The good news TelexFree victims waiting for an update on allowed claims is you’re one step closer to distribution.

The bad news is the latest update means payments probably won’t be going out this year.

On Monday November 26th the TelexFree Trustee published seventy-two notices of disallowed claims.

The filings contain a list of TelexFree investors with disallowed claims, who

did not file Claim Responses to the Notices of Proposed Resolution of Claim within thirty (30) days as required by the terms of the Order.

I.e. These are the affiliates who filed a claim, were denied and then failed to file anything further.

The filings serve as a final notice to the claimants. After another twenty-one days (from November 26th), the claims will be denied without any chance of recourse.

I haven’t gone through (and don’t plan to) go through all seventy-two filings, but just going through the first few these caught my eye:

Natalia Artemieva Kostyunina Spain

Claimed amount: $36,402,751.00

Proposed allowed amount: 1,474.90


Oswaldo Maximiliano Solarte Colombia

Claimed amount: $20,001,025.80

Proposed allowed amount: $1,025.80

You lost just over a thousand and your dumb asses thought you were entitled to tens of millions of dollars… really?

From what I can see most claims aren’t that egregious but still fall in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars range.

With so many idiots filing claims for grossly inflated amounts, each of which must be thoroughly investigated, is it any wonder the TelexFree claims process has dragged on for so long?

If you want to check out the filings for yourself head over to the TelexFree Trustee website. They’re in the “Court Documents” section starting November 26th.