Xtreme Marketplace Global also goes by XtremeMPG and MPGXtreme.

Whichever name you’ve come across, it’s all the same company that operates in a number of MLM product niches.

Xtreme Marketplace Global launched in mid 2022 and provides a corporate address in Minnesota on its website.

Heading up Xtreme Marketplace Global is co-founders Randy and Cathy Teinert (right).

So the story goes;

Randy and Cathy Teinert saw the need to launch a new online marketplace featuring the hottest trends and most timely products that can make a difference in people’s lives.

Randy Teinert’s LinkedIn profile is a bit deceptive. Teinart cites his involvement in:

  • NatureRich Distribution Center – CEO since 2008
  • Global Diesel Innovation – CEO since 2009
  • Synchpack Inc – President since 2020

What you won’t find on there is Teinert’s MLM ventures.

Randy and Cathy Teinert own Revii Life Global, an MLM company that launched in 2016.

Prior to Revii Life Global, Teinert also launched Fuel Direct. Fuel Direct launched in 2011 as a division of NatureRich.

Compensation wise, Fuel Direct was a matrix-based pyramid scheme built around XP3 gas and diesel fuel additives. XP3 products are manufactured by Global Diesel Innovation.

As far as I can tell, Randy and Cathy Teinert own all of the companies we’ve mentioned thus far. It’s a closed loop manufacturing to sales business loop, operated out of Minnesota.

There’s nothing inherently wrong Teinert co-mingling all of his companies but it does raise some questions about Xtreme Marketplace Global. We’ll dig deeper into that later in the review.

Read on for a full review of Xtreme Marketplace Global’s MLM opportunity.

XtremeMPG’s Products

Xtreme Marketplace Global markets a broad range of products, manufactured through Randy Teinert’s various companies.


  • MPG X-caps – fuel tabs that purportedly “makes the fuel, gas or diesel, burn more efficiently, increasing the power, increasing the mileage and saving you money on gas”, retails at $29.95 for two 5-packs, $59.95 for six 5-packs or $199.95 for twenty 5-packs
  • Trucker Crumbs – “helps to increase power and performance, reduces emissions, keeps injectors clean”, retails at $179.95 for a pack of ten 5 gram vials or $379.95 for three packs of ten vials
  • XP3 Diesel Winter Extreme – “should be used anytime there is a potential of diesel fuel gelling”, retails at $65 for a 16 oz bottle or $535 for twelve bottles
  • XP3 Oil Treatment Antifriction – “permanently suspended in a highly refined base-lubricant coupled with high performance conditioners, cleaners, and additives”, retails at $74 for a 33 oz. bottle or $700 for twelve bottles


  • Laundry Wash Snap – “proprietary combination of natural ingredients is a biodegradable alternative to common petroleum-based ingredients”, retails at $12.95 for a box of ten single-use packs, $33.95 for thirty packs or $39 for a gallon bottle

Personal Care

  • Mineral Soap – “a highly concentrated, pH-balanced soap that is a safe, natural cleanser”, retails at $18.95 for a 16 oz. bottle or $89 for a gallon bottle
  • Moisturizing Mineral Soap – “the same mineral-rich formula as our Regular Mineral Soap, but includes natural moisturizers to nourish and revitalize dry skin and hair”, retails at $12.95 for a box of ten single-use packs, $32.95 for thirty packs or 16 oz bottle or $89 for a gallon bottle
  • Ionic silver Mineral Gel – “naturally soothe and care for your skin with this mineral-rich formula”, retails at $12.95 for a box of ten single-use snap packs, $32.95 for thirty snap packs or $22.95 for an 8 fl. oz. bottle
  • Mineral Bath – “helps detoxify the body by opening the skin’s pores to help eliminate toxins and allows absorption of minerals into the body through the skin”, retails at $18.95 for a 16 oz. bottle
  • Skin Moisturizer – “moisturizer that is silky smooth to the touch, and is formulated with natural oils”, retails at $21.95 for an 8 oz. bottle, $80 for four bottles or $140 for 8 bottles
  • Mineral Gel – “a light, non-greasy Mineral Gel fortified with essential minerals (potassium, calcium, and magnesium) to soothe, tone, cool, and care for the skin”, retails at $21.95 for an 8 oz bottle
  • Deodorant Mist – “a total body spray that is a safe and very effective way to combat unpleasant body odor… naturally”, retails at $14 for an 8 fl. oz. bottle
  • Deodorant Roll-On – “provides 24-hour protection with a natural blend of essential oils added to natural mineral salts give the roll-on a clean, fresh scent”, retails at $14 for a 3.1 oz bottle


  • Greens Powder Jar – “formulated with 93-quality ingredients that may help to support digestion and metabolism, circulation, liver, and glandular function, immune system, brain function, and cell integrity”, retails at $66.95 for a 12.05 oz canister
  • Callvida – “packed with essential vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and powerful antioxidant blends”, retails at $63.95 for a 32 fl. oz. bottle or $107.90 for a twin-pack
  • Neutralizer – “a balanced formula with three essential neutralizing minerals; potassium, calcium, and magnesium”, retails at $18.95 for a 36 fl. oz. bottle
  • Ionic Silver Water – “silver in water inactivates certain enzymes needed by anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and fungi, which results in their destruction”, retails at $19.95 fora  16 oz bottle

XtremeMPG’s Compensation Plan

Xtreme Marketplace Global affiliates earn commissions on the sale of products to retail customers. Recruitment commissions are paid on recruitment of new affiliates.

Residual commissions and a Matching Bonus are also available.

XtremeMPG Affiliate Ranks

There are nine affiliate ranks within Xtreme Marketplace Global’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Affiliate – sign up as an XtremeMPG affiliate
  • Bronze Executive – purchase at least 50 PV a month in products and recruit two affiliates who do the same
  • Silver Executive – maintain a 50 PV a month purchase and recruit four affiliates who do the same
  • Gold Executive – maintain a 50 PV a month purchase and recruit eight affiliates who do the same
  • Platinum Executive – maintain a 50 PV a month purchase and recruit twelve affiliates who do the same
  • Double Diamond Executive – maintain a 50 PV a month purchase, recruit and maintain two Platinum Executives or higher, and generate 50,000 GV a month in binary team volume (split 25K/25K)
  • Blue Diamond Executive – maintain a 50 PV a month purchase, maintain two personally recruited Platinum Executive or higher, recruit and maintain a Diamond Executive or higher, and generate 200,000 GV a month in binary team volume (split 100K/100K)
  • Royal Diamond Executive – maintain a 50 PV a month purchase, maintain one personally recruited Platinum Executive or higher, recruit and maintain two Diamond Executives or higher, and generate 400,000 GV a month in binary team volume (split 200K/200K)
  • Presidential Diamond Executive – maintain a 50 PV a month purchase, recruit and maintain three Diamond Executives or higher, and generate 600,000 GV a month in binary team volume (split 300K/300K)

PV stands for “Personal Volume”. PV is generated via retail sales and an XtremeMPG affiliate’s own purchases.

For rank qualification, XtremeMPG affiliates must purchase at least 50 PV worth of product each month.

GV stands for “Group Volume”. GV is the sum total PV generated by an XtremeMPG affiliate and their downline.

Retail Commissions

Xtreme Marketplace Global pays commissions on the sale of products to retail customers.

Unfortunately Xtreme Marketplace Global’s compensation plan only details a $5 retail commission per MPG X-caps pack sold. Retail commissions on the rest of the products are unknown.

For retail customers on autoship, Xtreme Marketplace Global cites retail commissions ranging from $10 to $30.

Recruitment Commissions

Xtreme Marketplace Global affiliates earn $40 to $60 per affiliate they recruit.

Residual Commissions

Xtreme Marketplace Global pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each week Xtreme Marketplace Global tallies up new sales volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid for every 100 GV matched on both sides of the binary team. Xtreme Marketplace Global refers to a 100 PV match as a “cycle”.

$20 is paid per cycle each week, capped based on an XtremeMPG affiliate’s rank:

  • Bronze Executives can earn up to $100 a week in residual commissions
  • Silver Executives can earn up to $500 a week in residual commissions
  • Gold Executives can earn up to $750 a week in residual commissions
  • Platinum Executives can earn up to $1000 a week in residual commissions
  • Double Diamond Executives can earn up to $6000 a week in residual commissions
  • Blue Diamond Executives can earn up to $15,000 a week in residual commissions
  • Royal Diamond Executives can earn up to $20,000 a week in residual commissions
  • Presidential Diamond Executives can earn up to $25,000 a week in residual commissions

Once paid out on, matched cycle volume is flushed from both sides of the binary team. Any leftover GV is carried over into the following week.

Matching Bonus

Silver and higher ranked Xtreme Marketplace Global affiliates earn a Matching Bonus on earnings by downline affiliates.

The Matching Bonus is paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Xtreme Marketplace Global caps the Matching Bonus down seven unilevel team levels.

How many levels the Matching Bonus is paid out on is determined by rank:

  • Silver Executives earn a 20% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • Gold Executives earn a 20% match on levels 1 and 2
  • Platinum Executives earn a 20% match on levels 1 and 2 and 10% on level 3
  • Double Diamond Executives earn a 20% match on levels 1 and 2 and 10% on levels 3 and 4
  • Blue Diamond Executives earn a 20% match on levels 1 and 2 and 10% on levels 3 to 5
  • Royal Diamond Executives earn a 20% match on levels 1 and 2, 10% on levels 3 to 5 and 5% on level 6
  • Presidential Diamond Executives earn a 20% match on levels 1 and 2, 10% on levels 3 to 5 and 5% on levels 6 and 7

Note that affiliates can also qualify for the Matching Bonus for up to 90 days when they sign up with a Silver 60 or Gold 90 Enrollment Kit:

  • sign up with a Silver 60 Enrollment Kit, qualify at Bronze and receive Silver Executive Matching Bonuses for 60 days
  • sign up with a Gold 90 Enrollment Kit, Gold Combo Kit or Gold Trucker Kit, qualify at Bronze and receive Gold Executive Matching Bonuses for 90 days

Joining Xtreme Marketplace Global

Xtreme Marketplace Global affiliate membership is tied to the purchase of an Enrollment Kit:

  • Silver 60 Builder Kit – $199 and then $29.95 annually (includes twenty five-packs of MPG X-Caps)
  • Golder Combo Kit – $299.95 and then $29.95 annually (includes fifteen five-packs of MPG X-Caps and one ten-pack of MPG X-Cap Trucker Crumbs)
  • Gold Trucker Kit – $339.95 and then $29.95 annually (includes three ten-packs of MPG X-Cap Trucker Crumbs)

Through the Matching Bonus, the more a new Xtreme Marketplace Global affiliate spends on membership the higher their income potential.

XtremeMPG Conclusion

To be honest I don’t know why Xtreme Marketplace Global exists.

Revii Life Global has its own XP3 fuel additives, albeit not in tab form:

And outside of XP3 fuel tabs, you have actual Revii Life Global branded products making up the rest of Xtreme Marketplace Global’s offering:

All of these products come from companies the Teinerts own. This by itself isn’t an issue but it’s important to note you are competing with these companies individually:

The cynic in me thinks the Teinerts launched XtremeMPG as an excuse to jump on the 2022 fuel tab bandwagon.

Fuel costs rose in the US throughout 2022, prompting the launch of a number of fuel tab opportunities (B-Eco, Govvi, Cforth and Xcelerate).

Rather than just launch XP3 fuel tabs within Revii Life Global, the Teinerts launched a spinoff MLM opp.

This alone isn’t red flag. It’s just kind of… pointless. When the dust settles you’re going to have two remarkably similar MLM opportunities competing against each other – run by the same people.

Not great for longevity.

Moving on to Xtreme Marketplace Global’s compensation plan, here’s where actual red flags surface.

First of all we have recruitment commissions. This can be balanced with retail commissions but in Xtreme Marketplace Global there’s no attempt to do so.

Second we have a 50 PV a month forced affiliate purchase to qualify for commissions. This is typically achieved via autoship, lending itself to Xtreme Marketplace Global operating as an autoship recruitment pyramid scheme.

The final red flag is pay to play, tying in to both autoship for commission qualification and enabling higher compensation rates the more money a new affiliate spends when they sign up.

All of this tied together demonstrates retail is clearly not a focus in Xtreme Marketplace Global. The business model is sign up, buy and continue to buy 50 PV worth of product each month – and get paid to recruit other affiliates who do the same.

The FTC has made it clear that MLM companies without significant retail sales volume are operating as pyramid schemes. And XtremeMPG falls well short of that guideline.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will commissions.

Eventually the later recruits will stop their 50 PV a month orders. This will see those above them stop getting paid.

Unless new recruits are found, they too will eventually also stop their 50 PV a month orders.

Once this effect trickles far up XtremeMPG’s affiliate-base, an irreversible collapse is triggered.

The math behind pyramid schemes guarantees the majority of participants lose money.

How Revii Life Global squares up against XtremeMPG’s compensation plan I can’t say. BehindMLM hasn’t reviewed Revii Life Global but I’ve added it to the review list.

In the meantime, if you join XtremeMPG you’re expected to pay hundreds of dollars and then buy 50 PV a month. You get paid when you recruit others who do the same.

Company-wide that’s not only illegal as a primary MLM business model, it’s also unsustainable.