TelexFree victim claims platform goes live
Last month the TelexFree Trustee estimated the TelexFree victim claims portal would go live in early May.
Slightly late but better than never, the victim claims portal has just gone live.
TelexFree affiliates who lost money in the $1.8 billion Ponzi scheme have until September 26th @ 4:30pm to file a claim.
Note that you can only claim your original investment, sans any commissions you were paid out.
ROI balances in your TelexFree backoffice didn’t exist and you cannot claim them.
TelexFree victims are only able to file a claim through the claim portal. After the September 26th deadline has passed, any claims filed ‘shall be forever barred‘.
What are you waiting for? Get to it!
Update 28th February 2018 – As of December 26th, 2017 the TelexFree claims filing portal has been closed.
We have waited this for a long time… Any idea of how much me my wife could get from $25.000 we’ve lost?
Anything would help us at the moment.
the platform actually lets you go inside your old telex accounts and it shows you your financial history of them, so you can see how much you can claim…..
Not something you can predict I’m afraid. Depends on funds seized vs. total claims filed.
Hi…. is just to try what happend with this.
If you lost money in TelexFree you should be able to login to the claim portal and file a claim.
how do I claim my money??? m to whom I address??? pleasew a phone number or email thanks.
Claim form through the claim portal. Only electronic claim forms are accepted.
My sincere wish and hope is that this money is paid not later than January, 2018 and that the amounts given as matching in the claims portal remains the same.
We have run out of patience and the compensation will be affected by inflation obtaining in most of the claimants countries especially third world economies like those of Africa. (I am Ugandan).
The net winners’ objections seem baseless because they should tell court how much they invested and how much they pocketed before they make such objections. If they exceeded what was invested, the they automatically the ‘Net Equity’ concept has to obtain!
I wish court can compel them to pay a fine if their objections yield no merit!
Sir. How to check weather telexfree pay back the claim.
You can’t. It’ll happen when it happens.