SonaWorld Review: Two-tier four level deep cash gifting
There is no information on the SonaWorld website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The SonaWorld website domain (“”) was registered on January 4th, 2017. Darius Push is listed as the owner, with an incomplete address in Abuja, Nigeria also provided.
Possibly due to language barriers, I was unable to find any further information on Darius Push.
As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
The SonaWorld Product Line
SonaWorld has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market SonaWorld affiliate membership itself.
The SonaWorld Compensation Plan
The SonaWorld compensation plan sees affiliates gift ₦2500 (Basic) or ₦15,000 (Premium) to each other via a 4×5 matrix.
A 4×5 matrix places a SonaWorld affiliate at the top of a matrix, with four positions directly under them:
These four positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first four positions into another four positions each (16 positions).
Levels three to four of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing four times as many positions as the previous level (64, 256 and 1024 positions respectively).
A SonaWorld affiliate begins by gifting either ₦2500 (Basic) or ₦15,000 (Premium) to the affiliate who recruited them.
This qualifies the affiliate to receive gifting payments from other SonaWorld affiliates in either a Basic or Premium matrix as follows:
Basic Matrix
- level 1 (4 positions) – gift ₦2500 every 2 days to the affiliate who recruited you and receive ₦2500 from four subsequently recruited affiliates
- level 2 (16 positions) – gift ₦5000 every 8 days and receive ₦5000 from sixteen affiliates
- level 3 (64 positions) – gift ₦10,000 every 16 days and receive ₦10,000 from sixty-four affiliates
- level 4 (256 positions) – gift ₦20,000 every 24 days and receive ₦20,000 from two hundred and fifty-six affiliates
- level 5 (1024 positions) – gift ₦40,000 every 30 days and receive ₦40,000 from one thousand and twenty-four affiliates
Premium Matrix
- level 1 (4 positions) – gift ₦15,000 to the affiliate who recruited you and receive ₦15,000 from four subsequently recruited affiliates
- level 2 (16 positions) – gift ₦25,000 and receive ₦25,000 from sixteen affiliates
- level 3 (64 positions) – gift ₦50,000 and receive ₦50,000 from sixty-four affiliates
- level 4 (256 positions) – gift ₦100,000 and receive ₦100,000 from two hundred and fifty-six affiliates
- level 5 (1024 positions) – gift ₦200,000 and receive ₦200,000 from one thousand and twenty-four affiliates
Joining SonaWorld
SonaWorld affiliate membership is tied to a Basic ₦2500 ($7.90 USD) or Premium ₦15,000 ($47.30 USD) gifting payment every two or five days respectively.
Here’s SonaWorld’s own description of their compensation plan:
Get your 4 people in, teach them how to get their 4 in, and they teach their 4, so on and so forth.
If you follow the steps, YOU WILL MAKE A LOT OF MONEY!
Through affiliate recruitment and exchange of money between affiliates, SonaWorld operate a two-tier four level deep cash gifting scheme.
A cash gifting scheme relies on a constant stream of newly recruited affiliates, without which payments stop and the scheme collapses.
SonaWorld is no different.
Through one or more preloaded positions Darius Push will receive the majority of funds gifted between affiliates. This is owing the pass-up nature of each matrix level.
The upper levels of Push’s own matrices must be filled before anyone elses. The subscription nature of SonaWorld’s gifting payments meanwhile keeps the stream of gifting payments flowing upline, to the detriment of most affiliates.
When SonaWorld inevitably collapses, needless to say the overwhelming majority of affiliates will only have a loss to show for it.