Traffic Monsoon @ BehindMLM

Traffic Monsoon victim claims process “moving forward”

Following the denial of Charles Scoville’s SCOTUS writ bid, the Receiver has announced the victim claims process is moving forward.

Traffic Monsoon Supreme Court writ denied

Charles Scoville’s bid to legalize Ponzi schemes through the Supreme Court has come to an end.

Traffic Monsoon Receiver denied use of Canadian attorneys

Just shy of two weeks ago the Traffic Monsoon Receiver requested permission to engage Canadian attorneys. The attorneys are required to pursue judgement against Canadian Traffic Monsoon net-winners. On October 28th the Receiver’s motion was denied.

Traffic Monsoon Canadian net-winners to face local lawyers

The Traffic Monsoon Receiver has requested permission to engage local counsel to pursue Canadian net-winners.

Traffic Monsoon SCOTUS writ to be decided on November 1st

On October 9th Charles Scoville has filed his reply to the SEC’s opposition brief. That same day Scoville’s Traffic Monsoon Supreme Court writ was marked as distributed. Whether the case will be heard by the Supreme Court is set to be decided via a scheduled November 1st conference.

Traffic Monsoon Receiver granted flat sale assistance motion

The Traffic Monsoon Receiver’s assistance motion has been granted. The motion, made pursuant to the Hague Convention, seeks information in relation to the sale of a flat in Manchester, UK.

Traffic Monsoon flat sell-off prompts Hague Convention request

The sell-off of a flat in Manchester, purchased with stolen Traffic Monsoon investor funds, has prompted the Receiver to call for international judicial assistance.

Scoville demands victims pay $270,000+ in Traffic Monsoon legal fees

Charles Scoville’s lawyers have realized they’re likely not going to get paid. Cue motion demanding Traffic Monsoon victims pay over $270,000+ in legal fees.

Ernest Ganz plays dumb with Receiver, cops entry of default

Ernie Ganz appears to have taken the legal side of his clawback lawsuit into his own hands… …and things are going exactly as you’d imagine they would.

Entry of default sought against Traffic Monsoon clawback defendants

The Traffic Monsoon Receiver has filed for an entry of default against five Traffic Monsoon clawback defendants.