Riseoo operates in the cryptocurrency and  ecommerce MLM niches.

The company provides two corporate offices on its website, one in Dubai and one in India.

Riseoo’s Dubai address is incomplete, suggesting it a virtual office address. The Indian address in Uttar Pradesh.

Riseoo is headed up by co-founders Vaibhav and Kshitij Adhlakha.

Vaibhav serves as Riseoo’s CEO. Kshitij is the company’s COO.

According to their Riseoo corporate bio, the Adhlakhas are “accomplished industry experts”.

Both of them have more than a decade of strong entrepreneurial experience in multiple industries.

They ideated [sic] QuickX, a Blockchain Technology that performs transactions off the chain for the same Blockchain assets and utilizes pooling facilitators who supply liquidity for cross-chain transfers.

QuickX is a shit token that was attached to the Crypto Advice Ponzi scheme.

Crypto Advice was headed up by CEO “Jordan Lucas”, who is believed to have been a paid actor. It seems the Adhlakha brothers were behind the scam.

Crypto Advice launched in late 2018. By August 2019 the Ponzi scheme had collapsed.

The Adhlakha’s victims were left bagholding worthless QCX tokens (1.1 cent flatline since Crypto Advice collapsed).

Other than scamming people through Crypto Advice and Quickx, the Adhlakhas haven’t achieved anything of significance within the MLM industry.

Although Kshitij Adhlakha’s LinkedIn profile cites him in Dubai, I believe both brothers are based out of India.

At the time of publication Alexa estimates 87% of Riseoo’s website traffic originates out of India.

Riseoo’s official Facebook page is also exclusively managed by admins in India.

Read on for a full review of Riseoo’s MLM opportunity.

Riseoo’s Products

Riseoo has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Riseoo affiliate membership itself.

Riseoo’s Compensation Plan

Riseoo affiliates sign up and pay membership fees. Commissions are paid when they recruit others who do the same.

Riseoo offers three affiliate packages:

  • Starter Package – $200
  • Professional Package – $400
  • Premium Package – $700 ($29.95 affiliate fee waived)

Note that while the above amounts are provided in USD, Riseoo pays commissions in USDT and INR (Indian rupee):

Any Affiliate Partner can withdraw a minimum of 25 USDT from the respective Riseoo wallet.

In the case of Indian Affiliate Partners, the minimum amount that can be withdrawn is INR 1750.

MLM Commission Qualification

Riseoo affiliates are required to generate 50 PV a month to qualify for MLM commissions.

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by an affiliate, including their own spend.

Riseoo Affiliate Ranks

There are fourteen ranks within Riseoo’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • iRap – sign up as a Riseoo affiliate and pay membership fees
  • Red Star – recruit two iRaps, placed on on each side of the binary team, and have earned at least one residual commission cycle
  • Green Star – recruit three iRaps, have one downline Red Star ranked affiliate and have earned at least fifteen residual commission cycles
  • Blue Star – recruit four iRaps, have one downline Green Star ranked affiliate and have earned at least fifty residual commission cycles
  • White Star – recruit five iRaps, have one downline Blue Star ranked affiliate and have earned at least one hundred and twenty-five residual commission cycles
  • Black Star – recruit six iRaps, have one downline White Star ranked affiliate and have earned at least three hundred residual commission cycles
  • Gold Star – generate two White Stars in two unilevel team legs and have earned at least six hundred residual commission cycles
  • Mercury – generate three White Stars in three unilevel team legs and have earned at least two hundred residual commission cycles the month prior to qualification
  • Venus – maintain two White Stars in three unilevel team legs and have earned at least four hundred residual commission cycles the month prior to qualification
  • Jupiter – generate three Black Stars in three unilevel team legs and have earned at least eight hundred residual commission cycles the month prior to qualification
  • Phoenix – generate three Gold Stars in three unilevel team legs and have earned at least one thousand five hundred residual commission cycles in any two prior months out of three
  • Golden Phoenix – generate three Phoenixes in three unilevel team legs and have earned at least two thousand residual commission cycles in any two prior months out of three
  • Diamond Phoenix – generate four Phoenixes in four unilevel team legs and have earned at least four thousand residual commission cycles in any two prior months out of three
  • Alpha Centauri Club – generate six Phoenixes in six unilevel team legs and have earned at least six thousand residual commission cycles for three consecutive months

Recruitment Commissions

Riseoo affiliates earn 5% to 25% on package fees paid by personally recruited affiliates.

Although not explicitly clarified, I believe this commission range is tied to which package a recruited affiliate signs up with.

5% appears to be paid on the Starter Pack. Riseoo’s compensation plan cites a 10% commission on the Professional Package, leaving 25% paid on the Premium Package.

Top-Up Bonus

Riseoo’s Top-Up Bonus sounds like a one-level residual recruitment commission.

You will earn the Top-Up Referral Bonus on all the packages and products sold, based on your total Personal Bonus Volume.

The Top-Up Referral bonus is paid on the Bonus Volume (BV) of your direct referrals.

Riseoo affiliates earn a 5% Top-Up Bonus if they generate and maintain 750 PV a month.

10% is paid if a Riseoo affiliate

  1. generates 1500 PV a month or
  2. generates 20 residual commission cycles a month (see “residual commissions” below)

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by fees paid by recruited affiliates.

Residual Commissions

Riseoo pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

Riseoo tallies up sales volume on both sides of the binary team, tracked as BV.

BV is 70% of volume created by payment of Riseoo affiliate membership fees.

15% of Eazme membership fee volume and cashback collected by Riseoo, is also paid into the binary team.

When 250 BV is matched on both sides of the binary team, a cycle is triggered.

Riseoo affiliates earn 10% to 16% of each 250 BV cycle generated weekly.

  • iRap to Gold Star ranked affiliates earn a 10% residual commission rate
  • Mercury to Phoenix ranked affiliates earn a 12% residual commission rate
  • Golden Phoenix and Diamond Phoenix ranked affiliates earn a 14% residual commission rate
  • Alpha Centauri Club ranked affiliates earn a 16% residual commission rate

Note that residual commissions are capped at up to $25,000 a week:

  • iRap to White Star ranked affiliates can earn up to $5000 a week
  • Black Star and Gold Star ranked affiliates can earn up to $10,000 a week
  • Mercury and Venus ranked affiliates can earn up to $15,000 a week
  • Jupiter and Phoenix ranked affiliates can earn up to $20,000 a week
  • Golden Phoenix to Alpha Centauri Club ranked affiliates can earn up to $25,000 a week

Matching Bonus

Riseoo pays a Matching Bonus via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

The Matching Bonus is paid on residual commissions earned across the unilevel team.

How many unilevel team levels the Matching Bonus is earned on is determined by rank:

  • Green Stars earn a 5% match on level 1
  • Blue Stars earn a 5% match on levels 1 and 2
  • White Stars earn a 5% match on levels 1 to 3
  • Black Stars earn a 5% match on levels 1 to 4
  • Gold Stars earn a 5% match on levels 1 to 5
  • Mercurys earn a 5% match on levels 1 to 6
  • Venus’ earn a 5% match on levels 1 to 7
  • Jupiters earn a 5% match on levels 1 to 8
  • Phoenixes earn a 5% match on levels 1 to 9
  • Golden Phoenixes and higher earn a 5% match on levels 1 to 10

Eazme Commissions

Eazme has its own compensation plan within Riseoo.

Commissions related to Eazme are generated on payment of $99 Eazme memberships.

  • Riseoo affiliates earn a 25% commission on personally sold Eazme memberships
  • A 15% commission is paid on Eazme memberships sold by personally recruited affiliates (level 2)

Residual Eazme membership fees are paid as a percentage of 15% of generated Eazme membership BV.

Eazme residual commissions are paid using the same unilevel team as residual commissions (see above):

  • 5% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • 2.5% on levels 2 and 3
  • 1.5% on level 4
  • 1% on level 5
  • 0.5% on levels 6 to 10

Finally, 10% of cashback paid to Riseoo is paid on purchases by personally recruited affiliates.

30% of Riseoo’s collected cashback is paid out via the unilevel team (same percentages above).

Rank Achievement Bonus

Riseoo rewards affiliates who qualify at Black Star and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Black Star and receive $500
  • qualify at Gold Star and receive $1000
  • qualify at Mercury and receive $2500
  • qualify at Venus and receive $5000
  • qualify at Jupiter and receive $10,000
  • qualify at Phoenix and receive $25,000
  • qualify at Golden Phoenix and receive $50,000
  • qualify at Diamond Phoenix and receive $75,000
  • qualify at Alpha Centauri Club and receive $100,000

Car Bonus

Riseoo rewards Mercury and higher ranked affiliates with a monthly Car Bonus.

  • Mercury ranked affiliates receive $500 a month
  • Venus ranked affiliates receive $750 a month
  • Jupiter ranked affiliates receive $1000 a month
  • Phoenix ranked affiliates receive $2000 a month

Global Bonus Pool

Riseoo takes 1% of company-wide membership fee BV and places it into the Global Bonus Pool.

The Global Bonus Pool is split into three smaller pools, corresponding with the Golden Phoenix, Diamond Phoenix and Alpha Centauri Club ranks.

  • Golden Phoenix ranked affiliates receive a share in the Golden Phoenix Pool
  • Diamond Phoenix ranked affiliates receive a share in the Golden Phoenix and Diamond Phoenix Pools
  • Alpha Centauri Club ranked affiliates receive a share in the Golden Phoenix, Diamond Phoenix and Alpha Centauri Club Pools

Shares are awarded as follows:

  • one share is received in rank corresponding pools each month
  • one one-time share is awarded at Golden Phoenix and higher rank promotion
  • one share is awarded for each personally recruited affiliate who qualifies at Golden Phoenix or higher
  • one share is awarded per 500 residual commission cycles generated each month

Global Bonus Pool shares are accumulated by qualified affiliates as per the above criteria. The Global Bonus Pool is paid out annually.

Note that the highest share percentage a Riseoo affiliate can earn in any of the Global Bonus Pools is capped at 40%.

Joining Riseoo

Riseoo affiliate membership is $29.99 plus purchase of an affiliate package.

  • Starter Package – $200
  • Professional Package – $400
  • Premium Package – $700 ($29.95 affiliate fee waived)

An annual $19.99 affiliate fee is charged after the first year.

Note the more a Riseoo affiliate spends on membership, the higher their income potential.


Crypto Advice’s collapse left the public trading value of QuickX in the toilet. Riseoo is an attempt to pump QuickX’s value.

This would primarily benefit the Adhlakha brothers, as well as early Crypto Advice investors. Victims sold on recouping their Crypto Advice losses are likely to make up the majority of Riseoo affiliates.

Riseoo’s ruse is it’s ecommerce platform Eazme. It’s your basic cashback platform, with the only outright purchasable products white-labeled nutritional supplements.

Eazme is pitched as a “crypto friendly marketplace”. Unless I’m missing something it has nothing to do with cryptocurrency.

If Eazme is dumping QCK tokens as “cashback” on the backend, that’s not disclosed anywhere on the company website.

The Eazme ruse falls apart upon consideration that nobody is paying for cashback in 2021.

Cashback these days is as simple as installing a free app or browser extension, and there’s a billion platforms “cashing in” on the niche.

Again, the only people likely to be using Eazme in any capacity are Crypto Advice QCX token bagholders.

The true value of Eazme membership is $0. And this is evidenced by Riseoo bundling free Eazme memberships as “pearls” with paid affiliate membership options:

Pearls are an internal reward system. These can be used the by the Affiliate Partner to purchase Eazme membership vouchers and to make purchases from the Eazme mall.

All the Affiliate Partners get a certain amount of Pearls upon enrollment depending on the selected package.

Riseoo is pitched as a “new-age affiliate marketing company”, which doesn’t actually mean anything. What Riseoo is, is a pyramid scheme.

You sign up, pay Riseoo membership fees and get paid to recruit other who do the same.

If it hasn’t been already, there’s likely plans to bake QCX into Riseoo’s backend at some point. This will likely be built off CNExchange, a crypto exchange owned by the Adhlakha brothers.

Although not advertised on CNExchange’s public-facing website, $5000 investments can be made on the back end to earn a 25% annual ROI.

Paid in worthless QCX tokens of course.

As with any pyramid scheme, Riseoo will collapse when affiliate recruitment inevitably slows down.

The Adhlakha brothers’ respective LinkedIn profiles suggest Riseoo was launched in mid 2020. So far it’s had no impact on QCX’s public trading value, which has probably annoyed them to no end.

If new victims aren’t found to baghold and QCX’s public trading value continues to flatline, Crypto Advice victims sucked into Riseoo will get more desperate.

Eventually though they’ll have to come to terms with realizing they’ve been conned into handing over even more money.

This isn’t going to end well.