EvoRich has received a securities fraud warning from New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority.

According to the FMA, EvoRich is

offering financial services to New Zealand residents through social media and other New Zealand residents without being a registered financial service provider in New Zealand.

The regulator notes EvoRich’s ties to Skyway Capital;

NEEW-TNG Ltd (formerly RSW Investment Group Ltd), NEEW (formerly Skyway Investment Group/SWIG).

The entities were also formerly associated with the entities Skyway Capital, Skyway Group and RTN Limited.

As per the FMA’s findings:

We believe Evorich, NEEW and the websites have the hallmarks of a scam.

BehindMLM reviewed EvoRich last month. The FMA’s findings are in line of our own: that EvoRich is a Skyway Capital Ponzi spinoff run by former Skyway executive Andrey Khovratov.

In their published March 2nd warning, the FMA requests any New Zealand residents who have invested in EvoRich to contact them.