Following meritless legal threats that culminated in an improperly filed DMCA takedown notice filed in bad faith, today we’re adding Scott Huss (right) to BehindMLM’s DMCA Wall of Shame.

And if you’re a fan of sovereign citizen nutjobs eating shit, you’re going to love this one. I didn’t know the half of it…

Scott Huss has never really been a person of particular interest to BehindMLM.

We cited a social media post from Huss last October, as evidence the Mavie Global Ponzi scheme was harboring wanted fugitive John Barksdale.

As background research we noted Huss was a former iGenius promoter who. at the time, was now hanging out at Mavie Global‘s offices in Dubai. As far as Huss went, we left it there.

Huss made a second appearance on BehindMLM last month, this time as part of Rodney Burton’s amusing attempt at avoiding HyperFund criminal charges.

As per documents seized from Burton and exhibited by the DOJ, Huss, as Scott Lee Huss, signed witness testimony affirming Burton’s identity.

Long story short; upon realizing the DOJ was onto him, Rodney Burton thought putting together a cache of make-believe legal documents would somehow put him above the law.

Huss, a sovereign citizen nutjob himself (which we’ll get into in a bit), was part of Burton’s “I signed some documents so I’m now above the law” fantasy.

This time we were a bit more thorough in our background check, additionally tying Huss to Wealth Generators, iMarkets Live and Beyond.

On August 11th, out of the blue, I received the following email from Scott Huss;

will be reporting this site and need myself and all personal information pertaining towards Scott Huss, Huss, Scottyy, Scotty Huss, etc. removed off of this website immediately.

No permission was granted, failure to do so will result to a federal law suit and legal action filed.

My response was our boilerplate usual to these types of demands;

Request denied.

Reason: BehindMLM doesn’t need your permission to report news.

Scott however insisted BehindMLM was required to seek his permission to report news.

Always happy to educate someone on the law surrounding BehindMLM’s lawful use of intellectual property, I obliged;

No, it doesn’t.

Assuming Huss was now educated on BehindMLM’s rights as a publisher, I finished up our exchange.

Note that I consider this matter closed and won’t be replying any further.

Unfortunately Huss isn’t above abusing United States copyright law. On August 11th Huss sent in a bogus DMCA takedown notice.

As explained in BehindMLM’s DMCA policy;

Here at BehindMLM we take our commitment to operating within US copyright law seriously. Third-party images and logos are only used to represent specific companies or individuals we publish content about.

Before filing a DMCA take-down notice, copyright owners must consider whether Fair Use applies to the alleged copyright infringement.

Filing a DMCA requires a copyright owner to swear under penalty of perjury that the copyright owner is not filing a fraudulent take-down notice.

Failing to consider whether Fair Use applies to the alleged copyright infringement is an abuse of the DMCA take-down process.

Copyright holders filing fraudulent take-down notices are liable for damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by the alleged infringer.

Here, Huss was categorically informed of BehindMLM’s protected use of third-party images and/or logos.

Naturally, Huss’ original notice went nowhere. And I would have left it at that, save for the fact Huss then doubled down with another bogus DMCA takedown notice via email.

Alright. Other than an unhealthy addiction to cosmetic enhancements, what is this guy trying to hide?

Back in March Huss and Cecilia Selina Mercado, aka “Sessi”, were pulled over for traffic violations.

Police also noted the Audi they were in had fake “diplomatic” plates.

Quoting a police report, Local10 reports the plate stated it “was non-expiring and that Mercado was a non-citizen”. This was of course baloney.

Footage of the incident, recorded by Huss, shows

Mercado … behind the wheel of the car as her passenger is recording her interaction with the officers who asked her for her driver’s license, however she offered them her passport instead.

The officers then asked her to step out of the car but she refused.

Clearly not interested in entertaining sovereign citizen fantasies, police extracted Mercado from the car.

While that’s going on, Huss squeals about “feeling threatened” and demands to speak to a “supervisor”.

As an officer holds onto Mercado’s arm as she remains sitting in the vehicle, her male passenger, identified in an incident report as Scott Huss, yells at the officer to let her go and tells two police officers they will lose their jobs and that they will have to pay Mercado $250,000 after he takes them to court.

“They have no jurisdiction over you,” he tells Mercado at one point.

“She is not a United States citizen,” he then tells the officers.

Huss would go on to post an edited clip of the incident online. This prompted a response from police, clarifying exactly what happened:

Police said Mercado later admitted to having a Florida driver’s license and did not respond when an officer asked her why she didn’t admit to that before.

According to her arrest report, Mercado told officers that the car was registered with the U.S. Department of State.

While waiting for Mercado to be processed, Huss spoke with reporters outside the police station.

Her immunity is 100% authentic. The specifics can’t be disclosed on public interview, however, the court case and the federal lawsuit will be public.

Remember kids, printing out PDFs you found online and coming up with imaginary titles is all fun and games… but never go full nutjob.

Mercado (right) was given four citations and, upon further examination of her fake plates, charged with “having a counterfeit registration, license plate or sticker on a motor vehicle.”

Given this was picked up by multiple media outlets around the world, for Huss and Mercado this is all hilariously embarrassing in and of itself.

But then it gets even better…

Mercado was held overnight and released the next day on bond. She and Huss eventually left the station in another car, driven by Andres Lopez.

“Jryako” corresponds with Jay Ryako, an alias Huss started using late last year.

As the car carrying Huss and Mercado drove away, Mercado took to Instagram live.

This is why you have to become a non-citizen national, so you don’t have to worry about paying taxes and you get your business right.

It is unclear whether Mercado and Huss are engaged in tax fraud. That’s between them and the IRS.

While Mercado was livestreaming though, police stopped the car…

The Maybach also had a diplomat-labeled license plate. Police stopped the car along the 300 block of Sunny Isles Boulevard.

Video posted by Only In Dade shows the driver of the Maybach being arrested for allegedly driving with a fake license plate.

Lopez has been charged with driving without a valid driver’s license, having a counterfeit license plate, motor vehicle registration, or sticker and resisting an officer without violence.

Mercado and her boyfriend said their diplomat license plates are legitimate, and they have lawyers who are prepared to take action against the police department.

“I look forward to sharing my story in court and not being treated like a savage ever again,” said Mercado.

To the best of my knowledge, neither Mercado or Huss have filed any legal action.

Meanwhile, coinciding with his bogus DMCA takedown notices, Huss is on social media touting a new project.

In another post earlier that day, Huss shared photos suggesting another fraudulent Dubai trading opp.

If it’s a new company I’m sure it’ll pop up on my desk at some point – but it’s not something I intend to track. BehindMLM’s interest in Huss only extends to future MLM sovereign citizen shenanigans, or DMCA notices filed in bad faith.

This was brilliant to follow. More shenanigans please!