After his profiting from the Crowd1 Ponzi scheme came to an end, Mark Seyforth re-launched Cforth in May 2022.

BehindMLM reviewed Cforth in October 2022, at the time noting the majority of Cforth’s website traffic originated from the Philippines.

Today traffic to Cforth website has dropped to just a few thousand visits a month. This has prompted Seyforth to reboot the MLM side of Cforth as StoplightGo.

I’ll preface by stating if StoplightGo sounds convoluted and confusing, it’s because it is. As far as I can tell, StoplightGo is just an excuse to re-re-launch Cforth under a different name.

As per an email sent out  earlier this month announcing StoplightGo’s beta launch;

The site is transitioning into an online marketplace.

  • We will no longer be offering new subscriptions as of March 1st.
  • The eGig Stores will continue to be open for purchases.
  • We will not be paying commissions on any new store product purchases.
  • Your eGig Coin has been transferred to your main wallet.
  • If you have money in your wallet, please cash out before the end of the month, March 31.

StoplightGo sees affiliates pay $299 and then $64.95 a month for autoship:

Bundled products are from Mark Seyforth’s various companies, transferred over from Cforth.

This generates commissions for the affiliates who recruited them, via what appears to be a five-level deep unilevel team.

I originally thought this was a matrix but there doesn’t appear to be any limit to “lanes” (unilevel tree legs).

That said, StoplightGo does have a residual 3×10 matrix, paying out up to $2.50 a month per affiliate recruited.

This matrix is company-wide, filling up as affiliates are recruited into StoplightGo.

Between the unilevel team and matrix, commissions are dependent on StoplightGo affiliates continuing to pay $59.95 a month for autoship.

This is essentially a reworking of Cforth’s Straight-line queue commissions. Instead of a straight-line queue, StoplightGo has a matrix.

Cforth paid residual commissions via a ten-level deep unilevel team. That’s been reworked to five-levels deep in favor of the 3×10 matrix.

At the core of StoplightGo is the same autoship recruitment pyramid scheme that was central to Cforth.

Retail is possible in StoplightGo but isn’t a focus. Nor does it negate the majority of company-wide revenue being derived from monthly affiliate autoship fees.

Furthermore we already know there isn’t any retail interest in Cforth’s products, by way of the original MLM opportunity failing to gain traction.

StoplightGo’s problematic business model brings with it the same problems Cforth had. And that should be concerning, as reboots typically don’t last as long as their predecessors.