So apparently there’s a Visalus criminal investigation going on in Italy.

If this is the first you’re hearing of it you’re not alone.

According to a report from Libertas, who in turn are quoting a paywall article from La Serenissima, Fabio Bollini is under investigation by the Rimini Public Prosecutor’s Office.

On his personal website, Bollini claims he’s a “multi millionaire networker”.

Whereas he was constantly updating his Facebook profile daily, Bollini now hasn’t posted since April 17th.

According to Libertas’ excerpt, Bollini is from neighboring San Marino.

Despite the strict confidentiality spread over the investigation by the Rimini Public Prosecutor’s Office, focused on the sales system of the American company, which also closely affects the Republic of San Marino, the first indiscretions emerge that make it clear that the investigations are extremely delicate.

From the auto-translation we ascertain the Italian investigation into Visalus is secret (presumably still under seal).

We also learn that Italian authorities are investigating Visalus’ business model, which from the sounds of it they think is a pyramid scheme.

Libertas’ excerpt makes it sound like there’s more;

In fact, it is not enough that a sales system has a pyramid structure for this to be illegal or fraudulent, since many such structured systems are perfectly legal.

Unfortunately that’s where the excerpt ends, so if there is in fact more to the case we’ll have to wait.

Meanwhile BehindMLM has separately seen a court document, purportedly naming all list of thirteen suspects in the San Marino criminal case:

In addition Fabio Bollini, there’s

  1. Francesco Comito;
  2. Massimo Georgi;
  3. Massimiliano Micheletti;
  4. Michela Zanola;
  5. Roberto Anelli;
  6. Thomas Bragagnolo;
  7. Stefania Conoscitore;
  8. Mara Granaroli;
  9. Matteo Lappi;
  10. Marco Paolini;
  11. Fabio Serra and
  12. Davide Vagnini

Visalus meanwhile collapsed in 2019 following a $925 million dollar robocall fraud judgment.

The company was quietly sold off to Pruvit in the wake of the judgment. As of last year Visalus was still being presented on its standalone company website.

That website domain has since been disabled.

Whether the Italian investigation has anything to do with Visalus’ illegal robocalls in the US is unclear.

Pending any further information out of Italy, stay tuned…