receive $100
- qualify as a Silver Elite and receive $200
- qualify as a Gold Elite and receive $400
- qualify as a Platinum and receive $600
- qualify as a Platinum Elite and receive $1000
Global Bonus
Aegea take 2% of company wide volume and place it in the Global Bonus.
Platinum Elite ranked affiliates each earn a share of the Global Bonus each month.
Lifestyle Bonus
The Lifestyle Bonus rewards Platinum Elite Aegea affiliates for recruiting ranked affiliates.
- personally recruit and maintain two Silver Elites and receive $500 a month
- personally recruit and maintain four Silver Elites and receive $750 a month
- personally recruit and maintain six Silver Elites and receive $1000 a month
Joining Aegea
Aegea affiliate membership is tied to the purchase of a Starter Package:
- Starter Pack – $99
- Freshness Pack – $199
- Executive Pack – $399
- Quantum Builder Pack – $999
The primary difference between the above packs is bundled products.
Based on affiliate marketing, Aegea also appear to have secret Gold Card affiliate signup options:
- $99 (includes 5 – 0.1 gram Gold Cards)
- $499 (includes 25 – 0.1 gram Gold Cards + Gold Rank)
- $999 (includes 50 – 0.1 gram Gold Cards + Platinum Rank)
Note that in order to qualify for MLM commissions, an Aegea affiliate must also maintain a 40 PV a month autoship order.
Aegea’s product catalog suggests 40 PV comes to around $60 a month.
$399 for a carbon fiber credit card with “infinite energy” printed on it. Where do I even begin?
I suppose we’ll start with the obvious. If there was even an iota of truth behind Aegea’s product marketing claims, they’d be able to provide third-party peer-reviewed studies.
Instead you get grainy images of moldy food, some out of context heat map, a leaf and anecdotal testimonials like this;
I found a raised spot on my skin. It was red, rough and an abnormal shape…
I began treating it with the AEGEA QUANTUM CARD directly on the area every day in the shower with water and at night and in 30 days it has improved.
I am in awe with how it has cleared it up. Thank you AEGEA!
– Anna M.
Aegea also claim their products are “award-winning”;
Award Winning Quantum Technology Keeps Everything From Foods To Flowers Fresher, Longer!
The company even goes so far as to represent their Nitro QuBits product has won a Nobel Prize.
Nobel Prize winning science Nitric Oxide (N-O) fine tunes cardiac function.
Yeah. As with the patent claim, I couldn’t find any evidence of Aegea’s products winning any awards. Nor is there any evidence provided.
Other than the eye-watering pricing, at this point it feels like everything about Aegea’s products is straight up baloney.
This makes for an incredibly difficult sell to retail customers, which brings us to Aegea’s compensation plan.
Aegea affiliates are forced to purchase product when they sign up, and then if they wish to participate in the MLM opportunity, are forced to continue buying through autoship each month.
Commissions are primarily tied to maintaining an autoship order and then recruiting other affiliates who do the same.
Retail is possible but not required or encouraged anywhere throughout Aegea’s compensation plan.
Instead residual commission rates, rank progression and bonuses are all tied to recruitment.
This is your typical pay to play product-based pyramid scheme business model.
Herbalife and Vemma have both been busted for using it in the past, so we know US regulators are not a fan.
Why then Aegea, as a new MLM company that went into prelaunch earlier this year, are committing to the same business model is unclear.
Wonky products, wonky business model… yeah, there’s not a lot to like here. And what’s with all the secrecy surrounding the gold cards?
No doubt at some point there’ll be someone in the comments below who swears black and blue Aegea’s products treated some random condition they or someone they know had (but not really, *winkwink* FDA disclaimer *winkwink*).
The bottom-line is that without medical and scientific studies on Aegea’s specific products, these are just worthless anecdotal testimonials.
And sadly that pretty much covers anything an Aegea affiliate might say to convince you to buy the company’s products.
There’s no excuse why Aegea’s products haven’t been lab tested by an independent authority. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out why they haven’t.
I mean really, a $399 strip of carbon fiber that magically interacts beneficially with anything that contains water? Rightio guys…
Update 4th September 2019 – Aegea appears to have collapsed and recently rebooted as Energentics.
Holy snakeoil, Batman.
Just think, 3 Amega wands and a handful of Aegea quantum resonance technology cards and we could cure the entire planet of what ails it inside a month
Let me guess the production costs are like next to nothing for all of this?
Someone figured out how to print money yet again!!
Well, at least with bitcons you dont have to wave credit cards over your water.
This one will surely be a hard sell.
@Terrence B. You can find items like this on Chinese bulk selling sites at very very low prices. Just buy in bulk, “rebrand” with your own name and logo, and “start an MLM” at much higher prices of course.
$1-5 a card if you do a quick web-search, that’s quite a mark-up but i suppose there is some additional cost to further make them magic i guess…..
Well, i mean it really depends if you keep a trained and accredited magician on staff or you just outsource the magic.
Bart: It’s approved by the Royal Magic College of Hyderabad!
Lisa: Pfft, that’s a party magic college.
Noticed OXO Worldwide hasn’t been making much noise lately. Aegea might be a reboot?
I tried the Nitro QuBit patch. This is what I found. I have MVP and Lyme and everyday I have heart palpitations and fluttering.
I only put one patch on my chest early today and I have had no palpitations, fluttering or pain. Maybe it’s in my head but we’ll see.
I really hope not but time will tell.
A plastic disc didn’t cure your heart conditions. Otherwise they’d be used and prescribed all across the world.
Those of you that scream the loudest do not understand the quantum technology as it comes from Tesla’s technology.
do your research about Tesla. He was critisised in his live.
it is now being used all over the world in cars and storing electricity.
And you have proof by way of modern scientific studies to back up your claims?
Thought so…
And last time I checked electric cars weren’t powered by energy holograms.
@Jeanne Vanderkooij
Nikola Tesla didn’t flog MLM pyramid schemes. He died effectively bankrupt.
Aegea’s founders are raking in millions of dollars from people like you and your friends and family.
Do you really think they are being criticised for the same reasons?
Enlighten us. How exactly does the quantum technology work? Note that a scientific explanation does not include anecdotes or clichés like “an empty vessel makes the most noise”, it means an explanation of what physically happens and why it happens.
These technologies is already being used in medicine.
No it isn’t.
A bunch of promises from a bunch of wackos. If there was any real world application the magic plastic discs would already be in use.
Not withstanding there’s absolutely nothing about magic energy holograms on that webpage.
I’ll be marking anything further that does not specifically reference Aegea’s magic energy holograms as spam.
I met Dr. Howard Cohn in Boise, Idaho when he was here promoting 7.2 and asked him about the Amega wand that has the same infuzed resonance energy.
He said he and his wife loved it because they could wand a cheap glass of wine and it would taste like the best wine you could buy.
You would be amazed at how many people believe in what they say….. especially when they combine Christianity in it.
Who wouldn’t believe them with God on their side?
My wife bought into Sevenpoint2 and I couldn’t get her to see what truthinadvertising uncovered….. I even printed up the patent on the Recovery pill to show it was nothing more than Magnesium.
Its easier than Amway they say! Get on AUTOSHIP and go Borekyo! (broke!)
(Ozedit: Link to private content on Facebook removed)
All products have been tested by the Mora machine in South Australia
Mora Machine?
And why is an American company getting its whacky products tested in Australia?
Oh right, totally legit. But just to be safe, probably best you stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
I have been using the nitro qu bits after being quite sick and the next day I was full of energy. I haven’t gotten the quantum card or freshness card yet, but I will try them.
Yes, it is going to be a hard sell to most people but if works for me that is all I care about.
I have been reading some scientific studies on imprinting on holograms or imprinting water and it is for real.
The person who signed me up has made a lot of money. I am not pushing anyone to be an affilate, just trying to help people feel like I do.
Buy them retail if they work or become an affiliate. I am 63 by the way.
BTW Aegea does not say their nitric oxide product won an a nobel prize. They say nobel prize winning nitric oxide which scientists did win a nobel prize for nitric oxide. Just saying.
It’s presented as the product having won a prize, which is deceptive.
an inanimate object can not win a Nobel Prize. now the question is why does this ‘company’ need to leech off the reputation of scientists from 20 years ago.
same reason you’re here defending it……….it’s a sham at the least.
(Ozedit: offtopic derail attempts removed)
Results are all that counts. Aegea has a 14 day money back guarantee so why dont you all try the product and then make your comment. That would be fair to all parties.
Aegea has had 1000% growth in their business in the last 8 months which is unheard of in the network marketing business.
Right, and so where are the scientific peer-reviewed results for “energy holigrams” then?
Yet Alexa traffic estimates for the Aegea website show a collapse from mid October. Your claim is as made up as the health benefits of plastic cards.
i agree try it out and feel the difference instead of criticising.
You will be totally blown away by the results and make money along the way. Save 30% on your petrol bill with the quantum card.
So your evidence is “muh feels”.
Do you need to personally jump of a cliff before you’ll take my word jumping off a cliff isn’t good for your health?
Aa a retired scientist and with a recently submitted paper on Quantum Misuse I can tell you this is definitely a scam with the few positive reports on AEGEA products being due to either (1) Personal placebo susceptibility OR (2) Fake endorsements.
Just read the FAQ page on their web site. It is full of scientific inconsistencies and the image of a smorgasbord of scientific equations and sketches meant to dazzle people with their “know how” is a complete joke.
Are retired scientist’s allowed to publish untruths on this page with the statement above being just one example? No one in any profession knows it all.
Only they think they do.Unless people try these products you should keep your ill-informed opinions to yourselves. The demand for these products have caused a supply problem which is not bad for a placebo. Just saying!!!
By the way the person who posted the savings on fuel is totally correct. Placebo I don’t think so.
By the way I have a Mercedes C200 1.8L petrol. I have just driven it 775kilometres on 53.58 Litres of fuel using the Quantum card. All you clever people will be able to work it out.
Sure, in the same way randoms are able to claim to know something someone else is “untrue” based on nothing more than “muh feels”.
Agea’s Alexa ranking shows a brief spike post launch then collapse. If they’ve run out of product it’s because they likely haven’t reordered since launch.
There’s nothing more than a trickle of interest in Aegea out of Australia at the moment.
So what are you waiting for? Book a flight to the Saudi kingdom and show the oil shieks how they can make billions more each year by just waving a plastic card around their drilling fields.
All you’ll have to do is demonstrate it to prove your claims. Bit harder to do then come up with unverifiable anecdotal evidence online.
And be sure to show the airline you fly on how much they can save by waving your plastic card over their fuel tanks a few times too. Watch out for security but.
Let us know how it goes.
OZ Why are you so hell bent on trying to discredit every thing every that everyone has posted on this web site about Aegea. If you are an expert on our company and products you would certainly know the Quantum card is not plastic. An apology would be in order.
Check it out here: (Ozedit: link removed, non-public content)
By the way I have a Mercedes C200 1.8L petrol. I have just driven it 775kilometres on 53.58 Litres of fuel using the Quantum card. All you clever people will be able to work it out.
I totally agree.
(Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempt removed)
By discredit you mean ask for verified proof?
You’re really going to get upset over someone questioning why there’s no actual independently verified evidence of your bullshit hologram energy claims?
If you cut your magic card in half you’ll find it’s not 100% carbon fiber.
Calling plastic something else doesn’t make it any less plastic. These hologram disc/card scams have been doing the rounds for ages.
Like I said, let us know how the trip to the Saudi Kingdom goes. You and Aegea stand to make bajillions.
Anecdotal evidence = meaningless.
Sir, one negligent practitioner does not make a high-quality Mora device “fake”.
Many hundreds of Medical doctors, Specialists, Dentists and Health Professionals worldwide use the Mora Devices in their practice with outstanding success.
For your information, Mora Devices are approved for use by the TGA in Australia. In using Mora diagnostics and treatment with my many thousands of patients I have never had a single complaint, and to the contrary, huge benefits have been achieved.
I am available at any time and will free of charge, gladly demonstrate in my office the effectiveness of the Mora device to any interested persons or skeptic. At the same time, I will also demonstrate the remarkable effects of the Aegea products.
I don’t really want to get into a discussion on Mora devices because as far as I know, Agea doesn’t sell them.
I provided documented evidence and verfication the devices are bullshit when tested (comment #18).
To the extent the practitioner wag negligent, it was because he used a bullshit device instead of providing actual treatment to the patient, who subsequently died.
You’ve provided nothing but meaningless anecdotal stories as evidence the devices work.
Feel free to provide peer-reviewed studies demonstrating the claimed benefits of Agea’s plastic/carbon fibre cards.
Sir, #18 shows no proof whatsoever. (Ozedit: Yes it does, including linked references.)
If you still can’t see the documented evidence and supporting links, try waving your magic Aegea cards around your monitor a few times.
And you can stop with the “I’ll show anyone…” bullshit. Anecdotal stories != evidence Aegea’s magic cards do anything.
Feel free to provide peer-reviewed studies that support any of your Aegea product claims.
Dear Sirs,
I’m not happy with your products.
Unfortunately they don’t work for that reason I have to take advantage of your 100% satisfaction guarantee you give.
(Ozedit: affiliate details removed)
Sorry to hear Aegea’s plastic holograms didn’t work out for you.
This isn’t the place to raise an order dispute though, you’ll want to contact Aegea directly.
I would like to suggest that any inquiring “scientist” take advantage of the money back offer, and try out the card on their gas tank. If they get measurably better mileage, then they can report back their success.
If there is no measurable improvement, they can get their money back, and also report that the device does not work. I would suggest lending the card out to several skeptical drivers.
I can give bogus explanations for how gravity works, how the Sun generates energy, and how electricity is generated. But but my bogus explanations don’t change the facts that these things exist.
Similarly with this device; either it measurably improves gas mileage or it doesn’t
Why would they waste their time?
Either Aegea has peer-reviewed studies confirming magical gas tank mileage or they don’t. Crap on about gravity, the sun and whatever else you want – that’s what it comes down to.
I got 20-30% more mileage out of our quantum card so worth buyin the card for saving on fuel.
That’s nothing. I slipped the quantum card between my buttcrack while driving and observed a 4900% increase in mileage.
See how this works?
If you don’t have documented evidence you’re just spouting off unverifiable marketing claims.
So, Aegea claims to have a product worth billions if it works as described, but, decides to rely on word of mouth anecdotal evidence by random posters on internet forums as its’ marketing tool.
Do you know how absolutely ridiculous that sounds, Jeanne ?
Geez, at least try.
Ive read a lot about peer review or lack there of on this blog, mmm, yeah they did peer reviews on (Ozedit: offtopic derail attempts removed)
You cynical jerks should keep your mouths shut. These MLM companies that you despise actually help a lot of people earn money when they otherwise may not have and they actually do help some get healthy. Whether psychosomatic or real is irrelevant.
Grubs like you have got nothing better to do than criticise people for having a go.
You’re not helping anyone selling them a plastic card that has infinite energy. All you’re doing is helping yourself by scamming them.
Marketing a product or service with false and/or misleading claims claims is illegal. So whether Aegea’s magic card do or don’t do what is advertised is very much relevant.
Having a go at scammers scamming people with bullshit products? Absolutely.
Dear oz (not real name i suppose) why did you edit the real scam products that killed and maimed people (Ozedit: snip, see below)
This is a review of Aegea’s MLM opportunity.
If you want to discuss “real scam products” that have nothing to do with Aegea’s MLM opportunity, do it elsewhere.
The level of ridiculousness to this statement by this hayseed is hard to grasp.
Hilarious…in a sad way.
Hello mates!
Do you know Natures’ Frequencies the US company that is selling the same Aegea products with the same products labels?
Please, how can this be possible?
I feel disoriented and upset discovering this… I say thanks those will help me to undestand if this company is made by scammers…
I have bought AEGEA QUANTUM CARD (black, plastic one) in December 2018. By that time I already had some problems with my short-term memory and it was slowly growing.
I also started to make some mistakes when handwriting (never had it in my life – I was writing a lot and my vocabulary in my language was is great and wide). I also started losing the letters in the middle of the word or at the end of the word.
After getting AEGEA CARD I didnt know what to expect from it because it promised some effects in other areas than memory, concentration or so.
SO, I put it into my pocket, went for 2-hours walk.
At home I wanted to take somethinng from the shelf – there was an old, not working for 2 years with dead battery computer mouse there.
When I put my hand over the shelf the light in the mouse (RED ONE) litted. I was surprised so I puy my hand again close to the mouse – the same effect. Light was ON for a moment. And after a few trials even a GREEN LIGHT came on for a second.
SO, I knew the CARD works.
After 2-3 weeks of wearing the CARD in my pocket and having it all the time close to me my problem with loosing letters was gone.
My short-term memory got very sharp, my concentration also very sharp I never was loosing letters again from written words.
With the same parcel I got some stickers from AEGEA and some other products – I didnt find it working…I even gave it to some other people asking them to check it at home. They said – no effects.
SO, the other products I couldnt confirm that they work but the AEGEA black, plastic CARD was really great for me, I promise.
Yo yo yo, I bought an AEGA QUANTUM CARD yesterday and put in my pocket. Next thing I know my monitor exploded and started flashing “battery dead” on the screen.
It doesn’t even have a battery! SO, I knew the CARD doesn’t work.
After 2-3 weeks of wearing the CARD I started to have trouble putting articles together.
Then I began to forget simple things, like eating, drinking and breathing.
Next thing I know I woke up from a pile of drool on my desk and this comment was open. Who the hell is “OZ” and what the fuck is a “BehindMLM”?
I even tried eating the stickers that came with the CARD. Nothing! All they did was make potty time uncomfortable.
TL:DR: Anecdotal stories = meaningless. Peer-reviewed medical studies or GTFO.
If anybody actually believes in any of this woo, then they are absolutely gullible! It is absolute quackery, with zero basis in science!
And a 10th of a gram of gold is a very tiny sliver of gold, and a very expensive and terrible way to purchase gold bullion.
Also such a tiny sliver of gold mounted in plastic would be very difficult to sell to a bullion dealer or jeweller, if you wanted to trade it in for cash.
Purchase Gold Bullion from reputable dealers.