Owing the amount of litigation WorldVentures has recently filed, we’ve published a number of articles featuring the company this week.

Perhaps one unintended consequence of WorldVentures’ legal filings is disclosure as to how much it currently owes affiliates.

I’ve been hearing rumors that WorldVentures is behind on commission payments for some time now. But up until now haven’t had anyone come forward with specific dollar amounts or a name to put any claims to.

In their July 16th motion for a TRO against Carlos Rogers, WorldVentures inadvertently revealed it owes Rogers $96,779.36 in unpaid commissions.

Rogers unpaid commissions are detailed in a July 7th resignation later addressed to Eddie Head, President of WorldVentures Holdings.

WorldVentures sought a TRO based on Rogers engaging in alleged cross-recruitment activity.

As I understand it the TRO was granted, on condition of WorldVentures fronting a $100,000 or so bond.

According to WorldVentures’ filing, Carlos Rogers signed up as a WorldVentures affiliate back in late 2005.

Rogers’ termination letter details $96,779.36 in unpaid commissions from last November – presumably well before he began promoting another company.

What I’m not understanding is how Rogers hasn’t been paid.

WorldVentures commission payments are primarily tied to pyramid recruitment.

New affiliates sign up, pay a fee and part of that fee is paid out as a recruitment commission.

Short of directing that money elsewhere, affiliates not being paid makes no sense.

Adding another layer to the mystery is WorldVentures recent legal filings, demonstrating they’ve got cash to spend on lawyers.

Perhaps that money might have been better spent paying their affiliates, but I digress.

Nowhere in WorldVentures filing do they challenge the amount Carlos claims he is owed.

With one affiliate allegedly owed almost one hundred thousand dollars, amounts owed to other affiliates could well run into the millions.

Perhaps more importantly – If WorldVentures is unable to pay affiliates and is on the verge of going belly up, why are they representing in lawsuits that there’s a thriving business to protect?

I appreciate there’s an unofficial gag order in place, by way of top WorldVentures affiliates not wanting to jeopardize unpaid commissions by speaking out, but surely someone in the company can shed further light on this?


Update 25th July 2018 – WorldVentures affiliates contacting support regarding unpaid commissions, are being told there’s “no timeframe” on when they’ll be paid.


Update 27th July 2018 – In a lawsuit filed against WorldVentures on July 18th, Carlos Rogers reveals he is now owed “approximately $150,000” in unpaid commissions and ‘an additional $19,300 in lost benefits‘.

In a separate lawsuit filed by Dennis Bay, he claims WorldVentures owes him $243,057 in unpaid commissions.