GSPartners @ BehindMLM

GSPartners disables its website

GSPartners has disabled its website. Attempts to visit GSPartners’ previously accessible website at “” now returns a “domain parked” message:

Texas confirms GSB Gold Standard Corporation still illegal

The Texas State Securities Board has confirmed GSB Gold Standard Corporation is still banned across the state. On March 13th TSSB Enforcement Director Joe Rotunda posted the following to Twitter;

EFF files amicus brief in support of BehindMLM against GSB

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has filed an amicus brief in support of BehindMLM. The brief is part of ongoing litigation initiated by GSB Gold Standard Corporation.

GSPartners & NovaTech FX “crypto scam” warning from MA

GSPartners and NovaTech FX have been classified as “cryptocurrency scams” by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. As per a press-release issued earlier this week, GSPartners and NovaTechFX are among a list of scams the MA AG’s Office warns of having ties to criminal activity.

Irle Moser try to suppress ties to GSPartners & Josip Heit

German law firm Irle Moser is attempting to suppress its ties to GSPartners and Josip Heit.

Billionico Review: Secret GSPartners backdoor?

Billionico operates in the subscriptions MLM niche. The company is purportedly headed up by Daniel Von Lison. Lison stylizes himself as a “baron” and also goes by Daniel Markus von Lison. As per his FaceBook profile above, Lison represents he is from Germany. Lison has no known prior MLM experience. He’s a relatively obscure person [Continue reading…]

GSB Global securities fraud cease & desist from Texas

GSB Global has received a securities fraud cease and desist from Texas. Respondents named in the Texas State Securities Board’s February 29th order are GSB Global, Carson Williams, Sheila Thompson, Patrick Snider and Keneth Henderson.

GSPro terminates Canadian GSPartners investor accounts

GSPro has blocked Canadian investors from accessing its fraudulent “metacertificates” investment scheme.

GSPartners fraud warning issued by New Zealand

GSPartners has received a fraud warning from New Zealand. As per the Financial Markets Authority’s February 7th warning, the regulator

Georgia fines GSPartners, Josip Heit & Michael Dalcoe $500K

GSPartners (aka GSPro), owner Josip Heit and promoter Michael Lynn “El” Dalcoe have been fined $500,000. The fine was handed down as part of an emergency cease and desist, issued by Georgia’s Commissioner of Securities on January 22nd, 2024.