TrustPoly, aka Trust, fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

TrustPoly’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on January 17th, 2025.

On January 28th, Fundsz scammer Brian Early began promoting TrustPoly on social media:

TrustPoly would go on to launch on or around February 14th.

Early, who’s originally from Louisiana but has since fled to Costa Rice, is a serial promoter of scams.

In addition to Fundsz, a collapsed MLM crypto Ponzi Early was co-owner of, Early was recently promoting RideBNB 2.0, a reboot of the collapsed RideBNB Ponzi, and GivBux, an MLM pyramid scheme.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

TrustPoly’s Products

TrustPoly has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market TrustPoly affiliate membership itself.

TrustPoly’s Compensation Plan

TrustPoly affiliates purchase 10 POL token positions in a 2×12 matrix.

A 2×12 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:

These two positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Levels three to twelve of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level of the matrix housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

In TrustPoly, all twelve levels of the matrix operate as an independent payment tier.

Payments are tied to filling positions in the matrix on each level, with positions filled via buy-in payments by directly and indirectly recruited affiliates.

Payments across the TrustPoly’s 2×12 compensation structure are as follows:

  • Level 1 (2 positions to fill, positions cost 10 POL) – 2.75 POL in commissions, 17.25 POL used to unlock level 2
  • Level 2 (4 positions to fill) – 26.4 POL in commissions, 33.6 POL used to unlock level 3
  • Level 3 (8 positions to fill) – 174 POL in commissions, 66 POL used to unlock level 4
  • Level 4 (16 positions to fill) – 828 POL in commissions, 132 POL used to unlock level 5
  • Level 5 (32 positions to fill) – 3580.8 POL in commissions, 259.2 POL used to unlock level 6
  • Level 6 (64 positions to fill) – 14,841.6 POL in commissions, 518.40 POL used to unlock level 7
  • Level 7 (128 positions to fill) – 60,422.4 POL in commissions, 1017.6 POL used to unlock level 8
  • Level 8 (256 positions to fill) – 243,724.8 POL in commissions, 2035.2 POL used to unlock level 9
  • Level 9 (512 positions to fill) – 978,969.6 POL in commissions, 4070.4 POL used to unlock level 10
  • Level 10 (1024 position to fill) – 3,924,019.2 POL in commissions, 8140.8 POL used to unlock level 11
  • Level 11 (2048 positions to fill) – 15,712,358.4 POL in commissions, 16,281.6 POL used to unlock level 12
  • Level 12 (4096 positions to fill) – 62,914,560 POL in commissions

In the unlikely event a TrustPoly affiliate fills their entire 2×12 matrix, a new 10 POL matrix position must be purchased.

Joining TrustPoly

TrustPoly affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 10 POL matrix position purchase.

TrustPoly Conclusion

TrustPoly is a simple MLM crypto pyramid scheme.

New recruits buy-in for 10 POL and are paid to recruit others who do the same.

Due to the nature of the matrix and increasing amounts of money at the upper tiers, the majority of crypto deposited into TrustPoly will be hoovered by Brian Early and other admins (if there are any).

A few top promoters who got in early will take the lion’s share of what’s left, with the majority of TrustPoly participants ultimately losing out.