OmegaPro @ BehindMLM

CFTC publishes Traders Domain victim survey

The CFTC is reaching out directly to victims of The Traders Domain Ponzi scheme. The federal regulator published a “confidential customer survey” on November 14th, which it claims will “provide [the] CFTC with pertinent information on this case.”

Holton Buggs files to dissolve The Traders Domain Receivership

Holton Buggs has filed motions seeking dismissal of the case against him and dissolvement of a court-appointed Receiver.

The Traders Domain scammers consent to prelim injunctions

Several The Traders Domain scammers have consented to preliminary injunctions. Between October 22nd and 25th, the CFTC filed preliminary injunction consent orders pertaining to:

Marcus Brisco settles with SAEG Ponzi Receiver for $400K

Marcus Brisco has settled with the SAEG Ponzi Receiver for $400,000. The CFTC filed suit against Brisco in January 2023 over his participation in the collapsed SAEG Ponzi scheme. As part of the CFTC’s lawsuit, a Receiver was appointed to “recover assets for the benefit of [SAEG] victims”. On October 7th, a settlement between Brisco [Continue reading…]

CFTC files suit against The Traders Domain scammers

US authorities have finally taken action against The Traders Domain Ponzi scammers. On September 30th the CFTC filed suit against Traders Domain FX LTD and several additional corporate and individual defendants. While The Traders Domain itself wasn’t an MLM opportunity, the scam is of interest to BehindMLM due to several MLM Ponzis feeding into it. [Continue reading…]

OmegaPro victims turn on Abdul Ghaffar Mohaghegh

When news of OmegaPro co-founder Andreas Szakacs’ arrest broke in August, Abdul Ghaffar Mohaghegh was credited with tipping off Turkish authorities. The investigation leading to Szakacs’s arrest began with a tip-off on June 28, when an anonymous informant reported to the Istanbul Provincial Gendarmerie Command that Avcı was residing at a location in Acarkent, Istanbul, under [Continue reading…]

Francisco Story settles SAEG fraud charges for $125,000

Francisco Story has settled SAEG Ponzi charges with the CFTC for $125,000. The CFTC filed suit against Story in January 2023 over his participation in the collapsed SAEG Ponzi scheme.

Mike Sims settles SAEG fraud charges for $250,000

Michael Shannon Sims, aka Mike Sims, has settled SAEG Ponzi charges with the CFTC for $250,000.

OmegaPro’s Robert Velghe arrested in Turkey

Turkish authorities have arrested a second OmegaPro executive. Robert Velghe was arrested in Istanbul on Tuesday, September 3rd.

The Traders Domain securities fraud warning from QC, Canada

The Traders Domain has received a securities fraud warning from Quebec, Canada. As per the Autorite des Marches Financiers’ August 21st warning;