Boris CEO Ponzi schemes have become so commonplace, I tend to just assume any company with actors in a rented office is a Russian/Ukranian scam.

Wiseling with its feigned ties to Finland and executive actors who clearly weren’t from Finland, is a good example of this in practice.

Today Finnish authorities have confirmed Wiseling’s Boris CEO Matias Lappo doesn’t exist.

Footage has also tied Wiseling’s promotional videos to rented office space in St Petersburg.

Smart Corner provides “coworking (space) in the center of St. Petersburg”, the second-largest city in Russia.

Below I’ve taken a screenshot of one of the photos provided by Smart Corner on their website.

I’ve added screenshots of various videos Matias Lappo appeared in, clearly showing his use of the space (click to enlarge):

You can verify this yourself by comparing photos provided on Smart Corner’s website with Lappo’s videos (example 2).

The main giveaways are the two booths against the wall with distinctive paintings, and the seating area in the middle with the green couches and electronic whiteboard.

Smart Corner provides access to their office space for 17,000 rubles a month ($230 USD).

This gets you access to the building and “20 hours of meeting room per month”.

Here’s an earlier Wiseling marketing video shot in the same Smart Corner office last November:

It seems whenever Wiseling wanted a new executive video, they sent the actor playing Lappo to Smart Corner to shoot it.

Earlier videos were filled with supporting actors and a professional camera setup.

As Wiseling initiated its exit-scam, Lappo was sent to Smart Corner on his own to film with a cell phone.

Workers from unrelated companies sharing the space bustle around him, causing apologies as they bump into him walking around filming on multiple occasions.

Coinciding with Matias Lappo being outed as an actor from St. Petersburg, is February 24th statement from Finnish police.

Helsinki Police is investigating the activities of a company called Wiseling Oy.

According to the police data, the company has no links to Finland, and there are presumably no Finnish citizens related to this company even though that has been suggested on the company’s homepage.

Whether the scammers behind Wiseling are also from St. Petersburg is unclear.

What is clear is Wiseling is definitely another Russian MLM crypto Ponzi scheme.

A few days ago Wiseling admins advised on social media that the actor playing Matias Lappo wouldn’t be making anymore videos.

Whoever the actor is, he is presumed to have gone underground. This coincided with Wiseling’s crypto wallets being cleaned out.

Whether Smart Corner is aware their offices were used to stage what is believed to be a multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme is unclear.