Phyto Science Review: Stem cells & recruitment
Phyto Science was founded in 2012 and are based out of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.
In just a short span of 18 months after its inception, PhytoScience’s monthly sales have surged to RM40 million, making it one of the TOP MLM companies in Malaysia.
Credited as Founder and CEO of Phyto Science on its website is Lai Teck Peng (right).
Dato’ Sri Lai brings in more than 26 years of significant network marketing experience and track record as a successful network marketing entrepreneur as well as extensive leadership and operational management skills in global consumer-oriented businesses.
Possibly due to language barriers, I was unable to find anything further on Lai’s MLM history. Phyto Science themselves provide no additional information on their website.
Read on for a full review of the Phyto Science MLM business opportunity.
The Phyto Science Product Line
Phyto Science operate in the health and wellness MLM niche, with the following products listed on their website:
- Double Stemcell – a “proprietary blend of signature stem cell extracts”
- 2 Sllim – weight loss via “a proprietary blend of patented and clinical proven all-natural ingredients”
- Snowphyll – haemoglobin supplement based on a “combination of Snow Algae Pure & Mulberry Leaf Extract”
- H2o Moisturizer – “a potent source of skin food to nourish cells and hydrate the skin”
- Miracle Intense Essence – “helps the skin maintain perfect cellular balance transforming the skin to a remarkably ageless state”
- Shine Stem – a “multi-function anti-aging formulation enriched with Sun Actin”
- Parfum Elixir – imitation perfume oils based on well-known designer brands
- Double Snow Chocolate – chocolate drink with vitamins, proteins and calcium
- Anylock – airtight bag sealers
- Water Tumbler – BPA-free water bottle (650ml)
Note that Phyto Science do not provide retail pricing on their website.
I’ll also note that while I did see various regulatory warnings about Phyto Science’s products, supposedly issued by Malaysia’s National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, I was unable to independently verify any of them on the NBCB website.
As such I’m treating any and all warnings about Phyto Science’s products currently floating around as suspect.
Phyto Science’s products themselves, either in part or in full, appear to be manufactured by Mibelle Biochemistry Group.
Mibelle Biochemistry Switzerland designs and develops unique, high-quality actives for the beauty industry which are based on naturally derived compounds and extensive scientific expertise.
A photo of Lai Teck Peng with a certificate acknowledging Phyto Science as “the largest users of PhytoCellTec Stem Cells in Asia” (issued by Mibelle), was published on Lai’s Facebook page on April 11th, 2015.
The Phyto Science Compensation Plan
The Phyto Science compensation plan is not provided on he company website. As such the following analysis has been put together from a Phyto Science affiliate marketing presentation, published on May 12th, 2015.
Note that affiliates are only paid 80% of all commissions earned, with 20% withheld into a “redemption points” balance.
Redemption points are an internal currency used within Phyto Science, and can only be used by affiliates to purchase products (required to qualify for certain commissions).
Recruitment Commissions
Phyto Science affiliates are paid to recruit new affiliates.
How much of a commission is paid is determined by how much a newly recruited affiliate spends when they join, as well as how much the affiliate doing the recruiting paid for their own membership.
Silver and Silver Mix Affiliates ($116-$128)
- recruit a Silver or Silver Mix affiliate = $30 commission
- recruit a Gold or Gold Mix affiliate = $88
- recruit a Mobile or Mobile Mix affiliate = $176
Gold and Gold Mix Affiliates ($688-$755)
- recruit a Silver or Silver Mix affiliate = $30 commission
- recruit a Gold or Gold Mix affiliate = $176
- recruit a Mobile or Mobile Mix affiliate = $294
Mobile and Mobile Mix Affiliates ($2290-$2512)
- recruit a Silver or Silver Mix affiliate = $30 commission
- recruit a Gold or Gold Mix affiliate = $176
- recruit a Mobile or Mobile Mix affiliate = $588
Note that these commissions are overrides, meaning the amounts paid out to Mobile And Mobile Mix affiliates are the maximum paid out.
Leftover amounts not paid out when Gold or Mobile affiliates are recruited, are paid out to Gold and Mobile ranked affiliates in the upline.
Eg. If a Silver affiliate recruits a Mobile affiliate, they are paid $176 with $412 remaining (588-176).
The system then searches the upline for either a Gold or Mobile affiliate to pay the remaining balance out to.
If a Gold affiliate is found, $118 is paid out with the remaining $294 being paid to the first Mobile affiliate found further upline.
If a Mobile affiliate is found before a Gold affiliate, they are paid the full $412 and the system stops searching.
Key-In Recruitment Bonus
Not sure why this has a separate section in the Phyto Science compensation plan, but the Key-In bonus is an additional recruitment-based commission paid to Mobile and Mobile Mix affiliates only.
- recruit a Silver affiliate = $3.65
- recruit a Gold affiliate = $22
- recruit a Mobile affiliate = 73.50
Note that this commission is not an override and stacks onto the regular recruitment commissions outlined above.
Residual Commissions (binary)
Primary residual commissions in Phyto Science are paid out via a binary compensation structure.
A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of two binary teams, left and right:
Positions in the binary are created via recruitment of affiliates, with positions in the binary splitting into two additional positions each to make up subsequent levels.
Commissions in the binary teams are tracked via points, with each affiliate package generating a specific amount of points for the binary team that affiliate is placed into:
- Silver – 73 points
- Gold – 440 points (6 x 73)
- Mobile – 1470 points (20 x 73)
Commissions are paid out using a pairing calculation, with each 73 points paired on both sides of the binary paying out a $14.60 commission.
Binary commissions are capped daily, depending on how much a Phyto Science affiliate spent when they joined the company:
- Silver affiliates can earn $58.40 (4 pairs), additional pairs up to 24 are paid out at a rate of $3.67 per pair ($88)
- Gold affiliates can earn $116.80 (8 pairs), additional pairs up to 200 are paid out at a rate of $4.41 per pair ($882)
- Mobile affiliates can earn $233.60 (16 pair), additional pairs are paid out at a rate of $6.52 per pair (no limit)
Note that Phyto Science affiliates are forced to purchase products in order to qualify for binary commissions.
These products must be purchased in “packs”, which start at $58 each.
This is tracked via a timer, which is initially set to 60 days. If this timer reaches 0, all points accumulated between both binary teams are flushed.
Affiliates can add up to 6 months worth of time to the binary timer via the purchase of Phyto Science products.
Residual Commissions (unilevel)
In order to qualify for residual binary commissions, Phyto Science affiliates are required to purchase products.
Commissions on the sales volume generated by affiliates purchasing these products are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.
Commissionable volume on the purchase of poduct packs by affiliates appears to be roughly half of the cost of the pack (minimum $58).
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any of these level 1 affiliates go on to recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Phyto Science cap payable unilevel levels at ten, with commissions paid out as a percentage of the sales volume generated by affiliates within the unilevel team (when they purchase products to qualify for binary commissions):
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 6%
- levels 2 and 3 – 5%
- levels 4 to 6 – 4%
- levels 7 to 10 – 3%
Note that Phyto Science affiliates must qualify to earn on unilevel levels, with how many levels they can earn on determined by how many affiliate’s they’ve personally recruited:
- recruit at least two affiliates (one on both sides of the binary) = qualified to earn on two unilevel levels
- recruit at least four affiliates (two on both sides of the binary) = qualified to earn on four unilevel levels
- recruit at least six affiliates (three on both sides of the binary) = qualified to earn on six unilevel levels
- recruit at least eight affiliates (four on both sides of the binary) = qualified to earn on eight unilevel levels
- recruit at least ten affiliates (five on both sides of the binary) = qualified to earn on all ten unilevel levels
Matching Bonus (unilevel)
Phyto Science affiliates can earn a Matching Bonus on unilevel commissions earned by their downline.
The Matching Bonus is paid out as a percentage of unilevel commissions earned, payable down ten levels of recruitment.
Again, how many levels a Phyto Science affiliate can earn the Matching Bonus on, is determined by how many affiliates they’ve personally recruited:
- recruit at least two affiliates (one on both sides of the binary) = 20% matching bonus on level 1 and 10% on level 2
- recruit at least four affiliates (two on both sides of the binary) = 20% matching bonus on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 and 4
- recruit at least six affiliates (three on both sides of the binary) = 20% matching bonus on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4 and 4% on levels 5 and 6
- recruit at least eight affiliates (four on both sides of the binary) = 20% matching bonus on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 4% on levels 5 and 6 and 3% on levels 7 and 8
- recruit at least ten affiliates (five on both sides of the binary) = 20% matching bonus on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 4% on levels 5 and 6 and 3% on levels 7 to 10
Joining Phyto Science
Affiliate membership with Phyto Science is tied to the purchase of an affiliate package:
- Silver – $116
- Silver Mix – $128
- Gold – $688
- Gold Mix – $755
- Mobile – $2290
- Mobile Mix – $2512
The primary difference between these affiliate memberships is products bundled with the packages and income potential through the Phyto Science compensation plan.
Listed as “vision” bulletpoints on the Phyto Science website are the following goals:
- to be the No. 1 ranking MLM company in Malaysia by year 2015
- to have a membership base of 1 million by year 2015
- to be the No. 1 ranking MLM company globally by year 2015
Those are some pretty lofty goals for an MLM company to publicly set and, with the possible exception of the first, I’m pretty sure none of which worked out.
That aside, let’s get into some analysis of the Phyto Science MLM opportunity.
Despite having a sizeable product catalogue, retail appears to be non-existent in Phyto Science.
There’s no pricing provided for any of their products on the Phyto Science website, nor is there any mention of retail sales in any of the compensation plan material I reviewed.
Affiliates themselves appear to be the only purchasers of Phyto Science products, dragging the opportunity into product-based pyramid scheme territory.
Phyto Science’s compensation plan only re-enforces this, as it primarily revolves around affiliates signing up and then recruiting others who do the same.
The requirement that affiliates purchase products to qualify for residual commissions is of particular concern, as affiliates in MLM companies should never have to purchase products to qualify for commissions.
Infact this is one of the hallmarks of a product-based pyramid scheme.
Also not helping is the fact that Phyto Science affiliates are directly compensated to recruit new affiliates, with chain-recruitment being entirely possible and nothing marketed or sold to retail customers during the process.
Finally there are also strong “pay to play” elements present in Phyto Science’s compensation plan, with how much an affiliate spends on their membership directly impacting their recruitment and binary residual commissions.
Combine all three, and Phyto Science are sporting some very serious regulatory compliance issues.
Broken down, the gist of the business is to sign up (preferably at the more expensive Gold or Mobile levels) and then get paid to recruit others who do the same.
The binary timer serves as mandatory autoship (the timer is extended 30 days at the $58 product pack purchase level), with affiliates only purchasing products to qualify for commissions.
As with all recruitment-driven schemes, once recruitment slows down so too will the commissions Phyto Science pay out.
The unilevel autoship commissions aren’t enough to provide a viable income opportunity (you get paid a tiny percentage of 50% of the value of the products purchased), except for perhaps affiliates who have unbelievable huge downlines (those who joined back in 2012).
The bulk of funds would appear to be paid out through the binary, which is a daily zero sum game (new affiliates are recruited and commissions are paid out).
Phyto Science appear to be primarily active in both Malaysia and India, with Alexa estimating that both countries currently make up 82.8% of traffic to the Phyto Science website.
Unfortunately neither country are particularly known for regulatory intervention (Malaysia in particular, where Phyto Science is headquartered), meaning Phyto Science is likely to collapse before it is shut down.
And that means that in order for a select few at the top of the company-wide affiliate genealogy to make their fortunes, the majority of Phyto Science affiliates are going to lose money.
With neither the Malaysian or Indian government likely to step in and investigate anytime soon, you’re going to have proactively conduct your own due diligence on this one.
it seems phyto science has launched in india just this year, around april or so.
the marketing spiel includes a lot of claims about phyto stem cells curing all kinds of diseases, from pancreatitis to hair loss. this is followed by visuals of dato sri lai teck peng and other top earners posing with their high end cars.
so, its the same ponzi/pyramid lies about medical claims and overnight riches.
it seems phytoscience has registered itself in india.
basically a registered company selling a ‘product’, is generally left alone by indian regulators, they tend to go after pure ponzi/pyramid money circulation schemes.
dato sri lai teck peng got his honorific ‘dato sri’ from the sultan of pahang, malaysia. this is where warren eu of ufun/umatrin got his ‘dato sri’ title too.
i wont be surprised if these guys are purchasing these titles.
i found an advisory dated 14,may,2015 by the DCA [drug control authority] which is a division of the NBCB, malaysia.
the address on the advisory matches the address of the DCA, malaysia.
according to the NBCB website the DCA:
this advisory from the DCA looks quite genuine to me:
Yeah but now try and verify that on the DCA/NBCB website.
Furthermore the directives on there are in Malaysian, not English.
It looks legit, but I’m not confirming it until I see something that doesn’t only appear on Facebook.
I have to rate that “carcinogenic” warning quite low in reliability.
There was a post on the Indian website ( where the warning seem to have first surfaced on 5/25 same date as the notice… without the official government letterhead, just a faint watermark in the back, and no issuing authority (i.e. signed by _____)
Drug Control Authority *does* exist, but it’s a “board” of about a dozen members (and staff) that controls “registration / notification” of consumer drugs. And there were no DCA “advisories” listed on the Malaysian MoH website.
There’s a better version that appeared on JusticeAlwaysLate FB page, but that version is even more questionable, as it had a DCA header attached to it, as well as a signature and footer attached.
The name and signature is not of anyone in DCA, and the “DCA header” does not match any DCA documents.
Furthermore, the letter is in good old “Arial” font and does not match the layout or general look and feel of any MOH or DCA documents. And the “advisory” font in the corner does not match the rest of the letter.
With that said, it’s NOT impossible for the Phytoscience product to be “unnotified”.
According to the NPCB website, any one selling any sort of stuff, even nutritional supplements and cosmetics (i.e. anything that’s not food, and not drug) have to had their product info entered into the “QUEST2” system.
That constitutes “notification”. And the QUEST2 system seems to be down right now. So we can not determine either way.
Hi , this company associates in India don’t aware that they are going to be in deep trouble, they do everything illegal.
Importing products into India is illegal (they don’t pay customs duty), Tds on income, sales tax and also no plan to pay income tax .
If associates is catched by any of this government origination department then they give go to jain for many years.
I am afraid that in India many leaders are going to face this and the company will just close his eye and they simply will tell that they are not involved in any business activity in India.
the India leaders have to face this problem personally and many leaders know the fact that still many leaders are in indian jail who did speak Asian, company is gone, leaders are in jail . This situation are creating bad image to the industry.
These guys used my before and after photo claiming it was from their slimming product. I am from another global DS/MLM company and we sent a cease and desist letter.
They immediately blamed it on their distributors and said they had nothing to do with it. But clearly they used my photos in their marketing materials.
So we can probably assume your photo wasn’t the only one doctored then.
Not saying the products don’t work, but why fudge the photo evidence?
SIRIM berhad which is malaysia’s leading certification, testing and inspection body has a notification on it’s website warning that phytoscience does not have its approval to use SIRIM’s logo on its products:
this is what SIRIM means in malaysia:
as CC has complained in post#6, phytoscience has stolen his photos, now we know they steal ‘quality’ logos, we know they market their scheme as ‘get rich game’– so it sounds like they are a sham ‘product based’ pyramid scheme.
thanks to justicealwayslate on FB for this info.
I was about to ask why Sirim QAS hadn’t filed a police report or taken action against Phyto Science but then… y’know, Malaysia.
Hi behindmlm,
Thank you for making this thorough review as per request. I recall I requested this wayback 1st quarter of this year.
PhytoScience is making noise now in the web, maybe because of the number of English speakers who are joining the company. I myself is a Mobile stockist and I want to point out some info about the company.
There is no retail sales with PhytoScience site, but it can be done by the distributors. Product price of the package that can be purchased to extend your timer for the binary commissions is higher than the initial package to join the company.
So the affiliates that are selling more packages will get more commissions, making it nearly a traditional sales process but will benefit even more from the compensation plan because of binary and unilevel bonuses.
PhytoScience is one of the companies which has a very good compensation plan, even better with the plans of fgxpress and the like. Like for example the fact that you only need to get
your autoship from prices between $67-$103 (current prices) is cheaper than other mlm companies (applies to all type of ranks).
They do not reveal the marketing plan from their site maybe because of the fact that packages varies from different countries even though the plan is the same for all. Sooner people will understand the strengths of the system.
Product wise, they are so innovative because what ever mibelle comes up with, Phytoscience might come up with a new product that can be added to its inventory which is different from other companies that only ends up with few products.
For the indian guys out there, please be patient, PhytoScience is not yet official in your country as of this writing, it doesnt even appear on the registration site yet. So don’t be too judgemental on a company that is not legally operating in your country.
The Indians who are spreading PhytoScience in India are just making a huge trouble in the future.
We encountered this problem in Manila but only minimal since Philippines is already added as an official country where PhytoScience can legally operate.
To the Guest,
If you are researching about PhytoScience, you will have a hard time to look for good reviews because most of the good stuff about the company is published in Malay, so google translate will not help that much.
but trust me, I’ve been to Malaysia, I’ve seen the cars, rode one of them with the leaders, PhytoScience is a better option. Dig deeper or (Ozedit: recruitment spam removed).
Ok thanks bye. =)
If retails sales are not possible directly through the company, then Phyto Science have a problem.
History has proven affiliate’s don’t focus on retail sales when they can get paid from recruitment + autoships.
And who’s buying the packages, affiliates? See point 1.
Pay to play.
Not good enough. Compensation plan should always be made available to the general public.
I’m not sure what “cars in Malaysia” has to do with anything. All I’m seeing here is your standard recruitment + autoship combo.
The initial packages is already the retail. PhytoScience handed over the retail sales to the affiliates.
Yes the affiliates and the newbies.
Of course, that’s the wheel not just in MLM. There is no such thing as play to pay and then you earn. If you know an mlm with that kind of strategy then good for them.
The marketing plan is everywhere. If you can’t find it, that’s no longer my problem. google > “phytoscience marketing plan” add “English” if you can’t find a good one.
People believe what they want to believe in. They will only see what they want to look at and listen to what they want to hear. IF you really want to know more about PhytoScience, I suggest you to dig deeper.
Talk to the Ferrari/Lambo achievers (goodluck with the English). Better yet, go to the Main office in Malaysia and see it for yourself, because what you see online isn’t enough. Not even close.
Except where they should be, the Phyto Science website.
Affiliate purchase of product != retail sales.
Which makes it “pay to recruit”.
So Phyto Science has no retail, pays recruitment commissions and has a pay to play business model.
I’m just going to let that sit there.
Neither beliefs or “Ferrari/Lambo achievers” has anything to do with the evident fraudulent business model Phyto Science are operating.
The worst people to ask about a scam are those who have profited the most from it.
All you need to do is look at the business model, which in this case is a pay to play recruitment-driven pyramid scheme with no retail activity taking place.
And of course this is all happening in Malaysia, current Asian scam capital of the world (Hong Kong took a back seat earlier this year).
I think you should check out what the packages of PhytoScience. See it for yourself. As I said, the initial package is also the retail.
If that’s your stand. Then so be it.
I think you should check out what a retail sale in MLM is.
Affiliate purchases != retail sales.
Facts are facts chief, best of luck with the recruitment autoship scamming.
Recruitment commissions clearly has a “pay to play” function. The more you pay, the more you can earn, i.e. people will need to pay for a level to get the right to earn full commissions from it.
Otherwise, the recruitment commissions will be reduced by 50% or 70% for higher levels.
That’s a fact.
Recruitment commissions:
* recruit Silver = same for all
* recruit Gold = Silver will only earn 50% of full commission.
* recruit Mobile = Gold will receive 50% of full commission, Silver will receive appr. 30% of full commission
So people are clearly paying for the right to earn recruitment commissions here. I only needed a quick look at it to see that.
Of course as with all MLMs there are people who “pay to play” and there are those who legitimately buy and consume the products.
From my experience the PhytoScience products are of top quality, just because the business runs on an MLM model does not discount the legitimacy of the products.
Nope. Tying affiliate-spend to commission potential is not something “all MLMs” do.
The product is totally a fake product. Just to cheat the public some people are trying to sell these products on their own marketing strategy.
First of all we need to identify who is dealing these products in our locality and identify them and verify the statutory requirements. In case if we find it illegal complain to the concerned authorities about the same in order to protect your society.
MLM and money chain is totally banned in india and how come the new thiefs are daily rising to sell their shit products in the market.
Coimbatore is the main place in south where all the illegal companies are raising. I have already informed the vigilance and so far no action has been taken on a team who cheated crores and crores of rupees in the name of NANO TECHNOLOGOIES.
The same team and the self proclaimed leaders are indulged in these activites and also they are under scanner by various government investigating agencies.
Very soon the agency is going to unearth the scam.
Since when?
India does have a law on the books that banned “money games”. However, I only recall a police chief in Andhra Pradesh that is serious about apply that law to bogus MLMs. The other states seem to have laxer enforcement.
Was that the chief that ordered Amway head in India arrested? Can’t seem to remember.
Phytoscience was heavy in Malaysia. JusticeAlwaysLate mentioned them several times.
Yeah, William Pinckney (CEO) was arrested twice. First time was in Kerala the second in Andhra Pradesh.