Crypto 888 Club reboots for third time as Nano Club
Crypto 888 Club launched back in April, 2015 and promised investors monthly returns on deposits of up to €10,000 EUR.
Recruitment of new Crypto 888 Club affiliates dropped off in early 2016, prompting a reboot as Octa Partners.
Six months later Octa Partners is in shambles, with the scheme once again gearing up to reboot as Nano Club.
Like its predecessors, Nano Club solicits investment from new investors and uses it to pay off existing investors.
- Starter – invest €150 EUR
- Basic – invest €1050 EUR
- Pro+ – invest €5950 EUR
- Gold – invest €23,750 EUR
- Platinum – invest €50,050 EUR
- Diamond – invest €100,050 EUR
Nano Club are promising affiliates an “average” monthly ROI of 4% to 12%:
Residual commissions are paid out via a binary compensation structure, paying up to 80% of invested funds matched on either side of the binary team:
- Starter affiliates earn 20% or 40% (if they recruit six affiliates)
- Basic affiliates earn 40% or 60% (if they recruit six affiliates)
- Pro+ and higher affiliates earn 80%
Nano Club affiliates are also given NanoCoins with their investment:
- Starter affiliates receive €90 EUR worth of NNC
- Basic affiliates receive €950 EUR worth of NNC
- Pro+ affiliates receive €5600 EUR worth of NNC
- Gold affiliates receive €23,750 EUR worth of NNC
- Platinum affiliates receive €47500 EUR worth of NNC
- Diamond affiliates receive €95,000 EUR worth of NNC
The residual commissions paid out are tied to affiliate investment, shuffling around invested funds to pay off Nano Club affiliates with the biggest downlines.
The only verifiable source of revenue entering the company is affiliate investment, which is used to fund Nano Club affiliate’s monthly ROIs.
The use of newly invested funds to pay off existing investors makes Nano Club a Ponzi scheme.
As for NanoCoins, they’re worthless and always will be. Like OctaCoin before it (the cryptocurrency attached to Crypto 888 Club and Octa Partners), NanoCoins have no practical purpose.
Despite launching over a year ago, today OctaCoin’s value is 0.0000025 BTC (virtually worthless).
NanoCoin will go down the same path, despite the same hype promises trotted out again by Crypto 888 Club and Octa Partners affiliates.
No legitimate third-party merchant will touch a cryptocurrency attached to a Ponzi scheme, meaning the cryptocurrency is dead in the water.
As a bonus, new Nano Club affiliates will also be paying the Ponzi ROI liabilities Crypto 888 Club and Octa Partners racked up.
Word on the grapevine is Octa Partners backoffice funds are frozen for 6 months. New Nano Club investor funds are locked down for a year.
In six months whatever new funds have been deposited will be paid to old Crypto 888 Club and Octa Partners affiliates.
You as a new Nano Club affiliate get shafted after twelve months, because everything you invested has already been used to pay off existing affiliates.
Looking at the timeline of launches, Octa Partners lasted about half the time Crypto 888 Club did.
Reboot schemes typically collapse much faster than their predecessors, so expect Nano Club to fold within a few months.
Update 4th July 2024 – Spanish authorities have arrested an unnamed suspect Belgian authorities claim is the ringleader behind Crypto 888 Club and Nano Club.
Update 17th February 2025 – Norwegian authorities have laid criminal charges against Terje Hvidsten, aka Aleksander Romanov, and three other Crypto 888 Club scammers.
Pure shit that company, how many scams are they going to do?
Wake up people, they just sell air. Don’t understand why authority do nothing.
This basterd, has stolen money from so many people during the last 10 years that it`s fantastic that he is still alive and walking around on his own feets.
Now he has terminated the crypto888 and started a new one, together with the scam guys Bjørn Thomas and Joseph Tran….. now they use all money they just scame fom other to go full speed and continued this scam, they are in sweden now .. be aware and hopefull the swedish police get them behind bares.
That bastard tried to hide himself on fb by deleting all his photo’s and changed the private settings, changed his name with one letter to the spanish prononciation
link does not work, so the account is probably deleted.
It is not a ponzi.. Ive earned 30k euro.
Whether you stole money or not is irrelevant to Crypto 888 Club using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors.
That’s a Ponzi scheme and you are a Ponzi scammer.
I am someone who invested 10k, I didnt invite nobody, I was a passive member. After 12 months i needed my money. So i ask to withdraw and after 3 weeks, i received my money with the best intrest i have ever had.
Now i see those comments. It is not a scam.
Will you be first in line to say its not a ponzi when clawbacks begin?
or first to hide the money
What you did was steal money from people who invested after you. Obvious Ponzi is obvious.
I did not steal anything. I did just made an investment with good return. I do different types of investment. Some good, some better, some worse.
Its always easy to leave bad comments. I can only say that for me it was very good and i can’t find nothing on the internet of people who loose money with this company?
In a Ponzi scheme that equates to stealing from people who joined after you.
That’s because the people you’ve stolen from have had their accounts locked up with the reboot.
I have invested in this company in january this year, i did get paid then and i still get paid now. I have not invited anyone in this! So tell me were is the scam in this?
That money you’ve withdrawn, you’ve stolen it from people who joined after you (who will steal it from people who join after them etc.).
Someone is going to be left holding the bag. Just because it’s not you doesn’t make Crypto 888 Club any less of a Ponzi scheme.
You might get your profit payments, but your main investment is probably gone. (even though your wallet shows otherwise)
Tell me if I´m wrong but I understand your main investment is tied for 12 months, so quite likely they are paying the profits from your own money.
I would try to get your main investment back if not to late already.
I myself have invested 5950 got back my stake money plus good interest. Not ok go out with false information, but have black on vitt.
Du might confuse with any other company than the Nano.
Dear Ponzi scammers, whether you successfully stole money from victims or not doesn’t make Nano Club and Crypto 888 Club before it any less of a Ponzi scheme.
Yours Sincerely,
You nano “winners”, explain the third name change in a year?
Not many duped people have come forward yet, anyone?
Indeed, where are the victims? I didn’t find anyone on the whole web. Its easy to say its a scam, but you even don’t know why the name and program change is. Members do know that.
@Sam & Victor
The victims are the people you stole money from, whether they realize it yet or not.
Oh please. The owners need some excuse to string victims along with, hence the name-changes.
They come up with a new name to sell the same scam, in the hope that even more victims will be lured in for you to steal from.
I invested in the program about 4 months ago. The name then was octapartners. The investment I did was 5050€.
A friend of me told all this, because he really earned some money in only 2 months.
The change of the name from octaparnters to nano was because there were many chinese people in this and the company wanted to step out of this en there now only for members in Europe. In china there was a new law about cryptocurrencies en they couldnt get the money from the program, because it was suddenly not legit anymore.
We suffered from this, because we couldnt get the money out of our account (only profits). and that’s why they changed all of this.
the coin octapartners was 0.1€ per ocp coin. now with the nano program its 1.5€. They did this because there are now companies who accept the nnc coin (nanotec coin).
for so long I have 2000€ that I wired to my bank account. Maybe i’m going to stop with it in 2 months, because my package was locked for 6 months.
I also have my doubts about this all company, but for so long everbody I know in this bussines as my friends, really made money.
But as you say OZ, i have my doubts about it. But for now I’m really satisfied because I haven’t lost my money.
Maybe it can change, I dont know. But they give every month a presentation about all this and these guys, i’m certain of it. They really believe in this concept.
OZ you really need to try it for only 150€ maybe, I think that you have much experience with this.
They ran out of money and needed a new name to lure new suckers in with. Whatever crap they fed you is convenient lies.
As long as Nano Club uses newly invested funds to pay off existing investors, nothing will change.
But ive nothing lost from my investment package.. Ive still have the same amount with +600€ now more interest.
Whether you personally have lost your money or not yet has no bearing on Nano Club being a Ponzi scheme.
The use of newly invested funds to pay off existing investors creates an ever-growing liability, ensuring that upon collapse the majority of Nano Club investors will lose money.
So you “invested” 5050 and withdrew 2000 and think that you are making a profit?
You’ll be making a profit when you successfully withdraw another 3050+ (although, as OZ says that proves nothing as to whether it’s a scam or not, although I doubt you care).
No, no-one accepts NanuNanucoin. Why should they? It’s worthless.
The coin is not on the list of all crypto currencis?
I suppose there are too many pump and dump scam coins to list these days.
All those companies are scams, everything with a fucking coin.
How can you buy a currency? Or a “share” in the mining pool. And then with a MLM compensation plan, it’s a pyramide.
Coin is pump and dump scenario. Onecoin swisscoin nanocoin….
@Tfmp I will keep you posted if ive got everything back from my investment.
I’m also busy with trading coins for example digibyte (BCN). There were poeple who claimed that this coin also was a ponzisheme.
They were started around 2014, much bad info about this coin. Nowadays this coin is on coincap and poloniex for trading. So this coin really exist.
I did many research for the crypto888/octapartners/nano, many of them says its scam. But Ive never found a single person who says he lost all his money.
I dont really know what to think..
That’s because they tie up invested funds with points in each reboot.
What you need to start asking people is whether they’ve withdrawn more than they’ve invested.
That question will lead to plenty of awkward silences.
By the time you DO eventually hear of people losing their money, it will be too late to do anything about it, and you’ll have lost yours as well.
But, don’t listen to anybody else. Go ahead, sell the farm, rope in your family and friends and convince your parents to invest their savings
Tbh I’m not particularly interested in whether you break even or not, but thanks for the offer.
If you want to play around with shitcoins that’s entirely your choice, but don’t insult your own and my intelligence by pretending you’re doing anything substantially different from playing Ponzis.
Is ethereum (Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempt removed).
In This program they use your money to do great things and give you since 18 months a nice reward. Strange that there are no complaints on the web after 18 months.
You must be new to the company. They’ve had to rename three times now because they’ve run out of funds.
Go look up the public price of OctaCoin and get back to us.
@oz I am since 13 months a passive member, have already more then my starting capital back on my bank account and go further with my interests.
Ofcourse we had the octacoin but everybody received the same amount in $€£ in the new coin. So the coin changed for good reasons, nobody did loss a penny.
Running out of newly invested funds to pay off existing investors isn’t a “good reason”.
Also swapping out worthless coins for another worthless coin only creates the illusion of losing your money.
Your “interest” came from somewhere, even if your victims haven’t realized they’ve lost money yet.
kingcoin! You are not seeing the forest because of a tree,.,
Nanocoin is established on the expense of ALL THE CHINESE and othe asian investors. This is literally means that Stijn Vanstralean and Frank van Der Wege stole all the funds, and throw out all the chinese and other asian investors from the system.
They still able to login into the old octapartners backoffice but not into the new nano crap. They were not shut down the old system to have an execuse but there is no management, not payout , nothing on that side. Everybody lost everything.
In my prediction all the europians who still blinded by those 2 thiefs were see what they are really up to in 3 months.
You should know, they have already blood on there hands as one of the chinese investor comitted suicide a few days ago… good luck to support this criminals..
@gravedigger Like i said before, i am a crypto lover, i have assets in different coins and i don’t promote any coin, its my own choice, the same with octa/nano.
It seems you know more than me about these company. I only told my experience with this company. If there really are problems with Chinese investors, they better take action together.
I am always speechless to see how blind a human being can be… The do in (coin)mining industrie behind the scene… And give a return of 4%-12% per month…
After 6 months you can withdraw your basic investment from day 1… you have to invest al least 50% of your profit called ‘recapitalisation’, so you only get about 2% a month… or 22% a year…
with makes an roi of 6 months… the whole thing stops on a certain moment after a period of 24 months…
if you calculate well and you don’t keep on investing then you will have an average profit of 3-4% per year… which is almost the inflation… and for that a really cheap loan…. in 6 months they have already earned 100% of that amount…
When it becomes less profitable for the company to mine the whole thing stops…
something like contracts in etherium like genesis mining and so on… But in a bigger scale…
the whole meaning of a decentralized network is gone here… These are premined coins and in control of the company.
Amazing that all the people that have been cheated on this scheme is quiet…. get a grip and do comment on those things you know well.
Are you an investor in Nanotech? Well explain how you lost your money and when. Maybe I can help you out then. Nobody will probably comment.
Nanotrch is one of over 30 other companies under Octanium LTD and we are all unvestors in online games, Bettings and many other areas.
Our NNC coun is based on the mother company value which is high. But please tell me if you lost and how so we could explain further.
In a Ponzi scheme scammers like you steal from people who join after you.
When recruitment dies down the majority of Nano Club investors lose money.
After almost a decade of reporting on securities fraud within MLM, I know Ponzis well enough to spot one.
Hi Johan,
I am amazed to see how this scheme can go on and on. Already rebooted two times and keep locking people up in the scheme and keep the silence with promises and small payouts.
The only verifiable revenue it the new member investments, coming from recruitment. There are no safeguards or independent auditors that check if the companies are run according to law, that is that the assets invested and turned into crypto-money are really the property of the MLM-investors.
ISIN number of the company verifiably linked to the owners records? No public listing that verify the real value of the underlying assets
? There are no available CVs on the people in the steering boards. No major news checking the claims for gas investments or cooperation with Nasdaq stock listed companies. These real life investments will be liable for tax in one way or another.
For instance, it is the stock-owners of the stocks of the companies that will have the wealth when the scheme comes to an end. Or, they can legally invest the financial resources in an useless asset, pay good money with bt-coins for an investment that has zero value.
It is not forbidden to make poor business. If they tell you that you are registered as a stock owner – have you checked that it is real.
Have you signed papers? Likely, the “MLM-investors” will get nothing as they have invested with non-traceable funds, that is, cryptocurrency.
And, finally, the worst thing with Ponzi schemes – it destroys the local “leaders” reputation as they often draw in relatives, partners, colleagues, neighbors etc.
Most likely some of the local leaders will find themselves accused of fraud and pyramid-scam and at the same time the real global leaders have disappeared with the bitcoins, without a trace and not being able to take to court as “this was only an on-line game, inside a invitation only club”.
For instance, I guess that the CEO of the Cyprus registered company Octanium LTD is only a scapegoat for other people behind the scene.
My advisef for you as an investor – check through independant sources the officially listed directors for the different companies that are part of the group of companies under Octanium, check their CV by, for instance, LinkedIN.
Try to call them and talk to them, meet them. You will soon see that there are only a handfull of people behind everything and that your money are the main source of income to the group as a whole….
Overall, these new schemes that combine cryptocurrency with MLM and old school boiler room fraud are a nightmare for the “investors” and also for the authorities that eventually will have to investigate. The financial police can handle boiler-room scam pretty well, but the combination is to hard for them and the courts at the moment.
So, stay away and keep your money, house and good reputation.
Worst of it all, it is citizens with a good standing in society but no actual experience with international business that are hit the hardest.
Medical doctors, dentists, executives in municipalities and cities and, above all, school teachers and university professors (other than business school professors) n their 50s. They think they will have a good retirement plan, but end up almost bankrupt. It is horrendous.
I must add one thing to my post. I made an effort to look for the Octanium Ldt. On the Octanium website it is situated in Gibraltar with Gibraltar adress.
I did not find it there at first. But looking at the registration number and the ISIN it is obvious that the company is located in Cyprus.
Going to the Cyprus house of companies I can see that 1) the company has not paid its register fee for 2016 and has a penalty pending and 2) the only listed director is Bjorn Vidar Hauge.
For me this is the only information I need that trigger the red light. One single person.
Do you think anyone will do serious business, like a oil investment with this setup? What do you think happens if Mr Hauge is hospitalized, or even worse, decides to pay out the money somewhere and quietly disappear into the woods?
If I had a 100k investment or holding in this scheme I would ask a international business lawyer I know to check the status of the rest of the companies in the different registered countries. Some have a fee of 50 Euro or so to deliver documets.
I would check every piece of information I got from them as warning bells are ringing everywhere now.
I cant leave this now as it is. All you “pro” members that excel in recruitment should know that you are also potentially liable for prosecutions as ponzi-scheme scammers and actively aiding in the fraud-scheme.
They must prosecute you to get your money back potentially taking your family house in the process. You are as much liable as the guys coming up with the plan in the first place. Potentially separating people from their money with false business information.
It all depends on how much people loose and how much you gain. Most likely you will be prosecuted in your country while your recruiter in another country is prosecuted in his own country later on.
Of course you can make money also – if you join with 5k Euro and then draft your father and brother into the scheme and they, more wealthy than you, lock up 100k Euro each.
You had then gathered some 200 K Euro into the scheme and can expect some 20k Euro in bonus (half of which you must keep locked for another 10 month or so). But you get immediately a pay out of 10k (of your father and brothers money).
So, in the downline – you will most likely not get back more than 50% of the first investment. And the bonuses in “coin” will never materialize. It will remain as numbers on the screen.
Another thing – there is no annual report from Octanium Ltd in Cyprus, so I cannot se how they can put a value on the coin or the company. Have they sent a faked interim auditors report or something?
From the annual report the value of the company should be clear and the holdings in the subsidiaries should be visible and the also the auditor reports for those companies available.
First, call the auditor. Speak to him in person. And then call the office where the auditor is situated and check if he even exists…. this is very important that you do!! Do not trust any information you get from Octanium Ltd until you have proven it yourself.
Good luck now you guys, hope you get at least 50% of your money back and do not quit your job !
All the best / Javier
i put money about 6000 euro in the system, 1 time they payed me a commission, now i am asking my money back for more than 1 mouth.
no respons from nobody, and in the group i am not welcome anymore, because i aske d about my money.
Can you please describe what happened ? When did you enter, who recruited you and and how much did you get back in commission ? Did you reqruit someonee else ?
Story continues. The Octanium Ltd website is registerad in Bucharest, Romania. The address of the company is located at the management/company tender consultant Bybloserve Management Ltd in Larnaka.
Most likely there are no people working at the site for Octanium as is small a office hotel.
@retired EU fraud investigator: I am very interested in following the developments around this organisation, as I also recently got the opportunity to get the full presentation and was asked to participate.
Huge potential profits were promised on their energy shares and it is said that on 16th November 2016, they will buy back all energy shares at a fixed rate that is higher than the current rate… guaranteed profits you would say… to me, this all sounds too good to be true, so I pass…
Do you know of a European authority where I can report this organisation to be looked at and if necessary to be prosecuted if it is found to be acting fraudulently?
@johan RF.
Ofcourse you can not buy these pré shares anymore. Most of the members bought these shares @ 1,25 € and the company takes All the shares back 16 november for 8,04€. And many people bought these shares.
Stay at the sideline Johan, keep complaining while others make money. I know better.
In real money or Ponzi points?
In real money ofcourse.
Best of luck with that then.
Just remember “real money” in your backoffice isn’t real money.
Ofcourse they pay it out to your bank account. Like they did that the past 18 months for all members
No, there are no authorities at the EU level that deal with this. The mlm+ponzi+boiler room scheme is so new and built on cryptocurrency, that it is unclear how to legally deal with it.
In UK, they said the following about one-coin.
Johan, you should call the police in your hometown. Say you can be subject to a fraud. But you must show that you have been misled, who (individual or company + documents) and that you have been subject to financial damage.
That is – provide evidence. That the problem. And if you brought in freinds into the scheme – you can be liable to them – as a fraudster affiliate.
Most likely they cannot start an investigation as you and your friends have not lost any money, at least not yet. And as it was with one-coin in England – the authorities could not investigate.
For instance – in which county is the “other part” that you have an agreement with ? Is in inside EU ? Is it off-shore ? What does the contract say?
It you buy “coins” online – it can be judged like a online game. You pay real money to join a game on the web ? And then the “company” fails and cannot repay you. Be shure that whatever reason they tell you – it will reboot again.
Most likely, on november 16. The people that want to get out will be promised a pay out before Christmas and those that want to stay must come up with more cash. A lot more cash.
And that should be the end of that NANO scheme – the Octanium Ltd people will disappear with the money and close the website.
have you ever met this Bjorn Vidar Hauge? Good luck / J.
Thanks for your comments. I have not taken part in this program, but was asked to join, which I won’t do. Good luck & keep up the good work!
I find it very strange that the only ones in this forum that are complaining are not members or persons who know how this program work. They pay out since 18 months.
@ these people, you don’t have money in This program, thousands of others do and i dont see them complaining here.
Why do you lose your time to inform people with scary bullshit when there are no members complaining here. A ‘conspiracy here of i only believe in BTC people’???
I am member and i will inform you about the progress this company makes. Positive or negative, you will hear of me the 17/11.
1. You don’t need to be an investor to understand how a Ponzi scheme works.
2. The compensation plan of Nano Club is public, how it works is fully understood.
Because their money is tied up in the scam. The perpetual carrot is dangled infront of gullible suckers such as yourself in return for silence.
Because whether victims realize they are victims or not does not change Nano Club’s Ponzi scheme business model.
Bitcoin has nothing to do with Nano Club being a Ponzi scheme.
That’s what i mean. It is public and no one here tells it correct. There is a public blockchain, there is a public Exchange. There is a public nanowallet, … . But the only thing you can say is ponzi points, ponzi scheme.
Ok lets say you are right , there must be at least onr person who didnt get out his/her money. Its asked before but nobody is reacting.
Is it maybe possible they received there money. No one after 19 months.
I will be honest and keep you informed about the gas shares. *700% for everybody to cash out, we will see. See you the 17th.
Both my parents have invested alot of money into this currency and gas stocks (25 000 €) and the more I read about the people behind it, the more worried I get.
My father is also starting to smell something fishy, but my mother says its totally legit and that cryptocurrencys are the future. She thinks NNC will become the next big thing after bitcoin and doesn’t see the warning signs.
They became members in march, so there funds aren’t frozen anymore. But the problem is I dont know how to get rid of theese proplus packages, since I just started to learn about it.
Can you sell theese packages only to new members or is it acually worth real money?
They are operating in Sweden right now, and this Joseph Tran guy who seem to be one of the leaders here have been involved with alot of similar pyramid scams before.
Do you think that they are totally screwed or is there a chance to get the money back?
Best regards a worried son.
The Nano Club owners, like they did in Crypto 888 and Octa Partners sell premined coins through Ponzi points.
As you discovered in Crypto 888 ad Octa Partners, the public cryptocurrency side of the business is completely worthless.
Oh there’s plenty. Hell, you’re one of them.
The owners keep stringing you along with carrots in exchange for your silence. The latest carrot is you’re all going to be rich on November 17th.
The only people who “received their money” are the admins and recruiters. You plebs at the bottom have been scammed three times over now.
@Johnny G
Sorry to hear about your parent’s loss.
Outside of Nano Club they are worthless. You could probably make some money selling them to new recruits, but only if introducing new victims to the scheme doesn’t weigh in on your conscience.
Crypto 888 and Octa Partners both generated a large number of victims, who have now been ported over to Nano Club. Realistically it doesn’t look good.
@ johnny G. When your parents are not happy with the rewards of 8% and the shares, they have to cash out. Just Exchange the coins for cash in the backoffice or Exchange for bitcoin On the Exchange . As simple as that.
@ oz I made as passive member more than good profits cashed out on my bank account, so i am not scammed, and i am not the only one. About the 16th november, i’l keep you informed.
You and your buddies sound like early investors then. Your bank account is where Johhny G’s parent’s money went.
If you can cash out, people that you recruited and the people that they recruited in turn paid for your exit.
You were early and can get out with a profit as long as your down-line is worth much more that you paid in initially. That is – your friends, family, neighbors etc.
If this is a scam you are in social trouble more or less. And, if you made a lot of money on this – you can become the scape-goat of the pyramid.
You as a profiteer that can be tied to the crime from witnesses (as there is very little documentation) as you sold them something that had no worth.
The guys off-shore will not be as easy to get to trial as there will be lack of evidence and your down-line only met You !
Actually it is a form of organised crime – but the legislation have not been able to handle this yet.
@ retired eu fraud investigator. As i told before, i recruited nobody, nothing, nada. I didnt earn a penny as an active member.
I only made passive profits and i dont think i am the only one. I also bought 8000 gasshares.
OK, thats interesting. You were early then? So you entered with 5000 Euro, got some 100 000 Euro back out on your bank account and also 8000 gas-shares still in the “webb”.
Or did you buy the gas-shares with your cash? What did you get out back into your bank account? Or are you waiting for the bank transfer to hit your fiat-bank account for any reason ?
Thats exactly how the Ponzi-scheme work. You get 50 people early that get a good bonus, they tell 500,thay get a fair bonus. These 500 tell 5000 who enters.
There will be plenty of money to pay off the first 550…but the rest of the 5000 will loose a majority of their money (they get some back in bonuses). And a 1000 or so will be “stringed along” with new “investment opportunities”.
How do you know that you own the gas-shares ? If you recived a letter from an authority – did you really check that it was valid ? It is ?
That’s indeed exactly how a ponzi works. The only difference here is that there is a big income stream and i dont mean members money.
I am 14 months in. I Trippled my money. 50% went to my bank account. The rest i held in the programm and i bought my shares with it. So i already made a good profit on my bank account.
When the shares are paid the 16th, it will be very nice. We will see after the 16/11 . Or there will be a lot lot lot of happy members, or it is the end like you think.
When every member get paid with the gas shares you have to think your thoughts were not right i think…
I think it are share options or pré-shares we had, everybody gets a newsletter in the BO : here a part of it:
and now i leave this forum untill the 16 november
Hope you have not left. Thanks for sharing information!
I guess the “Tradano” is under Octanium control also? And no auditors there either? Have you even received any printed formal letter that you are registered shares-owner in any country? It is a legal requirement in most countries.
The 16th is no big date based on that information you shared. The 16th means that they will change your holdings figures in the “platform” och as you call it “backoffice”, but it will most likely be play money. And then the IPO process starts… and can take 3-4-5-6 month or so.
That particular move is called – String along.
During the time another business event takes place that need you to keep the money for another 6 month… So mu conclusion is – take out as much as you can as soon as you can in cash…..
Dont you see? It is air, all of it…. Can you give me the name of the energy company that will be introduced?
You will NOT be able to cash out after the 16th – you will have to wait for the IPO process… and that can take 3 month, 6 month or 9 month.
During the time more people get recruited. And next year there will be another business event – merger or so. And another string along for 6 month…
The only verifiable revenue source Crypto 888, Octa Partners and Nano Club have ever had has been invested affiliate funds.
Legitimate MLM companies don’t enforce “withdrawal limitations”. Ponzi schemes do.
Either the money is there or it isn’t. An IPO of some company nobody has ever heard of != instant 700% ROI on money that never existed anyway (see Crypto 888 and Octa Partners collapses).
The IPO process is the cue for another reboot most likely. And this time the “old” investors will have to wait until the IPO. Another 6 month. Amazing actually 🙂
cheeters, thy ask me 5950 euro to send to bank in noorwegen from a advokat named Account Name: Advokat Petter Forsberg from Noorwegen
w.t.f. thy think i am so stuped i do not even have a recieve or a prouf that that is real NO WAY.
INVOICE TO Gino Vanwalleghem
INVOICE DATE 06 October 2016
ACCOUNT NO. 924977
Item Quantity Price Total
ProPlus 1 5950.00 EUR 5,950.00 EUR
NanoTec Program Deposit (€1/each) 5600 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
Nanoplay Coupon 40 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
Nano Auction Credits 1000 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
Activation Fee 1 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
Payment Instructions
Account Name: Advokat Petter Forsberg
Address: Seterhoyveien 18D
Zip Code: 1176
City: Oslo
Country Norway
Bank Name: Nordea
Bank Country: Norway
EUR Account Number: 6067.04.47890
IBAN: NO5160670447890
Currency: Euro Only
Amount to Send: 5,950.00 EUR
Note to Benefixcial receiver:
Ref#: 268829881977 Purchase of Digital Online Package
Sub Total 5,950.00 EUR
VAT Tax: 0.00 EUR
Grand Total 5,950.00 EUR
Terms & Conditions
Sender pays Both Sender and Receivers fees. Your Account will be cedited with the amount we receive.
It is very important that the NOTE TO BENEFICIARY is Entered in the Message Field so your purchase will be easy to trace and process.
All Purchases needs a unique Ref/Invoice number, please ensure your Bank includes your Ref/Invoice.
Read it good this line: Ref#: 268829881977 Purchase of Digital Online Package.
yeah a package air hahahhaaa
Did you get this from your recruiter or from him directly (actually, did he recruit you ?)
sorry mate that i have post your mail but thy are so manny that have been cheated.
@Retired EU fraud investigator
he’s got it from a recruiter
Oh, wow. A lawyer account in Norway, in a bank that is known for poor money laundering alarm systems. This should set of the alarm for anyone.
But there will be a reebot in weeks now. And a new name – and a new thread. And the “newcomers” will not make the google-checks on Nano or Octanium Ltd anymore.
there will be a event in sweden the 16th november.
Alan, where?
@alan Yeah, Alan, where?
Yes indeed the nano club looks like a scam when you first see it.
After almost a year, I have have seen my 6000 euro account going from Crypto888 to octapartners to nanocoin. No one lost a cent. I have the same intrest earnings as the people who are there from the beginning (march 2015).
Now we have received our prepaid mastercard, so the back office money can be sent to this card via the new Monteline bank platform and cash can be taken from any ATM.
At the last meeting, they told us that they are planning to introduce their own ATM machines (just like bitcoin has).
Via this link, you can see what shops are already accepting Nanocoins:
This map with the merchant program is online since a good month but more merchants are now pending for approval and will be added.
The Exchange platform is running up and anyone can buy or sell nanocoins against bitcoins and they are working on the echange in euros also. The price will go up after this sunday. Now it is 1,50 but estimated it goes to 1,60.
The blockchain can be seen here:
We will see if this will be a Bitcoin killer or not. For now, everything that was promised has been realised, with some delays now and then.
It is ok if you don’t believe in this. Just leave your money on the bank and receive 0,1% intrest every year. Banks are angels. Banks don’t go bankrupt. Banks are there to make you rich.
Oh wait …
You invested real money for a worthless pump and dump pre-mined alt coin. After three crashes you still haven’t accepted all they’ve done is convert your worthless altcoins from one to another?
That’d be recruitment commissions right, seeing as NanoCoins are worthless…
That’s actually not bad, assuming they aren’t just businesses owned by Crypto888/Nano Club investors.
Obviously not based on true supply and demand. A company artificially increasing the value of a cryptocurrency is not how legitimate cryptocurrency works.
Could you be any more cliched?
At the end of the day only Nano Club affiliates even know Nanocoin exists, and that’s only because most of them invested in Crypto 888 Club and are still clinging to the hope they haven’t lost their money (yeah, it’s already gone).
Non-public exchange = non-public acceptance of your coin. Which ultimately means, just like OctaCoin, NanoCoins will ultimately flop.
Simply Because it doesent make sence.
the reason why you get low interest in the first place… is to make u spend cash.pump cash in the economie (doesent make sense to me cuz as soon as you stop buying what you dont realy need ur back to off the artificial generated demand for goods will drop again)..
also investing in real estate doesent make a lot of sence cuz yes low intrest rate makes it cheaper to barrow but at same time house prices rise most pp barrow at the variable % and when not if when the % goes up again well pp wil have to sell there home…. other negative effects …. if i get less income of my cash pile i cut in expenses. sorry for the detour back on topic now.
the reason why bank get charged negative rates when they deposit there surplus funds with the central bank is because they want to incurage banks to lend more cash to cunsumers/companies
so if anything nanoclub does is legal …. then why go true all the trouble to give presentations praticly force members to add new members why this whole structure?
i asume if you can make 2% a week legaly why not go to a bank with ur solid bussnisplan plan… support it with real currency? why have you as midle men? or why with cryptocurrency in the firstplace bitcoin hes been around for a while now and it still fluctiates heavy (on a hour base) why would someone prefere sutch a unstable currency above stable cash….
and why the new coin? why not bitcoin? >>>>> the value of somthing is determined bye how wanted the object is if it is a privet club and u are the only one that is supporting the coin …
>>> scam >>> scam they control the value of that coin >> therefor bye controlling the coin manipulatating the cashflow out bye saying the expect it to rise may i remind u u have no proove that nano coin is actualy producing somthing…. or giving services or creating anything of real value al u have is text/ promises/hopes.
Today the nanocoin has been changed from 1,5 to 1,6 euro. The price will be adjusted in the future based to the dayprice on the public Exchange server. Everyone can buy or sell nanocoins via this public platform:
The nanocoin company has allready sold over 83 mln of its 100 mln premined coins. The company expects a big increase of value when the coins will be sold out. This will be in 2-3 months.
Next step: Installing ATM machines and adding more merchants to make this coin more popular and known to the people.
@ OZ: The weekly intrest is given in coins. These can be converted in Euros but that comes with a cost of 6,5% in the back office platform. When converted to euros, your money can be sent to the Monteline bank platform (!/) and from there to our prepaid mastercard. The commision money can also be sent off course.
For all the non believers: Please search one comment/site/quote on the web from somone who allready lost money from this company. And post the link here. You will find no victims.
You are wrong … this company is right. You have no clue of what is going on and you are just saying things that you feel and think. Come with facts please.
Nanocoins are not worthless. Via this link you can find the shops that are allready accepting them:
Seriously, I am happy my money is here and not on the bank. Believe it or not, but years ago I worked in a bank … 🙂
So they say. Ever seen it go down?
Based on what? The coins are useless.
Nobody outside the company is interested in coins speculative investors have invested in, on the promise of ROIs paid out of subsequently invested funds.
Where does this money come from? Subsequent investment.
What happens when new investment dies off? Ponzi collapse.
You’ve deposited your money in exchange for numbers on a screen.
Yes you’ll be shown your deposit is increasing, but it’s just monopoly money in your backoffice.
If every Nano Club affiliate put in a withdrawal request for the full value represented in their backoffice, there wouldn’t be enough money to pay out.
The sad thing is you’ve already lost your money and don’t even realize it yet.
Evidently only gullible investors who have had Ponzi A points converted into Ponzi B points and now Ponzi C points, with a bunch of baloney Ponzi marketing lies fed to them to boot.
Y’all sound like a Ponzi scammers’ wet dream. Which, I suppose is why you got involved in the Crypto 888 Club crowd to begin with.
Where is your coin?
haha … do you really think everything is on coinmarketcap?
99% of the coins on coinmarketcap wil fail:
They have no company with profitable projects behind them.
They have no bank platform with Mastercards.
They are not accepted in normal shops.
They are not preparing their paperwork to go on stock market next year.
They do not have ATM machines.
The Nano company is allready doing this things and they are getting lots of money by private investments also. They have enough cash to pay out every nanocoin ever sold.
Please find me 1 person on the internet that has lost money on Nanocoin. Then you can comment again.
PS: my intrest this week: almost 1000 euro’s. Getting them cash out of the ATM tomorrow, just like last week. Yaba Daba Doooooooo
I can tell you what’s not on there: Your pump and dump NanoCoin.
No they don’t. Otherwise Crypto888 Club and Octa Partners wouldn’t have collapsed.
This is the same pump and dump altcoin Ponzi scam rebooted. Whether or not you’re scamming people in it (for now) is neither here nor there.
YES Bram, it is scam indeed! I’m a Pro-member from start.
Although I was lucky enough to retreat my money since then, right now I have over 10K withdrwawals still pending.
I contacted Nano support and they let me know that “no withdrawals will be proceed as long as the members can not take any money out of the e-wallet (Monteline).
So NO ONE will be able to transfer money to their bank or card wright now!
What’s more, banktransfers are still not available at Monteline e-wallet (which I suspect is owned by Nano).
Support told me that they are still testing banktransfers, which I think is completely Bullshit. What’s there to test anyway> Eighter you can transfer, or not.
Furthermore, if you have a look at the website of NXTPay, the first e-wallet and you compare that to the website of Monteline, their present e-wallet, you will notic that they are indentical. Just another logo and different colors.
I would be very surprised to receive any of my pending withdrawals, worth over 10K!
No money can be sent to or taken from Monteline at this point.
No Banktransfers function is available in Monteline e-wallet.
No Prepaid Mastercard from Monteline is available at this point.
No withdrawals will be proceed by Nano at this point.
From Nano Support:
Could this be the beginning of the end????
Yes Jack, for sure a bunch of scammers who are reaching the end of their bullshit stories. You can clearly see that the amount of members has collapsed dramatically, thus more money has to go out and less money comes in.
For every ponzi scheme this means end of busness! It will be just a matter of weeks untill they will come up with another cinderella story, reboot their scam business for the fourt time on row, but not after first stealing again the money of all present members of course.
They should be hunted on, because those criminal bastards are real scum of the earth! Society will be far better off without them.
I know many persons who are waiting for the new card for weeks. They could withdraw money with their old card but at a moment they couldn’t anymore because they were changing to other e wallet.
Every company who wants their customers to be happy, first change to new e wallet, send the new cards and afterwards they shut down the old company. If you have to believe the company, many members have received their monteline cards and everything is working …
I think in the last weeks nobody has been paid, but several say the new card is working …
The old company NXTpay does not exist anymore, the new website was registered the 18th of October 2016 so 100% sure nanoclub owns the e wallet and dunno why they have shut down the old one …
1: because name was similar to nextpay and nextpay asked to shut it down or 2: no money and try to find something to stop the withdrawals for a while.
I think any reliable company works with existing e wallets and give their members the choice which one to use. Here you have no choice and they keep the money still in their own company, as I have read before … monopoly money. You see numbers but not enough money to cover and think they hardly get new money …
The question is who has the money and who is responsable?
If your money expires it takes weeks to convert everything to your e wallet because it is limited how much NNC you convert daily. Why put a limitation here?
Also there is a huge cost to convert … and finally it takes 3 weeks to transfer your money to your e wallet and when it is there, impossible to get your own money back at this moment …
The new e wallet looks exactly the same as the old one, as El Toro said, only a new name.
support says “we operate on Hong Kong Time”, the site is hosted in Spain, Mallorca.
@El Toro : the problem is many people believe all what they say, are so optimistic, … and so few complain that they can not withdraw their money …
Dunno how much longer it will exist, hope another 4 months so I can withdraw my invested money … Stupid I have invested when I knew you had to re invest minimum 50% (standard it is on 100%) and that you could not choose your own e wallet.
If someone has news, good or bad, please post it here, so everyone is up to date.
So, how did it go?
And does somebody know what they said on the event in Sweden?
This is what you’ll see ifyou want to transfer any money from the e-wallet Monteline:
I’m convinced that Monteline doesn’t exist as an independent paymentprovider by itself, but just is a “hide and seek” method, created by Nano itself.
Clearly Nano does have a serious liquid problem and is not able (or not willing) to pay their members anymore. No updated newsletter since the 3th of november, which speaks for itself!
Once again shit has reached the fan!
It is well possible that the notorious Belgian scammer Stijn Van Straelen is running the site of Monteline on behalve of Nano.
He is an insider at Nano and is living in the Torevieja area in Spain, bought an expensive villa there and enjoying the good life from his “blood” money.
I don’t think there was an event. What happened is that the money was booked for the shares, but the money is there but nothing you can do with it.
So they booked fake money on the accounts, maybe because clients like to see the amounts on their screen, I don’t know. But in fact it is worthless.
I heard he bought 22 properties in Spain … impossible to do this with your own money. If the company collapses , I think he will have to run further than Torrevieja … think he has to move to Africa.
I heard the brain behind the scam are Stijn and Tim. Last one is not seen outside very often anymore, think too much persons he prefer to avoid these days. I know someone that lives in his area and he told me the end of the company is near …
Problem is that nobody does something .. the government should bann the site to protect other persons who might believe the story and invest new money in the company.
How much longer will nanocoin survive? 2 months?
to be continued…
Latest newsletter from Nano:
Despite of the latest newsletter from Nano, pending withdrawals are still not processed by Nano and all withdraw methods at Monteline are still disabled!
lol the company is new since October 2016 … 100% sure NOT independant .
So if you money is in nanocoin or in monteline, it is still in their hands. It is only safe when it hits your bank account, or when you have the cash money in your hands.
I wonder if the cards will work … and if they work, for how long. I think there will be a run to the ATM.
someone knows the CEO?
I signed up 4 months ago. For the moment being, they’ve realized everything they promised.
it’s mlm no doubt, but that’s not always bad.
what I’ve heard they try to launch this coin. With the mlm system they try to reach as much potential customers as they can. So you have a lot of people who use the coin.
After the coin is known by a lot of people, it’s possible the mlm and reward system isn’t needed anymore.
As the coin become more expensive and diserable, people will be interested to buy without any way of marketing-sytem.
^^ You realize this is the script behind every MLM altcoin scam right?
And what would that be exactly Fox?
I’m a member from start and I experienced 3 reboots already. Each reboot did mean loosing a great part of my money.
Untill now I only read lots of promises, but still no money in my pocket! Keep in mind that what we see on their screen, doesn’t mean that we actually will have that money on our bank.
I have several due to pay pending withdrawals which are still not processed and at Monteline still all withdraw methods are disabled.
So for the time being it’s all about nothing but stories.
Fox, last 3 weeks nobody could withdraw any money ? For you that is normal ? what does that mean you think ? You go to your bank and for 3 weeks you can not withdraw your money … just the same
Fox: what I’ve heard they try to launch this coin.
If you believe this you will believe when I tell you it is going to snow in central Africa or that I have see a polar bear in the dessert
there are 709 official crypto currencies, you see nanocoin in that list? And how should that come?
They need a product so people believe their story , it is just that our kids believed in Santa Claus till they are smart enough
It is impossible to become an important crypto currency in the world if you are not top 20 now on that list. Or maybe bill gets could manage it when he puts in billions of USD, but Stijn and Co are only out to scam a lot of people, take their money and look for the next victims
They had 3 weeks to find some money, and now they say it will be possible again to witdraw money. Believe me, there will be a run to get money out of the machines and in a few days or week they will find another reason for NOT paying …
Fox , wake up. First they would bring octacoin to the marktet, suddenly they changed to nanocoin and start from 00; if you see this you know and feel something is not right and the coin is just something to attract people because crypto currencies are hot and are the future, but invest in BTC, the market leader.
Put your nanocoin money in btc, sit and wait. Or join a pool mining, there are good companies on the internet, you just have to find them.
Some things to recognise scam companies :
1: they have no offices
2: you do not know who the owner is
3: they change name every few months
4: alarm when there are some weeks where they pay nobody
5: and most important for me; if they do not work with any of the many independent e wallets, then they use their own wallet, only to keep the money longer IN their own hands.
Why starting up an own e wallet, which costs a lot of money, etc … when you have so many low cost very good e wallets … just give me one good reason? There is only one reason, they can transfer monopoly money, impossible to an independent e wallet.
Open your eyes, many alarm bells these days ; be smart and take out as much money you can, soon it will be not possible anymore.
Ghostbusters: Open your eyes, many alarm bells these days ; be smart and take out as much money you can, soon it will be not possible anymore.
I couldn’t agree more, but it has to be seen if we will be able to take any money out. wright now, this is still not possible.
the messages in the different groups said the cards are loading and it would be possible from tonight.
withdrawals to bank accounts should work in 2-3 days. They found a problem and had to fix it … What a fabulous platform lol.
I am sure these scammers will start up new or maybe they did last weeks and use that money now here.
They should hunt them and lock them up.
who you gonna call … ghostbusters 🙂 they are ghosts and gonna disappear soon, many people invested all their money and believed their fairy tale, this fairy tale is without a happy end.
Hello everybody,
What a comments, you really know nothing what is going to happen or happened:
1st : they went from a pow to a pos coin : crypto-octa : nobody did loose anything
2nd: Octapartners still exists for the Chinese members.
3rd: nanoclub creates the NNc and started in Europe.
Both Octapartners and nanoclub partners received money in a account for the pré gas shares andcan use this money in the next weeks.
Were is the fourth reboot that would happen the 16 nd november??
Many of you will see the result of hard work the coming weeks.
Have fun, enjoy life.
Was this another company who worked with same word … nanocoin ?
if you look on Facebook you find nothing. Many MLM companies have fb groups, fan page, etc … this ghost company has nothing. If you want to get a coin on the crypto market, you want that people see you, hear you, find you … But nothing … You make publicity, etc ..
Stijn Vanstraelen, who changed later his name to Stijn Banstraelen … I can’t find him anymore on Facebook. This says enough. He is not only hiding in real life, now also hiding here on Facebook.
That’s what i mean. Al you people write comments without the correct facts. Its nanotec coin, not nanocoin. Big difference. Look at the public site.
Stijn vanstraelen, i dont care where he is? You care where the Rotschilds or Satoshi is? More important is that everybody receives his money, and that was always ok, just a delay the last weeks, but everybody is recieving there cards, nice.
Real money was invested and used to pay off existing investors. Affiliates have since had the real money they invested transferred from one pump and dump altcoin scam to another.
The Crypto 888 and NanoClub scammers can’t print money, so whether you want to acknowledge it or not people have lost money (forget about 1:1 withdrawals).
And in true pump and dump fashion is completely worthless.
And once they run out of newly invested funds again, kaboom.
whatever nano, nanotec, it is just a name, nothing more. You don’t find it on the official list of the crypto currencies … it is just a name, better name would have been joke
your name says enough, you are probably one of the team that runs the company. Why is he hiding? Only reason when people do this is when they do/did something wrong or when they are scared some people would find them.
omg what are you saying? Everybody is receiving their money? A delay? I don’t call this a delay, this was a suspension of 3 weeks that not 1 euro was paid.
Which correct and honest company doesn’t pay for 3 weeks?
Reason is the e wallet??? the e wallet = Nanoclub and why change e wallet? Why not take an existing good running e wallet?
And if you know an answer for all these questions … then FIRST set up the new e wallet and send out the cards BEFORE shutting down the previous one with useless cards.
Believe me the end is near and Hundred thousands will be withdrawn the next days and then there will be a new reason why there is a problem with the withdrawals .. But first I have to hear from someone that it is working.
It would work tonight but till this moment, I didn’t hear or see one person who could proof he got real euro’s out of the ATM. Hope there will be enough money in the ATM’s because I expect a run with all those monteline cards ….
and what with the exchange ?? Not working anymore since 1st of November ? Only thing that is still working are the lies of false promises … there the Nanotec staff wins the gold medal.
Give me one reason why new members would join or existing would re invest ???
The coin is no official crypto currency. Where does the revenue come from ?
You get 1% every week and an average of 6-8%/month. There are much better opportunities on the internet these days
From the paid interest you MUST re invest minimum 50% , so in fact you only get 3-4% each month, the rest is available after 12 months
the cost to convert the non existing coin to euro = 6.5%
When you want to withdraw money they need 3 weeks to approve
when it is in your wallet, you have to buy a card which cost 89 euro. If any bank charges this price to its customers it would lose all its customers
You do not need a card and you want to transfer to your bank account … minimum 1.000 euro and 50 euro cost. Why minimum 1.000 euro ? Why another cost after the earlier cost of 6.5%
I do not see any good reason to invest in this company, not 1 good point you can find. If you believe in crypto currency, invest in bitcoins, few times last weeks the rate reached new records and the best is yet to come.
conclusion :
Low profit and only half is available
costs are high
takes +3 weeks for a withdrawal
bank transfer from 1.000
Card very expensive
works with own e wallet, which is no guarantee that your money is safe there
@El toro
what they’ve promised is that you could pay with the coin at stores.
the coin’s value is raising. you have an online platform where you can use a creditcard to make payments. soon there will be atm’s.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sceptic. But I want to see where this is going.
And you know every product on every market starts with believing in a product. When the believe is gone, any product will crash and burn.
Maybe I’ll lose my money, but we’ll see.
This is soooo formulaic, the idea that there are millions of merchants out there just begging for a cryptocoin to come along and provide some new, amazing, virtually free, alternative payment system.
Well, the news is: there aren’t.
All there are is affiliates of particular schemes who will take a budgeted loss on superficially accepting these worthless sh*tcoins.
ATM’s? Branded cards? More pointless window dressing.
The money is in the marketing and the pump, nowhere else, when will people realize that?
With a coin that is even not on the official crypto currency list. Would be the same as paying with your monopoly money ; the points they say that accept the coins are other members …
First they have to get on that list , and they never will be on that list
This company will be gone in the next 3 months … OR change name, or will disappear …
Their exchange platform is not working since start of this month … think they still did not pay, unless the cards are working now …
Indeed i know more than you people do.
There is a big income stream and i dont mean members money, otherwise it would indeed be a ponzi. You can ask anybody close to the company and see it yourself witch companies are behind.
What do merchants want? Extra customers, indeed? Nanoclub has a large group of extra customers, right? You follow.
Merchants get extra customers via the coin and they can choose to withdrawal the amount in their valuta or keep the coins.
That’s why merchants will follow. And with a pos coin, its much better for them. Win-win for everybody.
The “official” list of coins , haha . In the coming months ….. watch out.
Talking of formulaic…..insider….secret revenue streams….big things coming….win-win…. *yawn*
tell us more about that income stream, we clients should know where that income comes from.
Is it unicorn farts?
Please. The only verifiable source of revenue since Crypto888 has been affiliate investment. Nothing has changed.
(Ozedit: Right, that’s enough of that. Only facts with verifiable sources please.)
And what would be those facts with verifiable sources from your site please?
A company’s compensation plan. You can’t get any more factual than that.
So, quick question, how do you suppose merchants will register their income from bogus cryptocoins which aren’t even accepted as a currency?
The level of stupidity from these ponzi suckers are over 9000…
I know Oz, thanks.
But my question was directed at Insider since he wrote “Indeed i know more than you people do”…..
I don’t think you’ll be hearing anything more from insider.
Ponzi scammers tend to run away when you ask for specifics.
El toro: is your card already working? Transfer to bank account should work this week …. I and downline are waiting to withdraw all we have. Hope we still can 🙁
Please all. Which is the company that is in charge of the whole operation? Is it Octanium Ltd? Where is is situated?
Who is the CEO, who are in the board + what are their CVs in international business operations, their diplomas, expereince and business networks? (eg. accumulated professional trust that allow them to make deals with other companies)
Can anyone tell me please?
Hi Columbus, I didn’t order a card because I don’t want to pay another 89 euro for it.
Just waiting for banktransfer function in Monteline.
But first Nano need to process pending withdrawals, which they still didn’t in my case.
El toro, card is free when you have invested 5950 euro or more. Yes the card is very expensive, especially for small investors.
All the ones I know didn’t get the card yet or it is still not working … what a unprofessional company
@insider what a company, not able to run it normally. Money IN: of course, no problem, with pleasure and a smile but money OUT : not possible and 100 of reasons why this is not working; It is obvious there is NO money anymore and I wonder how much longer the clients will be patient …
I know Ghostbusters,thanks, but still first you have to pay it yourself and then you can apply for a refund from Nano.
Why not just enable banktransfers? Would work fine for me. Getting a lttle tired of all those different prepaid cards….
agree for 100% They promised it should work this week, fingers crossed 🙂
Never trust someone posing with private jet, thumbs up and fake smiles.
Who? You have a link to that picture?
Why is trading “currently disabled” then?
“today the program has over 812,000 people making money online”
(from Nanoclub: The Story continues..)
So, there are over 707,000 not happy people?
Some of my relatives are in this program and refuse to see that it is a ponzi scheme and believe everything the “company” is saying…
Does anyone have any tips on how to persuade them to try and get their money out (if possible at all) and temrinate their account?
All help is valuable! Thank you!
@Help if they’re that far gone unfortunately the only thing left to do is sit back and watch them lose their money.
Try not to gloat and just be there for them when the reality sinks in. Money makes people do foolish things, not much for it I’m afraid.
they are blind and believe all what their sponsor is saying … even now they don’t pay out for more than 3 weeks now, they still believe everything is ok …
You can try and say : try to withdraw 500 euro and see if it works
many clients see the virtual numbers on their screen, only numbers and nothing to cover all these numbers …. so they will see at this moment you can not withdraw and if it works it will take at least one month to have it, which is much too long. Any good company pays within one week. They don’t pay because there is no money
Many things are bought and paid with their money …. houses for one of the scammers, free journeys for the top of the company and I read here also a private plane, which cost between 6 and 50 million usd …
Or you can show the picture of Stijn Van Straelen with a gun next to his head. Scroll up and you will find the link to that photo. Tell your family this is the brain behind this company and the one who counts and spends their money and because of this he removed his Facebook profile and moved 2000km away, where he can try to live a normal life.
think in a few weeks he will have to move another 2000km, to the Sahara, or even further to the North of South pole
Nope. They’ve been poisoned too deep. All you can do is limit their damage (i.e. don’t let them drag in anyone else).
Remember, one must *want* to be saved for you to save them. For this, I have that old joke:
Your relatives are like that guy… they don’t see help at all. They see help as things trying to dissuade them from their “faith” in this scheme. Except there is no heaven at the end of this parable.
Super K Chang 🙂
Damn good!
Doesn’t sounds too good then. Just received a text from one of them:
Total bullsh*t and I told the sender to get out as soon as possible…
omg this is a cry for money … if business goes good, why would you give more coins when someone signs up ?
They still do NOT pay out and on the other hand they to everything to receive fresh money
Unbelievable, there are much better opportunities on the market; and much safer
Say that the company is not paying 1 euro last month and that the coins are NO official crypto currency.
Just wanted to share another BS newsletter from criminal Nano management and their ceo van Wijk.
Lots of random bullshit but no word about payments that they refuse to process or any further information about their fake Monteline e-wallet:
another extra cost and every time more and more complicated
Tradano Account
Item Price: €30.00 EUR
Purchase an access to the Tradano platform. Price 30 EUR worth of NNC
this is what they called the good news … good news would be that withdrawals are possible again
I can not believe so many people still believe lie after lie … bigger lie, biggest lie
And how big is the team of scammers ? 2 ? or a whole group of scammers ?
A better description would be:
May lol.
I think it’s safe to say that Crypto a.k.a. OctaCoin a.k.a. Nano, is history and their ceo van Wijk is full of shit, spreading lies and delusions about their company, which is in fact a criminal organisation of scammers.
Their “support” is not responding at all anymore and absolutely no payments at all are done.
Now they also have removed the function to exchange NNC for Cash in the backoffice, making it even harder for the members to get any of our money out of this ponzi scheme!
Agree El Toro, now all members have to pay for tradona 30 euro and why pay if they don’t pay out ?? How much longer can it be like this ?
And Georges van Wijk .. does he exist ? No Georges van Wijk on Facebook and as a businessman you are active on Facebook and you try to promote your business .. Probably he is just a name and not a real person.
108.000 members and not one Facebook group ? all other companies have fb groups from a few 100 to over 10.000 members …
this company is 100% SCAM and a real ghost company without any address, tel number, registration number … nothing
The George Van Wijk is on fb. But he’s not using an other name.
I have found his page.
What a surprise… not.
One of my many pending due to pay withdrawals was transfered to monteline, but still no banktransfer function there and I know some people who ordered a card and tey are already waiting for it several weeks now.
Although this whole monteline thing doesn’t work properly, thy are not a shamed to take 5 euro “monthly fee” and deduct it from your balance, starting with october! Systematically stealing money back from members in all ways they can think of!
Up up up for a fake currency 🙁 this is not looking good.
Yes, he appears to, he’s on Linkedin:
runs a 4×4 adventure set up from near Madrid, shouldn’t be too hard to find out more about him, but it’s Sunday.
An ex hotel manager who learnt Powerpoint so he could become a “cryptocurrency intermediar” and con people, by the looks of it.
question: anyone is able the use his card? Anyone get paid these days?
The bank transfer would work last week, everything should be OK with the cards, but I know nobody where it works. Anyone here can confirm? thanks and have a great week.
I’ve seen a movie that shows you can get money out of regular atm’s.
Yeah, for the lucky few who converted their points into cash (read: stole money from investors who lost money) and/or earned recruitment commissions, that cash can be withdrawn.
It’s got nothing to do with NanoCoin though, affiliates are just withdrawing cash they were paid.
@oz , no thats not right. Everybody can change his/her NNc coins to the cash account and than withdrawal .
Theoretically, sure.
If there’s not enough newly invested funds to go round though, you have the current situation.
I know nobody who can withdraw … cards not working, monteline not working …. nothing is working! Time for action!
Do you have a nano account?
This Tradano platform of them is a joke.
If you want to sell NNC you’re limited to a minimal amount! Also serious costs are, again, deducted by those scammers.
Monteline also is a joke! Nothing works and now, when you log in, first they show you their terms and conditions, which you have to accept by pushing a button, only….. the button doesn’t work!
Again a way to stall time? I have to say, they are very creative!
BEst guess is that there is a sales push and they need to get the newcomers into the system – that is pay to the norwegian lawyers account… unbelivable.
think that is obvious or I would not waste my time here. Lot of friends too, all together a lot of money … Dunno what is gonna happen… they promise soon everything will work but think soon means never …
If this year nothing is settled we go in group to the best lawyers and sue nano. But if they do not have money then it is maybe a waste of all the costs …
El toro, what s your username in nano? Maybe I can listen what s the problem
the problem is general … nothing works as it should work. We should know when everything’s gonna work normal …
Unbelievable scam…Can’t believe people put money in this obvious ponzi. Hope investors can get at least some of their money back but doubtful.
Latest newsletter (or should I say, “Latest Bullshit”):
However……. I’m 100% KYC approved at Monteline and Nano, but still not able to use any banktransfer function.
Also I noticed that suddenly some fields of my account info at Monteline were empty again, sure I filled them out properly, so the only thing that could have happened is that they deleted the info I submitted!
When you re-enter this information, your account is set again on pending, so this is clearly one of their ways to stall time!
I seriously doubt if this is the case and if it is, then it is most likely that those 800 members are big investors only.
What kind of Bullshit is this? How can you be approved by your own bank when you’re using it for many years in the first place!
More Bullshit!!! What does the one has to do with the other?
The fact that a member is not yet approved by Monteline, doesn’t mean that Nano don’t need to pay pending withdrawals!
This the true meaning behind this latest bullshit newsletter!
They want to let the members think that all is ok now, so they can convince their new prospect to pay for their packages. In that way new money is coming in which they need to celebrate their parties and maintaining high life, maybe there will be even enough for buying another private plane….?!
Tradano today:
Can anyone (who’s a member of Nano) see the banktransfer button in your Monteline menu?
@el toro. Contact you sponsor. For me it works. Try to re-upload new Kyc doc.
Thanks Copa, but it feels strange if I would need to upload new KYC docs since I’m already fully KYC approved at Monteline and for a long time at Nano as well.
I mean Crypto > Octacoin > Nano of course 🙂
@copa I said let’s try to re upload my documents…. again a unpleasant surprise: 5 euro cost???? And not possible to pay with my available NNC.
Just heard about this forum and I wonder if we better don’t set up a fan page…. a bit strange word fan 🙂 there easier to communicate and share pictures. I think our page will be very popular.
@el toro
yes that is possible , but the poa you uploaded then is probably expired. It may not be older then 90 days.
When they have to order a MasterCard they need fresh poa. Thats what i did and thats also what my sponsor told me to do.
@copa and after you did this your problem was solved? You also had to pay 5 euro cost?
That’s correct, but my POA is not older then 90 days and my doc was already KYC approved by Monteline.
Furthermore I strongly believe that this is no matter for any sponsor/upline. It is the responsibility of Nano to make sure that everything is working correctly.
I did not invested my money in a sponsor, but in Nano!
I’m afraid that won’t work because many members wouldn’t risk to go public with their names for various reasons and I don’t think everyone is wanting to create a new FB alias profile for joining such a site.
Would be nice though to have such a gathering place for sharing experiences and combining legal actions towards Nano.
The Swedish Gambling Authorithy has reported Nanoclub to the Police and to the Swedish Economic Crime Authorithy.
The main scammers are under ivestigation for several other scams, including EmGoldex, and will be up for trial shortly.
This is the end. The pyramids are falling.
This is a brief press release (in swedish, but google translate can help you):
Nanoclub has now been reported to the police in Sweden due to a lot of people have invested in this ponzi.
Fjk where did you get this info?
And another thing: my sponsor said not to sell now because the coin will go in the next weeks to 2 …. trying to convince us to stay with our money in the company.
@el toro , you have support but i heard they have sooo much to do and work day en night to solve the problems.
@fjk, i dont think the police can do something because its not a ponzi. I should say: They are going to give meetings acrross europe, come listen and see and ask for evidence!
See comment #188 ( And also a swedish newspaper writes about it.
If I were you, I’d sell asap! If you even can sell at this point.
Don’t you see? Shit’s hitting the fan real quick right now. They’re trying to stall as long as possible to get out as much they can.
I just hope the “innocent” people get their money back, but that might be too late..
Nanoclub reported for suspected hand-me-down games print
@Copa Dream on!
This is the translation from a press publication by the Swedish Gaming Board:
You know Copa, that’s the problem, not knowing facts, but only telling from hearing! It doesn’t work that way.
Once the shit is hitting the fan, like it is now in Sweden happening, the official investigation mills start to turn and it will be only a matter of time untill this scam is closed down as it will happen with most ponzi scam schemes.
I know several members that are involved for a long time and are full KYC verified. But suddenly, now that it comes to pay serious money for Nano, they received a message from Nano support that they first need to resend POA because there are “new KYC standards” in place, whatever that may be.
To me it is very clear that the only thing Nano is doing right now, is stalling time and we won’t see back any of our invested money!
@eltoro Well, i really hope that they do a serious investigation and not “most likely” and then there are 2 options .
I have also money in it but i saw so many serieus people that are working so hard to get the company up. Must it bee a ponzi and all lies, i would never believe anyone anymore.
@copa serious .. they seem to be serious and sometimes money does crazy things with people .. some earn so much that they start to lie versus family and friends.
If you see pictures on twitter of Stijn and Tim with a gun next to their head, you hear all the stories of houses, a private jet, etc … you know and feel something is wrong.
Now KYC not ok, wait to sell your NNC because they go up up up, etc … all ways to gain some time.
so many innocent people jumped on this train … think many will be very, very disappointed. Let’s all try to get out as much as we can, although it is so difficult to get money out of that stupid company.
When you go to tradano , there are no sell orders and thousands of buy orders , what means that a lot of people believe in this coin and company and that the coin will raise fast.
…or that it’s simply an external exchange manipulated by Ponzi fraudsters.
this is their own platform, so they can put as many buyers as they want. Is all fictive, same as the coin which does not exist.
If this was a normal trading platform the rate would fluctuate every second, same as the bitcoin and the other ACTIVE crypto currencies.
This is all about let the members believe this coin is so special, so rare and will raise till the sky … Doing this members will keep the NNC, so scammers can use the money for own use; they do everything so they do not have to pay out and later what will happen … when everyone wants to withdraw money, they will say there are no buyers anymore and the NNC will drop to 0.25 or less, so then the members have worthless coins …
They have all the power and with 90% of the members they can do what they want.
You would like your money is managed by scammers, and everybody knows they are because enough pictures on the internet ? Now problems in Sweden and later in the other countries? When will those 90% wake up???
The day they start withdrawing their money it is GAME OVER …. Before 31th of March they will fall, the sooner the better.
@ghostbusters : could it maybe be those 90% know more than you ? was there not going to be a rebooth the 16/11?? See you the 31 march
the 90% are easy victims, no experience and they believe their sponsor, just like pupils in primary believe their teacher.
I never said something about the 16th, now I say the last 4 months have been started. oh yes your money is safe in their hands … super super safe, everything is ok
Copa, if you are an investor, get the … out of your eyes and if you are one of them … then I guess you have sleepless nights and the worst is yet to come.
I even fear that we won’t see them last for another 4 months!
Hope time enough to get some of our money back … El Toro, did you manage to get something out or nothing yet ?
It’s a hard bargain seeing the end nearing and not be able to do anything about it.
Money is hold tight by Nano, hiding behind their ludicrous “KYC” rules. We’re all going down, loosing our money.
Nothing at all Ghostbusters, no response from their so called support or from Monteline. Still no banktransfer possible at Monteline. My lost will be over 30K!
Many that join nanoclub become as programmed as anyone being lost in religious fundamentalism. Perhaps even worse, because there’s so much money involved.
These people form a tight bond with the other members. They feel (and say) that they are selected, part of a new world order. They stop listening to rational arguments, turn off their critical thinking, turn away from friends and family and often believe that authorities, banks, and society in general are conspiring against them.
Even though Nanoclub isn’t a religion, the sectarianism associated with it is quite simular, so the corresponding resource sites can help: (Europe) (Sweden)
Resources for gambling addiction can also be helpful: (Sweden) (US)
omg unbelievable … and then people are saying everything is ok … and your sponsor one of their scammers team or just someone who they can manipulate a lot?
Or maybe he is just not answering anymore. Hope the Swedish police will contact the Belgian police and they start to investigate the top leaders … I guess most of them are in Belgium.
Ghostbusters and El Toro please give your username and we are sure you will get help if your sponsor doesn’t help somebody for sure do!
Kyc is important but once it is ok you will see all runs smooth. So up to you if you just post some questions and answers here or you want real help?
If you don’t want to post it here send in support ticket with your names you use here so they know they can help you. Have a nice weekend.
support hardly answers and the sponsor always says the same .. everything is gonna be alright … It should work without asking all the time and tell us here why the bank transfer is still not active in monteline, knowing that all KYC is approved everywhere.
You make it so complicated, changing rules every time, delaying to send the cards out and when the card are here, you find other reasons not to pay. Just try to get everything running smoothly so we can withdraw our own money without disturbing or sponsor or the support.
If after months nothing is working as it should be, this is lack of professionalism or just because there goes more money out than there comes in, and everything is done to delay and postpone any payments .. I open a file with my DAS legal assistance, they gonna contact you soon.
As you are using the name “Nano”, I suppose you are involved with the company itself, not as a member.
I would suggest that you first make sure that there are no members anymore, that have to wait endless for receiving the money they’re entitled to.
In that way we don’t need to send numerous support tickets, most of them won’t be answered in the first place.
Furthermore, tell your ceo van wijk to stop spreading anymore bullshit with his “newsletters” and let him start doing what he should do, taking care of the interest of the members and PAY PAY PAY!!!
And finally, don’t insult us with your stupid questions here, offering so called help, but in reality searching for our indentities like a “Nano KGB-agent”. Very poor behaviour!
@ghostbusters sorry that this is what you think but again feel free to get Any Solution for your problem we are a support service for all our members!
And Yes kyc rules are hard (with a reason) and with a simple email like we asked above your problem can be solve if we at least know where to look.
Nano is working daily to serve all our members and is working on a long term relation with there members so still we hope to hear from you soon in our ticket service.
@eltoro nobody is looking for you as a agent. Nano only looks to help the members and and that is what we offer you here.
So please send in your ticket and you will see that your problems with your kyc can be explained to you and also solved. Best regards.
This has nothing to do with the way we think, THIS IS REALITY! Stop writing bullshit here and acknowledge the omission of your company to do wright.
By the way, how’s life in Torevieja…?
When members pay their money into Nano there are no problems with provided KYC docs and all is verified.
When Nano has to pay back the members,suddenly provided KYC docs are no good anymore……!!!
So terrorists can fund Nano, but not earn money from it, lol.
The Nano guys laughing all the wat to the bank. HAHA, some of them drives around with expensive cars, paid by who?
Dont blame the “company”, blame yourself idiots.
There will always be haters like you, envious for the success of others and not being able to accomplish anything in life by themselves. So go playing some starwars and keep on dreaming about making some money in your poor life, loser!
@el toro this will not solve the current problem. We can only offer you the support for your current problem. So again we ask you friendly to send in your ticket and solve this issue. Good weekend.
Kyc rules are hard? Do this BEFORE the client can deposit…. you know a bank where you can deposit before the account is opened and after they checked your EID and address. Think kyc would go much faster then …. and you make your own rules, so KYC is just an excuse.
Nano: in which country are you registered and what is your vat number? Can’t find it on your website and it should be there.
Again, stop wasting our time and get to work, instead of writing bullshit at this forum.
Numerous support tickets are waiting to be answered and money is still hold by your company. We didn’t invest to be served with only fake money on our screens, we want cash in our pocket, so get working on that!
Do you really expect to get an answer on your questions Columbus? That’s not their intention for being present on this forum!
They’re only trying to find out real idendity/nano-username of complaining forummembers here, so they can block their account and steal their money. Vicious scum!
KYC or Know Your Customer
Banks and other financial institutions ascertain the truthfulness and accuracy of your documents BEFORE they on board you as customer and monitor your relationship for fraud management thereafter.
In case you are seeking a financial product for you/your company, you will need to provide KYC for you/your company in case you are availing any financial product for the FIRST TIME.
Yes, as per universal KYC guidelines prescribed, you have to submit your KYC documents only once, however banks can set their own discretionary parameters basis which they can ask you too update your KYC documentation
You dont need Kyc to buy any cryptocurrency because Its not a financial product.
You need Kyc to change / exchange it On your bank / card.
@Copa ok drugs money, maffia money, terrorist money: WELCOME IN NANO; KYC is to prevent this kind of money enters a bank/company.
Why would anyone be envious of someone LOSING 30k? And btw, it’s the scammers who are hated.
Your thought process was planted by the scammers/network marketers in your brain. You better change it quick, or you will fall for another.
Suck it up, and admit you were an idiot to join. We all make mistakes. But, if you join another recruitment based opp, to prove us haters wrong, you’ll be a confirmed idiot or a scammer yourself.
I’m sorry you lost so much money (this time).
Those are the KYC rules as implied by Nano/Monteline:
(Ozedit: Wall of text removed. Please only repost what is actually relevant.)
Their specific rules about POA are interesting:
In this way they are ruling out all the people that can not provide utility bills. There are many countries where people could live in remote areas where no utility infra structures are in place.
In Europe one can think at Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and even the UK. Also in many east Europan countries you will find those situations.
Proper KYC rules would enable ALL legal documents that can proof ones address and not only utility bills.
There are many ways to proof where a person actually lives, such as personal mail, subscription invoices, village ID/abstract from cityhall, notarized contracts, etc. etc.
Thanks for the editing Oz.
Just trying to keep everything readable.
I don’t see why people in general would be idiots or scammers when investing their money in a business opportunity which seems at that time legit.
In life you will encounter all kinds of scam and fraudulous companies, many of them look very professional and are able to hide their evil intentions for a long time.
So calling the victims of those scammers idiots or even scammers themself, shows only malicious delight and does not contribute anything valuable to the discussion on this forum.
Are there any Aussies (meant in a good way) on this forum?
According to their terms, Montelines Jurisdiction is bound by Australian law.
Maybe someone knows the proper authority/address in Australia for reporting Monteline? Thanks.
@nano where is your coin? as you want to help us, explain us why the NNC is not on this official list of crypto currencies
and here another site with exchanges and list of crypto currencies , no tradano and no NNC:
There is no NNC there and there will never be …
@ghostbuster Coinmarketcap, haha. You really think when you are On coinmarketcap you have the coin!
when i invent a coin today i can be On the list. For example: coin 199 On the list has a market cap of 100000€. Thats nothing. Watch the coming months.
@eltoro i thougt you made profit with nano? I am sure you wil get your money.
Thanks littleroundman (like your name, lol).
@copa : NNC is traded nowhere … own market tradano means manipulated rate and changes when they NEED to change it.
NNC is air; you can not trade the NNC on any of the many other exchanges, only on their own exchange NNC, so the coin is worthless … now 2 euro, and will go up, so nobody sells … They will raise the value as much as needed.
copa, why NNC is not traded on the other ones? First it is not possible and second the rate would drop too fast.
No copa, so far I merely received my invested money back from start. The money that I’m waiting for to be paid by Nano and Monteline would be my profit.
So for me personally the damage is to oversee, although it would be very nice to collect those profits, as this is the purpose for investing in the first place, isn’t it?
If not, it was just a bad investment and another lesson in life. But I know many people who are not even near to brake even.
It was never a “business opportunity” if it was a recruitment based MLM/ponzi.
Yep, but chain recruitment is a dead giveaway. (The moral of this story)
Being an advocate against these scams for the more than 15 years is hardly malicious delight. Unfortunately, people still join and lose money. Why?
The best I can figure out is the responsibility is not put on the person who joins. We just keep calling them victims.
I know it’s hard to hear, so think of it as tough love and a possible solution in helping to stop these crimes. People need to do their research before handing over their money. Google is free!
If you cannot comprehend the big picture, you will surely lose again. I don’t want that for people, but network marketers twist that and call it hate.
My intentions are pure and statistics back up my claims. One example of a gazillion, you just lost 30k.
Let me also add that, why would anyone be jealous of an MLM opportunity. Can’t anyone sign up for it and join in the action?
Think about that for a moment. That language is brainwashing of the mark and that appears to be you as you have already repeated many of their scamming verbiage – hater, jealous, malicious person, business opportunity.
You’re in trouble man.
If you heed my advice, you will never lose money again in a recruitment based opp because you’ll know not to ever join one – unless you’re prepared to steal from others.
My contribution to this discussion is more important than you realize, but I will end it there as I cannot improve on what I’ve already said.
Well damn, and I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe someone else will find my post helpful.
Don’t need any benefit from you Char, just want to collect my money from Nano. I find your post very helpful though!
I think there’s an opportunity here for you Char…
But it’s not your money! You got your money – back. You lost nothing. Any “profit” would be stolen.
Apparently, you are a particpipant in a criminal venture bummed because you didn’t get to steal from others.
Genuine question. Do you really not understand that?
It’s not an “investment” when you give money to thieves with the hope that they steal more so you can benefit. When then does that make you?
El Toro has probably recruted this product to his family and friends. If something sounds to good to be right, its probably a scam. There is now free lunch.
Who runs the company check them out, what is their record , background.
Now you see Char, here’s where I loose you.
If you are a real advocate (which I’m starting to doubt), you should now that this is not correct. We can arque about the moral side of this matter, but from legal point of view there has been entered a lawful agreement between this company named Crypto > Octacoin > Nano and myself.
The terms of this agreement entitle me for the earnings made through my position, which I bought, in the network of this company. The question where and how they find the money to pay me and if this is legal or not, is not relevant in this matter.
If you’re an advocate and some accused suspect of theft approaches you for legal assistance, you are probably not refusing his money and work for free, based on the assuming that the money whith which he would pay you, could have been stolen, are you?
The fact that Nano probably is a scamming organisation doesn’t mean that they are exempted from agreement terms. For the time being they are still operating and dealth with as a company where I do business with.
We all pay taxes to our governments, but we are not always agreeing the way this money is spent by them. If it is for weapons used and making victims in a war, does that makes all of us murderers?
The company Nano has to make profits in one way or another, I don’t know and I don’t care. As long as they are in business they have to accomplish their commitments towards all members.
Only when they are convicted and closed down by court order, it means end of business and money gone.
Untill then, business as usual (without promoting this business of course)!
For sure, right now, new members can find all kind of detailed information about this company, that we hadn’t at the time we invested. So I find it a bit cheap to say that by getting paid, we are stealing from newcomers.
From moral point of view I even could cope with that, but from strictly legal point of view that statement is just not correct. Also we would make it very easy for them to continue scamming people, if telling them to keep the money that we’re entitled to receive, wouldn’t we?
Rest assured Luke, that’s not the case.
Just one of my investments, mostly they turn out to be very lucrative, but you cannot win all the time, can you?
Unfortunately this interesting forum was not active on the internet when I started the business. This one started the 3th of September , so anyone who invested before did not find really negative information about the company.
And when I started it was Octacoin and they didn’t tell me they just had changed the name and before it was crypto888. If they would have told me, I could have done some research.
I hope new potential investors find this and start to think before they invest, that is what I try because I think the chance is very low we ever see our money back.
New investors DO NOT INVEST in Nanoclub. Check the leaders who are running this business and you will see they are top scammers. And as the saying goes : where there is smoke, there is fire.
I agree Ghostbusters.
I invested right at the start of Crypto888 and no negative information was found about this company at that time. Looked as a very promissing busines opportunity to me and many others.
@eltoro. You will have your benefits for sure. And Its not members money. All the evidence is there.
You really not know from which companies most of the profits they made, comes from? They have always paid everyone and they will pay everyone in the future.
For the moment still waiting to receive anything, including an answer by their support!
@eltoro Since a few weeks you can find a doc in your backoffice with all the updated rules for their Kyc. Check it out.
I know Copa, but I’m full approved, @Nano and Monteline.
Still no money though!
Specific reviews are helpful and necessary. It’s unfortunate this review wasn’t available to you.
However, I’m not sure your seeing the MLM/Ponzi scamming forest through the CryptoNano trees.
Scammers’ agreements don’t mean squat in a court of law and especially to the head thief.
“Your Honor, I sell cocaine and I had a signed agreement with my supplier Cocainano Ltd.. They haven’t given me my drugs and won’t pay me my commission for recruiting new drug dealers for them, for which I am entitled per our agreement.” ROTFL
Do You seriously believe what you wrote.
HINT: when someone is defrauding people of millions of dollars, the very last thing they (or the authorities) are concerned about is honouring a User Agreement.
As long as you get your cut, of course. If you don’t, you’ll call it a scam. Right?
Think yo’re missing the point here Chang.
That may be true, but as long they’re in business they should pay their members, that is untill they’re convicted by court and closed down.
Cocaine is very bad for you Char and dealing it is forbidden by law, didn’t you know that?
Or they run out of money because, yknow… Ponzi.
Absolutely true Oz, I agree.
As I read through this thread for few weeks now, I must state two things:
1. Copa is in denial or one of the scammers.
2. El Toro got his money back (which is probably quite rare and fortunate thing to happen in scam schemes), yet he is bitching about he didn’t profit = didn’t steal from newcomers. This I won’t understand. And Terms & conditions of a fraud company? Come on.
So are Ponzis.
I 100% agree.
Do you remember this?
NXChain Owned by a Norwegian Company called HAVANTI AS. Owned by Harald Ellefsen.
Really exciting times when NXCOIN and LXCCoin merged: “NXChain Pursues Merger With LXCCoin”.
Why? Well the owner of LXCCoin is Henrik Ellefsen. Son of Harald Ellefsen.
Oh, he is also one of the guys behind T5PC one of the major pyramid scams in the Nordics.
was hard to login the last days … el torro, you already received some money?
Here still the same, nothing works, nobody that I know can withdraw any money and all sponsors say the price goes up, so wait wait wait and DO NOT sell you NNC … I know what will happen next …
I also was unable to reach BehindMLM site for a couple of days.
Received this error message:
I alreay thought there were hackers involved (I could imagine they would have been paid by certain ponzi schemes to sabotage this site).
To answer your question, no money received and nothing works at Monteline. Also at Nano several withdrawal request jut keep pending far longer then the 3 weeks mentioned by Nano.
Support at Monteline is not even responding at tickets and Nano support only comes up with all kind of BS.
Now you are supposed to have ordered a debitcard, before banktransfer at Monteline can be enabled as well…
I know several members who have their cardorders already pending for way over 1 month!
So for the moment you can only make “profit” at tradano by selling your NNC and transfer your “money” to your Nano cash account. However, everything you do, will deduct serious costs from your money though and your money is kept in a neverending circle between Tradano, Nano and Monteline…….
I just met my relative who I want to help get out of this.
She showed me a MasterCard tied to something called “crunch” and then also monteline. She said she used it as late as yesterday without any problem.
So what is actually going on? Does anyone else have this card and able to use it?
I seriously doubt this, because no one has received any working Monteline card so far!
Nano is telling us that they use this “crunch” as a payment provider for Monteline and their card. So not only do you have to meet KYC terms of Nano and Monteline, but also of “crunch”, whatever that may be, because no crunch payment provider can be found on the internet!
Also, on Monteline you can order a virtual card instead of a normal debit card. Most providers on the internet will process a virtual card apply within minutes or at latest one day. At Monteline however this will also take many weeks or more.
This whole crunch-thing is yet another way for them to stall more time and making sure they won’t have to pay us.
Now they are starting their “road-show” in several countries.
A perfect occasion to face their so called leaders with their ongoing fraudulous and criminal scamming activities!
Found out that this Crunch-Card is just another brand from PFS, supplier of the former debitcard that was used by Crypto>Octacoin>Nano.
Why irritating members with all kind of absurd KYC rules, whem most of those members already had a PFS card and were fully KYC verified by PFS in the first place?
This is the site of Crunch:
@help proofs please, otherwise it is just another lie and probably you are a nano leader with a big downline.
NOBODY can use the card or they didn’t receive the card. Think Stijn and Tim first have to test all the cards before they send it out.
Didn’t have my camera ready when she showed me and didn’t think of taking a picture.
I am not saying it worked, I was not there. My question is if anyone has a card and able to use it?
If so, go to an ATM and take out all the money you can, instead of waiting for a bank transfer. I am trying to gather information to present to my relative to show that she is part of a Ponzi scheme.
Watch out for this company.
No possibility to do a deposit. This is the only company asking to transfer money to a lawyer. No address, no telephone number.
A crypto currency that is only traded on their own market, easy to manipulate the price here.
People running this business are known as scammers, who have stolen already lots of money.
Since November they DO NOT pay anymore, 6 weeks without paying anything …
The police in Sweden started an investigation last week.
Please do NOT invest 1 euro in this fake scam company and I hope someone can stop them to steal more money from innocent people.
They are innocent. They dont do they homework. Maybe they can learn something from their mistakes.
Any updates about the trading site? Does it work?
Any updates about the card? Does it work?
Any updates about Octanium? Apparently the site has been offline for weeks now.
Well, I don’t expect positive updates. But can someone verify that nothing works?
Trading site (Tradano) works. Still no card and no banktransfer function at Monteline though.
Still no processing of pending withdrawals by Nano. No response on tickets by Nano or Monteline.
Member for over a year. Cannot withdraw cash from monteline.
Kyc approved. Crunch seems to be the excuse they created. They can’t answer why kyc not approved by crunch or approve not. No cards sent.
Delaying tactics to cheat Europeans in coming road shows. Tradano is there to convince innocents that it is valuable.
All China investors accounts locked up. Am from other parts of Asia.
Probably has about 300k worth of Nnc in all my accounts. Over 50 accounts I got.
El toro, even pending withdrawals are cleared, money still get stuck in monteline e wallet which owns by nano.
We got casino chips, no cashier to convert chips into cash eventually.
I am very pessimistic abt the situation after numerous conversations with the supports in monteline and nano. It seems they are finding senseless excuses and every replies are quite dumb to me.
They will eventually tell u monteline has 2nd and 3rd level management about kyc. Then the crunch. Then the bank. Then back to 1st level monteline.
Well , they need to let us withdraw cash into our bank first. We will post it here once that happens. To be honest and fair.
I’m very sorry to read in your message that you’re in this scam with that lot of money.
I fear that your money will be lost as clearly the end is near for those scamming criminals. Investigation by authorities in Sweden is going on right now and many other countries will follow.
You said that you’ve spoken to support of Nano and Monteline, but in fact they’re the same, it’s all fake as is their BS about Crunch KYC. Crunch is just another branded card from PFS, the same company that was used by them for the previous card they used.KYC terms are still the same as they were at PFS, no changes there!
I don’t think that we will see them be able to start their roadshows in Europe in january next year, they will be shut down before that or they will postpone them, because many angry members will confront them there, maybe even police will show up to arrest those criminals, so I don’t think those rats will take the chance of being arrested on the spot.
Hi, im also in nano with a lot of money and we cant withdraw money out of the system.
The only they do is posting videos in our whatsapp group about members who withdraw money with a crunch card at an atm and pay in a restaurant with a crunch. Ive been uploading my kyc every day and this for a month. It keeps going that they say that my kyc is not clear enough, not this, not that.
Im in belgium and in january the belgian team will organise a christmas party. I dont know what about the rest of this company. Hope they will release the cards and money asap.
“The only they do is posting videos in our whatsapp group about members who withdraw money with a crunch card at an atm and pay in a restaurant with a crunch.”
There are no members that can withdraw at ATM, simply because there is no working card and no one is able to banktransfer their money, Monteline is a fake, not existing “company”, just invented by Nano to stall time and making it harder for members to get their money out!
Crunch is the name for just another payment solution, offered by PFS, this is the same company that provided our previous PFS debitcard.
Nothing has changed in the field of KYC requirements in the EU, same terms as last year still apply, so everything that is told or written by Nano and their scamming ceo van wijk, is completely BS!
It’s very clear that they don’t want to pay anyone.
So let’s turn their upcoming roadshows into “ROADKILL SHOWS”!
What do you mean with pfs debitcards?
That’s the company, registered in London UK, used by Crypto888 > Octacoin for the previous debitcard we used.
So even members in Europe cannot withdraw cash from monteline?
Kyc can be approved by monteline but not crunch for my case. Pending withdrawals been cleared to monteline and nothing else can be done lol.
I have been waiting a long time for my Debit Card from Monteline to arrive, I nearly gave up but 2 weeks ago I got a email that my card application and KYC has been approved, and now after 2 weeks I got them in the post I tested it, believe it or not IT WORKS!
I learned a good lesson all the promises Nano has given was accomplished sometimes wis delays but they keep to their words.. Be patient they are a new company they want to satisfy their customers but it takes some time.
From where are you? And in monteline you can withdraw 3000 to monteline but it keeps 3 weeks to be on your monteline, correct?
This sounds suspiciously like this
A quote from a lone Nano shill on BCT
where he fantasizes about $15 and slags off BehindMLM as a scam…
Recently joined in with him was someone posting as NANOKING, a Belgian if you believe a word he says, who claims to have made $$$$ out of it.
Who might that be, I wonder?
Octanium’s website is still down. Isn’t this a bit suspicious for a company supposedely worth €3b?
@Nathan, I’m from the United Kingdom, there is a delay of 3 weeks from the withdrawal request until it gets on your card, they clearly say that there will be a 3 week pending time, but in the future it will be much faster.
People are very frustrated about the delays but they will improve it in the future
Seriously, it almost angers me how blind some people are… There are no normal “delays”, most people will lose all “invested” money.
WAKE UP! Please let it be a lesson for the future.
I’m quiet following here the comments, but what I still don’t understand is ‘to all of the negative comments as for it will blow up’, can you explain, “WHY”? Is this just a “feeling” or you can prove in detail a ‘why’ it will blow up?
I so far can only see why it will reach a higher level of success then the current success!
Sure. Once people like you stop joining and investing the whole scheme collapses. Just like Crypto 888 Club and Octa Partners.
Heard from and saw friends email replies from nano support: debit card does not accept kyc of members outside Europe. No way non Europeans can withdraw cash.
First they freeze up all accounts in China, next the rest of the world except Europeans can’t withdraw cash.
What is next? They are getting ppl into a casino to change chips without having a cashier to cash out, my dear friends. Lol
Ok, let’s take it a moment into detail. It is not about people as it is about turnover. Even though new members do not join at all still it is about turnover.
As far as business is concerned in every field and in every industry. Now, let’s be honest, the more turnover you do in a business the more revenue possibility you have, the less turnover you have, of course your business is in a down.
I for example am mainly invested with Bitcoins which is obviously a very volatile value and understand the days that have lesser value then the day before. Simply because that the total turnover was less then a day before.
So if in this NNC less people will demand it which equals to less turnover, obviously the value will decrease. As much as in real-estate, gold etc. But what I do see here with this Nano-company, they are working on creating more demand still because the NNC is relatively a new coin.
And i think as for a new company we owe them a chance to let them prove themselves. I remember the negative talks when I invested in Bitcoin but I also see after years how the big banks, intelligent systems and major cooperation’s using the blockchain technology and even creating their own digital coin.
So back to your reaction Mr. Oz, indeed if people (turnover) will stop buying into the NNC it will decrease in value of course.
Now regarding your second sentence about Crypto888 and Octapartners, I have my opinion about it, you do not have to agree with me and this is nice about us as people, that we can discuss and debate certain subjects and agree/disagree sometimes, to me as long as no one claims he lost money with Crypto888 or Octapartners, we cannot call it a scheme or ponzi or any of this kind.
By the way, Octapartners still exists. If it would be as you call it ‘collapse’ the result would also include all people in there would have lost their money.
And so far I went through all comments here and didn’t find anyone claiming he lost money with Crypto888 and Octapartners. I hope you see a common sense here and am open to discuss and debate your opinion with respect to each other about it.
There’s no turnover in a Ponzi scheme. You invest, money gone. Someone else invests, you steal and now their money’s gone.
NanoCoins are completely worthless outside of Nano Club. This is just another pump and dump altcoin packaged with MLM recruitment commissions.
The company behind the coin is not new though. They did the same thing in Crypto888 and Octa Partners through OctaCoin.
Want to know the future of NanoCoin? Go look up the value of OctaCoin.
That’s the beauty of the pump and dump altcoin model. Set up a worthless coin, sell it to suckers such as yourself for a premium, watch the price collapse because the coin is worthless and then wash your hands of it (and in this case launch another scheme).
That’s because since Octa888 people who lost money have had their ROI liability shifted from one company to another. Better to shut up and hope this time around Nano Coin will magically manifest the money they lost.
Otherwise accounts are cancelled and it’s game over. Such is the way of the MLM underbelly.
Whether victims want to acknowledge they’re victims or not is irrelevant to a company being a Ponzi scheme.
Using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors (via an internal exchange) makes Nano Club a Ponzi scheme. Paying affiliates to recruit new affiliates makes it a pyramid scheme.
PS. None of this is opinion, this is all fact based on the history of the Crypto888 Club scammers.
I can testify that I saw someone pay at the restaurant with his crunch card.
Before OZ can reply to that, yes, it could be a Ponzi, yes, it could collapse, who knows?
Just wanted to say what I saw. This is not an opinion either, but fact based.
Uh… everyone should know because Nano Club’s business model (compensation plan) isn’t a secret.
Some random spending stolen money they scammed doesn’t make Nano Club any less of a Ponzi scheme.
Pending withdrawals are being declined without any reason.
When approved by Crunch, you still will not be able to transfer from Monteline to bank, because first you need to activate the card, which is “sent” to you by mail.
When (and if) your card finally has arrived, it takes another 3 weeks for your transfer for actually be credited to your card….
El toro, which nationality are u may I know?
Have u been approved by crunch?
This isn’t the place to co-ordinate your scamming.
The Octanium Ltd. website is STILL off-line and has now been so for more than a month.
Octanium is supposed to be a €3b worth company and the mother company of Nanoclub It is supposed to be the company developing games, working in online gambling, and investing in gas shares. But it does not exist.
this website you mean?
Seems alive and kicking to me…. PWC as advisor, not bad.
Except if you look at their claimed corp reg, they’re registered in Gilbraltar. But Internet search says they’re registered in Cyprus.
Their domain name says they’re registered by a gmail address in Spain that belonged to a Guido “Gary” Granello, who pushes an online casino called PlayTrade777.
Does that look like an alleged “3 Billion Euro” company? Nope.
PlayTrade777 was apparently previously known as Juubeo auction.
PlayTrade777 has the SAME ADDRESS as this Octanium company. It is basically the same company.
Can I ask you what you think bout litecoin?
Sure. It’s not MLM and is offtopic.
@Fox – go to and click on Litecoin (or any other coin) to see charts, history, developer team, philosophy, what problem this coin addresses or solution it presents specifically and how, bulletin boards, chat rooms, power reviews and critical analysis, and open source code.
Amy coin missing Amy of this info is probably a shitcoin. And even many coins which do list all of this Can still be worthless or just “pump&dumps.”
This is why Due Diligence in ANY investment is crucial.
@ TimTayshun —
Nano Coin don’t want to be “just another coin” out there, that’s why they have this reward program etc.. But once it will be worth for many people and the price will go up, it will probably be public and you will be able to find it on coinmarketcap.
That’s not the priority here, the priority is the coin should get famous and valuable by people then it can go public.
At which point it will promptly crash. So what happens is the company owners string you along for as long as possible on this dream.
They trade their worthless points for your real money.
That’s the fate of every Ponzi points scam. Simple reason being nobody outside of the opportunity is having a bar of the made-up value of the points.
@John Gray –
Coins don’t get “famous and valuable” by living in a closed-loop circle jerk, like Oz points out.
They attract attention (the right kind) by providing a better solution to a current problem in security, anonymity, transacting confirmation speed, use-case features, or programmable capabilities or other functionality (ie., DAPPs/ “colored coins”).
Without such new and technological innovations cryptocurrency which fails to meet these criteria are simply knockoffs of existing tech and are premined pump& dump #shitcoins
Why do the Nanobelievers keep referring to going public, or private members club.
What a joke, any person in the world can input his money to the Nanoclub scheme, they are desperate for money. (of course)
#Quote from their website:
(they can´t even get the English grammar right on their slogan)
And unique my ass, one of 10 thousand other useless coins of which are actually registered as opposed to the NNC coin which is entirely fictional.
And to my opinion, we should give some credit to the guys persevering on this forum, dedicated to stop others losing their investments. (ie Oz, K.Chang, El Toro, Copa, Ghostbusters, Retired EU fraud investigator, Insider and others.
To you all I say thank you and lets continue and try and bring them down.
Thanks Jack … I still see a lot of false promises, many people I know with big money in that company but nobody can withdraw one euro.
The strange thing is they stay calm, and they keep the NNC because the sponsor says the NNC will go much higher … so they still believe all his lies …
This company is 200% SCAM but problem is they keep scamming innocent people … Dunno how to stop this.
Anyone has a monteline card and if you do, is it working? I wonder what will happen with the tour they gonna do next month?
Yes, the tour will be very interesting, I do not belive this can carry on for much longer.
I have seen a video of someone using a credit card that apparently related to Nanoclub.
This is really sad to my opinion, the fact that someone makes a video says enough right?
Or anyone else here interested in some videos of a person using a Deutsche bank credit card?
In november 2016, I have visited an octacoin recruitment meeting in Holland. I agree, it did sounded like a total ponzie scam.
Although I have seen a working debet card in oktober 2016. Some people close to me have invested, so I will follow this topic. Tnx everybody for writing here.
@neergestort: very easy for them to show some cards that work .. their own cards maybe?
The top of this company is known as scammer and they have scammed many people in other programs. This program is full of costs and hidden costs.
You have to invest your money for 1 year, but in fact, this is a BIG lie. After one year, you can start to convert your useless NNC in tradano and takes you a few weeks to convert and you pay big costs … after you have to transfer to Monteline and this takes another 3weeks or more.
So we are already 5 weeks later and then you have to try to get the money back …
Another thing is that you have to re invest at least 50% of your profit and this is in the program for one year. So your profit of the last week of the first year, is stuck in the program for another year.
this program is the worst I know on the market at this moment, every click you do you pay costs
Hope it collaps soon, so they can not recruit innocent people anymore
The leaders are real cowards, scamming their best friends and family only because of the huge commissions the earn; very sad and strange they still can sleep at night
Best advice for everyone: STAY AWAY, your money is even better on your bank account because there you get 0.1% , when it is in Nanoclub, you sponsor your entire upline and especially the big scammers, doing birhtday parties of 25.000 euro and other one buying 20+ houses … all of this is impossible with your own money and easy when you use all the money of your downline.
Hope they end in the jail one day before they start up another program and scam new innocent people.
So if its a scam. Where are the police.
Octanium Ltd website is still down. Three billion euro company my ass.
Interesting standard to go by, if the police aren’t invovled it’s not a scam. If all those victims of Madoff, Zeek Rewards, Telex Free etc. etc. had worked on that basis they wouldn’t be victims.
Oh wait a second, it doesn’t actually work like that, many of these run for a good period of time before the authorities have enough evidence etc. to step in, and depending where they are based many shut down taking the victims money without suffering any legal intervention.
You’d have to ask them.
Where the police are though has no bearing on Nano Club being a third-generation scam.
Looks like everyone received their cards already that’s why it is so quiet here…
I personally know more than 10 people who have their cards already… please post here if you have got yours and share your experience.
First of all I would like to wish you all the best for this new year. I hope that everyone will receive most of their invested money back.
Card is received indeed, also by many members that I know and believe it or not, even transfers can be made from monteline to crunch (this is the card) and money from card can be withdrawn. How long this wil last, nobody knows of course, but for the moment it works.
Also NNC has “rosen” up to a value of 2.70 euro, so trading it at Tradano can even make some more mony…..for as long as it will last of course.
Really curious about further developments…….
I have talked to a dozen people who now have lost all hope in getting their savings back. It is such a tragedy, and I really with to see the scammers behind bars!
The website of Octanium is still down. My guess is that the leaders now are running off with the money they stole.
My parnter found out that someone has change her email address to and also changed her PIN! they are simply steeling accounts and and data. If they can do that – forget abount any withdrawals!!!
Hey guys,
price is going up in tradano, just to try to stop people converting their Nano to Euro … they will raise it more and more till people say: let’s wait some longer because price goes higher every day
Impossible price goes up because last weekend all the crypo currencies lost 15-30% of their value and nano … still went up day after day.
another reason why people can withdraw money is because they have a reception soon and want happy people there.
after the reception there is the roadshow , so they have to proof everything is working good …
so there are many reasons why suddenly after months and months of non working, it is working again.
they are unreliable … soon something will happen, maybe after the roadshow.
but as long it works, go withdraw your money as much you can.
good luck
Dear all,
Applied for the card last November ,made several follow ups then finally support said their card does not work outside of EU…
As of January Monteline back office showed the card is under process. Not sure if we will receive the card and if yes,when;also if we will be ble to take out funds from it. Sharing this information in answer to someone’s post.
I had been trying to understand what is going on with the company hence I went to google and found this link.
Thanks to all who shared their valuable time, energy in giving some information, insights re the company, its product. Appreciate it. Hope those involve will be able to recover their funds and yes that the ones running the company will deliver.
Happy New Year.
I was waiting over 2 months, but yesterday I finally recived money from them and withdrawal all money from ATM.
Crunch card is working also, fees are big, but it´s working right now.
Be aware that NNC one of its biggest scammer in Estonia is ERIK NURM who doesn´t absolutely ashame to show his luxury lifestyle with stolen money!!!
I know several people who have received the crunch card and have allready withdrawn money. I myself have invested a lot in nanocoins and I am not selling them yet. Price will go up and up.
The coins will be sold out soon and then become hard to buy. Selling is not the problem, buying is.
Please find me 1 person on the internet who lost money with nanocoin. Just 1.
Oh wait you can’t. No one lost money, they all made a profit.
Not everything you don’t know is a scam. When over a year nanocoin turns out to be a decent company, will you come back here and admit you were wrong? No you won’t … internet hero’s …
Some months ago I was on a private party with the nanoclub CEO. The company is doing very well and will try to deliver as promised. Now post facts here and not just emotional feelings about something you just don’t know.
Your one of them, you just haven’t accepted it yet.
The people you know have withdrawn your money. Where do you think the ROI comes from?
We’re almost two years into this scam across two collapses and three reboots.
Don’t let that stop you living in a fantasy world though…
Fact: Nano Club is a Ponzi scheme as per its business model.
The only people posting emotional garbage are Nano Club investors in denial.
The “fact” that people have withdrawn money, doesnt legitimize the company.
Its clearly built around a ponzi, all the evidence is there, you just have to open your eyes.
You pay real money, for a made up coin, which in it self is worth nothing, its air. The company then tells you they will invest your REAL money, in different lucrative businesses and with the profit they make, they give you more coins(air) in return.
Dont you hear how stupid that sounds?
Hi Citizen (username in this thread), thank you for your sharing. So I guess we have to wait after 2 months before we receive our card, if we receive it will give update here.
Just wondering if there is anyone here who is outside of Europe (living in Asia) who has received the paycard? We got response from support that we can withdraw only up to 250 euro/week…
Thank you.
first sorry for my english.
I’ve been with the company around 8 month now through a friend. Its for me a passieve investeert. I’m not doing all that mlm stuff.
I really have my doubt if i will get my money back or not. After lot of attem to get my Monteline and crunchcard in order, finally i receive crunchcard last week and done several payment already.
I got 80% of investment already back. I still have my doubt but until now I’m still happy with it.
@Fred in October and November, even till half December NOBODY could withdraw something
If your company is financial strong, why it takes week to exchange your expired NNC ? And after that , why it takes another 3 weeks to transfer the money from nano to monteline, which is also from the same owners ? 5 weeks or more the withdraw your money and at that time you need luck to have a card and if you have one that it is working
Yes I few have a card and these are working, but this is to calm down the clients and the company say : Hey, some members have a card and it is working
It is easy to manipulate the rate, even more when you can not sell your whole package and even more when people can buy nnc with the monopoly money in the energy wallet; it is all manipulated; normal not many sell, they just CAN NOT sell. If I could I sold all at once but I CAN NOT, every day a few … and this for weeks
Who wants to join when you know how hard it is to get your money back, if you know you have to pay so many costs and for the return you don’t have to do it anymore , 4%/month
the question is just … WHEN they will collapse not will they …
Jeesus man are you smoked weed? so tell us something new constantly heading.
Why you can sell 175 coins each day is to keep prices stable or what do you think would happen if everyone would be set at the same time dumping, the price would collapse or you have not thought that far.
Crunch Card now operating normally, the reason that there were difficulties lay with mastercard not nano.
If the ipo of the gas deal in order, this will give the company a lifeline of at least 15 years.
So stop posting nonsense, I suggest you a good jerk off and go home because mom has baked fish sticks.
Artificial price manipulation? Thankyou for confirming the actual NanoCoin value is $0.
No it won’t Ponzi points are Ponzi points. Once the money runs out the scheme collapses and all you’re left with is worthless altcoins. Just like OctaCoin.
Judge us on the ipo something you totally do not know about it, wait another 2 months and you gonna see green!!
What, and ignore the past and Nano Club’s obvious Ponzi business model?
That’s how people get scammed in the first place – ignoring the obvious.
Oz? Ghostbusters? Is there any positive thing that you can tell about Nanoclub?
The reality is there is nothing positive about Ponzi schemes.
As far as due diligence goes, falling into the whole “positive/negative” thing is a trap. Scammers want you to think this way so they can manipulate your emotions over reason.
There are only facts, and they are neither positive or negative.
Hi John of Slovenia,
Thank u for sharing. Got the same answer from support…
Hi Roman,
What country are you in? Glad you got your card and able to recover 80% of your funds. Hopefully you will get the rest.
Anyone here attended the meet up with management yesterday in Sweden? Appreciate knowing any latest information.
Thank you.
Does any of the investors have any economy or financial background.
Octanium Ltd, the company behind Nanocoin and the substance of the value of the coin, is a small cyprus based company with one single person in the executive board.
This person has limited cv, have done some business in Romania related to real estate. Thats it.
A 3 billion Euro company would not have one single unknown person in the lead. Moreover, theay have no annual report filed yet.
So….still awaiting news. Are the money inte the company or have the norweigan lawyer sent them elsewhere? If so, where are they?
I’m from Netherland and I dont think we have limit on it. I have withdraw 500,600€ several time already without any problem.
Todays meeting in Holland:
Can anyone please share here what was announced at the Road Shows all over Europe? have you confronted the nano team with your questions? what did they answer? how was the atmosphere at the event? how many people attended?
How long did it take for you to receive your card from the time you applied? We applied for it 2 months ago,still don’t have it…
Thank you for your response. I think Netherlands is limited to 3,000 euro/week in terms of withdrawal limit while we in Asia are limited to 250 euro/week…
Link in swedish for anyone thats interested:
Nanoscam was supposed to have a meeting in Sundsvall Sweden, press went out and warned people since Octanium has been reported to the police by the lotteryinspection of sweden as a supposed ponzie scam.
The reporter tried to get in contact with the meetings representative but had no luck, later the same day the event got canceled.
From Estonia:
Tonight I’m going to a Nanocoin event and sharing some information. Get ready for the end.
Has anyone been to a road show stop yet? Any news what they said/presented?
The reports to the Swedish police about Nano is only on the Nano Lottery what is like a Lottery Game and you need a licence for it, but it has nothing to do with Nano Coin, everyone can start their own Cryptocurrency it is nothing illegal with that.
No it wasn’t –
The issue isn’t about “starting a cryptocurrency”, it’s about attaching a scam to one.
@oz the Swedish gaming board “believe” er “think” that its a game. I can understand it al little because not many information from the company goes outside to the public.
Now its up to them to come with evidence and based on that, they will see it is not what they thought. We are al happy members.
What IPO of what gas deal?
The previous poster “kingcoin” may just be the same as one post “Nanoking” on the BCTalk thread about this garbage, who makes various unverifiable claims such as
Statoil is a publicly listed company. The only way you can invest in it is to buy its poorly performing shares.
Golden Race is a two bit gaming software outfit also based in Malta.
The idea that ROI’s such as claimed by the ‘King’ can be generated by investment in these companies is absurd.
Gaming Boards in Scandanavian countries regulate pyramid schemes (among other things).
The Gaming Board’s announcement makes it clear their investigation revealed Nano Club was a pyramid scheme.
Exhibit A: Nano Club’s business model.
Paying affiliates to recruit affiliates in MLM = pyramid scheme.
@oz “Most likeley” is in my opinion not the same as “prooved with evidence”. Let the investigators do their job and we will see…
We don’t get paid to recruit affiliates, we get a comission on a sales. (Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempt removed)
Well sure. If you completely ignore Nano Club’s compensation plan.
When “sales” = newly recruited affiliates spending money, you’re getting paid to recruit.
Ha-ha, just listened Estonian interview with the promoter of Nano Coin and he says Nano Club is not in anyway tied to Crypto 888, but he cannot confirm it. Also, he didn’t know what packages include. He mentioned this website “behindmlm” wants money for clicks, but ads don’t give that much money.
Also, he said there are four-digit number of people who has joined in Estonia.
I mean, it’s scam and big and trustworthy news site says that’s a scam.
Investors in Sweden are in stage of denial moving towards anger. I wonder how long before they reach acceptance and sadness occurs.
After estonian roadshow event all estonian media warned people that is’a pyramid-ponzi scam!!
I know you all understand estonian but just wanted to show you how serious the current status here it is.
I’m 100% sure that it is only a matter of time when estonian police arrest him and bans this pyramid-ponzi scam here.
The guy with make-up is a estonian leader Erik Nurm, keep remember this face because he makes this nanoclub scam thing internationally!!
If the reporter asked him what he gets if she invest 10K EUR – then Erik tells he don’t know and this turn out incoming weeks
All major news channels articles:
Full interview for news channel:
ALERT: nano to monteline, all transfers are pending for more than 4 weeks.
monteline to card: normally within 48 hours, now it is pending for more than 8 days.
again they are out of money and looking for new money before the will process all these orders.
1.000.000 of euro are waiting to go out of the company, much more than they have and much more they will get in the company after the road shows.
All new clients will never see their money again, the collapse is very near, the leaders will have to run, they cheated on family and friends, and they knew they were cheating.
A ponzi with leaders using the money can’t live long … Anyhow this is the last year for Nano, unless they use other sites to scam and put that money into nano. As they are professional scammers they might have other sites to scam people.
the PRO NANO here on this forum: please explain why all the transfers are pending. Strange this happens after the road shows …
omg Ghostbusters, what a loser are you. Everything works perfect or are you the only one??
Dont find any other complainers.Didnt you tell november 2016 was going to be the end of nano? Haha, 2017 will be the best year.
No I didn’t tell november would be the end but 2017.
nano to monteline should be 3 weeks but after 4,50 weeks the transfer is still pending.
in monteline to card it takes normally 48 hours but now 9 days and still pending.
And ALL for all other e wallets the transfer to card is instantly which is normal, because this is an internal transfer. The only reason to approve this transaction and to save some extra time here
I called other nano members, all their transactions are pending much longer than normal.
Kingcoin, you are from the nano staff or big leaders, and of course you say that everything works smoothly…
The losers are the last ones who will deposit and the scammers, and leaders who know the company is bad and still selling it…
Kingcoin, the truth hurts, I understand. You know you are lying, and this says enough. Thanks, this is another confirmation.
I strongly suspect Nanoclub is a scam. They previously had crypto888 with cryptocoins that are now listed having a value of 0.0018 Euro.
At this moment we can’t find on the internet any value for nanocoins on any website except on sites nanoclub controls, like Tradano.
Some months ago, they declared a 1.5 € value, now it’s 3.75 and going to 4… That is however within their own micro-economy, so you might ‘earn’ thousands of coins, you can only sell them within nanoclub, not like you can buy or sell bitcoins in 1000+ places.
Although they professionally make the business model look good, there’s no guarantee the money invested and profit will ever return to you in another currency then in coins that don’t have a value in the real world.
I wouldn’t advice anyone to step in before nanocoins can be traded outside nanoclub, as then at least you can see what the real value is.
I fact you can use your Nano Coins in more than 70 points of sales most of them in Europe, you can see a map from all accepting points on, perhaps Bitcoin didn’t had this in the first 2 years
Well to be abit more specific, 70 stores says the accept coins as a currency, the fact that they are all members of the nanoponzi makes it irrelevant and can not be compared to bitcoin in any way.
@John Gray as long it is not an official crypto currency it is worthless. The stores that accept nano are nano member and 80% of those businesses are in small Belgium. I see not any in UK, France, Spain, Italy, ….
Nano —> Monteline : 4 weeks and pending … 3 weeks is long enough, why do one week extra ?
Helpdesk : worst in the business. Any other business answers in few hours, nano in one week , if they answer
costs : Nano is king of the world, one thing they are better than all the rest
I can only say: i am for more then 13 months in the passive program and it gives me weekly a nice reward that i withdrawed several times.
I dont understand these comments of the few complaining persons who are even not involved in the nano program.
In a world where cryptomoney is for 95% of the people not more then “hot air” we dont have to break of concurrents or other altcoins?
Every altcoin still have to prove he will survive, even bitcoin. I own several cryptovaluta but the investment programs in nano are unique. I should say, wait and see.
Kingcoin .. what are you saying .. BTC still has to prove if it will survive … Btc has 85.9% of the crypto currency market.
It is bigger than all the other ones together; market cap is $16,850,756,119 ; Bitcoin is now bigger than Silver, SpaceX, Dropbox, and Twitter by market cap.
compare this with the 70 nano stores that accept nano … :
Ask 100 people in which currency they want to invest, btc or nano, everyone knows the answer.
Nano Club hasn’t been around for thirteen months, so you’re full of shit. You went through the Octa Partners collapse and know exactly what happens when a Ponzi collapses.
What you meant to say is you were an early adopter of Crypto 888 and Octa Partners. Got in early and ripped people off.
Now you’re doing it again in Nano Club. Well, until it collapses.
Yes oz , i went true all this changes. During these 2 years with almost 1000000 members, where are the comments of the stolen people?? Don’t find any on the whole web, strange.
@ghostbusters. I am sure i own more btc than you, so i surely believe in btc , but the first is maybe not the best in the future. Keep folowing this site, …
Like you, their money is tied up with Crypto 888, Octa Partners and now Nano Club. All you’ve got to show for it is backoffice monopoly money, recruitment commissions and worthless altcoins.
Alexa stats confirm the million member claim is bogus. What you’ll find is most of the accounts are just email addresses, under the control of a much smaller percentage of affiliates.
None of you will confirm you’ve been scammed as long as the scammers running the show keep making you promises. Lest they delete your account and then you’re left with nothing.
1000000 members … easy to say …
If you are saying nano will do better than btc one day, then I think you still believe in santa claus.
If you really would know the power and strength of BTC you would never invest one EURO/USD in a fake currency which isn’t worth more than monopoly money.
@Kingcoin – Bitcoin isn’t an “Alt-coin.” Lol. And of course the future is not completely known. What IS known, however, is that the days of some non-bank (or Govt.) backed, new & upcoming cryptocurrency as the macrocosmic and GLOBAL digital money solution are over.
Bitcoin, Monero and one, maybe two more, will dominate due to their vast distributed networks and massive and dedicated DEVELOPMENT TEAMS, which are never evident in the dumb schemes. And, “miners” don’t “push buttons,” they actually run or operate equipment; which is dispersed across the globe.
The cryptocurrency industry has moved past creating “digital money” at this point. It’s like re-creating the wheel. We have it and it already works (and is being constantly refined to work better and faster).
So, whatever pay-to-play “club coin” the MLM industry comes up with will always fail, because they don’t know tech and they don’t understand crypto at all (and the market hates “pre-mining” (exclusivity) and real merchants won’t exchange “club coins” outside of maybe discount coupons, as in Onecoin’s fatal example.
Hahahaha. Bitcoin is the standard all altcoins are compared to. Your standard of measure is seriously whacked.
Some updates so others may know…
Took 33 days before funds withdrawn from nano was credited to Monteline…cannot withdraw since did not receive the card paid for,support said their card does not work outside of Europe…having a card does not mean being able to get funds either as our friend still has to receive his code after 2 weeks hence he cannot transfer from Monteline to crunch…
yes,members are afraid to speak up because of management’s threat to block you from your account and you lose access to your funds if they think you said or did anything not favorable to them I guess.
What a learning experience!
@Ghostbusters: There is actually a UK business what accepts the Nano Coin for a payment as you can see on the map, I called them and the confirmed it that they accept it 100%.
I look on it this way, only the UK residents accepting British Pounds, only Europeans accepting Euros, only Bitcoin believers accepting Bitcoins & finally only Nano Members accepting NanoCoins…
The more people believe in it the more accepting points it will have… If you know how FIAT money (Paper Money) works you will agree that Nano Coin can be the same, the value of your £,$,€ is only because people believe in it, otherwise its a simple paper not worth more than a penny.
You’ll find the business is owned by a Nano Club affiliate and anything they accept is off the books.
I don’t buy fiat currency from scammers on the promise it will rise in value only to find out I can’t use it to purchase anything (from a legitimate third-party merchant)… and then watch its value approach $0.
@mike to accept nano, you have to be a member if not the nano is worthless.
To accept BTC you don’t have to be in any club, buying packs, your sponsor and upline earning commission , etc … Bitcoin is in the news, can be traded on many exchanges, you can use it all over the world. offers a visual way to locate bitcoin stores in any geographical area, and new businesses are appearing all the time WHAT A DIFFERENCE WITH THE NANO MAP LOL.
More stores in London that accept BTC than total stores that accept nano in the world …
fiat currency actually exists. fake cryptocurrencies do not.
My partner had her email changed by someone (I can say “support” could do it) she had fourty thousands on her account. Pin was changed too.
after certain numbers of letters the support changed the email back but she had to pay a penalty of 1000 euro for some BS reasons… she could not withdraw for weeks because of this.
@TinTon, next time your partner shouldn’t try to connect to accounts to one Monteline account, it has been warned so many times to all members not to do it for fraud reasons. I guess it is easier to blame the company then your partner herself.
@Ghostbusthers, it seems you do not remember the early years of BTC. Very naughty from you to compare BTC that exists since 2008 to a company that exists only since 2015. But I would like to go through all of your comments at approx. the month of June, would be interesting to read those negative thoughts of people that always stay behind and blame others for their stomach pain.
I’m really not surprised, it was the same with BTC, exactly the same just with a little tone worse, it was not some people on an unobjective blog as BehindMlm but it were the big Banks, the establishments, the big major cooperation’s etc… and yes, BTC survived it, so Nano won’t survive all of you few negative people over here? I don’t think so…
Right. Just like OctaCoin survived it. Wait, survived what?
Bitcoin was never attached to a pre-mined pump and dump scheme run by scammers. Comparing bitcoin to MLM altcoin scams is tired, time to think up a new strategy guys.
@Oz, will you be fair enough to admit in public if you see that the NNC gets on an open public trade that you were wrong?
Exactly how new to this scam are you?
OctaCoin is publicly traded. The MLM pump and dump altcoin scam model often sees a coin publicly traded.
It has nothing to do with scamming people on the backend through the income opportunity. The only difference between a non-public MLM altcoin scam is that the non-public altcoin is Ponzi points (think OneCoin).
In the public MLM altcoin scams The admin scammers make money selling pre-mined worthless altcoins at a premium to gullible investors (that’s you).
Scammer affiliates make money recruiting new investors (pyramid fraud).
The majority of affiliates in these schemes eventually lose money when their worthless altcoin collapses (see: OctaCoin).
This record has been spinning for a few years now. Ignore the past at your own financial peril.
No seriously, the current value of OctaCoin is $0.0003. Same scammers running Nano Coin after it collapsed (once recruitment died down).
This is the third reboot of the same scam. And here y’all are, refusing to acknowledge you’ve been had.
Yeah, I’m totally the only that needs to admit something.
@george verslippen
You really keep defending those professional scammers:
You really think now they changed their life and they want to run a fair business?
(Ozedit: Offtopic waffling that has nothing to do with Nano Club removed)
^^ Anything and everything under the sun (Scam excuses 101 from cover to cover), except anything relevant to Nano Club.
@George and the other nano leaders
Impossible to say something positive about scammers, not as a client (maybe their wifes can say something positive because their husbands are so generous …. with our money).
What I can say, not being negative but realistic:
transfer nano —> monteline pending for 5 weeks now … isn’t this supposed to be 3 weeks.
You invest for 6 months but eventually you need 3-4 more months to sell all your NNC , transfer to monteline and transfer to your card.
And it takes you another year to sell all the rest, because each profit is invested for another year (and all these things the sponsor is not telling when he is selling you the package because if they would do, nobody would buy this).
You have to compound 50 or 100%. A good company let you choose if you want to compound or withdraw your profit.
Applying for the card takes weeks/months. Helpdesk is the worst in business. If you have luck they answer after one week, IF they answer.
So you can see they do everything to save time, delay the payouts. You have to pay for everything, think they are the champion in charging costs.
Not one positive thing to say about the program and the upliners … good as long you deposit and bring new clients. The day you talk about quitting the program you can forget about any service. They even don’t reply anymore ….
So for new clients STAY AWAY and for NANO clients: GET OUT ASAP. (Ozedit: Offtopic)
transfer nano to monteline from the 3th of January : pending
great service, isn’t it …. 38 days and still pending. After it will take another 3-7 days to get on the card …
If you say Nano is good, start with giving a good service and proceed the payments as promised, this means 3 weeks and not 5
Even 3 weeks is too long, but if you take some weeks more this is not client friendly and there is only one reason why it takes so long …. NO MORE MONEY , more money out than money IN. If you say this is not true, just proceed the payments in time.
@George Verslippen
please do not say what you have no idea about! someone had changed her email address from gmail.come to @lucre and pin code so she would not withdraw.
After one month support finally changed the email so she could retrieve pin. And it has nothing to do with monteline and other BS. And she had to pay 1000 euro penalty for that. Very nice indeed!
I can understand the deffence when you try to believe in company as you have had invested money. But sometimes believing has nothing to do with reality. Unfortunately.
no withdrawals, no support, even cash account cant be used to transfer “funds” inside the team.
this is not how it has started. Now the new “management” is making it impossible to get any funds out.
so dont tell me how great it is, mr George Verslippen
1.) withdrew cash last January,after more than 1 month still pending,not credited to the e wallet.
2.) The card, pfs was working in Asia then got email re changes on payment and it will be solved by August, it’s been running 6.5 months,not being able to take out funds from the system.
Hope we can still recover funds due to us…
Transfer nano to monteline
3th of January, or 6 weeks ago: PENDING
10th of January, or 5 weeks ago: PENDING
NANO believers, with all your peptalk, why does this takes so long, and it is not only me. Everywhere it is the same.
normal is 3–10 days, here we speak not in days, but in weeks. This program is really the worst one I have ever seen and it is even getting worse ….
From now one you can only sell 10 coins a day? If you are financial strong, you don’t have to limit anything.
If too much people sell the coin, then the rate should go now, same with BTC and any other currency … This limitation is another proof that there is NO MONEY ANYMORE.
When will we get good news?
One year to change all my coins 🙁
Easy to change the rules whenever you want.
Tradano limitations: 10 coins a day, 70 a week and max 250 coins a month. 1 Coin is now “worth” 4,21 euro at Tradano.
So this now has become a concept where you can invest your money, wait for 1 year untill they release your profit and then you can cash only a monthly minimum wage, lol.
Long time ago El torro
I expected they would do something to slow down the payouts…. another try to survive a bit longer.
The sucker are buying monopol money, so the boys can buy reeal estate lol.
Update,on a positive note…
amounts withdrawn from our Nano acct since Jan 10 that remained pending,got credited to e wallet today (5 weeks),same goes with other amounts that were withdrawn 1 and 2 weeks after it,got credited after 4 weeks,and the latest one in 3 weeks…
Hope we get our card soon & able to take out funds. fyi.
@Eastwest : you are lucky , here still pending …..
45 days and still pending … Wasn’t it 3 weeks ? This is the worst company I have ever seen, pretending they are so good, but doing nothing to be good.
yes they are good ….
in lying
in charging costs
in making excuses
Nano do your job, pay ON TIME , deliver out your cards faster; some people waiting for their card for 4 months now … Oh yes, they give such a good service … they are the best company online, Nano gonna beat btc soon … Oh yes, Santa Claus exists.
Nano is new to a lot of people. I have invested a lot of my savings in this and if I had any more, I would buy extra Nanocoins. I might sell some later this year when the price goes up to 20 euro’s.
(Ozedit: Spam link removed)
I have talked with some people from the European leader team last week. The company is healthy and has the money. The big delays come from rules/law and some fraude from users and money laundry.
Merchant program will be updated soon. The company is now looking how merchants can accept coins and be in line with the tax rules in each country.
Lets talk a lot about Nanocoin. This coin might the first one to kick bitcoin’s ass 🙂
Greetings from a happy Nano user
Well, if “the leaders” say so… Same leaders who said Crypto 888 Club and Octa Partners “had the money” too?
Yeah, turns out running Ponzi schemes is illegal. Who knew?
You mean you talked to people who have every reason to lie to you and nothing to gain by telling you the truth.
Every minute they keep you in the dark is every minute you’re not going after your money (well, it’s their money now).
It’s good that funds I withdrew were credited (after 3 to 5 weeks for 3 transactions) in Monteline but then cannot take it out.
Ordered and paid for the card last November but still under process,management said their card do not work outside of Europe but they are working on it… wish they’d level with us!
Why is it so quiet here? Where is it up to?
Did it blow up or is it going better?
It’s meant to get better,heard from our sponsor that take out will be reduced from 3 to 5 weeks to more than a week,and that this will be announced soon:).
Well,what is important is take out of funds from the card itself and most don’t have any card yet :(.
It’s meant to get better, heard from our sponsor that take out will be reduced from 3 to 5 weeks to more than a week, and that this will be announced soon…
7 weeks and pending … why should they reduce if they can not do it in 3-5 weeks ??
Pff, all the pending are canceled and there’s limit for witdrawal of max 250€/week. Now it will take me 5 month instead of 5 week to get out the same amount.
The leaders and actieve members still can get 10k a week from there commission and binaries. Where passieve members and investors barely can take out the fund.
I hope I can get my money back.
After more than a month of waiting for funds that are pending,so disappointing to see all pending withdrawals cancelled.
We observed the limit of 250 euro/week here in Asia yet it was cancelled. Even our sponsor in Europe who is active, his pending withdrawals were cancelled too…
No funds taken our from the system for 7 months now. The chance of taking out our funds look slim… It’s not so much what they say, it’s what they do that counts…
Yes, it is very frustating indeed to see how they are treating the people that made them big by their investments in the first place.
According to their latest newsletter, apparantly there is enough money available to buy new real estates for the company (probably big mentions for the scammers themselves) but paying out the members the money they’re entitled to receive, is not possible….!
Clearly all the new terms they came up with, are meant to make it harder getting your money out of this scam scheme.
Those are their new withdrawal terms:
Latest news:
Cash to Monteline pending period is now shorter. Monteline to crunchcard now takes 15 minutes instead of 48 hours.
3th week of may all internal limits will be gone. Two months later the coin will be released to external platforms and will be found on sites such as coinmarketcap. The company is doing everything to increase the value (today 4,72 ) so that we can be in the top 10 coinmarketcap coins.
I understand that lots of people have fear to lose money. No problem, lets keep talking a lot here. For the non-believers: if 800 000 Chinese people lost their money in this system, please find me 1 on the internet that tells about it. Oh wait … you cannot … they are still earning as well … 🙂
Next update in some weeks, ciao Xx
The fallacy of a Ponzi scheme like this is money on a screen = Monopoly money.
Complain and you lose your account.
There’s no legitimate reason for “internal limits” in legitimate business. Ponzi schemes limit withdrawals to stretch invested funds.
The only thing that will legitimately increase a cryptocurrency’s value is usability. NanoCoin has none outside of the income opportunity.
@Stirling Worth – How many MLM (ponzi) coins do you need to collapse before you recognize a specific patternand finally have an epiphany: YOU CAN’T “MLM” MONEY!
The reason is simple and is based on 2 things: 1.) The Principle of Greed 2.) The Universal Law of “The Pump& Dump”
If I buy something today for $10 and 30 days from today (when it “goes public”) its supposed to be worth $50, than Bing-Bang-Boom! I’m out, baby! I’m listing it ALL at $45 FLAT within the first 10 seconds of trading!
…and this is Not only what ALL the top holders and Leaders Will do with precision, but also Team Leaders and more-or-less everyoneelse who suddenly believes they’re setting capital gains.
So, in 15 minutes $50 price became $40, chased by sell orders competing between $30-$35, followed by 20, 15, 7, 2, 1.50, 0.002 et al., race to the bottom.
You can’t MLM cryptocurrency.
LOL, Cash to monteline pending is shorter because they limit cash account to 250€ a week. Now they can payout that small amount.
I know People with 8-7k pending and all canceled. It will take thema now 7 – 8 month to withdraw there money.
So they can talk about faster payout and withdraw but we all now it’s Bull shit.
quote from original post in september 2016:
Now in march they are still running and making new members… When will it stop? Aren’t there any authorities aware of this big scam? Why do they not get arrested?
Nobody is getting paid anything substantial though. You can run a Ponzi scheme indefinitely if you pay next to nothing out.
“Why do they not get arrested?” – Because the police prefer to focus on crimes that have victims, as opposed to crimes that only have scammers preying on wannabe scammers.
Because they are more concerned about criminals who drag people into dark alleys and beat them or threaten them with knives – not those whose “victims” hand over their money willingly.
Because distinguishing between a fraudulent scheme and a legitimate business that is being incompetently but legally run into the ground is difficult, **if** you are constrained by the legal principle of “beyond reasonable doubt” (which we bloggers thankfully aren’t).
Easier just to go in after the scam has collapsed, pick through the wreckage and arrest anyone who wasn’t quick enough to get away.
@Fred, where did you get this information from?
There is no record within Nanoclub for this info.
Has anyone tried the new BTC/NNC exchange?
I managed to sell 10 NNC and withdraw BTC.
@destroyer: where you find this exchange? tell me and I will try … could be interesting.
Pending transfers to monteline keep getting cancelled, so have to start over and over … … looks new, cant find no info, will post a support ticket.
#destroyer, I can only buy NNC not sell, how did you do it? I also wanna sell some NNC’s.
#destroyer, I can only buy NNC not sell, how did you do it? I also wanna sell some NNC’s.
And what’s the limit per day? And is this platform from nano or an external company?
You can Buy or Sell … Just press the sell on the top of the form. Didnt see no limitations, and also doesnt look like a company exchange.
How long is the pending?
Destroyer, explain how it works please? You have to go to tradano? Or on the nanoclub site? Thanks.
No its external site:
Right, but how long is the pending from BTC to for example Coinbase?
Interesting Destroyer. Found it and have a sell order now, but the strange thing is that there are no buyers and the rate is much lower than in tradano … I see only one order today at 17.45.
At what price did you sell your NNC Destroyer?
Real estate? No more coins to buy? Rumors of a 4th reboot? A hotel room, furniture for free?
Yeah, off course you can buy a hotel with the money pumped into this system. Change the scheme quicker than the investigators can work.
It’s like a safe password, change it faster than the hackers can crack it.
And trust me – why shouldn’t you, you trusted a company active in 200 countries – there are claims, FOD Belgium has several individual claims. But there are more important things to do than investigating individual claims of 5k euro.
And besides what is that company doing wrong? They make money off stupid people? Every premium brand does, so whats the deal?
And concerning the countries, follow:
Nice attempt at reducing Ponzi fraud to “making money off stupid people”.
Regardless of whether Ponzi investors are smart or stupid, fraud is fraud.
That nanotrade exchange is working, but no buyers … and the rate is much lower than what tradano pays. I had 10 NNC for sale and sold 1 🙂 other 9 still for sale at 3.47 euro but no buyers;
The one that I sold I got BTC and transferred to my BTC wallet; that worked and took 20 minutes but again I had to pay a cost.
So it works but not enough buyers, lower price and another cost to pay.
Fee is 4%, lower than on tradano + monteline combined. And they have no limits, i guess exchange is new, so it needs some time to live.
I asked support if they are external provider and they confirmed, and they will not disable the trading like nanoexchange official. Lets give it some time to spread.
I tried that nano new exchange. I wan’t to trade some NNC for fun. Does anyone know how I can buy? I can’t find a readme/info/manual..
Its a Bitcoin / Nanocoin exchange. You need to deposit Bitcoin to buy Nanocoin first
think first click on deposit and deposit some BTC and when you have these, you can buy NNC with your BTC. Buy mine, for sale for only 3.42 euro 🙂 will be happy to get some BTC for my NNC.
I bought it from you :), I just wanted to test it out
Thanks I am sending the BTC to my wallet now .. this works.
exchange does not work now?
oh yes! it is working!
Official one is closed for trading. The new one is working, but not many buyers.
Ofc theres no buyers, who would pay for a shitty scamcoin? oh wait, you guys did…
well, i did exchanged for btc and withdrew. well at least something!
Any news for the headquarters?
Trading site exists, but nearby nobody is buing, even for price much lower than official. Was that forbidden?
Or investors lost confidence and do not purchase for such good prices, just hoping to recover the money they put in?
Nanocoin price just went up to 5,23 on Tradano. Target is to get it over 8 euro / coin so when we go to coinmarketcap in a few months we will land directly in the top 10.
Withdraw time now is less then a week from the backoffice to Monteline.
In april, the leaders from all over Europe go to Valencia for project updates.
We are warming up to go public in some months. Lets talk a lot about Nanocoin here. Some haters allready left this topic … maybe they now realize they have been wrong the whole time 😀
Internal exchange? Why not make it a million per coin?
History has shown public exchanges aren’t interest in Ponzi point scams. But don’t let that stop you from using it as a marketing tool.
On independent market was realized several sales. All with value below 2 EUR.
There is a lot of Sales open position for price 2-4 EUR.
Mike, if you believe to the system, why you dont purchase all “undervalued” coins ?
Yea… the price on your own site went up, good job. Whats that price based on? None knows, its just numbers on a screen…
What you guys decide your coin is worth between eachother has no correlation to what the public thinks its worth. None outside of your ponzigroup can buy the coin, which makes it worth nothing to the public.
The value of the coin goes up constantly. Return on Investment of properties in Spain up 1% every week. (Resorts in Costa del Sol!)
It is still everywhere else a harsh investment culture in Spain with tough conditions.
If this is not a scam the Spanish banks should invest every Euro they’ve got in Nanoclub.
There is no “if”. That is what you must get through your head. No IF!
Char my friend it was irony, ffs!
Haha, so you are saying that the so called “resort” you guys have invested in, are increasing the interest they pay you for your money with 1 % every week?
First of all, no real company pays out interest on their loans every week, since its tied to the companys income, and no business base their income per week, anybody in their right mind would react to that.
And no, spanish banks should not invest in a boogus coin with no real value, except for the made up value between members.
I am pointing out the idiotic facts given by people scamming newbies!
The key selling points are not realistic for anybody with more than 9 years in school.
It is against all laws of economics and yet, there is always a next idiot!
When nanocoin crumbles on its knees there will be a lot of anger amongst those having invested on bad promises.
In small towns there will be tar and feathers.
I understand what you feel about this coin/private club/internal value + weekly intrest.
I have thousands of euros ready in this system to buy new nanocoins. I know people who are in this for more money then your house.
This very moment it takes several days to buy a coin on Tradano. No one wants to sell. Today we have over 4000 buy orders but hardly no sell orders.
Only 13% of the coins is allready out of the private club/back office system and free in webwallets. That is not a lot but it will increase.
The blockchain is free to view for everyone. In Belgium where I am from there are allready more shops that accept Nanocoin then shops that accept Bitcoin.
If you can buy things with it, then it is not worthless. More news soon.
These guys have had years to set something up. Nobody is “accepting” Nanocoins except affiliates (Nano Club affiliate who owns a shop and takes NanoCoin on the side != merchant accepting NanoCoin).
Not publicly tradeable? Ponzi points that nobody except investors will ever be interested in.
Two collapses already, more news soon.
can you please give an example of a shop that exepts NC?
Mike, I’m from Belgium too. Please share with me a list of those shops that accept nanocoin.
I’m willing to visit some of those shops to see how well it works. Then I can post feedback here. Thanks
Why are you not buying on public exchange nanotrade? As far as i can se, price is down to 1.2 EUR per Nanocoin…
Here are the list of the shops.
HANDELSVERTRETER NETZWERK – “Trade representation wanted – Job exchange for trade representatives”
LINEWATER – ionized water
HEALTH BALANCE GROUP – life coaching
So um, are any of the businesses that accept NanoCoin not extremely niche service-based companies obviously tied to Nano Club affiliates?
Nano Club affiliate businesses aren’t legitimate third-party merchants.
Hi all
Monteline is established in England right?
Please check their website:!/
On the bottom of the webpage you’ll find the company number (185445)
If I check this company number on the Endole website (Business info company check in the UK), I end up with a 95 year old golf club (Fairhaven Golf Club,Limited(The))… Very fishy…
Anyone else did this kind of check? Did I miss something? It doesn’t add up…
FYI, A search on Endole for Monteline LTD provides company code 10419981. A 5 month old company with 1,000,000 pound capital and classified as “Management consultancy”. There is only one shareholder; Alf Kristian Spidsberg Jessen.
I don’ know if this guys has ties to Nano or not. But thought it could be of worth in this discussion.
the only way is down …
Since I invested in 2015 for Pro.package at Crypto888 to Octapartners and then to Nano partners, I have not been receiving emails, I can’t even go to my back office now since the change to Nano why?
I just want to withdraw my money to know how much I gain because people are doubting us and wanted to see to join or not.
Please help me to take my money to prove to them.
Worried partner, Fortune Doris.
Most of us here in Ghana, West-Africa are worried because of withdrawal. It’s very true. The few leaders who have been able to withdrawn last year refused to help us to transfer ours.
We are lost! Help!!
Because if they pay you out the Ponzi goes boom. You’re supposed to enjoy your worthless Nano coins and keep quiet.
I can’t even go to my back office now since the change to Nano why? But can You log into back office in Octapartners???
the point is that company separated Europeans from others, half of my team just got vanished from my binary tree – they suspend them, they can log into octapartners but not in Nanoclub. and we – opposite, can see Nanoclub, but not octapartners.
there is nothing to be done, if You are in octapartners. Just try to accept it and leave it.
Yesterday the Flemish financial news paper “De Tijd” published an article. It’s about nanocoin/onecoin vs ponzi scheme.
Spidsberg Jessen is also connected to all of the Norwegian super scammers like Gary Granello, Dag Verner Eriksen, Terje Hvidsten and others. Nice bunch of people.
Dear all victims,
I am preparing a criminal complaint against ERIK NURM, who’s a scam leader in Estonia.
I’ve already uploaded some facts and documents to here:
Please, if you have anything to add please contact me by mail: merkturv[at]
Let’s stop this scam together, before it’s too late to get back your money! Don’t lose hope!
(Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempts removed)
I am not supporting nor am i discrediting this Nano, i can only state two factors:
(Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempts removed)
Not wishing to discuss Nano Club and its Ponzi business model isn’t an excuse to publish offtopic derail attempts.
We have put money in the system Nano but the monteline don t Gent approved, i try for 6 Monti’s , someone who helpt u’s ??? Nona does nog repliy from support.
I have transfer Euro 1141 from Nano cash account to Monteline account.
Login to Nano Back Office. Request a deposit from E-wallet. Fund from your Monteline E-wallet will deposit to your RE account. You will able to withdraw the fund from your RE account thru bank.
And the show goes on under the radar. It seems more and more difficult to trick people into investing after bad press and reputation.
to lost:
what country are you from?
Asia ( Singapore )
I do not know the situation in asia, ask your upline plse.
withdrawals were pending for two weeks and now returned on a balance.
Still going, any ideas of when this is going to end?
When affiliate recruitment dies off and cuts off new investment.
yes, but do we know if it´s slowing down already?
You don’t until it’s too late.
Not paying anymore ….
was Just paid through invoice. do not lie please.
He isn’t lying.
3 weeks ago they cancelled all pending withdrawal requests from the investors, due to a so called “human failure” and now withdrawal requests are pending for 3 weeks already.
That means no payments to investors are done by them for 6 weeks on a row so far!
However, they seem to pay the “recruters” though, to keep this scam ongoing.
El Toro is right. My ‘upline’ has suddenly cut off all communication…
Guess I posed too many critical questions about all this shit that is going on. All of my other friends didn’t get paid either anymore.
This ‘upline’ guy recruited over 30K in our group of friends… He convinced all of us to join with the promise that ‘after two years you can have your money back, no problem’. Little hope for that at the moment…
Warning: the NTRADE platform also seems to be a total scam. You can sell Nanocoins for Bitcoins but of if you withdraw the Bitcoins to respectable Bitcoin wallets (I tried Wirex and Bitpanda), the Bitcouns never arrive.
They are ‘pending’ and if you check the blockchain transaction it says ‘unconfirmed transaction’.
This is the case on both platforms, Wirex and Bitpanda. So no coincidence I believe…
well, sometimes to withdraw bitcoins take a while. but it arrives. you can contact the support.
Yes, they came through finally! Thanks TinTon!
RE: Bitcoin transactions pending
The following may help you understand how (traffic/ confirming Times) is being solved:
Also, “bitcoin” doesn’t have a “Support” line because it’s NOT a “company.” (Your wallet provider may, however)
Did anybody succeed in getting money out through the ‘support buyback’???
Is it dying in front of our eyes & screens?
I think its collapsing right now!
I think you would be quite silly when using this support buyback for a max selling price of 1.50 euro when they value the NNC at 5.50 euro right now, wouldn’t you?
But eihter way, no one gets paid for nearly 2 months now!
Be patient stupid people here, I’m still confident that nano will eventually be traded on public platforms for unbelievable value,i t will take time and it’s risky too but I would rather wait until then than selling it now and regret it all my life.
it depends in us not entirely in the Nano Company, if we all say let’s keep the Coin and not selling it for cheap it will go up, the same as other Cryptocurrencies.
if you are sceptical then don’t invest but if you have invested already my advice is keep the coins it is a risk but if we all agree to the same principle the value will eventually go very high.
if people would suddenly sell all their Bitcoin the price would go down until 0 the same is here.
Its not investing its gambling.
one can’t trade something that doesn’t exist stupid person.
I guess you convinced yourself of that but will that work for everyone else that joined up?
I think the company would love that as they can dash with all the real money while you wait and hope for the best – no matter how long it takes right?
Your faith is commendable, but that’s all it is. It is not based on any reality.
Believing shit will turn into gold will not make it so, no matter how many people believe it or how hard you believe. (But scammers can make you buy shit by telling you it will turn into gold later.)
It’s not even gambling. In real gambling you can have a reasonable expectation the house and other players are not cheating you.
Look, Nano has a real Blockchain and wallets and Coins so I don’t understand what you are saying.
What’s being said is, without public trading Nano Coin is nothing more than a script running on someone’s computer.
Really, which cybercurrency expert NOT affiliated with Nano audited that?
It’s far more likely you just watched some presentation of someone showing you something you have NO expertise to understand, but you were convinced enough to parrot what you heard.
I have heard that NanoClub Ltd. has signed a contract for a huge mineral mining project in Greenland. It could be proof that the company is working correctly. Does anyone have actual information?
(Ozedit: Marketing spam removed)
I also just read the newsletter. I have bought 2 packages (12k) in november. Still don’t know what to think of this.
I was always a passive memeber so never told somebody about it. The guy who ‘introduced’ me said he wants to pay me if i want to quit (12k).
I just don’t want to stop because of the 3% that it possible could not be a scam. I would regret if for a long time. And if it now stops (1st august), yeah so be it. Then i was wrong.
In september 2016 it was already a scam and people said it would last maximum one month. Still running at this moment (hopefully for 6 weeks more).
Which exchange or exchanges ? I will ask them if they can confirm this information …
Top 10 ?????
That is actually the best part of this story…. :-p
Please do not post PR spam from the scammers running Nano Club.
If there are actual developments by all means feel free to post about them.
Sounds to me that they’re desperately in search for fresh money, probably in order to maintain the good life for the happy few on top of this scam. Meanwhile nobody gets paid for over 2 months already.
LOL not paying and going with the coin to an exchange … better first start paying, then this story would be more credible …
@GMD567: Yes exactly, just unbelievable… Probably not a single penny left in the company… So please people convert all your ‘cash’ into NNC’s… what a joke…
to this so called “exchange” Nanotrade nnc cant be even deposited from the wallet, lots of people complain they have sent coins but coins neve appear in the nanotrade deposited even after many confirmations on a blockchain…
it is obviously bad bad bad and obviously last days of this bs nanoclub
Word on the grapevine is Nano Club CEO Frank Van de Wege died of cancer yesterday.
Not sure what that means for the business going forward.
Wrong vd VD is. George Van Wijk for nano club.
Soo goding strong for this company.
You sure about that?
Oz: Your googling only show news from 2016. This is 2017 and GVW is running the company Nano club afaik.
You think Ponzi scammers just give up their positions?
Crypto 888 Club == Octa Partners == Nano Club
Obviously or how else do you explain why he can address himself as CEO in all the newsletters coming from nano club:
Shouldnt Frank be upset by that if he is the CEO?
Like I said, you think Ponzi scammers just give up their positions?
Whoever is publicly fronting a Ponzi scheme isn’t necessarily running the backend.
What does it matter what I think? It clearly says that George is CEO. I think you are mixing things up. You stated that Frank was CEO linking old sources from 2016 and can´t back it up. Deliver some better sources of your statements or otherwise they are meaningless.
“Whoever is publicly fronting a Ponzi scheme isn’t necessarily running the backend.” Well, thats not was this was about, it was about who the CEO of the company are
Yes George Van Wijk is vd.
Read News from nanoclub more one year soo you see.
So, let’s not talk about a fraudulent ponzi scheme selling a non existent cryptocoin and which is currently collapsing for the third time.
Nooooooooooo. let’s talk about who the fake “CEO” is or isn’t.
Typical ponzi pimp tactics at their finest.
How do you know its collapsing? They are going live 1/8-2017, source:
When Ponzi points scams resort to the “we’re going live/public” phase, it’s over.
Also they are not paying any member anymore, for more then 2 months on a row now. So this “we’re going live/public promise” is just another trick to convince members and new members to put their money into this scam.
Why would one invest in this BS when it is clear that there is no money available to pay out any investors?
Do you have any sources to those statements? Why should we believe you only for your word? How do you know members don´t get paid?
Did you…….?
everybody here is right and wrong.
Anyway we all “gamble” on it in one way or another.
The truth is you cannot know really what takes place behind the screens.
So what is the situation as of today:
They pay RE cash. They do not pay the standard cash at this moment.
Concerning coin:
–> 1/8/2017 : the coin will be on their own platform
–> before end of year: on public platforms
limited exchanges as to protect the coin, and to keep him gaining value
Tomorrow more news, instead of this weekend, in respect to the dead of the former CEO (before Georges) Frank VDW.
Frank got out as CEO due to his cancer, but was important still behind the screens. Other speculatif thoughts on this matter are unrespectfull anyway… your choice.
In the past most of the anouncements or promises were kept in one way or another. Let’s see on august 1st and listen to other news tomorrow. wish you all a nice weekend
Sure you can.
People invest in points and get paid a ROI on points with no identifiable source or revenue other than invested funds = Ponzi scheme.
You sure type a lot, but the only truth there is you have faith in (whatever) despite multiple reboots AND alleged death of alleged leader.
That’s called “weasel talk”. Or “excuses”. Why you’d want to make that for a company you barely know… two general reasons: they are holding your money hostage (ie blackmail), or they are holding your job hostage (i.e. you work for them). Got a third one?
Well I knew that leader indeed, did you?
there are no excuses, I think you should read the blabla better and objectively… but that is probably not your aim is it?
Whether you know Ponzi leaders or not is irrelevant.
The “blahblah” is Ponzi bullshit. Stop making excuses for financial fraud.
(Ozedit: Enough with the drivel, thanks.)
My dad recently invested in Nanocoin and he has big expectations of it. Of course, I know that it’s all bullshit. I tried to convince him that it is all a big scam, but he doesn’t believe me.
How can I convince him? I don’t want him to throw more money into it before the ‘launch’.
Anything I can do to help?
Thanks in advance,
A desperate son
@Son they are not paying anymore for more than 2 months and that says enough.
They would pay all the amount for the energy shares in May, huge amounts but this is postponed again, of course, there is no money.
If you google on the big leaders you will find other scam in the past … this is a ponzi with bad leaders, so even worse to put your money in their hands.
They use the money and people close to those leaders can confirm they throw money away in their personal life. If you work for that money, you won’t throw it away, if you steal the money, it is a different story.
They are the biggest scam every, only problem is they even recruit family and close friends who don’t know this business and who believe all their false promises.
They always find new money and after few months of not paying they go on again. Last year OCtober , November and December they didn’t pay, from January they started again but limited. In May they would increase the limits but instead they are not paying anymore.
Biggest scam ever so sure your father lost all his money.
Hohoho, the scheme is coming apart now. The mother company, you know – Octanium Ltd. The company supposed to control all other assets and investments in the NANOCOIN club (it must be a legal entity, either a person or a company that is responsible for stuff).
The one registered in Cyprus with office in Malta. It has recently changed name to “Rumble Technology Ltd”. RUMBLE Ltd. This is so hilarious.
Traded on an open exchange in August??
How about we wait until August 2 before we get too excited ???
“COUNTDOWN HAS STARTED…” thats one thing that is sure. A nice publicity video and a countdown clock on their website will do the trick?
With this they hope that people will keep their money in the system and maybe even invest some more??
What will it be on August 1? ‘We are sorry but because of the extremely high demand of exchanges and for security reasons we will have to delay the official public date until september 1?’ Gaining another month to keep selling this story?
Probadly they will predict something like: ‘We already have magnificent listed pre-orders that will go through on the first public date which will make the price of nanocoin increase with factor probadly up to x500.
This wil make nanocoin the first coin to match Bitcoin in value… (members will go crazy if they hear this *LOL*) Now is the time to buy!!!” :-p :-p
Well folks, I would say: Sit back and relax… It’s getting better and better.. 😀
I WILL see you EAT yours SHORTS… :-)) taket a video on youtube that most Bee most popular ever.
Which open exchange are they gonna be traded on?
The “NanoTech Exchange” according to the pimps.
So they got one of their own then? So we can´t buy it on coinmarketcap or coinbase for example once it goes public?
Anyone has any info on the gas Shares in asia or the crowdfunding of hotels in Europe? Has it started to generate any income for the ppl who invested in it?
They can’t even tell the difference between bid and offer on their own exchange web page. It is bids on either side.
Any updates? anyone received any payments recently?
Why are not more people coming to this forum, do they still have hope they will receive their money, live in denial?
They’ve just introduced some sort of ‘level’ system which they call PIN level. They obviously are in dire need of cash and need more people to bring more people in.
I bet that they will announce on August 1st that only the ‘top sellers’ are entitled to trading coins… (if there will be any trading at all which I seriously doubt).
I am withdrawing RE cash every week and no problems so far. I have allready used coins to buy some stuff at a local shop and that worked for me.
All people I know that are in Nanocoin (10-12 people maybe) have received a bankcard and most of them use it to pay at shops or withdraw some money.
No one is sure what the price will do but I am sure that the public exchange server and the ATM machines will be very interesting to use.
The coin now goes 6 euro internal price. The aim is at least 7 in august so that they are in the top 10 on coinmarketplace. Fingers crossed that this will succeed so that everyone will surpass this as a nice investment.
For the haters: I understand you as well. But lets talk as adults here and give it some time to see what comes next.
Question for all the people that say this is a waste of money and it hurts others, so is smoking 🙂
That has zero to do with the coin. So far you are just speaking for yourself with zero proof as always.
So have you addressed all the others that are not getting paid?
How much more time do you need as an adult to see you are “SPENDING” stolen funds?
Do you care at all?
Rhetorical question – right ????
As long as “Fred” and fellow ponzi players are getting paid, anything and everybody else is irrelevant.
How do you withdraw your RE cash? Good for you!
My and other friends cash withdrawals pending since early May.
We need it to reach 1,000 euro so we can transfer to RE then to bank accts since we in Asia were not issued the Monteline cards.
Wonder what we can do to take out our money? Thank you.
The position on marketcap doesn’t depend on the value of a single coin but the total Marketap! Please tell me, what is the actual marketcap?, as it´s probably 0, money is invested in houses by the leaders of the scam (true investments).
If the coin would be legit in any way, it would have been on coinmarketcap already and probably would be nr 971 or something. A coin can only be successful and trustworthy if there is total transparency, not the opposite like with NNC. What a joke.
Also on the ntrade exchange (from nanoclub) you can buy NNC for 30 cents, so if you really believe it´s worth 6 euro, why dont you buy them all right now????
People try to sell them there for 30 cents, and still no one is buying them, and everyone knows why, they are worth 0. NOTHING
The last transaction that got sold was on the 6th of June:
This is 34 euro cents per NNC. (probably someone who is brainwashed by the Nanoclub regime and thinks he is buying them cheap)
Why do people still have hopes here, please it would help if more victims come forward on this forum to end this SCAM.
Fred, all normal investors without team can not withdraw for 2 months now. What nonsense are you telling here?
Again one of the nano leaders, who is part of this scam, and only thinks about his commission and not about his friends and family who paid his commission and can NOT withdraw anymore. You are a scammer, just like the ceo and the management.
Never NNC will be on coinbase or poloniex or bittrex or bitfinix, NEVER, only in your dreams.
I’ve heard about nanoclub and NNC. Almost put a lot of money in it.
I’m sure i made the right decision not doing it. Just ask yourselfs the question: is NNC a cryptycurrency….
It’s a cryptocurrency for sure. I have downloaded the wallet and have seen the blockchain downloading.
I have hesitated long, but that I’m sure now. How it will go further I’m not sure.
Maybe my question was wrong.
For me this is a new world. The tokens that i bouhgt are based on how to adapt the blockchain technology in the world as we know it.
Or at least the make us believe that.
My opinion (not true or false, just mine) is that nanoclub is an investmentsgroup that uses the story of the blockchain technology to convise people to invest.
The beauty of the blockchain technology is that you’re free to do what you want.
If i want to invest in real estate or a mining project in Greenland i don’t need nanoclub, i can do it myself.
I got in to this ‘world’ because there is a possibility that it can create a fairer society. Its everyones choice what to believe or not.
Just try to be critical like everyone should be critical about what they read and hear in the media. Its not because you hear and see it that its true.
Its true that nanoclub has an intern ‘cryptocurrency’. But what is it based on?
Ps: english is not my native language
Read this article:
It is not a new world, it has been around for well over 150 years.
@malthusian Thanks.
I was trying to say that the blockchain technology is a new world for me….
I dont wanne say that nanoclub is a scam or not ( although its quiet obvious) but i try to say that there ‘currency’ is a fairytzle.
I want to follow this further. I have friends who have invested more than they own and tried to get me to do the same. I pssed. I guess that was the right move.
Nanocoin is an obvious scam. The quote “If something is too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” should help in cases like this.
I have to say that I am ‘impressed’ by how long they have been able to run this scam. Stalling and limitations in withdrawals/earnings have been quite effective at keeping it alive, albeit on life support. But it is clear the scam is now running on fumes and the pyramid will soon topple over.
The going ‘public’ meme is a nice one to top it off. Nanocoin can never be traded on a public exchange because there would be no demand and the price would fall, hard.
@hate scamssa
I know for certain this is a coin. maybe if the MLM will be cut out of the coin, this could be a regular coin and it potentially could be listed on a bittrex or something. They enlist almost every coin.
The best thing we can hope, it would be noticed by a major p&d group to increase the value.
Sure it´s a coin, only without any value.
No exchange will accept this coin when they conclude it´s a silly ponzi scheme. (COUNTDOWN HAS STARTED…), I love the countdown on the website.
On the 1st of August they are gone with your money. (which is already gone btw, they given people coins without value back for it while they invested your REAL money in properties in Spain and probably other countries).
You’re basically saying same thing I am. When they cut out the MLM/Ponzi out of this system and drop on an exchange as a regular coin.
They can al go without any charge of a fellony. Because they just sold another coin. They have a product.
So at max, I believe this will be the most positive outcome.
Nobody outside of Nano Club is interested in points propped up by speculative Ponzi investors.
hypothetically, if the coin can be brought to an external exchange, maybe bittrex (without the Ponzi of course) and with a large marketcap (on coinmarketcap) due to the fact this coin is almost completely is soldout.
Now I believe this could be the most positive outcome.
It’d have to be one hell of a shonky exchange to list third-generation Ponzi points, the only holders of which are victims desperate to sell to recoup their losses.
And hypothetically if you listed the Ponzi points on an external exchange and then did a voodoo dance to make investors appear magically out of the sky… it doesn’t matter what cargo cult actions you perform beforehand, nobody wants to buy Ponzi points apart from other wannabe Ponzi scammers, and nobody ever will.
If it was listed on a half-way legitimate exchange the “large marketcap” would disappear instantly.
Someone would take a look at the quoted valuation, laugh, and offer you 0.000001 of a cent for all your Ponzi points to take the mick. Which of course you accept (if you don’t someone else will beat you to it), as 1 cent for all your Ponzi points is better than 0 cents.
The market cap quoted by the index will then be $0.00000001 x all Ponzi points = peanuts.
Why any exchange would list a fraudulent ponzi scam preying on ignorance is beyond me.
And hypothetically they could list on the toilet exchange if hypothetically they had a real cryptocurrency so it can be flushed down to whence it came from.
5 days till countdown… :-p Wonder what will happen then.
Will they disappear? Will the have another excuses for delay? Or will the actually go live (most unlikely)?
I have not invested in this system. But somebody tried to convince me to buy-in. I know it’s scam but for some reason I’m really curious how this will turn out. Actually I find it quite amusing 😀
Any predictions what will happen on August 1?
I think there will be no more communication at all. the main fraudsters disappear and the recruiters that believed in this business (or not) will have to deal with all the people they duped.
There are a few possible scenarios I see August 1st.
a) This was indeed the last marketing push to reel in as many unsuspected people as possible and they will run for the hills after this.
b) There are delays and/or technical glitches when their exchange goes live and it will be done at a later date. While waiting, why not buy some more coins? :)))
c) The coin is listed (on their own exchange) and a few trades are faked so it looks like it actually works but in reality it doesn’t.
d) They launch a “new and improved” coin and names it a combination of one of the latest buzzwords and ‘coin’.
e) They exchange goes live and it actually works to buy and sell.
I think b) >> c) > a) > d) >>>>>>> e) in order of probabilities.
Definitely few possibilities, accept for E 🙂
And c, they already have it listed on their own exchange, where the coins can actually be purchased for 30 cents.
(last transaction done on this exchange was 6th of June)
But they never will. Hoping against hope is illogical and reckless. It speaks of religious fervor and faith.
Well, it appears they plan to launch another exchange, as that is what the countdown is going down towards. See and then
It’s pretty similar to the one you posted. I wonder why they are launching a second exchange? Can someone confirm that the one you provided a link to even works?
Unclear what fair market value is, but it seems to be in the 0-5 cent range as there literally no demand at all.
possibility f: it will go live on a first platform, and will roll out later on other -more reputated- platforms.
I would not exclude b = delay.
from: (removed)
Tomorrow is the Day for nono… sorry, nanocoin, what will happend? 😉
Is starting bigger mayby top 10 to end off december in cryptomarket.
They have updated their website. Buying packeges of (non existing) coins have been removed.
Also NTRADE, their trading platform shows:
-99.97% Market change
Ok, their new exchange is live:
Unbelievable, when you say you go public, you go on a public exchange, like bittrex or Poloniex.
Now they just setup a new scam exchange, jut like the one they already had.
I guess they got a bit embarrassed when people tried to sell their Nanotec coins on there for 16 cents.
Anyway, for all people who where dreaming about going public, THEY DID NOT.
Hihihi, WHO could’ve guessed?
I dont understand, so I have a few questions:
Are Nanocoin open for everyone now?
Are NNC puplic now?
Can we buy/trade NNC now just like we can with Bitcoin?
What does the message on their website mean: “Logins will be disabled during this time to prevent users from depositing Bitcoins to the exchange in the time of the blockchain split.”
Is this a scam or not?
That is a fraudulent stalling move. Of course it is a scam.
You will be able to buy on the exchange with € or BTC.
Can I buy now as stated earlier or do I have to wait for the bitcoin blockchain split?
apparently they wait for after segwit.
A coin is public, when trad-able on a public exchange.
Few exchanges are: Poloniex, Bittrex, Kraken.
You cant create a fake exchange and call it public.
Nanoclub, time is running out, when are they going to be arrested?
oh okey thanks for answers!
And they are still buying time? Now its bitcoins fault? Who’s next? Best joke of the year and more to come!
As I predicted… Any excuse for keeping people waiting is good for them…
When will be the second countdown? :-p
Bitcoin is not subject for a split, but a possible spin off of bitcoin cash. This should not affect bitcoin per se.
So, a lame excuse for not trading the scam nanocoin, that is what it is.
Believers still kept in the web and the non believers are gloating.
and WHY is it 2016 october date on that super exchange???
2016-11-01 15:31:47 SELL 0.00243100 50.00000000 0.12155000
2016-11-01 15:17:12 SELL 0.00243100 4.99990000 0.01215476
2016-11-01 15:14:56 SELL 0.00243100 10.00000000 0.02431000
2016-11-01 15:10:59 SELL 0.00243100 4.25800000 0.01035120
2016-11-01 15:03:34 SELL 0.00243100 29.99980000 0.07292951
I think this exchange was started last year as a test, but it hasn’t started until now.
Now it’s still down
Whats happening? What situation is delaying the trading?
the fact that this is a scam, that´s delaying the trading.
It´s a scam and actually quite poorly executed.
If you invested in this then sorry, but in my opinion you cant be an intelligent human being.
Nah, I am only here for info. I havent invested in this nor will I so I guess that makes me intelligent in your eyes then:)
@Jack: make that ‘very poorly executed’…
Seems like its opening tomorrow for real:
according: nanoexchange
what do you guys think? Will it open and work tomorrow or will it be more delays?
3 scenario’s I can imagine:
1. If any buy orders come in, they will probably let them pass. This generate more money for the scammers ( the nanoclub ).
2. If people will try to get rid of these worthless coins (sell orders), a new “error” will pop-up.
3. They just drop the value to 0.00025, send an email that they are sorry and then start the Ferrari. Drive home to the new villa they bought with the “investors” money. Most investors will think they just did a bad investment.
NanoExchange is an internal exchange, funded by invested affiliate funds.
If it does launch it’ll last only as long as there’s newly invested funds to pay out.
For now there can only be bought with btc
I’m curious who will exchange btc for nnc :O
So, its not a scam then? Seems like its working as promised
Well, this was it guys, price dropped to:
0.00025000 Bitcoin equals 0.86 US Dollar
In an hour price will be 0 and that will be the end of it.
Easy way out for the scammers, they will just say, well that is the risk of investing. You bought coins, and unfortunately the price dropped to 0, bye bye.
This scam is now officially finished.
haha “its not a scam then?”. Your saying that since they created their own site for buying/selling coins, it must be legit?
The legit thing to do would be to release it on an actual public tradingsite. With your own site you can fake buys/sells and manipulate the value of the coin, this actually proves nothing.
Last price
0.00008000 Bitcoin equals
0.28 US Dollar
Or not.
lowest price paid is still at 0.00008000 BTC.
The first buying order for 0,01€ for 1 NNC has been placed..
Optimistic person 😉
Nope, I asked a question. Its a big difference 🙂 And I agree with you, they should release it on a public tradingsite!
How is the nanoexchange capable of buying and selling btc with ncc (if we assume its real and not just fake numbers on a webpage)?
Well, bitcoin afaik is tradable by anyone, so the actual trades might be legit, i have no idea.
But the fact that the trading takes place on their own created site is sketchy as f*ck, i mean why would new people not in the nano-scheme ever go to that site and to trades for a random coin?
Which means that the trading that takes places is probably still just nano fools.
Having that said, you putting coins up for sale doesnt actually mean someone will automaticly buy them?
My guess is that the higher ups are selling their fakecoins really cheap, to fools who think they get them at a bargain price, making them some extra cash before the whole business is in shambles.
Since the coin will go down to 0 value even between members, since none wants them, they can just blame the market for the coin not making it.
It is still up and running so I guess those who said it would be over within an hour was wrong.
Has anyone bought/sold any coins? Can they only be bought with btc?
You really don’t seem to get it, whether the site is running or not isnt the question. Its how its working, since its their own site, and whos actually buying/selling outside of nanoclubbers, like who in their right mind would just go in on that site and buy random coins they know nothing about.
If you cant get that, then im sorry and hope that you are not in charge of your own economy.
Current NNC/€ is 0,46.
Early “investors” bought thousands of these coins for a couple of cents each coin. Now they are selling them to people lower in the tear. With a huge profit.
Just sounds like another way to earn money on people who are not capable of doing a good background check before they invest.
Probably more people curious what’s happening with the NNC/BTC exchange rates, so I post the current rates here:
24h High: 0.00015550
24h Low: 0.00011000
That’s around €0.34
A drop of 25% a day.
My expectation remains: Exchange rate at 0.0 somewhere next week.
Followed with a goodbye mail, sorry that it did work out, thank you for believing in Nano, then all Nano websites offline.
It is also interesting to knew, if you sell Nanocoin and get BTC for them, if you can withdraw the BTC and move them to another wallet…?
@Oz, Retired EU fraud investigator, El Toro, Ake Aderpale, Jack
How does it feel now that its been up and running for a while, and all your predictions were off the charts?
Its been very quiet from you guys since NNC when public, why?
Well, calling it public is kind of a stretch, it can be bought and sold on their private selfcreated site, with no info on whos buying or selling at all.
So ye, feels kinda good, its still a scam, and the coin is working its way to zero value aswell.
Up and running what? What is “it”?
Or doesn’t that matter to people like you?
if it wasn’t the scam it is, they wouldn’t be here trying to defend it, like they all do, so they can steal their investment back from unsuspecting marks.
Current exchange rate still at €0.35 cents. The 24h hour Total of all transactions drops every day. Now at 4.6Btc. Still can’t imagine they drag this longer then one week.
0.32 euro … what a sad story. First sell at 5.75 and when exchange is open de coins are almost worthless. I remember the nano leaders telling the coin would go to 10 euro and that it would be a top 10 crypto currency … all lies ; almost over and out for nano.
Opening up an internal exchange to trade Ponzi points isn’t “going public”.
And there’s not much to report on. Nanocoin’s value is approaching 0, as worthless points in any scam will do.
They have to. Real money paid to the admins and the end-game will see them keep the exchange open until affiliates voluntarily quit (eg. accept their losses).
If the admins shut down the internal exchange that’ll open the door for affiliate complaints, which they don’t want.
Seriously mate, take your head out of your ass, this scam has ended, there is nothing left to say, every investor has now officially lost his money.
8-9-10 and out!
every day a bit lower … sell and take what you can.
Current exchange rate at €0.30 cents.
I just watched a video on their website. It shows how NNC back-office works. It seems that after you sell you NNC, you can deposit them towards your NNC “block explorer”.
This program also contains a Bitcoin top 100. I wonder if this is a manipulated top 100. Any one can take a look at it?
0.26 euro .. I remember when they said .. it will go to 10 euro … Wonder when we will see 0.00001 for 1 NNC.
Todays rates: It’s going fast towards 0.0:
24h High: 0.00009000
24h Low: 0.00006400
Isn’t it strange when the CEO post a message on the nanoclub website, that he write his name in 2 different ways?
FIRST in the top title: George Van Wijk (without an S). SECOND: at the bottom of the message: Georges Van Wijk (with S) ! You wouldnt expect for a CEO of a ‘huge’ company to make that kind of mistakes. Does he even exist???
Full text below:
All cryptocurrencies starting slow and under the hood, firstly they open their own exchange the once it gets publicity other external exchanges starting to join, but you can’t just wait until external exchanges accept them.
Regarding the price drop, obviously it’s a open market and everyone can sell them for any price, so people who don’t believe in the coin can sell them, and those who do believe in it (Like me) can grab them for cheap.
(BTW if nano would’ve putted a limit how much you can sell then the price wouldn’t drop but all negative minded people would say that it’s not OK, so they have done the right thing now, if you don’t believe in it sell all your coins I will buy it off from you, the cheaper you sell the better.)
Ponzi points since Crypto 888 Club back in 2015 and y’all gunna pretend Nano Club is “new”?
In fact I’ve bought from some stupid seller 100k Nano Coins for about 0.14€ if I sell it now I’ve more than doubled my money…. Ha Ha.. Please sell yours as well… quickly… The cheaper the better….
The fact you’ve been able to profit off stupidity of others doesn’t in any way prove nano is a legitimate cryptocurrency. The two are unrelated.
Probably not…
Please admit to the following:
1) They are not regulating the price of the coin.
2) They have done all things they have said (Putting first on a so called Public Platform, and by the end of the year on a real public platform).
3) Deposits and Withdrawals of NNC and BITCOIN works hassle free to NNC & BTC external wallets.
4) The exchange works very good, everyone can sell/buy as many coins he wants without any restrictions at all.
Which one? Crypto 888, Octa Partners, or Nano?
Trading on an internal exchange is not public. NanoCoin are still the Ponzi points they’ve always been since the Octa days.
Someone offloaded their worthless points onto you and recouped some of their losses. You sound like a die-harder who won’t realize they’ve been scammed (probably three times over) until the very end.
Best of luck.
Nano Club own the internal exchange, ergo they and they alone set the price of Nano Club Ponzi points.
An internal exchange is not a public platform. So NanoClub have done nothing.
Affiliates who want out dumping points onto gullible affiliates who’ve been fed the usual pump and dump story. That’s all that’s happening in Nano Club at the moment.
All I can see from your words is that you haven’t used the exchange platform yet.
There is indeed no price what Nano has putted, try it yourself you can sell for any price you want to, and not only affiliates can buy/sell but EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO can now buy/sell as many coins as they want, please try it before you post your nonsense here…
Admit it.
Why do I need to use the platform to know it’s an internal exchange and not public?
So it’s not even an exchange that mimicks a public cryptocurrency exchange. Nano Club’s platform is literally a web API for backoffice transfer of Nano Club points between affiliates.
That’s even less than an internal exchange. Probably took them 2 minutes to put together.
And affiliates transferring points between each other that has nothing to do with the value of Nano points.
Nano Club still set the internal value of the points when they sell them to gullible new affiliates.
Not responding and instead posting offtopic nonsense = spam.
By the way, a public Cryptocurrency Exchange doesn’t put a price for the coin they sell, the price comes from the sellers and buyers, exactly the same is in Nano Exchange platform.
It would be a good idea to educate yourself before writing nonsense (You cannot delete it afterwards…).
…the public value of the coin.
Nano Ponzi points have no such value, only Nano Club assign a value when they offload points to new affiliates.
Desperate affiliate investors transferring points to gullible investors != public value.
It’s all the same, it just changed names but no one lost money because the program and coins was transferred to the existing users.
Fact is fact, there is not even 1 person who lost money when the program changed from Crypto 888 to OctaPartners and then to NanoClub, if you say you have lost you are a liar.
I have invested when it was OctaPartners and back then I had many coins each for a value of 0.10€ once it changed to Nano I got for every 15 Octa Coins a premined Nano Coin Valued €1.50.
Funds invested are long gone over the years (stolen by Nano Club owners).
All the company reboots have done is transfer the balance from one credit card you can’t pay off to another.
Whether you acknowledge you’ve been scammed or not is another matter.
Monopoly money in your back office isn’t real money.
Jesus, the stupidity in this thread is over 9000… Lets put it like this, how would people find that exchange site if they are not affiliated with crypto/octa/nano or whatever its called now?
Who in their right mind would go in on a random sketchy site and start buying premined coins without knowing anything about the coin?
I’m actually speechless hearing about your ignorant stupidity Buba, you are actually wasting even more money… get out while you can.
Well, what about those resorts?
@ Kroko
People will find the exchange platform via CoinMarketCap once it’s there, (Won’t take too long until it’s there).
Then once it’s get’s publicity it will go on real external public exchange platforms, a Nano ATM is also underway… Give it time to build.
Anyway if you don’t believe in this coin, sell your coins now, many people are buying it on the exchange. (Ozedit: spam removed)
I do not know about the system of this company, but the coin seems to be real and to work anyhow
1. they have an encrypted system.
2. they have a webwallet and normal wallets.
3. the trading platform is accessible.
4. this platform works, albeit only with BTC.
5. we cannot mine the coin, I suspect it is prove of stake.
value of most starting coins going down is certainly not an exception.
the problem is the strenght of the technology behind it and the marketing, they’ll have to work on that to keep growing.
Nano isn’t a “starting coin”. It’s been around in various Ponzi points incarnations since 2015.
How can a private coin be “real”?
Unless a cryptocurrency is publicly tradable you’re just playing with Ponzi points.
Why nano isnt bitcoin:
Bitcoin could be mined by litteraly anyone from its release, the work you and others put in to mine coins gave it an actuall worth which people were willing to pay for. This made the coin desierable.
This basic logic of work->pay which lead to supply and demand cant be applied on nanoclub or whatever its called nowdays.
Nano is just a private scamcoin, which were given to people as “intrest” on money they paid for bogus investments. The coin is only worth something to the people involved in the private club, and has literally zero worth publicly.
And the only reason its actually worth anything inside of this group is because stupid people payed real money to get their hands on them.
Theres no demand for the coin, its fake, its only tradeable between members, its worth nothing.
And if you havnt realized that by now, you probably wont untill the coin drops to zero internally and the site is taken down.
Most of the promoters have moved on to Dascoin, another waste of time and people’s money.
That’s just it. This is about the “action” aka promoting/recruiting multi levels aka MLMing.
The name of the product does not change the bad act these people are committing. Different products/brands only serve to confuse the mark.
Almost over anyway, total BTC volume on their ‘exchange’ today: 0.92357228… So nobody’s buying anymore…
24h volume back up to 3.6 and price slightly climbing. I wonder where it will go. having a bag of 20k coins.
Keeping them just in case 🙂
and buy volume 3 times higher than sell volume. don’t know what to think.
i have been told that:
– they applied to get listed on coinmarketcap 3-4 weeks ago.
– nanopay is under construction for merchants
– first nano atm’s gonna be installed on places with most merchants at this moment.
Since a couple of weeks this coin is separated from their mlm platform. So you can’t buy any coins no more when buying a package. You get max 100 coins as a bonus on their new packages.
So my opinion is they really are trying to make this work. More updates after september 15th after leadership meeting.
a bag of air is still a bag of air.
Sold allready 5000 to try out and actually did get Btc in my wallet and was able to withdraw to my personal wallet. As long as there are crazy people willing to buy than Its ok.
Yea… and notice that the the highest “bid”-volume is almost at zero worth, and that theres a big gap between what people are willing to pay/sell for.
How many bitcoins did you get for your 5000x”bitcoin-killers”? like half a coin?
and you dont think its at all strange that the coin as been steadily going down for the last weeks, and now out of nowere the price of the coin just increased by 70% from yesterday to today?
Its a scam…
I am not going to judge that. I wait what future brings. Only thing I know is I can sell for Btc now and Thats most important.
As long people keep buying the coin Then i Dont see any problem. So i Just krep my finger crossed
The Nano Club affiliate mentality of fucking over everyone to recover your losses is depressing.
@oz. I am not an affiliate. Just Some Guy that invested 2 years ago and a Guy that is trying to recover his money.
Nano Club isn’t publicly tradeable so yeah, you’re an affiliate.
Same as all the other scumbags… ripping people off to cover your own greed-inspired losses.
I mean I am just a passive investor. Never received any commission for promoting only on my own extra packs I bought.
Yes I am part of it but never dragged other people into it.
as long as you get your money, screw anyone else, right ???
Not exactly. The coins I am selling is to people that are willing to buy for Btc. So they are not forced to do So.
I think an adult person is responsible for his own acts. And that there are believers that coin Will keep going up than Thats their decission.
rationalize and justify what you’re doing all you like –
In Oz’ words, you’re the “Same as all the other scumbags… ripping people off to cover your own greed-inspired losses”
You can say we are rationalizing or whatever but the coins I am selling and bolliebop are selling are from people who WANT TO GIVE US BTC.
Do I need to babysit people now?? cmon now Ozzie.
Plus the NANO ATM is being installed Globallly. I will see everyone at the BAnk when I cash in…
Who were sold the same lie you were. Only they haven’t accepted it yet.
That doesn’t justify you stealing money from other people to recover your own losses.
With whose stolen money do you think the ATM will be stocked with? It’s nothing more than a machine hooked up to a closely monitored account of newly invested funds.
Good luck. Gemcoin made the same “promise”. Muahahahaha.
Uhm how would the Nano ATM even work? It’s not an accepted currency, and it has zero worth outside the ponziegroup, what currency would you receive when doing a withdrawl? It’s just another lie, like everything else.
So, you withdraw a squillion Nano coins from an ATM, then what ???
Eventually, insufficient funds..
This is because only the funds the “investors” put in it are available for withdrawl. Minus everything the scammers stole from the investors.
But, that ATM is just in there fictive pony land where Nano actually has any worth.
Rumors say that NNC has applied for coinmarket, anyone has any more info?
Anybody knows the name of the crowdfunding hotels the company crowdfunds/invests in?
Can someone explain how can crowdfunding generate a passive income when its purpose is to finance a project that dont have enough money on its own?
How come I can´t see the transfers from Nanoexchange in the blockchain? Are they even synced with eachother?
if you exchange in the trading platform you sell nnc for btc. those transfers aren’t in blockchain. you just by and sell between currencies. all deposits and withdrawals of btc and nnc show up in blockchain.
yes there is told nnc has applied to get listed about 5-6 weeks ago.
No one knows the name of the crowdfunded hotels. And at this time the real estate crowdfunding ended. At this time they have 3 crowdfunding running. mining minerals in Iceland. gold and diamond mining in central african republique. and there vertual reality project with moonmill studios.
how it can generate passive income? there was told to me that when a crowdfunding project gets launched there is already calculated how much the crowdfunding needs to collect to provide the startup with the necessary money and the passive returns are also calculated in the total amount needed to collect.
But I can’t explain in detail. I personally havent crowdfundpacks myself.
couple days ago there was a big meeting in Valencia, Spain. So I think members and investors will get more information following days. One of my sources mentioned that also moonmill was at the meeting to present their virtual reality project.
they are simply thiefs! they have exchanged cash to NNC with rate 6.35 euro per NNC. and it is not even worth 0.5 euro now so 20,000 euro in the back office became peanuts…
(My note: that’s average of 0.28 euro based on BTC and dollar exchange rates on that day.)
Following the price history, “investment” of 20,000 EUR is now worth of around 850€. Except that it isn’t because:
If someone read this review from Oz and “invested” in Nano nevertheless, they can now ask themselves if they should have.
The end is definitely in sight: 0.14 euro per NNC at the moment…
But the scammers already have a bold new plan, they’re gonna start the whole thing all over again with… a new bullshit coin: the Nano Gold Coin (no kidding!). Obviously preying upon new victims 🙁
Is there any more info you can share? Would be a fun reading indeed!
Nanoclub website has had an overhaul.
You can now view a top 100 at their “richlist”:
This shows that 94.65% of all coins belong to the top 25 investors.. 87.86% of all “wealth” belongs to 1 (hash) adress??
Also 3 “crowdfunding” actions are listed. Gold mining central africa/Virtual reality/Greenland mining.
All very very doubtfull..
Question: has anybody anywhere filed an official complaint against these scammers? If so, what was the response? Any follow-up?
There hasnt been an official complaint that I know.
I think the only thing people can do is to find out id the projects they offer for crowdfunding really excist.
As investor you have the right to see all legal documents about.
Now they have ‘a’ mining project in greenland. Greenland is big. They should be able to specify consessions they own.
There is a crowdfunding in ‘a’ goldmine somewhere in centraal african republique near Congo boarder
And they have a crowdfunding virtual reality with moonmill studio’s. But Its stated somewhere that id you try to contact for info it can lead to get your account closed.
There has been a meeting in spain. Only topleaders invitation. They told in newsletter moonmill gave presentation over there. No proofs delivered about that.
They ran a real estate program. Not a single investor knows what projects it was about.
Earlier gasdeal. People still are waiting on their money. It was supposed to come on stockmarket months ago. Now there is Some kind of agreement people get paid 20%
The only thing that is real is their coin. It has a wallet, a blockchain and an internal Exchange where they can be sold for Btc. And they applied to get listed on coinmarketcap. Only negative about this coin is that it was hyped and got an internal value of over 6€ and on the Exchange Its listed 0.14€.
They allways find ways to keep as much money in the company. There used to be a cashaccount. I heard over 15.000€ in it. But when real estate started there was a RE account. Withdraw weekly on that one was 10.000€ for the topleaders. And the passive investors got paid in cashaccount 250€ a week.
I got paid 2 times in 3 months. After that only pending withdrawals. And After a couple months we got the answer that money in cashaccount could only be used to buy more coins and withdrawals werent possible No more.
With their coin they wanted to go public. Why in earth do they limit the daily withdrawals? First it was 250 a week. Them 100 and now 50 coins per day.
Probably a simple reason. Topleaders would have know before and Probably withdraw everything to their wallet and sold. Lets say 100.000 coins at 0.20 still is 20.000€.
So Probably they limited for members now because otherwise to much coins would be coming in the Exchange and price would drop even more like it allready did now.
First they told price by the end of the year would be 20€ easily. After that it was 10€. Now they tell 1-2€. That 3-6 times less than new members paid for in past 6 months.
They should better be transparant. If they would deliver Some kind of proofs about projects they would Maybe gain Some credibility.
Investing in crowdfunding like virtual reality, mining and gold could be very interesting But Then you have to be sure it are real projects.
The only thing investors can do is to fin.
don’t think this shows a good reflection on how coins are distributed. this only shows the coins that are in nanowallets.
I hold about 35000 coins at this moment but I am not in the top 100 list.
So as soon as all coins are out of backoffices list would be different and top spots will not hold that kind of % according to all coins in circulation
Waddap? Will there be closure and anger or is this scam still an ongoing business? More Klappmongos “investing” in bullshit and having their dreams shattered?
They are still running the business. They even worked out a brand new concept with a completely new coin that will be linked on a goldmine ‘owned’ by them with no further details attached like always.
You can buy packages where you receive a certain amount of ngc (NanoGoldCoin) tokens witch will be converted to NGC coins after 12 months when their blockchain is running.
So I guess we are running through the same bullshit all over again.
Who believes them? It is like you say, I won’t come in your face, the check is in the mail, it won’t hurt, trust me I´ve done this before AND everything that the NANO squad says.
Well, that escalated quickly…
Nano Gold Coin currently being sold. On to scam coin number 4. These people have no shame.
It is very important for you to hurry up and buy today. It will never be as cheap as it is today.
Hurry up!
hihi, I don’t understand why no one is getting arrested. I know a couple of these scammers and they just continue to promote this.
How can I tell the actual value of a coin? Including Nanocoin?
I had invested in NNC as well. It’s not looking good at all right now but I can’t find any exchange rate.
if you manage to get your “Coins” from the nano “backoffice” towards the “nanoexchange”, then you can dump them for around €0.20.
link to exchange:
You can see the “current” price at this exchange. Good luck!!
pretty simple. 0 = 0
It’s pretty simple.
Just work out how many cups of coffee you can buy with the “coin” in the real world.
If the answer is “none” then you don’t have a “coin” you have nothing but numbers on a screen and you’re speculating it they will someday be worth something.
There is no such thing as “actual value”. It’s worth what OTHER PEOPLE would pay for them. If you can’t sell them, they are not worth ANYTHING.
The “value” is now 0.00003401, lowest I´ve seen. Is the end near or will it bounce back?
Any more news on the other projects they have or the other coin?
Here is the address of their API, you can simply open it in your browser and check the column “price”:,desc&market_id=1
You can see a value drop from 09-2016 towards now. With a total of only 10.000 transactions.
Regarding the drop this week, they show the “value” compared towards BTC. Btc went up 10 to 20%, so that means their value should decrease anyway.
They will keep on going with this crap until either some one shuts them down or whenever they can’t find new idiots to invest. The last thing will most likely not happen.
That’s because BitCoin price is up. Today’s exchange rate (BTC -> EUR) is around 4760 EUR/BTC so Nanocoin price you refer to is 0.16 euros / nanocoin, 2 cents higher than what it was September 15th.
Of course that 10% fluctuation in price is irrelevant considering the price would need to DOUBLE to reach the 0.28 euro price from Sep 11th. And even then the price of 0.28 euros would be a far cry from what is needed to pay back to those who bought in to the scam for promised price of 6.35 euro per Nanocoin.
Still nothing on the cap market.
Ready to hit rock bottom: 0.00003251…..
current value: 0.00003000
24h volume: 0.81082897
0.00003 is 0.14 euros. Again.
And the 24h volume equals 3770 euros – probably people have made bigger one-time investments than that.
0.00002159 ……….
Its going up by time people i promise and will post you all when it does. Read history of bitcoins what did most people belive when it was low? Looking forward to post good news.
Pump and dump MLM altcoins don’t just “go up”. No legitimate supply and demand = recruitment stops and collapse.
Anyone knows why the value and trading just got boosted?
Probably an uptick in recruitment in a new country. Once that’s over it’ll collapse again.
probably not. I rather think they manipulate the whole trading system.
they start buying all cheap coins and after that they begin putting bigger buy and sell orders which let people buy higher and they overtime take 50 to 100% profits. then sell of starts and price drops again.
Could be, although they’ve already got most of the coins premined for distribution through the MLM opportunity.
If it’s an internal exchange Nano Club management can just go in and change values to whatever they want.
al coins where premixed. they have a POS coin. and couple months ago they all where sold out ‘they told’ or is possible they are mining without members knowing and buy sell with free coins to have an influence on the price.
Received this email from their exchange.
“some new coins”. More scam coins probably. Like Nano Gold or something.
Belgian FSMA (financial service and market authority) has already started fraud investigation as they have clear indications of chainletter fraude.
Swedish gambling commission has opened an antifraud investigation:
Belgian Senate has received multiple requests to foresee investor protection against pyramid schemes like this.
site in Dutch.
If Nano and their private boysclub are indeed legit I ask myself why these Authorities are investigating in the first place. I am sure its not for the fun of it as these investigations are seriously expensive.
their latest newsletter. But well its not the first time they promise big and deliver ‘0’. So lets see and wait
Published: 30.October 2017
People who believe these promises should visit a mental hospital soon.
The newsletter of most kindergartens are better written and look some how professionally. This just doesn’t make sense at all.
And 1 Year of (exscuse me) a bunch of shit you written about same over and over ” Nano goes down, end of Nano, idiots etc etc etc”. But wait. Nano is still here and are here to stay!
I just laugh at your lack of knowledge and negstive atitude probebly negative to most of live, while NNC Will grow and take over.
I promise you will continue writing shit next Year and years to come. And Most fun is that you all make it happen without knowing so thanks.
Only for as long as new recruits such as yourself sign up.
As long as Nano Club affiliates can find people who don’t understand Ponzi math and are willing to ignore the two Ponzi point scams run by the same people that already collapsed, there’ll be money to withdraw.
Finally nano makes sense. So volatile, even if around zero. Purchase something for 10 cents, wait, try to sell quickly for 15. Again and again.
Of course, there is no value behind that, but putting small money into, its just a fun with possibility of small gain but not big loss.
Nanoclub has changed it’s website towards “Maintenance page”
With a message: “Get ready 4 a big announcement”
What now, are they going to stop? 🙂
Of course not, phase 4 of the scam probably..
Just found this website and it doesnt look complete:
“Nanocoin No 1 cryptocurrency”
Dissapointed nanoclub member interviewed by swedish journalist svt:
There was a webinar a few days ago during which a supposed new owner might have been announced.
Long story short it looks like they’re going for a fourth reboot.
As far as I know they made a ‘partnership’ with ormeusglobal.
So the whole nnc business was a virtual reality as a business. Now taken over like questra?
We smell some rats! Offcourse the top leaders jump ships and promote the next ponzi, after making an inside deal and trowing old clients under the bus.
every person that holds nnc or ngc in their nano account will receive 10% of the total amount in OMRE (omreus coin).
This coin is on coinmarketcap and tradable on 4 exchanges. so it would be free money BUT this coins are locked in ormeus platform for 1 year 😀
What will happen?
nano will keep existing but it will become a full ‘coin’ business. all commissions will be paid in coins now fiat. so probably not a single leader will promote nano no more but they will start promoting ormeus as their partner.
they claim the partnership with ormeus will boost their nnc and ngc as well but I don’t even know how that could be possible.
My personal opinion is that nano funds competelly dried out. They will pay out completely in coins. So no more commissions need to be paid. Now they are hyping the ormeus as their partner. But I think they just begged ormeus to help them getting out of the shit the got into.
So all nano members receive 10% of their nnc in ORME in the ormeus platform and probably nano promised to get all his leaders and networkers in ormeus.
only funny fact is that I have seen a person promoting ormeus as one of the first and same person was CEO of a program that scammed its members allready after less than 6 months. And most funny part is that again same person was a top leader the time nano still was crypto888.
it just makes me laugh that during the webinar the person that gave the webinar was that excited and pretends to be a crypto expert. He was even so excited ormeus was going to introduce their own crypto debet cards. daaaaaaa crypto debet cards are already around even before this idiot heard about crypto currency the first time.
to be short. all members that invested in nano are fucked!!!!
where are the atm’s?
what about the monteline card people paid 90€ for? useless if they don’t going to pay out in € no more.
What about their huge NGC project that was backed by a supposed goldmine?
…….. and so on.
and now they offer a HUGE opportunity.
ormeus claims to own mining farms with already xxx amount peta hash. they also claim to have a trading bot
Is Ormeus Global and Ormeus Coin the same company? Seems that info is people will receive ORME (which is from Ormeus Coin) but CoinXL only talks about Ormeus Global.
And there is no apparent link between Ormeus Global and Ormeus Coin. I have asked Ormeus Coin about CoinXL and Ormeus Global and will see what they say.
It is the same. Ormeus coin is property of ormeus global
Just plain thievery! So I guess people everywhere will officially start filing complaints now?
The money is gone, but I would just love to see those responsible stand trial.
NNC on 0.04€ and 0.23btc trading volume. This is the end guys.
Wordt thing of all they are blasting like hell in ormeus with 10k 5k packages and are Prius on what they are doing while Leaving 1000s of people in shit and misery.
Their website is still under maintenance, anyone knows when it will be online again? Whats all talk abour Ormeus coin? Is that a shady company aswell?
Just went back online, different name ‘NanoCrowd”, same old shit… works, although now it’s completely behind closed doors.
All the other domains (.nl .com) that I know of are badly configured.
and there is no gateways for withdrawals no more…. lots of numbers of “money” in the back office but it is just numbers…
So what does this mean? Is it the end or are they gonna announce some big news, which they stated on their site a few days ago?
update because probably lot of you still don’t know whats going on. I intended a webinar last week and know more or less whats is going on.
– first of all nano club became nanocrowd.
– In nanocrowd there will be no more payouts in €. all passive earnings will be paid in coins.
– There is no more active network in nano. only the ‘passive’ investments are running but all active networkers switched to ormeus. and that was the big announcement. They made a partnership with just another crypto based Ponzi sheme because they probably ran out of money.
– cf shares are converted to NGC coin and probably same will happen with the € in all of your accounts.
– Every member gets more or less the same status in ormeus as he has in nano. For example if you had a nano gold pack of 25000 then you receive the status of gold in ormeus as well. But only the status you receive.
So no benefits that are in the ormeus gold package. the only thing you receive as ‘bonus’ is that you receive 10% of your nnc and ngc coins in ORME coins but they are locked for 1 year.
so to be short. people that didn’t earned back their investment by now are completely screwed and will never recover unless they start marketing ormeus.
Because they claim that by teaming up with ormeus that their 2 coins will boost as well in future but I rather guess it is and it will stay a big of air nano members are holding.
I invested. So im fucked… what now?
So stupid of me. They lied to me, and that from somebody i know.
I also invested 10000 euro. I received 1400 on my crunch card.
Also from somebody I now what can we do?
It could be that the people that you got you in this sh*t, also aren’t aware that Nano is just a scam.
So spread the word, to prevent more victims of Nano.
Also you could file a report for financial fraud and pray police investigates. Investigations in Sweden and Belgium are allready running. Not much more you can do I guess..
mostly scammers get away with it. and now they just joined with their loyal networkers in ormeus to cover their ass.
I think they did a clever move by doing this. it covers all their scummy activities. cause if someone complains he doesn’t get paid they say why not. they receive coins every week.
if someone complains that they bought nnc for 5€ and it now is at 0.05€ than they can say investing in crypto is always risky.
They only thing they can be caught for is that they probably don’t have a license to offer financial services.
only thing I hope is that the bonus of 10% members receive in ormeus coins will cover my and other people their losses. only positive about this ORME coin is that its listed on coinmarketcap and tradable on 3 or 4 exchanges. So hopefully price of this coin increased a little at the time people can get acces to them.
When are they going to distribute the Ormeus coins towards the NNC holders. The value of NNC decides how much of Ormeus you will receive.
Current NNC value is €0.05
If person x has NNC 1000, does that mean he gets 100 * 0,05 worth of Ormeus?
Or do they wait until NNC value is like €0,01. That saves them allot of money.
Go to this link:
use your nano username and click forgot password. Then you can reset pasword and login with your nano username and new password.
ORME coins are credited into your ormeus backoffice when it officially launches 19th of november.
How much orme do you receive. Doesnt have anything to do with nnc value. You receive 10% of the Total amount of nnc and ngc you have in nano. Only the one in your backoffice So not the ones you have on your external wallet or trading platform.
Example. If you have 10.000 nnc en 1000 ngc -> Total of 11000. Then you Will receive 1100 ORME coins
tnx for explaining. I was just wondering how they work. I have no NNC or NGC myself. Family does..
Just keep in mind… Until you get $$$ either in your pocket or in your BANK account it’s just some numbers on a computer.
Just tell them to follow the steps and that they must keep in mind that Probably the ORME coins they get are locked for a certain period.
ORME coins are locked 1 year.
If you create your team with 7x10k or 14x5k, or something interim with a total of 70000 usd, then 100% of your coins will be released for your gift.
so you have to look for another 70000 usd to get the orme coins
Have I understand this correct: All nanocoin in wallet is converted to ORME Coin and you got 10% bonus in ORME coins aswell, but they are locked away for a year?
Seems to be the gist of it.
NO. Your nnc and ngc stay in nano. You only get 10% of your balance in nano in ORME.
So if for example your Total balance of nnc and ngc in nano is 5000 than you receive 500 ORME.
A 90% reduction? Wow they really are going for the hail mary 4th time’s the charm reboot.
Will the dumbasses who’ve been arguing here since Sep last year finally acknowledge they’ve been scammed?
okey. And all crowdfunding projects that generated cash before, like the hotelbusiness in spain? Are they still paying out cash via monteline or you recieve nano from now on?
All weekly commissions on CW projects are paid in coins
So basically, no € pay-outs at all from Nano in the next 12-months. Then you have to pray Ormeus has some value and can be exchanged for €.
Most likely all old nano-participants will withdraw all at once, so Ormeus value will drop for sure at that point.
Have they always been paid in coins or is this something new after the reboot? Thx bolliebop for your informative answers btw 🙂
it is all big big HUGE fake! this coin will never grow, the people will neve get paid and will never see theis money again. in 1 year this bs coin will be worthless.
they just pumped the coin and now dumping it. forget this BS forever now, dont waste energy.
yeps. Ormeus is just another pump and dump coin. value just gets determined because new investors come into the system.
oremus claims they invest in the bitfury blackboxes and 3 days later a leaders group posts pictures of a leader visiting one of the mining locations of bitfury. havent seen a single blockbox but just an regular mining farm. So thats not any proof to me.
also all ‘nano leaders’ don’t mention the word nano no more. only thing they say is ormeus, ormeus ormeus and claiming ormeus is going to push nano 😀
o well I have 27000 nano coins will just keep them ‘just in case’ selling for 0.04€ is useless as well 😀
they were also hyping they will release an crypto related debet card and now they are telling everyone to sign up for a xapo debet card.
in this way everyone can announce to launch a debetcard.
its so funny they act like a crypto debet card is the walhalla and never seen….. pff I have one already for 2-3 years…… idiots
When will nanoclubers give up and acknowledge themselves defeated?
Seems like nanoexchange is down. Anyone got any info about why or how long it Will be down?
I heard from Some people that they are working together with ormeus to get it listed on a public Exchange. Nanoexchange Just didnt attract any people outside nano to trade on nanoexchange.
As I heard they are working on a white paper etc and Will apply to get listed on Some kind of public Exchange. Probably one of the 3 where ormeus is listed.
More detail Will follow. Meanwhile they increased the daily limits to withdraw to your personal wallet. So now I am pulling everything in my personal wallet and Just wait until they get it listed on an Exchange.
If they can manage to push it up like they do with ormeus than I would be happy.
How credible is this information you think?
Why would Ormeus help Nano, are they not competitors on the market?
Can you explain the difference in wallets? You have a personal wallet where your coin is, but where do you pull them from and why is there a limit?
I saw a video where the ‘CEO’ is introducing nano networkers and the cooperation.
Why would they help? Only 1 reason. wether nano is a Ponzi or not they have one of the best offline networkers worldwide. I know someone from nano that already sold 400.000$ value in ormeus packages offline in only 2 weeks.
Where do I pull them from? I am transferring my remaining nano coins to my external nanowalget and waiting until they get listed on external exchanges. apparently ormeus is working out something to get nano listed and provide some backing for it to
Some members found the personal info from the ceo George van Wijk and posted in a group.
For those who want to file a complaint: here it can be found:
Ormeus took the Nano crooks into his company. I hope the Nano scammers will shoot someone. Such people do not deserve to live.
Ormeus is one big disaster! I have lost over 4.000€ and I know they are trying to get more people into this.
I believe in crypto’s but this one is pure a scam like Nano and octa and dascoin and also OneCoin .
Be aware. Me and my friends have lost all, if we count all this scams together me and my friends lost nearly 200.000€
Nano claimed to pay us back in Ormeus coins on November 2018.
Today is November and not even 1 sign of hope to recover something of what they stole.
One of the former top leaders Tim Vermeiren claimed he was also scammed and left without anything but now after 2 years low profile he starting to build a villa in the area of Alicante, Spain with a value of 2 million euro.
He just bough the latest Ferrari and I wonder how come no one says a word?
We lost everything!!!!! We are low profile indeed!
How come they scam us out and keep living with our money and no government or no personal group stands up for what happened in front of our eyes?
Because you probably live in a country where regulators aren’t interested in pursuing action against offshore scammers.
There’s a reason MLM crypto schemes go heavy on third-world countries in South America, Africa and Asia.
I live in Belgium!!!
Where all these scammers also live!!!!
Hmmmm. I don’t mean to sound insensitive and I’m sorry for your loss, but have you considered that MLM/Network Marketing is the scam here?
And, people like yourself could just stop giving MLMers money. This way, no Ferraris for network marketing scammers. No government required.
You might still make a bad investment with a legitimate company. But, think how many bad “opportunities” would be eliminated just by following this one rule – no network marketing.
It’s a sure thing unless you are prepared to steal from people below you – like what happened to you.
If you are living in Belgium you could do for sure something. Belgium is the country where in the past even the biggest MLM companies have been attacked in court by the government. Amway, Herbalife etc all came to trial.
The only thing lacking in your story is a criminal complaint against the company and those people you know. Tim Vermeiren wasn’t the only dude who got millions out of this scam in the past there were plenty names mentioned such as Stijn VS, DirkDW etc and the financial watchdog send out a warning againts Octa who became Nano who then changed again its name to escape being in the spotlight.
Most people probably like yourself don’t dare to step to the police and file a complaint because you think you might still recover something. That’s how they actually keep you on a leash.
Tim and his gang got out more than 10 million was the last word. Being scammed themselves that must be a joke. They just switched in time to other scams such as Skyway GTI etc to escape being imprisoned when Nano falls into the hands of regulators.
Be bold and file a RICO complaint for fraude and running a criminal organisation against these leaders of who you forsure have the names. That’s the only way you might see some of your money back if they seize their houses, cars and so on. The first mover will win all the other options you lose.
I don’t think MLM/Network Marketing is bad, I know many legal companies who operate with this structure and have nothing against them.
Thus, some are taking advantage on it and start a structure but not MLM just PYRAMID! May God take revenge for us!
I know who Dirk DW is, I must say he is an honest guy, but Stijn Vanstraelen, Pieter Van Devijver, Kris Lemmens, Kristof De Vlieger, Tim Vermeiren, François Colin, Patrick Vermeesch, Hendrik Hendrickx, George Van Wijk etc… these names should be outthere to watch out from them.
About Skyway I think they are legitimate, they are very very transparent and Noone ever lost a cent there. GTI, is for SURE one big SCAM And I know that GTI and UGI are very hot now in the market but they will go down pretty soon, you gotta be a fool to believe that structure.
By the way, I have been told lately about a new story now in the market, Vitea.
Does anyone know what this is?
I have checked their website and see the team behind it come out with their pictures.
The three founders are Michael Weber, Sharge Posen and Mendy Zigerman. They say the two Jews are from Belgium. Does anyone know who they are and if they are reliable and honest people?
Oh really?
You must suck then at finding those “legal” ones you refer to.
Maurice & friends – 200k euros loss, Char – zip
MLMing = Pyramid scheming
But I suspect I’m not going to change your mind because of your last post. You’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer mate. Happy scamming.
Michael Weber is a serial scammer. His last known scam was the BitConnect Ponzi scheme (as an investor).
I don’t recognize the others.
Everyone who invested in Skyway Capital (except the initial investors) has lost money. Whether the victims choose to acknowledge their losses or continue to be strung along on never-ending promises is neither here nor there.
Are you telling me that every MLM company is a hoax? And why would you go down on me this way?
It’s not because me and my friends lost money to scammers that I’m not the sharpest knife in the draw.
I don’t do MLM for living but I know a lot of successful MLM companies that are legally authorized. But let us not argue about that and stay respective to each other.
My point is to warn others from these scammers and from these scam companies I know for sure that they are SCAM.
I think this blog is founded on that principles, To help others not to become a victim.
About this Weber guy, I didn’t do Bitconnect because I knew immediately that it doesn’t make sense. Why would someone give you a return on crypto when you never know what the rate will be the next day? Of course it was a scam!
But if he invested and got scammed, why is he a serial scammer?
About Skyway, I didn’t invest in it so I can’t argue about that, but it still seems to be a nice project, they are very transparent and they have a lot of certifications, but again, I’m not arguing about that because I don’t know all facts.
Never mind, would you please check out what this vitea is all about? Can you try to find out more about this team?
I don’t have access to all the behind and this is what behindmlm is about but it looks good and I wanna know all the facts.
I’ve added VitaeCoin to the review list. If I can find what I need when it comes up I’ll publish a review.
Weber was directly under Trevon James, one of the top US BitConnect scammers. He most certainly wasn’t a net-loser.
If you make money recruiting victims into a Ponzi scheme and then said Ponzi scheme collapses, even if you had a standing monopoly money balance, you weren’t scammed. You did the scamming.
Ohhhh yeaaaaah. *chika-chik-ah!*
Thanks @Oz
I really want to know, I wanna be cautious before I put even 10€ into something.
When will you publish a review?
Can’t say, depends when it comes up. I work reviews off a list I’m constantly adding to.
If Tim Vermeiren tells you he got scammed as well then he is a big lyer. I know him as well and know during Octa nano crypto888 he cashed out between 50 and 100k € on a weekly basis.
I am also pretty sure he received a good bonus from ormeus as well. And I am even more sure that their ‘locked’ ormeus coins have been totally or at partially been released.
There are more people to watch out for:
Tim Vermeiren, Stijn Vanstrealen, Francois Collin, Pieter van de vijver.
I have visual proofs that this 4 persons were in personal contact with former nano CEO Frank van der Wege even before he became ceo for nano.
I am not 100% sure but it wouldn’t surprise me if this 4 mentioned persons were the brains behind nano. They just display themselves as networkers but I am almost sure they were running this scam.
FYI – Flemish/Dutch webinar – to fool old nano people into Ormeus Pieter Van De vijver – under investigation of the Belgium federal Police. – enjoy this recorded webinar
if you understand this language see how they entice people into the next scam, to keep their stolen funds/earnings.
and orme will probably fail halfway December. All nano customers have orme escrowed in their backoffice and will be released somewhere in December. So you can expect a massive dump as soon as they will be released.
There will be coming millions of orme tokens available on the market and everyone will sell of and recover a tiny bit of their losses.
I had a 35.000€ participation in nano and now I only have a 1900 orme compensation escrowed which has a 650$ value at this moment. So I got screwed myself.
After nano I quit all crypto mlm related things. I am now developing my own platform where people can let their holdings managed in their personal trading account without the trader having acces to the money.
So fed up of people loosing money. So I started developing my own where people just keep their money on their own account.
All the names you mentioned are scammers even the ones you consider as honest. If you make money recruiting victims into a Ponzi scheme and at the end of the story you made serious money, which they all did, youa re a scammer.
The story to me afterwards, Oh I believed in it as much as you did, Oh I didn’t know, doesn’t justify anything to me.
I saw many honest guys working for legal product MLM companies become serial scammers going from JUUBEO to Crypto888 to Octa to Nano etc. The same with the Organo boys that went to Conligus and than on to Onecoin and now the Dagcoin shit or Futurenet.
It’s not because you change from Nano to Skyway which to me is as bad as the previous one at the end or to GTI or to iMarketslive even, that now suddenly you become honest.
If you don’t offer a product to customers that has a real value outside being involved in the compensation structure, you have nothing.
So many new deals now these days are still selling air like there were so many the decades before. Only the air is disguised and packaged better than before.
Like I said before there’s only one way to go if you are serious about getting yours and your friends money back. File a complaint to the local police for fraud and financial robbery and give them all those names you and me mentioned. Maybe you’ll see some back after they seize some of those assets they bought with your cash.
Today there’s an article in the biggest Belgian newspaper about JP Van Rossem who ran the Moneytron ponzi investment scam in the nineties. You might be familiar with the case.
He got condamned once more to 2 years of prison because the court found it proven that he stacked away money from victims in Switzerland to keep living a luxurious lifestyle.
The court seized a substantial amount of money from him and his girlfriend.
Even if it took them years to get another result after his first conviction of 5 years imprisonment, it’s the only way to recuperate something.
People might not now that this guy was the pre-Madov ponzi scammer of the eighties and nineties havin’ taken billions from investors who believed his Moneytron concept could win at all the times from the stock exchange.
It was a so called code breaker better than any trader and it promised exuberant ROI’s on people’s money.
I speak flemish. I love the part that they tell orme coin will guaranteed hit 2.19$ in 2017 6$ in 2018, 33$ in 2019,….
they say the coin is attached to mining. So you indeed would expect price would grow steadily. however recently price is going everywhere except up 😀 😀
I wonder how much orme will be as soon as my escrowed orme tokens as bonus for nano release. 😀
Nothing will come out ever of Ormeus! They are first class scammers!!!
They just kee promising stuff so people shouldn’t come after them.
By the way, if you speak flemish I guess you are from Belgium too. Have you heard about Vitae? What do you know about the (Ozedit: race-orientated comments removed)
Please leave any prejudice you might have toward the race/ethnicity of an MLM company’s management at the door. Thank you.
I really have nothing against Jews. My grandfather saved Jews during the Holocaust.
I just don’t know them and the way we say it in Belgium doesn’t mean we prejudice their race/ethnicity , I just wanna know if someone knows them and if they could be trusted.
I’m tired of being scammed. So I will frame my question again.
What do you know about the Directors of Vitae as they live also in Belgium?
For the love of Pete, then stop giving your money to MLMers – regardless of their race or religion.
Fair enough, might be a cultural thing.
Where I’m from if you starting going on about “the jews” this and “the jews” that is comes across as, y’know…
Indeed i am from Belgium as well.
To respond on your question i have no idea, i even do not know Vitae. I once was in crypto888/octa/nano. Was dragged into iT after a personal meeting with f.collin and t. Vermeiren. But i actually never participated actively in those. For me iT was a passive investment. So i am not aware of other mlm companies.
I only got passionated about crypto after being in crypto888. And i educated myself in This matter.
In 3-4 years i have seen people got scammed so Many times. Thats why i decided to develop my own platform. It has nothing to do with mlm. Its just a social trading platform where people/investors can copy master traders by taking a subscription. T
his platform gives people the opportunity to let traders ‘manage’ their trading account without their money has to be send to the company or trader. Through API people can Connect their account with the master trader account.
Everytime the trader executes a trade in his personal account iT gets automatically copied by the software in all the accounts of his ‘followers’ ‘subscribers’.
So far as i am concerned i am nor interested or have no info about Any mlm cause i am just not into that. I rather am i Guy that searches for solutions to offer to investors to make money without they hand over their money to an investment company or person.
And all people need to become aware of that. 90% of all mlm are scam. 95% of all mlm is about recruiting and building a team and 5% their product. And thats something i do not like.
There are so Many better ways to make money without all the mlm BS.
@maurice @bollievp
If you share a light on who the owners are of Vitae I might be able to help you out as I am well known with the European and Belgian MLM scene.
Most problems in Network marketing have taken an extradimension when it comes to fraudes, faillures and scams once the crypto world started to mingle with MLM.
I agree fully with Oz that if you make money participating or helping to promote a scam, you are per definition a scammer. To me all these people should be taken into custody and their assets seized.
If we want to clean this industry that’s where it should start. Abandoning this business model is a bridge to far as it is a valid way of doing business at least if you run it the right way and with the right purpose.
That’s why I don’t agree at all with some here stating that giving your money to a network company is ridiculous and that 90% are scams.
There are plenty of great network marketing companies with good not to say great products. That not all concentrate enough on customer building is maybe more close to the truth but that doesn’t mean they don’t do it at all.
I think and I am sure we will see a major shift happening as well legal as how MLM companies will work in the future. The emphasize needs to be more than 50% on customer acquisition than rather just recruting an autoconsuming network.
In Europe anyway more and more companies become a mix between direct sales and network marketing and that is the way to go.
On the other hand of course you have the major USA companies old and recent ones running around allover the world who preach the opposite and say you don’t need to sell just consume and sign up a network of consumers.
On top of that they buy leadership compared to sports transfers of players and create doing this, a dishonest way of income generating by its distributors.
We don’t need those false claims of incomes in public anymore to build a viable business, Fake it untill you make it should be gone long time.
The Nano RE packet should give me 12.49 € per day, till now i have received 0 €!
Yeah i know the feeling. All people including me that fall into their trap as passive investors are screwed.
But i am getting over iT. I spend Some money to take a decent trading course and im making my own profits for 1.5 years now without needing to rely on others.
The only way to go is go to the police and file a complaint against the people you know that first of all got you involved and secdonly the leaders you know from public presentations.
How hard as it may seem because you might have a personal maybe even friendship relation with that guy or lady, they stole your money without any regret, believe me.
I have seen some of these leaders change their stories and move the last 4 years from scam to scam once the money dries out in the previous one and they don’t have enough idiots coming in anymore to feed the system.
The incredible fact is, knowing deep inside they stole your money by now, but doing nothing because they keep telling you stories how it still will turn around.But in the meantime they are involved in new scams and are doing exactly the same thing over and over.
Followup on comment #783.
VitaeCoin came up for review today. As far as I can tell it’s social network rewards, paying out in their own VIT altcoin.
VIT is being pumped by members who are generating ROIs through masternodes while it’s viable. VIT is mostly traded on Cryptopia, some dodgy NZ exchange.
Other than that, nothing much going on. There might be an MLM structure as part of the social network but that hasn’t launched yet.
For now VIT is just another altcoin being pumped by those who invested early, most of whom have followed Weber from scam to scam over the years.
The problem with Vitae that launches on the 26th of december is that when you look at their pictures, you see many of the same scammers involved in Octa / Nano later on Skyway and now this.
You can already guess where this is going with those Belgians involved at the top. Fill their pockets and move on to the next one when it slows down and crashes.
I am from belgium and i was approached by someone to invest in Vitae.
Could you summarize in short why this is a scam? I have friends who believes that this is not a scam.
See comment #806.
Is there an MLM component to the company yet?
VitaeCoin is obviously a security as those investing are doing so on the expectation of a passive ROI, derived through the efforts of others.
If you want to confirm legality, check whether VitaeCoin and its principals are registered to offer securities n your jurisdiction (SEC in the US etc.).
Since their passage in Vegas now 2 months ago their value has become only 50% of what it was. Last month alone the value went down like 30%.
When looking at the daily volume around 70.000$, well it’s clear another pump and dump token/coin was born and soon to die with all investors, except a few known names, losing their money.
They have a good pitch although. Progress takes time and patience:
This way you set up people to wait for money that will never come.
Hello, does anyone know what happened to the owners/people associated with Nano Club? How do passive investors get their investments back?
After they got bored of launching scam after scam, which people like you for some reason continued to invest in, they did a runner with your money.
That’s how an MLM Ponzi scheme works. Sorry for your loss.
Can I have an update about VITAE? Seems they are still around despite some guys saying here about 1 year ago that it’s a scam.
Value and daily volume has increased dramatically as of now it’s +$2 and +1 Million $ daily volume.
See #806.
Value and daily trading volume of a scamcoin are not indicators of legitimacy.