As part of their lawsuit against Arieyl and founders Kristen and Travis Butler, My Daily Choice filed a notice of related cases on March 1st.

Cases detailed in the notice pertain to individual lawsuits filed against Arieyl “launch team” distributors.

In total there are five lawsuits filed. Named defendants are Marissa Donnell (aka Marissa Eldridge), Skylar Lambert, Danielle and Chad Lituski and Erin Jackson.

Unnamed John and Jane does are also defendants in all four suits.

My Daily Choice cites Donnell, Lambert, the Lituskis and Jackson as former “high-ranking MDC affiliate(s)”.

According to MDC, each defendant was part of Arieyl’s “launch team”.

The individual lawsuits accuse the defendants of cross-recruitment and disparagement, in violation of their signed MDC distributor contracts.

Marissa Donnell / Eldridge (sued 9th Dec, 2020)

Eldridge received significant compensation as an MDC affiliate. Nevertheless, in or about September 2020 (during a renewal term of the Contract), Eldridge commenced an unlawful and highly damaging campaign to raid MDC’s business and affiliate network.

Eldridge did so for her own financial benefit in joining and launching Arieyl, a competing direct sales company that markets and sells competing health and wellness products.

On information and belief, Eldridge is a member of Arieyl’s 25-member “launch team.”

On information and belief, in or about September 2020, while she was still an MDC affiliate, Eldridge began soliciting and coordinating with other MDC affiliates to join Arieyl and its competing network marketing program, as well as her personal Arieyl launch team.

As part of these efforts, MDC is informed and believes that Eldridge began disparaging MDC and its personnel, which included false and defamatory claims.

In early November, Eldridge posted a video on TikTok stating, “I have found a brand-new startup company that I’m going to be a founding member for.

I am so extremely excited. I can’t wait to share it with you. Thank you guys so much for your support through all of this.

What better time to do something like this than right now?… I can’t wait to share this next chapter with you.”

Similarly, on December 8, 2020, Eldridge promoted Arieyl on Facebook stating, “We soft launched a couple weeks ago and the products are absolute FIRE. The compensation plan is incredible. The culture is drawing everyone in.

I could not feel more secure in my decision to join. Want to know more? Shoot me a pm…”

Since November 2020, in direct violation of the Policies & Procedures, Eldridge has used the Social Media Pages to promote Arieyl, its competing program, and its products to MDC’s affiliates, including affiliates she did not personally enroll at MDC.

MDC is suing Donnell/Eldridge for breach of contract and tortious interference with contract.

MDC is also seeking to strip Donnell/Eldrige of ‘all profits and gains derived as a result of the unlawful acts’.

Skylar Lambert (sued 9th Dec, 2020)

Lambert received significant compensation as an MDC affiliate. Nevertheless, in or about September 2020 (during a renewal term of the Contract), Lambert commenced an unlawful and highly damaging campaign to raid MDC’s business and affiliate network.

Lambert did so for her own financial benefit in joining and launching Arieyl, a competing direct sales company that markets and sells competing health and wellness products.

On information and belief, Lambert is a member of Arieyl’s 25-member “launch team.”

On information and belief, in or about September 2020, while she was still an MDC affiliate, Lambert began soliciting and coordinating with other MDC affiliates to join Arieyl and its competing network marketing program, as well as her personal Arieyl launch team.

As part of these efforts, MDC is informed and believes that Lambert began disparaging MDC and its personnel, which included false and defamatory claims.

On information and belief, on or about September 30, 2020, Lambert traveled from Greenwood, Indiana to Orlando, Florida to meet with a group of other MDC affiliates, including the founders of Arieyl and other members of Arieyl’s launch team (the “Orlando Meeting”).

On information and belief, the group met for several days in early October 2020 regarding their plans to launch Arieyl and coordinate an exodus of affiliates from MDC to Arieyl.

As of October 2020, MDC suspended a number of affiliate accounts for potential violations of the Polices & Procedures and it had commenced an investigation relating to those activities. MDC contacted Lambert during the course of its review.

On October 14, 2020, during a telephone conference with MDC’s Director of Compliance, Lambert affirmatively represented that she was not aware of any plans by the affiliates that organized the Orlando Meeting to launch any competing company or any efforts to sell a competing network marketing program to MDC’s affiliates or customers, and that she was not involved with any such company.

On information and belief, Lambert’s representations were knowingly false when made.

On November 6, 2020, MDC suspended Lambert’s affiliate account after she began publicly promoting Arieyl.

On November 8, 2020, Lambert disingenuously posted, “Before I make my announcement tonight, I want to kindly and officially ask you, if you’re with My Daily Choice and Hempworx please ‘unfollow’ me.

No hard feelings at all if you do! Just trying to do things the right way. On to new beginnings!”

On information and belief, this post was intended to cause and did cause MDC affiliates to inquire with Lambert about her future plans, and to draw greater interest and attention to her competing company.

Rather than complying with her ethical and legal obligations, this reflects her continued effort to draw attention to Arieyl and cross-recruit MDC’s affiliates in violation of the Policies & Procedures.

MDC is suing Lambert for breach of contract, tortious interference of contract and fraud.

MDC is also seeking to strip Lambert of ‘all profits and gains derived as a result of the unlawful acts’.

Danielle and Chad Lituski (sued 10th Dec, 2020)

The Lituskis received significant compensation as MDC affiliates. Nevertheless, in or about September 2020 (during a renewal term of the Contract), the Lituskis commenced an unlawful and highly damaging campaign to raid MDC’s business and affiliate network.

The Lituskis did so for their own financial benefit in joining and launching Arieyl, a competing direct sales company that markets and sells competing health and wellness products.

On information and belief, the Lituskis are members of Arieyl’s 25-member “launch team.”

On information and belief, in or about September 2020, while they were still affiliates with MDC, the Lituskis began soliciting and coordinating with other MDC affiliates to join Arieyl and its competing network marketing program, as well as their personal Arieyl launch team.

As part of these efforts, MDC is informed and believes that the Lituskis began disparaging MDC and its personnel, which included false and defamatory claims.

In November 2020, the Latuskis began using the Social Media Pages to indicate they would be making a major announcement.

In doing so, the Lituskis knew they used the same pages to regularly promote MDC and HempWorx to increase their social media following, and they knew their posts would be viewed by affiliates that they did not personally enroll at MDC.

For instance, on November 8, 2020, Danielle Lituski posted, “Are you ready for the opportunity of a lifetime!?! WHO’S READY TO BE A PART OF OUR LAUNCH TEAM IN OUR NEXT ENDEAVOR?”


Mr. Lituski similarly posted, “No EYE has SEEN, No EAR has HEARD, No Mind has Conceived what GOD has PREPARED for those who LOVE HIM… BIG MOVES STAY TUNED.”

On information and belief, these posts were intended to cause and did cause MDC affiliates to inquire with the Lituskis about their future plans, and to draw greater interest and attention to their competing company.

Rather than complying with her ethical and legal obligations, this reflects their continued effort to draw attention to Arieyl and cross-recruit MDC’s affiliates in violation of the Policies & Procedures.

On information and belief, after the Lituskis had already made plans to join and launch their competing company, Danielle Lituski purchased the affiliate account of another MDC affiliate.

On information and belief, Ms. Lituski only did so in order to obtain confidential information relating to the affiliate’s downline, to allow the Lituskis to further raid and crossrecruit MDC’s affiliates.

MDC is suing the Lituskis for breach of contract and tortious interference of contract.

MDC is also seeking to strip the Lutuskis of ‘all profits and gains derived as a result of the unlawful acts’.

Erin Jackson (sued Dec 10th, 2020)

Jackson received significant compensation as an MDC affiliate.

Nevertheless, in or about September 2020 (during a renewal term of the Contract), Jackson commenced an unlawful and highly damaging campaign to raid MDC’s business and affiliate network.

Jackson did so for her own financial benefit in joining and launching Arieyl, a competing direct sales company that markets and sells competing health and wellness products.

On information and belief, Jackson is a member of Arieyl’s 25-member “launch team.”

On information and belief, in or about September 2020, while she was still an MDC affiliate, Jackson began soliciting and coordinating with other MDC affiliates to join Arieyl and its competing network marketing program, as well as her personal Arieyl launch team.

As part of these efforts, MDC is informed and believes that Jackson began disparaging MDC and its personnel, which included false and defamatory claims.

On information and belief, on or about October 2, 2020, Jackson traveled from Lincoln, Delaware to Orlando, Florida to meet with a group of other MDC affiliates, including the founders of Arieyl and other members of Arieyl’s launch team.

On information and belief, the group met for several days in early October 2020 regarding their plans to launch Arieyl and coordinate an exodus of affiliates from MDC to Arieyl.

Shortly thereafter, Jackson and her husband moved to Florida to assist with the launch and carry out these plans.

Jackson began using the Social Media Page to indicate she would be making a major announcement.

In doing so, Jackson knew that she used the same page to regularly promote MDC and HempWorx to increase her social medial following, and she knew that her posts would be viewed by affiliates that she did not personally enroll at MDC.

For instance, on November 6, 2020, Jackson and her husband posted, “Our lips have been sealed, so stand by… things are about to get REALLY good. #TheBestIsYetToCome”.

On information and belief, this post was intended to cause and did cause MDC affiliates to inquire with Jackson about her future plans, and to draw greater interest and attention to her competing company.

Rather than complying with her ethical and legal obligations, this reflects her continued effort to draw attention to Arieyl and cross-recruit MDC’s affiliates in violation of the Policies & Procedures.

On information and belief, the Jacksons waited to post these comments until after they received a large payout from MDC on November 5, 2020

MDC is suing the Jackson for breach of contract and tortious interference of contract.

MDC is also seeking to strip the Lutuskis of ‘all profits and gains derived as a result of the unlawful acts’.

Looking forward…

In each of the four Arieyl distributor cases, motions to dismiss have been filed.

Rulings on the motions remain pending.

I’ve added the four cases to our case docket calendar. Stay tuned for updates as the lawsuits play out.


Update 19th May 2022 – My Daily Choice and the Arieyl defendants have reached a settlement.

The settlement brings My Daily Choice’s lawsuit to an end. Specific details of the agreement reached between the parties were not disclosed.