On November 26th the Tenth Circuit dismissed Charles Scoville’s second filed Traffic Monsoon appeal.

Scoville filed the seemingly pointless second appeal back in March 2018.

The appeal was denied back in January this year. On November 26th the Tenth Circuit dismissed the case, effectively clearing the appeal as an administrative obstacle.

This was done following the rejection of Scoville’s Supreme Court writ.

The original Tenth Circuit appeal docket records the Supreme Court writ decision on November 4th.

That case also went against Scoville, but was stayed pending the outcome of the Supreme Court writ decision.

With the denial of the SCOTUS writ, the Tenth Circuit’s decision is executed. This means that the preliminary injunction stands the case is kicked back to the Utah District Court.

As at the time of publication, the last entry on the Utah case docket is dated November 26th.

The entry records a motion to voluntarily dismiss an appeal, supposedly filed by Scoville.

With both known appeals filed by Scoville dealt with, I’m not really sure what this filing pertains to. Perhaps the original appeal, which has yet to show any progress beyond acknowledgement of the SCOTUS writ decision.

In any event it’s expected the case has resumed in the Utah District Court, so that’s what we’ll be tracking going forward.

In related Traffic Monsoon news, the Receiver has informed the court of her intent to subpoena Santander Holdings.

Santander Holdings owns Santander Bank, a retail bank that operates in the US.

The Receiver is requesting “all documents and other materials” pertaining to a specific Santander Bank account. Any additional information on accounts held by or in Charles Scoville are also requested.

Sought information on the account(s) includes;

(a) copies of all monthly account statements;

(b) copies of the fronts and backs of all checks;

(c) copies of all Documents evidencing all deposits and withdrawals, including “eDeposits”; and

(d) copies of all signature cards or other Documents evidencing ownership or signing authority.

As of yet the context of the sought information is unknown. One possibility is the requested information pertains to Scoville’s London flat sale mystery.

Stay tuned…