Jason Cardiff has disobeyed court orders instructing him to return to the US by January 19th.

In the lead up to Cardiff’s potential fugitive status, the DOJ executed a previously filed extradition warrant.

For context, Cardiff was arrested on fraud charges pertaining to Redwood Scientific Technologies in November 2023.

Cardiff is also the owner of RengaLife, an short-lived MLM company that marketed Redwood’s products, hence BehindMLM’s interest in proceedings.

Back in July 2024 Cardiff was given permission to travel to Ireland to visit his wife, who then had purportedly recently suffered a heart attack.

After landing in Ireland Cardiff promptly developed “unexpected serious health problems” of his own, facilitating an extended stay in Ireland.

As the months dragged on Cardiff continued to come up with new excuses related to his claimed health problems. In December 2024 Cardiff’s scheduled trial was delayed to July 2025.

In continuing his trial, the court signalled it had had enough of Cardiff’s games. On December 20th Cardiff was ordered back to the US by January 19th and, “absent extenuating circumstances”, warned the court was “unlikely to grant future requests to travel or extend travel.”

After spending the holiday season with his family in Ireland, Cardiff set about coming up with what he no doubt hoped were “extenuating circumstances”.

On January 14th Cardiff filed yet another motion requesting another travel extension;

Mr. Cardiff requests the Court to grant his Ex Parte Application for an Order Extending International Travel and Returning his Passport:

(a) extending his travel to Ireland from on or about January 19, 2025 for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days returning on or about May 19, 2025; and that

(b) Defendant provide the Court with an updated status on his physicians diagnostic testing and treatment status on a monthly basis.

Defendant recognizes that the Court may be reluctant to allow an extended stay for treatment, but respectfully submits that the Court must balance the very real risk that flying may result in serious injury and possible death if Mr. Cardiff must return to the United States before he is treated sufficiently for his current medical condition.

The court denied Cardiff’s travel extension motion on January 15th.

On January 16th Cardiff filed yet another motion requesting another travel extension;

Mr. Cardiff’s physicians have determined, through diagnostic testing, that there he has serious medical problems and opine that he is currently unfit to travel and recommended a 3-4 month treatment plan.

If untreated, the physicians conclude that he will face more serious health consequences if forced to travel before he receives adequate treatment. This evidence is unrebutted.

Somewhat tellingly, Cardiff opposed his medical records being made available to the DOJ for further investigation.

The court denied Cardiff’s second travel extension motion on January 17th.

Of note is Cardiff disclosing execution of an extradition warrant in his January 16th motion;

On January 14, 2025, agents of the Irish Garda confronted Mr. Cardiff in the parking lot of his home in Dublin (blocking his exit) and told him that they wanted to arrest him on an extradition warrant issued by the Government on October 23, 2023, almost two months before his arrest at LAX on this case.

Mr. Cardiff showed the agents a copy of this Court’s Order permitting travel. Detective Sergeant Murray told Mr. Cardiff that he could either be arrested and go with them or he could surrender his passport and his wife’s passport.

Mr. Cardiff surrendered the passports.

Mr. Cardiff is suffering from serious health problems and his wife recently suffered a heart attack. Both were extremely upset and humiliated at being confronted with a warrant and possible arrest.

Fortunately, his eleven-year old daughter was not present to witness this scene.

On January 18th Cardiff filed yet another motion requestion another travel extension.

The Court’s denial cited insufficient evidence that air travel posed certain and unavoidable harm to Defendant’s health, finding that prior medical recommendations relied on conditional language and lacked definitive conclusions.

Defendant requests a brief extension of the return date set in the Court’s order, from January 19, 2025, to January 24, 2025 or as otherwise set by the Court.

This extension will allow the Court sufficient time to evaluate new medical documents addressing the Court’s concerns.

On January 21st the DOJ filed an opposition to Cardiff’s motion, requesting a bench warrant be issued for his arrest.

Senior USPO Ryan McClellan confirmed to the undersigned today by telephone that Defendant has not returned to the United States as the Court ordered.

Defendant’s refusal to adhere to the Court’s order is further evidence that he is a flight risk, and the government believes a bench warrant should be issued for Defendant’s arrest.

Defendant claims that he has suffered from a medical condition since at least 2016 which now makes him “unfit to fly.” He has, however, taken at least 20 flights since his arrest in November 2023.

The court denied Cardiff’s third travel extension motion later the same day. The DOJ’s request for a bench warrant was not addressed.

On January 24th Cardiff filed a Status Report, confirming he had disobeyed the court’s orders.

Mr. Cardiff has decided to follow the instructions of his physicians. However, he has every intention to return to the United States when his physicians clear him for travel.

On January 27th, Cardiff filed an ex-parte application for an order preventing his arrest in relation to the previously executed extradition warrant.

The DOJ filed its opposition to Cardiff’s application on January 28th, arguing it did

not comply with this Court’s substantive or procedural requirements for ex parte relief.

Defendant has not established the existence of an emergency situation that would cause irreparable prejudice to his cause should his motion be heard on a regular schedule nor has he filed a separate proposed motion as required by the Court’s Standing Order and Mission Power Eng’g Co.

Defendant’s application should be re-filed as a motion, noticed for a hearing, and heard on a normal motion schedule, which allows time for the government to thoroughly review, respond, and advise the Court appropriately.

Requiring the government to respond within 24 hours is unfair and leads to rushed positions and advice to the Court in a manner that is not as thorough as one under the normal motion filing deadlines.

Being forced to respond within a 24-hour period is a significant disadvantage to the government.

A hearing on Cardiff’s previously filed Motions to Dismiss is scheduled for January 30th. Cardiff has requested he be allowed to attend the hearing virtually, which the DOJ has opposed.

Defendant has filed numerous baseless, meritless, and frivolous ex parte applications and motions to dismiss over the past year.

Now, he refuses to adhere to the Court’s orders but expects the Court to hear his arguments on the motions. All four rationales of the fugitive disentitlement doctrine apply here.

There is no assurance that Defendant will return to the United States to face the charges against him.

Defendant should be penalized for actively disobeying the Court’s orders. Defendant should be deterred from wasting the Court’s time and prohibited from being a wedge in the efficient operation of the court system.

Defendant continues to file for relief on an ex parte basis, while he himself refuses to obey the Court’s orders. His victims are prejudiced with repeated trial continuances while he refuses to return to the United States.

Defendant should be ordered to return to the United States and face the charges against him with no further delay.

Accordingly, the government requests the Court deny defendant’s ex parte application and utilize the fugitive disentitlement doctrine to deter the defendant from remaining in Ireland in violation of the Court’s orders.

It’s unclear whether the court will address anything beyond Cardiff’s Motions to Dismiss at the January 30th hearing. Stay tuned.


Update 1st February 2025 – I don’t have an update on the January 30th hearing but can report Cardiff was denied permission to attend virtually.

From the court’s January 30th order;

The Court previously ordered Jason Cardiff to be physically present at the Hearing.

Instead, Jason Cardiff chose to remain in Ireland even though the Court ordered him to return to the United States no later than January 19, 2025.

Accordingly, for lack of good cause, it is hereby ordered that Jason Cardiff may not attend the Hearing by video conference.

The court also denied Cardiff’s ex-parte application for an order preventing his arrest on the same day.

The court found the ex-parte motion “did not comply … with procedural requirements” specific to ex parte relief. Cardiff was given permission to refile the application as a standard motion.


Update 4th February 2025 – The DOJ has moved for forfeiture of Jason Cardiff’s $500,000 appearance bond.


Update 7th February 2025 – Jason Cardiff has been declared a fugitive with an arrest warrant pending.