Traffic Monsoon Receiver clawbacks to target 4,800 net-winners
Following on from claims process approval, the Traffic Monsoon Receiver has now filed for permission to pursue net-winners.
Following on from claims process approval, the Traffic Monsoon Receiver has now filed for permission to pursue net-winners.
The Traffic Monsoon Receiver has submitted a victim claims process for approval.
Having been destroyed in two lower courts, Charles Scoville now wants to take his Traffic Monsoon Ponzi fight to the Supreme Court. Yeah, not kidding. This is happening…
Following an almost two year wait, earlier today a decision on Charles Scoville’s Traffic Monsoon Ponzi appeal was published. In a decision that positively nobody could have predicted, the Tenth Circuit appeals court has denied the Traffic Monsoon appeal.
On top of the Traffic Monsoon Ponzi civil case, Charles Scoville was arrested and criminally charged back in June. Scoville’s criminal case stems from alleged child sexual abuse in 2007. Specifics of the case are unknown and have not been made public. In any event rather than defend the charge, Scoville has pleaded guilty to [Continue reading…]
After just over two years of vowing to clear his name and prove Traffic Monsoon wasn’t a Ponzi scheme, Charles Scoville has entered into settlement negotiations with the SEC.
News of the arrest of a Charles David Scoville in Utah broke last week. Given the severity of the charge, I held off on reporting the story until I had absolute confirmation it was Traffic Monsoon’s Charles Scoville. Following an unrelated June 18th filing by the Receiver, I can now confirm Charles Scoville, founder of [Continue reading…]
One of the assets attributed to Scoville’s use of Traffic Monsoon investor funds is a £290,000 flat and parking space in Manchester, UK. The use of investor funds to purchase the property in 2015 means the asset belongs to the Traffic Monsoon Receivership estate. The Receiver has keys to the property but was unable to file [Continue reading…]
About a week before oral arguments were heard in the original preliminary injunction appeal, Charles Scoville filed a second appeal. Following the filing of a motion requesting both appeals be merged or his second appeal stayed, it appears the plan is to further delay proceedings.
Charles Scoville has filed a second Traffic Monsoon appeal which, unless I’m missing something, seems to be completely pointless. Granted the first appeal is widely seen as just an attempt to delay the inevitable, it’s still valid in the sense a defendant can exhaust all defenses available. This second appeal doesn’t seem to serve any [Continue reading…]