There is no information on the 150 Cash Magic website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The 150 Cash Magic website domain (“”) was privately registered on January 4th, 2017.

A marketing video on the 150 Cash Magic website is hosted on a YouTube account bearing the name “MMPS Mymultiplestream”.

This YouTube channel is associated with the My Multiple Stream website. My Multiple Stream is an MLM underbelly scheme downline builder.

Scams promoted through the website include My 24 Hour Income, The Ads Team, My 1 Dollar BusinessAll In One Profits, Global Moneyline and CrazeBTC.

I wasn’t able to ascertain who is running My Multiple Stream.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The 150 Cash Magic Product Line

150 Cash Magic has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market 150 Cash Magic affiliate membership itself.

Once signed up, 150 Cash Magic affiliates purchase $1.50 matrix positions to participate in the attached MLM opportunity.

Bundled with each position purchase are ad credits, which can be used to display advertising on the 150 Cash Magic website.

150 Cash Magic affiliates also gain access to “excellent master resale rights products”.

The 150 Cash Magic Compensation Plan

The 150 Cash Magic compensation plan sees affiliates gift $1.50 to $350 to each other via a 5×5 matrix.

A 5×5 matrix places a Cash Magic affiliate at the top of a matrix, with five positions directly under them:

These five positions form the first level of the matrix.

The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting each of these five positions into another five positions each (25 positions).

Levels three to five of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing five times as many positions as the previous level.

A 150 Cash Magic affiliate begins by gifting $1.50 to the affiliate who recruited them (their upline affiliate).

This payment qualifies the affiliate to receive $1.50 from five affiliates recruited into the first level of their matrix.

Unlocking the second level of the matrix requires another $5 gifting payment to the upline affiliate.

This second payment qualifies the affiliate to receive $5 from twenty-five affiliates placed into the second level of their matrix.

This process continues for all five of 150 Cash Magic’s matrix levels as follows:

  • level 1 – gift $1.50 the affiliate who recruited you and receive $1.50 from five subsequently recruited affiliates
  • level 2 – gift $5 to the affiliate who recruited you and receive $5 from twenty-five affiliates
  • level 3 – gift $25 to the affiliate who recruited you and receive $25 from one hundred and twenty-five affiliates
  • level 4 – gift $60 to the affiliate who recruited you and receive $60 from six hundred and twenty-five affiliates
  • level 5 – gift $350 to the affiliate who recruited you and receive $350 from three thousand one hundred and twenty-five affiliates

Joining 150 Cash Magic

150 Cash Magic affiliate membership is tied to a $1.50 gifting payment to the affiliate who recruited you.

Full participation in the 150 Cash Magic income opportunity costs $441.50.


150 Cash Magic is cash gifting with a hefty dose of Ponzi pseudo-compliance:

The business model can be summed up as a Ponzi ROI paid through cash gifting.

A 150 Cash Magic affiliate invests $1.50 on the promise of an advertised $1,134,507.50 ROI.

That ROI is paid out of subsequently invested funds, making 150 Cash Magic a Ponzi scheme.

The cash gifting component kicks in upon consideration that 150 Cash Magic affiliates gift money to each other directly.

The bundled PLR products and adcredits are neither here nor there, serving only as another layer of pseudo-compliance.

As with any Ponzi scheme, once affiliate recruitment dries up gifting payments within 150 Cash Magic will slow down.

Eventually they’ll stop altogether, at which point the scheme will have collapsed.

Through one or more pre-loaded matrix positions, the 150 Cash Magic admin will withdraw the majority of funds invested.

A few early adopter affiliates will get some leftovers, with the majority of the 150 Cash Magic affiliate-base ultimately losing money.