Without action by law enforcement, Mirror Trading International liquidation proceedings have recovered only a fraction of what was stolen.

Now it’s been revealed a quarter of that, around $9.8 million, will go to liquidators.

Liquidation is the South African equivalent of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If a $1.7 billion Ponzi scheme going into bankruptcy sounds ridiculous to you, you’re not alone.

Unfortunately the MTI liquidation facade came about and continues to play out due to inaction by South African authorities.

The FSCA did certify Mirror Trading International was an illegal Ponzi scheme, but since then there’s been no regulatory updates.

Suspected owners and primary MTI beneficiaries Clynton Marks and Cheri Ward (right), remain at large.

Recently separated, both Marks and Ward live openly in South Africa on ill-gotten gains.

After declaring she “just couldn’t bring” bring herself to run another MLM Ponzi, Ward used her stolen money to start up Academix.

Through Academix, Ward sells exam preparation courses to students.

Clynton Marks and the rest of the Marks crime family have gone underground since Mirror Trading International collapsed in 2020.

Of the $1.7 billion MTI took in and sans liquidators paying themselves, just $33 million has been recovered.

MTI liquidators claim “they are waiting for a declaratory court order on how they must handle claims.”