Francisco Story has settled SAEG Ponzi charges with the CFTC for $125,000.

The CFTC filed suit against Story in January 2023 over his participation in the collapsed SAEG Ponzi scheme.

As alleged by the CFTC, Story controlled companies that were used to laundering money stolen by SAEG Ponzi victims.

As part of his settlement, Story consented to an August 22nd court order that finds he “submitted false statements to NFA”.

Story, as a director, officer, and agent of Entity Defendant A, knowingly submitted falsified pool bank statements to the National Futures Association (“NFA”) … during an examination of Entity Defendant A.

In addition to the millions of dollars in omitted transactions, the falsified statements produced to the NFA contained other signs of forgery, including spacing inconsistencies, misalignments of text, and non-matching logos.

The order grants the CFTC a permanent injunction against Story, prohibiting further acts of commodities fraud. A $125,000 civil monetary penalty (CMP) was also ordered.

Upon full satisfaction of the Defendant’s CMP Obligation, satisfaction of monetary sanctions will be entered as to Defendant.

Upon payment of the CMP, the previously ordered asset freeze on Story will be lifted.

The SAEG series of Ponzi schemes were part of The Traders Domain, a mega-Ponzi run by Ted Safranko (right).

Safranko was charged by the CFTC but has gone into hiding.

BehindMLM’s interest in these interconnect schemes pertains to OmegaPro, a billion dollar MLM crypto Ponzi that funnelled into The Traders Domain.

Turkish authorities have pegged OmegaPro victim losses at $4 billion. Based on withdrawals by its top net-winners, The Traders Domain took in an estimated $3.3 billion.

As of yet no The Traders Domain or OmegaPro specific charges have been filed in the US. As noted, Ted Safranko has gone into hiding.

OmegaPro co-founder Andreas Szakacs was arrested in Turkey back in July. The scope of the Turkish investigation into OmegaPro, and by extension The Traders Domain, has not been made public.

Whether US authorities file charges in relation to OmegaPro and The Traders Domain remains to be seen.