Unfortunately the sentencing of OneCoin money launderer Mark Scott has been pushed back, again.

At the conclusion of Scott’s trial, at which he was found guilty, sentenching was scheduled for February 21st.

That was then delayed till sometime after February 24th.

At the request of Mark Scott’s lawyer on January 14th, sentencing has been pushed back now till April 21st.

The reason for the delay is

time to complete briefing on post-trial motions and provide the Court with an opportunity for review.

Based on Scott’s request, it appears he’s going to try to use medical issues to reduce his sentence.

In addition, this additional time will permit counsel to prepare for sentencing, including allowing for Mr. Scott to undertake further testing and treatments for longstanding medical issues.

Funny how medical issues didn’t stop Scott (right) from laundering hundreds of millions for OneCoin. But when the time comes to take responsibility…

Oh noes, all of a sudden I’m a medical basket case and spending time in prison is gonna kill me!

The deadline for the DOJ to respond to whatever nonsense Scott comes up with is February 24th, so that’ll probably be around the time of our next update.

Failing which, Scott’s sentencing is on April 21st.