TCC’s Douver Braga detained pending trial

Trade Coin Club founder Douver Braga has been denied release pending trial.

In explaining why Braga was denied release in its February 28th order, the court wrote; [Continue reading…]

USI-Tech’s Horst Jicha on FBI’s most wanted list

USI-Tech co-founder Horst Costa Jicha has been added to the FBI’s most wanted list.

As per Jicha’s most wanted list entry; [Continue reading…]

Forcount’s Antonia Hernandez sentenced to 30 months

Forcount Ponzi scammer Antonia Perez Hernandez has been sentenced to 30 months in prison. [Continue reading…]

Eaconomy alleged fraud lawsuits voluntarily dismissed

In what most certainly appears to be a reached settlement, two Eaconomy lawsuits alleging fraud have been voluntarily dismissed. [Continue reading…]

Alex Santi ordered to cooperate with Traders Domain Receiver

Following contempt proceedings initiated against him, Alejandro Santiestaban, aka Alex Santi, has been ordered to cooperate with the Traders Domain Receiver.

Santi will also foot half the Receiver’s legal costs in getting him to follow the court’s orders. [Continue reading…]

Craig Grant lists BitConnect villa on AirBNB

Craig Grant has listed his BitConnect villa on AirBNB.

As per the listing above, which is live, Grant’s BitConnect villa is located in Spring Garden, Jamaica. [Continue reading…]

Brent Kovar indicted on Profit Connect fraud charges

A Grand Jury has indicted Profit Connect founder Brent Carson Kovar.

Kovar, a Nevada resident, was indicted on February 12th and arrested on February 13th. [Continue reading…]

Ovidiu Toma’s CryptoData offices raided in Romania

Romanian authorities have raided the offices of CryptoData, a crypto development firm co-founded by Ovidiu Toma and Bogdan Mărunțiș.

Toma is a serial fraudster tied to multiple MLM crypto Ponzi schemes. [Continue reading…]

Juan Caminero settles Profit Connect fraud for $10,500

Juan Caminero, aka John Caminero, has settled Profit Connect fraud with the Profit Connect Receiver.

As per a January 22nd filed proposed settlement, Caminero will pay back $10,500. [Continue reading…]

Leonardo Cositorto cops 12 year prison sentence in Goya case

Generation Zoe founder Leonardo Cositorto has been sentenced to 12 years in prison.

A Goya court handed down Cositorto’s sentence earlier today, following a guilty verdict last Thursday. [Continue reading…]