jm-ocean-avenue-logoDespite affiliates advertising HopRocket as a “brand new JM Ocean Avenue opportunity” as early as last month, we thought it odd that there was no official tie in or promotion on the JM Ocean Avenue website.


Fred Ninow was listed as the owner of the HopRocket website domain yet, despite his obvious involvement in JM Ocean Avenue, Ninow was not listed as management on their website.

Following a recently discovered notice dated July 1st, we can now reveal Ninow and a bunch of JM Ocean Avenue staff have resigned.

HopRocket apparently has nothing to do with JM Ocean Avenue. Well, at least not officially…

At the heart of the controversial HopRocket launch is the importation of the entire JM Ocean Avenue affiliate-base.

According to HopRocket affiliate David Hull, current and former JM Ocean Avenue affiliates have been automatically imported into HopRocket, without any prior consent whatsoever.

The ENTIRE downline of JM Ocean Avenue was moved over into HopRocket (with the permission of JMOA) with ALL of our downline intact. This includes those who had left JMOA a long time ago.

You signed up as a JM Ocean Avenue affiliate six month ago and quit? Too bad, corporate didn’t delete your information and instead have used it to create a HopRocket affiliate position for you.

And here’s a copy of the unsolicited HopRocket spam you’re now likely to receive (if you haven’t already):


Just in case you can’t read it – the footer of that email is copyrighted JM Ocean Avenue, with the reason for the email being sent out as follows:

Copyright © 2015 JM Ocean Avenue, All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email because you have signed up as an JM Ocean Avenue Distributor or Wholesale Customer.

If you wish to change your email preferences with JM Ocean Avenue please login to your myjmoa office account and deselect the box stating, “I want to receive email communications related to my business.”

If I’m interpreting that message correctly, HopRocket spam is or was being sent out using JM Ocean Avenue owned services – directly to past and present JM Ocean Avenue affiliates and customers.

At present I don’t have a date on the above HopRocket spam email, but I can share a message from JM Ocean Avenue corporate dated the 1st of July:

Effective from today, Mr. Timothy James Richerson (Tim Richerson), Mr. Frederick Paul Ninow (Fred Ninow), Mr. Gregory Charles Bam (Tuffy Baum) and Ms. Sung Shiang Chun (Elsa Sung) resigned from all positions from JM Ocean Avenue and no longer service in JM Ocean Avenue nor any of its branch nor shareholding companies.

(Their) personal or business conduct only represents themselves and have (sic) no relationship with JM Ocean Avenue.

JM Ocean Avenue North America office will relocate and move to Los Angeles in the near future and an appropriate and professional business transition is currently underway.

So who sent out the HopRocket spam email from JM Ocean Avenue’s very own email system then?!

And here’s where things get even more bizarre!

According to a followup July 3rd email from JM Ocean Avenue corporate:

Yesterday’s email was a necessary legal requirement as our previous Utah staff moved on to a new venture. We wish them well

While this transition is on the way, JMOA remains open for business in North America, Europe and the rest of the world.

Our customer service number is fully operational with our most knowledgeable agents manning the phone lines.

Importantly, commission payments, IT processes and other day-to-day responsibilities will continue uninterrupted.

JMOA itself continues to be a strong, stable company and holds a position as the 10th largest direct sales company in the world.

Lastly, we are well on our way to establishing a new, experienced Corporate Team to support you.

Rest assured that we fully support our Distributors and look forward to your continued partnership.

Wait wait wait, hold up.

You abruptly lose four of your US-based executives (who from what I can tell were pretty much running the company), you have to relocate your US headquarters giving off the impression you were totally caught by surprise, the JM Ocean Avenue affiliate-base is being openly raided using JM Ocean Avenue’s own systems… and you think JM Ocean Avenue is a “strong stable company”…


And going forward what, are JM Ocean Avenue affiliates going to also be in HopRocket despite HopRocket having nothing to do with JM Ocean Avenue?

Cross-recruiting minefield anyone?

Call me cynical, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t how you go about running a successful MLM business opportunity. Ditto HopRocket management, what on Earth are you guys doing???

If anyone’s in the know and wants to have a crack at explaining all of this to me, feel free to do so in the comments below.

Otherwise, what a bloody mess this is turning out to be!