TelexFree @ BehindMLM

TelexFree to release new compensation plan?

Providing yet more evidence that TelexFree’s AdCentral investment scheme is nothing more than a $20 a week ROI Ponzi scheme, the company appears to be gearing up to release a new compensation plan.

TelexFree lose 2nd bankruptcy case, Costa rages

Back in September last year TelexFree tried to convince a court in Acre that, despite being owned by the same three people, TelexFree should be able to use Ympactus’ funds to pay off Ympactus’ debts, including ROIs owed to affiliate investors. As part of the injunction handed down against TelexFree, Ympactus’ funds are currently frozen. [Continue reading…]

Kevin Thompson to tackle i-Payout compliance?

When you see my name associated with a particular company out there, I always tell clients… I make it clear they’re not allowed to use my name in any sort of promotional fashion. Number one it looks horrible. Mainly from a marketing standpoint it’s a bad idea, in my opinion, to lead with lawyers. Right? You [Continue reading…]

TelexFree case in Brazil “resolved by mid 2014”

In an “exclusive interview” with Brazil’s Globo, Alessandra Marques has announced that she expects the Acre criminal case against TelexFree to be “completed by mid-year”. As it stands now, the Acre Public Prosecutor’s Office have submitted over 40,000 pages of evidence against TelexFree, currently being pored over by Judge Thais Borges. After Judge Borges is [Continue reading…]

TelexFree officially support starvation protest

This is actually something I wondered about when I first read about Aerci Arreal Olm chaining himself to the Barão do Rio Branco forum. From the images and YouTube footage of Olm, you had a guy rock up in a tshirt and jeans with little more than a chain and some padlocks. Water? Shelter? Toilets? There didn’t [Continue reading…]

TelexFree claim no affiliate data, fined again

Following the filing of an appeal that was designed to stall legal action against TelexFree in Brazil, the company was fined R$10,000 ($4200 USD) for acting in “bad faith”. Additionally Judge Borges also ordered the company hand over ‘data relating to the registration and operation of the accounts of each of the affiliates, including twelve [Continue reading…]

TelexFree deny US regulatory investigation

A few days ago, whilst speaking to Boston radio station Vem Viva, Acre Public Prosecutor Alessandra Marques dropped the bombshell that her office had been in contact with US regulators. Marques also revealed that a US investigation was underway involving the IRS. TelexFree’s official response? “Lolwut? Nobody told us about an investigation…’ Addressing concerned TelexFree affiliate [Continue reading…]

TelexFree can’t control Brazilian recruitment?

On June 13th 2013, Acre’s Public Prosecutors were granted an injunction against TelexFree. Amongst other things, this injunction saw TelexFree face fines of R$100,000 a day ($42,500 USD) if they signed up any more Brazilian affiliate investors or paid out any existing ones. Since then it’s been an open secret that top Brazilian affiliates have [Continue reading…]

Acre PP: TelexFree under investigation in the US

Over the last few days a veritable sea of information has been released pertaining to TelexFree’s sponsorship of the Bazillian football club, Botafogo. Patrick Pretty’s covered the Botafogo story and subsequent fallout with their main sponsor, Viton 44. This morning the latest on the Botafogo story comes from Alessandra Marques, of the Acre Public Prosecutor’s Office: [Continue reading…]

Telexfree still pushing for Ponzi restart

With every motion TelexFree has filed in Acre being dismissed or denied and a Judge now sifting through thousands of pages of evidence, things appear to be getting increasingly desperate. Appearing to have learnt nothing after recently being fined for wasting the court’s time, TelexFree latest hair-brained ploy continues the company’s tradition of ill-advised legal [Continue reading…]