Criminal charges were filed against HyperFund Ponzi promoter Brenda Indah Chunga on January 9th, 2024.

The previous month, Chunga, aka Bitcoin Beautee, signed a plea deal with the DOJ on December 17th.

Chunga has been charged with conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud. This is acknowledged and accepted as fact in Chunga’s plea agreement.

The Defendant agreed to plead guilty to a One Count Information, which will charge the Defendant with conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud.

The Defendant admits that the Defendant is, in fact, guilty of the offense and will so advise the court.

The count carries a maximum five year prison sentence. Reductions in sentencing will be calculated based on Chunga’s “prompt recognition and affirmative acceptance of personal responsibility” for her conduct.

Chunga (right) appears to have a criminal history, which could also increase her sentence.

There is no agreement as to the Defendant’s criminal history and the Defendant understands that the Defendant’s criminal history could alter the Defendant’s offense level.

Specifically, Defendant understands that the Defendant’s criminal history could alter the final offense level if the Defendant is determined to be a career offender or if the instant offense was a part of a pattern of criminal conduct from which the Defendant derived a substantial portion of the Defendant’s income.

Restitution, forfeiture and a monetary fine are also part of the agreement – amounts yet to be determined by the court. That said, Chunga has consented to paying a minimum $3 million monetary judgment.

As one of HyperFund’s most prominent US promoters, the DOJ have calculated Chunga stole over $3.5 million through the Ponzi scheme.

Of note is a “sealed plea supplement” on Chunga’ criminal case docket, also filed on January 29th. It is unclear what is in this filing.

Later the same day still, Chinga was released from custody on personal recognizance. Chunga is permitted to travel within the US, but had to surrender her passport as part of her release conditions.

Pending sentencing filings across March and April, Chunga’s sentencing hearing has been scheduled for May 1st, 2024.


Update 24th July 2024 – Just making a note on Chunga’s sentencing, in that it didn’t go ahead on May 1st as scheduled.

On April 16th a filing was made under seal and beyond that there’s nothing on Chunga’s case docket to indicate what the hold up is.

I’ll continue to periodically monitor Chunga’s case docket for updates.