Daisy launches “Blockchain Sports” NFT grift Ponzi
Having exhausted its fictional trading Ponzi across at least three collapsed reboots, Daisy’s new Ponzi ruse is “Blockchain Sports” NFTs.
Despite the name, Daisy’s Blockchain Sports investment opportunity has nothing to do with sports.
NFT investment positions are tied to football players, with the individual value of the NFT arbitrarily tied to tracked player performance throughout a season.
Who the players Daisy will attach to its NFT positions is unclear.
Of course nobody in Daisy cares about any of that. They’re only there to invest new money and hope to claw back previous losses from new suckers.
Daisy’s new Blockchain Sports NFT grift Ponzi was revealed at their recent “Limitless” Dubai marketing event. The new scheme is set up at “iamlimitlness.io”, privately registered a few weeks ago on February 4th, 2024.
The “Blockchain Sports” part of the grift is set up on “bcsports.io”, first registered in May 2023. The private blockchain sports domain registration was last updated on October 30th, 2023.
As seen via the WayBack Machine, the original Blockchain Sports incarnation was a shitcoin scam built around SPORTS and FTBLL tokens.
That of course all flopped and went nowhere…
…so now we have Blockchain Sports rebooted as Daisy’s latest Ponzi ruse.
One name to note here is blockchain sports’ CEO Dmitriy Saksonov.
As per his LinkedIn profile, Saksonov is based out of Brazil. He’s a small-time crypto bro with a few crypto mining grifts to his name.
Daisy’s Blockchain Sports reboot is built around ATLA, a new shitcoin to replace the failed SPORTS and FTBLL token scams.
Daisy’s Blockchain Sports NFT grift Ponzi sees investors invest in “founders positions”. These start at 100 USDT, but this only provides access to recruitment commissions.
Access to Daisy’s Blockchain Sports Ponzi costs a lot more:
- Pack 1 costs 500 USDT and provides one “node” investment position, NFT royalties and access to a 2% Rewards Plan
- Pack 2 costs 2000 USDT and provides four “node” investment positions, NFT royalties and access to a 3% Rewards Plan
- Pack 3 costs 8000 USDT and provides sixteen “node” investment positions, NFT royalties and access to the MLM comp plan (recruitment commissions)
- Pack 4 costs 25,000 USDT and provides fifty “node” investment positions and NFT royalties (also presumably includes MLM recruitment commissions)
- Pack 5 costs 50,000 USDT and provides one hundred “node” investment positions and NFT royalties (also presumably includes MLM recruitment commissions)
- Pack 6 costs 100,000 USDT and provides access to two hundred “node” investment positions and NFT royalties (also presumably includes MLM recruitment commissions)
Node investment position returns are paid in ATLA, which can also be staked to generate higher returns (this of course also puts off withdrawals).
The MLM side of Daisy’s Blockchain Sports Ponzi is simple: It’s a ten-level deep unilevel team funded by new investment.
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 4%, available to all Daisy affiliates
- level 2 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 1000 USDT
- level 3 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 5000 USDT
- level 4 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 25,000 USDT
- level 5 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 100,000 USDT
- level 6 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 250,000 USDT
- level 7 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 500,000 USDT
- level 8 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 1,000,000 USDT
- level 9 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 2,000,000 USDT
- level 10 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 5,000,000 USDT
Also note that levels 2 to 10 are restricted behind undisclosed downline investment quotas.
While EndoTech’s trading ruse has been dropped, trading is still part of Daisy’s latest Ponzi scheme.
Blockchain Sports is, out of the blue, trading 25% of company-wide investment. When 400% in total is generated, affiliate’s who’ve generated 1000 USDT in personally recruited downline investment receive a 100% ROI on their initial investment.
This is probably just a matrix cycler just shuffling around new investment to pay earlier investors.
There some bonus pools I haven’t covered here because Daisy hasn’t released official documentation to the public yet.
In any event the rest of Daisy’s Blockchain Sports compensation plan is more of the same, shuffle new investment around to pay off top recruiters and/or earlier investors.
On the corporate level, Daisy is still headed up by US national Jeremy Roma.
Although he’s a US national, Roma spends most of his time hiding out in Dubai.
Neither Daisy, Jeremy Roma, Dmitriy Saksonov or anyone else associated are registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction.
Thus far the only regulator to take action has been the British Columbia Securities Commission (see Nov 2023 securities fraud warning).
Not expecting any further significant updates (barring Daisy’s fourth collapse), but we’ll keep you posted.
Update 25th July 2024 – A reader wrote in to inquire about VoltVIP, operating from the domain “voltvip.io” (privately registered 1st March, 2024).
We share up to 50% of revenues generated from partnerships with Limitless and Blockchain Sports Ecosystem.
VoltVIP is selling a $600 Executive Pack and $1200 Presidential Pack;
Executive Pack ($600) – Includes 20% of the Blockchain Sports share shared with VOLT VIP and 10% of all net worth.
Presidential Pack ($1200) – Includes 50% of the Blockchain Sports share shared with VOLT VIP and 30% of all net worth.
Sounds like a Daisy/Limitless promoter is trying to scam people by getting them to send them money in exchange for a reduced cut than if they just signed up with Limitless/Daisy directly.
And of course money sent to VoltVIP is being laundered through Dubai’s Mashreq Bank:
Not really worth a separate VoltVIP write up but making a note in case anyone else comes across it.
Update 8th September 2024 – Blockchain Sports’ latest grift is “Drift Packs”:
Gullible saps invest up to 115,000 USDT on the promise of a passive ROI, paid through shares in a “Drift Pool”.
Drift Packs and the Drift Pool are purportedly attached to some AI racing baloney:
Presumably this means Blockchain Sports’ original football + ATLA token Ponzi ruse has collapsed.
As with the original ruse, Blockchain Sports fails to provide evidence it has registered its new securities offering with financial regulators.
In addition to verifiable securities fraud, this leaves consumers unable to verify any marketing claims attached to Blockchain Sports’ new AI racing ruse.
As of August 2024, SimilarWeb tracked just ~12,700 monthly visits to Blockchain Sports’ website.
The majority of Blockchain Sports website traffic, believed to be desperate Daisy Ponzi victims, is from the US (44%) and Belarus (26%).
Update 1st December 2024 – After Daisy Global’s late 2023 collapse, Blockchain Sports appears to have turned into a grift to repay Chinese debt tied to the Belarusian government.
Update 25th March 2025 – Blockchain Sports is trying to resurrect its collapsed ATLA token investment scheme.
Daisy and Limitless investors are being directed to the domain “bcspad.io”, on which Blockchain Sports is soliciting ATLA investment to the tune of $100,000.
As above, ATLA tokens are locked for up to 60 months depending on how hard investors want to get shafted.
Running Blockchain Sports losses from node position investment and NFT royalties is unknown.
I’m sure there is a very strong business case for pivoting from a best-in-class AI-powered FOREX trading algorithm to NFTs/fantasy football. Good grief…
It’s not even fantasy football. The NFTs are being assigned bullshit value because there’s an NFT marketplace.
Something something Daisy affiliates are apparently going to want to trade NFTs among themselves because… reasons I guess.
What a stinking pile of Ponzi shit. Hopefully some of the promoters might back off promoting Daisy.
This is so obviously a scam anyone who promotes this deserves to have their names called out loud and clear.
If its so REAL and SUCCESSFUL changing the amazing ‘DAISY’ brand is throwing your goodwill away. Or could it be that they want to divert from all the negative attention that might be lurking with the authorities.
If the FOREX AI is so great why stop a successful product.
New money urgently needed, so lets hold and amazing event and motivate everyone. NFTS… I mean forex trading gone, crypto trading gone, liquid mining gone… NOW Worthless NFTs.
Bunch of Numpties.
I checked the 6 faces on the page. Besides the CEO, who is related only to this crypto scam, I found information about the CFO.
She appears in a 2022 Facebook post on the site of a German medical company, where she expresses her gratitude as a Key Account/Project Manager.
It may be plausible (although highly unlikely) that she changed her profile to IT and blockchain, but the picture next to that post is the same as on the website with minor modifications.
Also, taking a close look at those ‘photos’, even a blind person can see that there is something wrong with them. Maybe because those are AI-generated?
In this day and age if an MLM company presents an executive (with or without a photo), who doesn’t have a verifiable digital presence (a single data point, like a faked FaceBook profile or LinkedIn profile doesn’t count), I default to them not existing.
Appearing in video is an example of verifiable evidence but with what AI fucksticks are up to (Sora etc.), that window will probably close over the next few years.
Strange that CEO only created his linkedin profile in July 2023.
Linkedin profile: ibb.co/fGxvFYG
Promo video screen grab: ibb.co/bHB6FQ1
CEO also links to “LiquidMinig.io” from his Linkedin page.
Screengrab: ibb.co/ng3t787
Liquidmining is an MLM as they explain on their video youtube.com/watch?v=HfwzgqgcbhQ
screengrab from that presentation: ibb.co/c1YFDFn
Liquid Mining is another side scam of Daisy, so no surprise.
Apparently you can withdraw the capital you put in to Daisy either this week or next week.
This was meant to happen on the 21st of February but that date passed with nothing being said.
It was also meant to happen at least 3 times last year.
I’m wondering if they will give an excuse or will just say nothing as the new dates pass.
They cannot let people withdraw their capital because that money was stolen as soon as they paid it into the scheme.
Wily Wes Garner and Lisa Lisp Holt promoting this big time along with Rob You Gary lol.
Biggest promoter I see though is some guy called Andre Crump. Anyone know anything about this guy?
EXACTLY THIS. was the inventive ai trading bot , used by top banks and exchanges and trading with billions of dollars , not enough ?
I wonder if one honourable Dr of Finance has managed to withdraw and how many church members have been sucked into this. Teambuilders from SA.
He said that he was personally buying a few of the top tier packages around $3000 which is not pocket change especially if from SA.
You can no longer withdraw your funds from Daisy AI.
As the crowdfunding stage is now over they need to submit all the documentation and financial data to the relevant authorities!
Until the new licenses are received it would be illegal to allow new funds to be added or funds withdrawn!
Getting the licensed could take between 1 and 6 months!
If you need income during this time check out the new Blockchain Sports project.
I wondered why Wes Garner and Lisa Holt had gone quiet, I guess they are going to have to placate all the victims they led into Daisy.
Will people still donate to Blockchain Sports? Given the average IQ level of those who donated to Daisy is 7, I’m guessing a fair few will.
Full message they sent:
And that’s the end of Daisy’s third reboot. Turn off new investment and the Ponzi doesn’t last long (BUT MUH TRADING!).
Shoutout to all the dopes who came on here arguing Daisy hadn’t collapsed and that they’d continue to be paid in perpetuity.
The “licenses” nonsense is complete bullshit. Daisy isn’t and has never been registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction. Neither has Daisy or EndoTech ever registered with the CFTC or equivalent in countries it solicits investment in.
Blockchain Sports collapse when?
Seeing on various social medias that Daisy has an option to “exit” the scam for those who want to pull out by submitting a request. However it will take up to a month before any funds are returned.
So basically you’re looking at a “month” to cash out or 6 months to start withdrawals again. In the meantime, of course, you can start putting money into Blockchain Sports lol. Obvious scam is obvious.
In a month it’ll be, “Oh noes, you have to invest in Blockchain Sports to get a refund something something…”
On March 3 they posted some “clarification on the current situation.” Here is what they say regarding withdrawals:
So to get out you just fill out a form and then wait “approximately a month” for the team to process the application.
Assuming they find no “issues” with the application, you then just need to confirm you really and truly want out at which point they’ll let you know when you can really get out. So really not that different from closing your E-Trade account.
LOL. No.
E-Trade is a licensed and regulated entity. If they took it in their head to simply not return your money you would have swift legal recourse against them.
Daisy on the other hand is completely unregulated and has always been an illegal money transfer scheme since the day it launched.
In short Daisy is a fraud run by criminals.
They will almost certainly never refund any significant amount of money.
So uh, Daisy slices 30% and steals owed commissions?
Yeah, totes like closing a non-Ponzi investor account with a company that operates legally instead of committing securities fraud
They are claiming a lot of well know people are now “WITH THEM”.
The latest, Romario de Souza Faria, Daisy is saying “Excited to have Romário, a true football legend, with us. Together, we aim for outstanding achievements. Ready for greatness!”
Is this a lie and scam and have these celebrities been contacted to let them know their names are being used?
People need to remember and realise that Jeremy Roma is behind this, and Jeremy Roma has a history of promoting illegal scams and deceptive opportunities. He is a career scammer!
Also Michael Faust, he too is a career scammer who is heavily promoting this Blockchain Sport scam!
Legitimacy via association isn’t a thing. Recruiting washed up sports stars into Ponzi schemes doesn’t legitimize financial fraud.
Michael Faust (Anagram – “Has Multiface”) is a low life serial scammer: youtube.com/watch?v=XsZfmEkgCIQ promoting this scam.
And his buddy, Graham Laurie AKA Cashmaster, who said he wasn’t going to promote it (ibb.co/S5VbYcP) then proceeded to email his list with his referral link (ibb.co/S5VbYcP). Two faced liar.
I think most people would understand this is how scammers work – don’t believe anything they say, they just want your money.
Dzmitry Saksonau:
Pure scam. DO NOT invest in Limitless. I warned you…
So you turds are really trying to get me to believe you guys are more credible than Yahoo Finance, bc they have a totally different opinion……. (Ozedit: snip, see below)
Yahoo Finance = paid spam.
Well done champ. Shit for brains crypto bros will believe anything.
The great thing about facts is it doesn’t matter what you believe. Your beliefs are entirely irrelevant when it comes to financial fraud and Ponzi math.
waiting to see when this scam will fail…
There is currently a full day Limitless Blockchain Sports event happening in Budapest.
wes Garner and Lisa Holt are in attendance and are livestreaming the event on Facebook.
Nobody is watching the livestreams, there has been a total of 4 comments over the past 6 hours and 1 share.
I spoke too soon, someone else is now watching it as well. in the time it took for me to write that sentence it’s back to just me.
The licensing for the former iterations of Daisy is ahead of schedule so you can withdraw your money at some point, which will definitely be never.
It can’t be long until Blockchain Sports collapses.
Graham Laurie and Michael Faust still promoting this Ponzi sh!t.
You probably said the same thing about Daisy and people are winning every single day. Keep lying to people so you can get those views and get paid. This person is a liar.
Daisy collapsed three times and has been rebooted as Limitless for the Blockchain Sports Ponzi.
But uh yeah, keep flying that delusional flag. Fourth time around I’m sure you’ll recoup your losses. wInNiNg!
Withdrawals for those who have chosen to close their accounts will be available in 10 days!
This is definitely and won’t get pushed back at all, unlike all the other times it’s been pushed back because the money is long gone.
I’m looking forward to the excuse as to why it can’t be paid.
From the Daisy telegraph channel:
“Please do not panic” = PANIC!
From Jeremy Roma, on the Telegram Daisy channel:
There must be something in the water in Dubai. Either that or Daisy AI’s investors are the largest group of adult morons on the planet.
Imagine losing your money to a Ponzi scheme and having the founder try to placate you with fairy tale themed fanfiction.
Given said theme I’m hesitant to read too much into “Regulators had visited, demanding a special license before withdrawals could be resumed.” Could be confirmation of a regulatory investigation, could just be made up.
@Alice, yet another call yesterday posted on Telegram, with Jeremy Roma and they have not fixed the “ongoing problem” giving people their money so they can exit.
There is NO EXIT. They are working on Plan B, which is string people along until the new money comes in For the sports scam and the new Stem Cell investment scam. They will provide updates every 2 weeks – STALLING!
Review updated to note Daisy/Limitless promoter trying to double-scam people through VoltVIP.
So Jeremy Roma is clearly a partner of Mr Dmitry Saksonov? VoltVIP, Limitless, Blockchain Sport… The last is being and being widely promoted in Belarus and Russia – including football events. Should be another round of a scam, but in RU segment.
The fairy tale mentioned above was not written by the Daisy founders. It was published on a private telegram channel owned by an affiliate partner.
I wonder what they will come up with to avoid paying in september? Who can guess?
they have relaunched, again, as Biolimitless, they’ve bought in some American Dr who faked a covid treatment.
just had a meeting in Las Vegas.
victims of Daisy have finally realised they aren’t ever going to see their money and so nobody is handing over any money for the latest scam so t his won’t last long.
VoltVip seems to be the brainchild of Wes Garner and his partner Lisa.
Article updated to note Blockchain Sports’ latest “Drift Packs” marketing ruse.
Any word on the September 1st payout now being pushed back to September 15th?
So Blockchain Sports is pretty much dead (less than 6000 monthly website visits as of Sep 2024, SimilarWeb), but the scam has paid off the city of Gomel in Belarus to film an ad.
The ad is purportedly supposed to get people excited about developing a an AI-driven car that can drift. The kicker is the ad features a car driven by a human.
What any of this has to do with Blockchain Sport’s “Drift Pool” crypto Ponzi is a mystery.
The city of Gomel accepting money from Blockchain Sports is a bit eyebrow-raising. Blockchain Sports is of course not registered to offer securities in Belarus, or anywhere in the world for that matter.
The well-known german actor Til Schweiger (Inglourious Basterds, Tomb Raider) has just hit the German headlines because he praised Belarus to the skies in a press conference, but later claimed that he had been misunderstood.
What is interesting in this context is that the reason for the press conference was a promotional video for “Blockchain Sports Drift”, in which he took part.
The press conference (in English):
Article in SPIEGL-Online (in German):
Dmitry got a lot of famous brazilian ex soccer players to support Blockchain Sports, even though they were probably just paid to show face and make it look like a legit thing, I would imagine they have no real idea what this is about.
I’m just trying to understand where in the scheme the training centers in Brazil fit, anyone?
Brazilian ex-football players seem quite keen to whore themselves out to the highest bidder. I remember this was a thing with OmegaPro and there have been others.
They clearly don’t give a crap if the price is right.
Sorry for long post. Recent B ravo S ierra from Daisy
Thanks for posting. I did have this sent in to me via email.
Thought about running an article but decided against it for a few reasons:
1. The referenced “false document” source material is not provided or cited.
2. The communication doesn’t have a name to it.
3. Daisy was a Ponzi scheme that collapsed over a year ago and we covered the collapse.
Jeremy Roma and friends stole everyone’s money and the sooner Daisy victims come to terms with this the better.
Those that want to continue to be gaslit will do so regardless. Roma is a US national and everybody else should have filed complaints with the SEC, CFTC and/or FBI (DOJ) by now.
Not much I can do with a bunch of unverifiable claims from who knows who, talking about who knows who doing who knows what (as you said, BS), so I decided against reporting on it.
I also snipped your comment as I don’t see any value in perpetuating misinformation that is so vague it can’t even be verified and/or challenged.
A reader sent this in as an update to Blockchain Sports. It’s not worth the watch, just more stalling – youtube.com/watch?v=vCtxhPSXqno
TL;DR: Bunch of guys with eastern-European accents hiding out in the middle-east and the CEO cashed out and disappeared.
Article updated with latest Blockchain Sports Ponzi ruse, direct investment into ATLA tokens.
Dmitriy Saksonov hasn’t paid rent for the football academy in Rio – Brazil since september of last year. Guess they recorded all the cool videos they needed to scam more people so there is no need for the place anymore.
People are starting to leave comments about it on his and blockchain sports instagram accounts.