Tedy Teow Wooi Huat (aka Zhang Yufa) pops up in the news every few years.

The charges get bigger and how much Teow is reported to have stolen increases.

Following approval of Teow’s extradition in January 2023, he was finally extradited from Thailand on August 20th.

Teow (right), a Malaysian national, was behind MBI International. BehindMLM reviewed MBI International in 2016, correctly it as an MLM Ponzi scheme.

Malaysian authorities arrested Teow in 2017, shortly after which he was able to flee the country.

Teow was arrested for a second time in Thailand in 2022. Chinese authorities were quick to put in an extradition request, citing $83 million laundered through Macau.

Chinese authorities issued an international arrest warrant for Teow in November 2020.

Malaysian authorities, who accuse Teow of defrauding ~350,000 investors out of $165 million, didn’t put in an extradition request until five months had passed.

Since January 2023, Teow’s criminal case in China has meanwhile ballooned out to 100 billion yuan (~$14 billion USD), stolen from over ten million investors.

As far as MLM related crime goes, the figures are staggering.

Not sure what the penalty is for stealing $14 billion in China but I suspect we’re not going to be hearing from Teow in a while.

Pending any further updates, we’ll keep you posted.