Traffic Network Ads Review: 720 day adcredit Ponzi ROIs
There is no information on the Traffic Network Ads website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Traffic Network Ads website domain (“”) was registered on the 1st of September 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.
The Traffic Network Ads website footer contains contact details for Redrock Media Solutions Limited, via an address in Hong Kong, China.
Further research reveals a number of businesses using the same address, suggesting it is a shared virtual mailing address.
An email address for Traffic Network Ads’ legal department is provided using the “” domain.
This domain was only recently registered privately on October 31st. The domain itself is parked and hosts no content.
For all intents and purposes Traffic Network Ads exists in Hong Kong in name only. Redrock Solutions meanwhile appears to be misdirection.
Alexa currently estimate that Germany is the largest source of traffic to the Traffic Network Ads website (47.5%). The rest of the top five sources of traffic are all European countries (Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Spain).
This suggests that is running Traffic Network Ads is likely based out of Germany itself, if not elsewhere in Europe.
As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
The Traffic Network Ads Product Line
Traffic Network Ads has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Traffic Network Ads affiliate membership itself.
Once signed up, Traffic Network Ads affiliates invest in “Traffic Packs”.
Bundled with each Traffic Pack investment are advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Traffic Network Ads website.
The Traffic Network Ads Compensation Plan
The Traffic Network Ads compensation plan sees affiliates invest €50 EUR in Traffic Packs, on the promise of an advertised daily ROI.
Traffic Network Ads represent the daily ROI is between 0.5% to 1.18% for 730 days (2 years).
As per Traffic Network Ads advertised daily ROI rate, this equates a total ROI of between 365% to 861%.
Note that a Traffic Network Ads affiliate can invest in up to 1000 Traffic Pack investments at any given time (€50,000 EUR).
The total number of active Traffic Pack positions an affiliate can invest in is 2000 (€100,000 EUR).
Referral commissions are paid on Traffic Packs invested by downline affiliates via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places a Traffic Network Ads affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any of these level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical number of levels.
Traffic Network Ads cap payable unilevel levels at six. Referral commissions are paid out as a percentage of €50 Traffic Pack investments as follows:
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – €5 EUR per pack
- level 2 – €2.50 EUR per pack
- levels 3 to 6 – €1.50 EUR per pack
Joining Traffic Network Ads
Traffic Network Ads affiliate membership is free, however affiliates must invest at least €50 EUR to participate in the attached MLM opportunity.
The twenty-minute long Traffic Network Ads marketing video I watched was full of stock footage and unverifiable claims.
Under the pretense of having something to do with advertising, Traffic Network Ads promise affiliates a two-year ROI of up to 861%.
The only verifiable source of revenue entering Traffic Network Ads is affiliate investment, the use of which to fund affiliate ROIs makes Traffic Network Ads a Ponzi scheme.
As to the advertising, Traffic Network Ads is your typical adcredit Ponzi scheme. The advertising credits are sold only to Traffic Network Ads affiliates, creating a closed-loop advertising network that exists solely for pseudo-compliance.
No legitimate third-party advertisers exist, because paying to advertise to Ponzi investors who are only viewing ads to collect a daily ROI provides little to no genuine value.
Another point to consider is that if Traffic Network Ads were able to consistently generate up to 861% returns every two years, even a modest bank loan would soon see them rolling in riches.
Soliciting €50 EUR investments from affiliates in this scenario makes no sense.
With a purported model that generates up to 861% every two years, the only reason Traffic Network Ads needs to solicit investment is to use that money to pay out the ROI. Again, this makes Traffic Network Ads a Ponzi scheme.
Throw in a virtual address in Hong Kong and anonymous ownership, and Traffic Network Ads is pretty much just your typical adcredit Ponzi scam.
As with all Ponzi schemes, once new affiliate recruitment dries up Traffic Network Ads will be unable to meet its ROI obligations.
The two-year maturity period will likely see affiliates strung along with backoffice monopoly money (numbers on a screen), with a heavy emphasis on reinvestment.
This seeks to put off withdrawals for as long as possible, permitting the anonymous Traffic Network Ads owner(s) to withdraw invested funds and maximize affiliate losses.
Best of luck trying to recover your money from a virtual address in Hong Kong from persons unknown when Traffic Network Ads inevitably collapses.
A COMMon theme in every write up is your notion of ” if they could get X return, then why not get a bank loan”.
Couple things…Banks wont touch anything to do with Cryptocurrency so you should remove that choice of reasoning when evaluation a company that just takes Bitcoin or crypto..
Second – a Bank is not going to touch some start up revshare… Therefore, INSTEAD of seeking other HIGHER priced financing…companies choose to accumulate funds this way..
Traffic Network Ads pretend to make revenue from advertising. What does that have to do with cryptocurrency?
Revshare = Ponzi scheme.
The bank logic test only comes into it when you have scams like Traffic Network Ads pretending not to be Ponzi schemes.
Did you see my comment on Tara Talks about this operation, Oz.
I flagged up a previous version too and the same scam.
Didn’t see it.
OZ… my point is that you often say “Why not get a bank loan”…I am not referring diretly to this opportunity but (Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempts removed)
There’s nothing stopping someone getting a bank loan in fiat and then doing what they want with it. Unless your comment is specifically related to Traffic Network Ads it’s offtopic.
That’s the problem with the industry today. No innovation, just the same old crap under a different name 😛
admın tlf:507-8365503 Minesota-Slayton mn56172 trafficnetworkads
who is he. Maybe u can search