Unity Inc provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

Unity Inc’s website domain (“unityinc.ltd”) was privately registered on February 11th, 2019.

Unity Inc do claim to be incorporated in the UK as Unity Inc. LTD, however from a due-diligence perspective this is meaningless.

UK incorporation is dirt cheap and for the most part unregulated. It is a favored jurisdiction for scammers looking to incorporate dodgy companies.

At the time of publication Alexa pegs the Netherlands (43%) and Russia (32%) as the top two sources of traffic to Unity Inc’s website.

It is highly likely that whoever is running Unity Inc is based out of one of these countries.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Unity Inc Products

Unity Inc has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Unity Inc affiliate membership itself.

Unity Inc’s Compensation Plan

Unity Inc affiliates invest funds on the promise of a variable or fixed daily returns.

Variable Returns

  • Short – invest $50 to $220 and receive a daily return of up to 0.85% for fourteen days
  • Standard – invest $221 to $3500 and receive a daily return of up to 1.05% for 90 days
  • Medium – invest $3501 to $15,000 and receive a daily return of up to 1.55% for 90 days
  • Royal – invest $15,001 to $45,000 and receive a daily return up to up 1.7% for 90 days

Fixed Returns

  • TradeBot1 – invest $110 to $385 and receive a daily 11.2% ROI for 14 days
  • TradeBot7 – invest $386 to $8000 and receive a 135% ROI over five months, 257% over nine months or 383% over twelve months
  • TradeBot12 – invest $8001 to $31,000 and receive a 150% ROI over five months, 297% over nine months or 438% over twelve months
  • TradeBot21 – invest $31,001 to $90,000 and receive a 173% ROI over five months, 365% over nine months or 529% over twelve months

Referral Commissions

Unity Inc pays referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Referral commissions are paid on funds invested by recruited unilevel team affiliates.

Variable return investments pay

  • 5% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • 4% on level 2
  • 3% on level 3
  • 2% on level 4
  • 1% on level 5
  • 2% on level 6
  • 3% on level 7 and
  • 4% on level 8

Fixed return investments pay

  • 7% on level 1
  • 6% on level 2
  • 5% on level 3
  • 4% on level 4
  • 2% on level 5
  • 4% on level 6
  • 5% on level 7 and
  • 6% on level 8

Note that how many unilevel team levels Unity Inc affiliates can earn referral commissions on is determined by rank:

  • Affiliates can earn referral commissions on up to four unilevel team levels
  • Members (convince others to invest at least $1000) can earn on up to five levels
  • Bronze affiliates (convince others to invest at least $5000) can earn on up to six levels
  • Silver affiliates (convince other to invest at least $10,000) can earn on up to seven levels
  • Gold affiliates (convince others to invest at least $250,000) and higher can earn on up to eight levels

Career Bonuses

Unity Inc rewards affiliates who qualify from the Platinum rank with the following Career Bonuses.

  • Platinum (convince others to invest at least $50,000) – $2000
  • Partner (have at least one Gold ranked affiliate in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $100,000) – $2000 and “office payment”
  • Partner Bronze (have at least two Gold ranked affiliates in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $125,000) – $2000 and “office payment”
  • Partner Silver (have at least one Gold and one Platinum ranked affiliate in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $150,000) – $3000 and “office payment”
  • Partner Gold (have at least two Platinum ranked affiliates in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $175,000) – $3000 and “office payment”
  • Partner Platinum (have at least two Platinum and two Gold ranked affiliates in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $200,000) – $5000 and “office payment”
  • Leader (have at least one Partner ranked affiliate in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $500,000) – $10,000 and “office payment”
  • Leader Bronze (have at least two Partner ranked affiliates in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $750,000) – $10,000 and “office payment”
  • Leader Silver (have at least three Partner ranked affiliates in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $1,000,000) – $15,000 and “office payment”
  • Leader Gold (have at least three Partner affiliates and one Partner Gold affiliate in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $1,500,000) – $20,000 and “office payment”
  • Director (have at least one Leader and one Leader Bronze ranked affiliate in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $3,000,000) – $150,000 and “office payment”
  • Director Bronze (have at least two Leader Bronze ranked affiliates and one Leader Silver affiliate in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $7,500,000) – $350,000 and “office payment”
  • Director Gold (have at least two Leader Gold ranked affiliates and one Leader Platinum affiliate in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $10,000,000) – $450,000 and “office payment”
  • Director Platinum (have at least two Leader Gold and two Leader Platinum ranked affiliates in your unilevel team and convince others to invest at least $12,000,000) – $500,000 and “office payment”

Although not explicitly clarified, I believe “office payment” is a rent payment to be put towards a Unity Inc promotion office.

Joining Unity Inc

Unity Inc affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity however requires a minimum $50 investment.


Unity Inc claims to generate external ROI revenue by “direct(ing) your funds management through the company’s traders and brokers”.

Naturally there’s no evidence of this provided.

Nor is Unity Inc registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction it solicits investment in.

Australia would appear to be an exception, however the provided certificate for Unity Inc LTD appears to be bogus.

What Unity Inc appears to have done is photoshopped an existing certificate for the ACN 621 771 335, which corresponds to “Invest PTY LTD”.

Invest PTY LTD was incorporated back in 2017 and as far as I can tell, has nothing to do with Unity Inc.

In any event ASIC are known to be hopeless at regulating securities. Unity LTD registering with ASIC would legalize the solicitation of investment from Australia only.

Instead of operating legally, Unity Inc presents a boatload of baloney agreements it purportedly has with several governments.

May 18, 2019 – Conclusion of an agreement with South American countries

June 21, 2019 – Registration of the company in Australia and New Zealand.

Our success over the past 4 months:

1. To increase the profit from the teams of traders and trading bots.

2. Attraction of investments in the amount of 190.000.000 GBP.

3. Signing treaties with states, members of the Commonwealth of Nations – (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Singapore, Cyprus, Nigeria)

With respect to financial regulation of Unity Inc’s investment opportunity, even if any of the above were true, it’s meaningless.

As it stands Unity Inc is a company run by persons unknown. The only verifiable source of revenue entering the company is new investment.

Using newly invested funds to pay existing Unity Inc affiliates a daily return makes Unity Inc a Ponzi scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment slows down so too will new funds entering the system.

This will starve Unity Inc of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes like Unity Inc guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.