Versobot fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Versobot’s website domain (“”), was initially registered in September 2022. The private registration was last updated on May 8th, 2023.

Versobot’s social media profiles were created in March 2023, so presumably this is around the time the company launched.

For info on who’s running Versobot we turn to a June 3rd article from Brazil’s UOL.

In their report UOL explores “sub-celebrities” being used to promote Versobot. The publication also names Aldo Toledo as Versobot’s founder.

The creator of Versobot, Aldo Toledo, has already passed through several financial pyramids, including OneCoin of the “Queen of cryptocurrencies” wanted by the FBI.

BehindMLM last came across Toledo as CEO of the Quanticon Ponzi scheme earlier this year.

Quanticon appears to have collapsed shortly after launch.

Quanitcon’s website is gone and Toledo has deleted previously accessible marketing videos from his YouTube channel.

In addition to Quanticon, other MLM Ponzi schemes Toledo has promoted include:

  • GetEasy (2014) – MLM Ponzi scheme that targeted Portuguese and Brazilian investors
  • iGetMania (2015) – GetEasy reboot Ponzi
  • Go2Up (2015) – another GetEasy reboot Ponzi
  • ZyouCoin (~2017) – 200% ROI crypto Ponzi scheme (not reviewed on BehindMLM so unclear whether MLM)
  • GladiaCoin (2017) – 200% ROI MLM crypto Ponzi scheme

UOL additionally ties Toledo to Monarch and the notorious OneCoin Ponzi scheme.

Versobot appears to be a straight reboot of Quanticon.

Toledo is originally from Venezuela but is now based out of Spain. He also appears to have ties to Brazil.

This is reflected in SimilarWeb pegging current top sources of traffic to Versobot’s website as Brazil (60%) and Spain (38%).

Read on for a full review of Versobot’s MLM opportunity.

Versobot’s Products

Versobot has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Versobot affiliate membership itself.

Versobot’s Compensation Plan

Versobot affiliates invest in 40 tether (USDT) a month investment positions.

This is done on the promise of an “up to” 2% a day ROI, paid out on each 40 USDT position.

The return Versobot pays out daily purportedly represents 40% of returns Versobot generates via a trading bot.

The MLM side of Versobot pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Versobot Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within Versobot’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Affiliate – sign up as a Versobot affiliate
  2. Bronze – generate $50 in personal investment volume, recruit five affiliates and generate $1500 in downline investment volume (no more than $750 from any one recruitment leg)
  3. Silver – generate $100 in personal investment volume, recruit seven affiliates (two must be Bronze or higher), and generate $3000 in downline investment volume (no more than $1500 from any one recruitment leg)
  4. Gold – generate $500 in personal investment volume, recruit nine affiliates (three must be Silver or higher), and generate $9000 in downline investment volume (no more than $4500 from any one recruitment leg)
  5. Sapphire – generate $1000 in personal investment volume, recruit eleven affiliates (three must be Gold or higher), and generate $15,000 in downline investment volume (no more than $7500 from any one recruitment leg)
  6. Ruby – generate $2500 in personal investment volume, recruit thirteen affiliates (three must be Sapphire or higher), and generate $24,000 in downline investment volume (no more than $12,000 from any one recruitment leg)
  7. Emerald – generate $5000 in personal investment volume, recruit fifteen affiliates (three must be Bronze or higher), and generate $30,000 in downline investment volume (no more than $15,000 from any one recruitment leg)
  8. Diamond – generate $10,000 in personal investment volume, recruit seventeen affiliates (four must be Emerald or higher), and generate $45,000 in downline investment volume (no more than $22,500 from any one recruitment leg)
  9. Blue Diamond – generate $20,000 in personal investment volume, recruit twenty affiliates (four must be Diamond or higher), and generate $60,000 in downline investment volume (no more than $30,000 from any one recruitment leg)
  10. Black Diamond – generate $30,000 in personal investment volume, recruit twenty-five affiliates (four must be Blue Diamond or higher), and generate $120,000 in downline investment volume (no more than $60,000 from any one recruitment leg)
  11. Monarch Diamond – generate $50,000 in personal investment volume, recruit thirty affiliates (four must be Black Diamond or higher), and generate $250,000 in downline investment volume (no more than $125,000 from any one recruitment leg)
  12. Imperial Diamond – generate $100,000 in personal investment volume, recruit forty affiliates (five must be Monarch Diamond or higher), and generate $600,000 in downline investment volume (no more than $300,000 from any one recruitment leg)

Note Versobot’s compensation plan refers to what I’ve termed “personal investment volume” as “pct”. There is no explanation of what “pct” is.

I’ve assumed “pct” is a combination of personal investment plus investment of personally recruited affiliates. It’s also possible “pct” is also just a Versobot affiliate’s own investment.

Residual Commissions

Versobot pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Versobot caps payable unilevel team levels at five.

Versobot represents residual commissions are paid as a percentage of 15% of passive returns it generates through its bot.

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 5%
  • level 2 – 4%
  • level 3 – 3%
  • level 4 – 2%
  • level 5 – 1%

Global Participation Pools

Versobot takes 5% of company-wide investment nad places it into five smaller 1% Global Participation Pools.

These pools correspond with rank:

  • Diamond and higher ranked affiliates receive a share in a smaller 1% Global Participation Pool
  • Blue Diamond and higher ranked affiliates receive a share in a smaller 1% Global Participation Pool
  • Black Diamond and higher ranked affiliates receive a share in a smaller 1% Global Participation Pool
  • Monarch Diamond and higher ranked affiliates receive a share in a smaller 1% Global Participation Pool
  • Imperial Diamond ranked affiliates receive a share in a smaller 1% Global Participation Pool

Note that Imperial Diamond is the only rank that receives a share in each of the five smaller Global Participation Pools

Rank Achievement Bonuses

Versobot rewards affiliates for qualifying at Bronze and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Bronze and receive either 3 40 USDT investment positions or 150 USDT
  • qualify at Silver and receive six 40 USDT investment positions or 300 USDT
  • qualify at Gold and receive a Montblanc pen
  • qualify at Sapphire and receive an iPhone 14
  • qualify at Ruby and receive an iPad Pro
  • qualify at Emerald and receive a MacBook Pro
  • qualify at Diamond and receive a “cruise trip”
  • qualify at Blue Diamond and receive a “Latin America trip”
  • qualify at Black Diamond and receive “Dubai travel”
  • qualify at Diamond Monarch and receive “Maldives travel”
  • qualify at Diamond Imperial and receive a BMW car

Joining Versobot

Versobot affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 40 USDT monthly investment.

Versobot Conclusion

Quanticon was set up as a “lulz can’t touch our money!” investment scheme. Affiliates paid a fee for access to a trading bot and invested funds to be put under collective control of the bot.

Said bot was provided by Disruptive Studio, a Ponzi factory run by Darren Olayan and Daniel Cruz.

Versobot appears to just be a simpler 40 USDT a pop Ponzi scheme. There wasn’t any mention of paying for access to a bot and dumping in additional funds.

There is no mention of Disruptive Studio on Versobot’s website or in its marketing.

Aside from compensation tweaks (Quanticon’s matrix is gone and Versobot adds ranks), the only other difference is Versobot has an AI marketing grift angle.

In case it wasn’t obvious, Aldo Toledo doesn’t have a trading bot – or at least not one that’s generating the returns Versobot and Quanticon before it advertise.

Versobot is a Ponzi scheme from a serial Ponzi promoter, who is now also a serial Ponzi launcher.

On the regulatory front neither Versobot or Toledo are registered to off securities in Brazil or Spain.

This means that at a minimum, Toledo is commiting securities fraud in Versobot’s two largest markets.

MLM companies committing securities fraud and running Ponzi schemes go hand-in-hand.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Versobot of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.