Next Level Africa Review: NLC virtual currency matrix cycler
There is no information on the Next Level Africa website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Next Level Africa website domain (“”) was registered on the 29th of March 2014, with a “Noel Adams” of “Concrete Cleaning NSW” listed as the owner. An address in New South Wales, Australia is also provided.
Further research reveals Concrete Cleaning NSW is registered in Australia via the ABN 15 966 592 911. Cullen Troy Adams is listed as the owner of the business, with the relationship between Cullen Adams and Noel Adams not immediately clear.
Noel Adams (right) does have his own Next Level Africa affiliate website, on which he provides some additional information about his role within the company:
My name is Noel Adams I am the CEO of Smada World Pty Ltd Next Level Africa is owned by Smada World.
Smada World looks to be some sort of parent entity, set up on the domain “” (also registered to Adams). Various parts of the Smada World website also redirect to WIX, a free-hosting platform.
Read on for a full review of the Next Level Africa MLM business opportunity.
The Next Level Africa Product Line
Next Level Africa has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Next Level Africa affiliate membership itself.
Bundled with Next Level Africa affiliate membership is access to a crowd-funding platform, through which affiliates receive payments from other affiliates.
There is also mention of a cryptocurrency coin exchange on the Smada World website, however this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with the Next Level Africa MLM business opportunity.
The Next Level Africa Compensation Plan
The Next Level Africa compensation plan sees affiliates pay $16.50 for a matrix position and get paid to recruit new affiliates who do the same.
Recruitment commissions in Next Level Africa are tracked through a 3×6 matrix.
A 3×6 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them (level 1):
These first three positions form the first level of the matrix, with level 2 generated by splitting each of the three positions into another three positions each.
Subsequent matrix levels, down to six in this instance, are generated in the same manner.
Commissions are paid out as levels in the matrix are filled, with a fee required to be paid in order to unlock each level of the matrix.
- level 1 (costs $16.50) – pays $10 per position filled (3 positions, $30)
- level 2 (costs $25) – pays $20 per position filled (9 positions, $180)
- level 3 (costs $125) – pays $100 per position filled (27 positions, $2700)
- level 4 (costs $1250) – pays $500 per position filled (81 positions, $40,500)
- level 5 (costs $2500) – pays $1000 per position filled (273 positions, $273,000)
- level 6 (costs $17,000) – pays $7000 per position filled (729 positions, $5,103,000)
Note that these are annual fees, with the idea being that each affiliate pays annual fees to receive a cut of fees paid by recruited affiliates in their matrix.
An “auto-upgrade” feature is available, which uses funds from an existing level to buy into the next level. This in effect turns the Next Level Africa matrix into a cycler.
Joining Next Level Africa
Affiliate membership with Next Level Africa is tied to how many matrix levels an affiliate wishes to qualify for.
Qualification on level 1 costs $16.50 a year and qualification across all six matrix levels $20,916.50
In addition to running what is obviously a recruitment-driven pyramid scheme, Next Level Africa also seem to be engaging in virtual currency money laundering:
Packages can only be purchased with Next Level Africa Coins (NLC).
NLA has secured Next Level Africa Coins for $1USD + 10% fee per coin for Purchasing NLA Packages.
When Members withdraw NLC from their cwallets they will be converted back to USD by trading on the coin exchange. (NLA has arranged that members will have a Guaranteed Minimum Value of $1USD per coin buyback).
Unless Next Level Africa are diverting funds in the crowd-funding platform into whatever pool they are keeping affiliate fees in, paying out anything more than a 1:1 ratio will only escalate the inevitable collapse.
As far the matrix goes, the whole NLC points tie-in means that anyone self-funding additional matrix levels with real money is charged an extra 10% per level (they have to convert their real funds into the NLC virtual currency first).
I suspect the use of NLC is an attempt to mask the flow of money within Next Level Africa, making recovery upon collapse all the more difficult (bank records won’t necessarily match actual activity within the company).
The crowd-funding platform meanwhile is neither here nor there, serving as nothing more than an additional gifting layer through which affiliates can send eachother money.
Do note through that participation in the gifting side of Next Level Africa is mandatory for affiliates earning beyond the second level of the matrix.
As with all recruitment schemes, once recruitment of new affiliates dries up Next Level Africa’s matrix payments will begin to stall.
This will play out by way of affiliates at the bottom of the company-wide matrix struggling to recruit new affiliates. This means they don’t get paid and when the time comes to renew their annual fee/fees, they aren’t going to.
Those above them stop getting paid and do the same, and eventually enough people have pulled out to trigger an irreversible collapse.
The annual payment nature of Next Level Africa makes it difficult to predict when the scheme might collapse, as everyone is paying fees on a different 12 month rotation.
What with the added obfuscation of NLC points and the fact that the system they are issued through might evaporate at any time (affiliates lose access to real funds the moment they convert them to NLC), the fraud potential in Next Level Africa sits pretty high.
Certainly higher than your regular garden variety matrix-cycler scheme.
This is new. A matrix cycler using a cryptocurrency in place of a payment processor.
Oz, why is your blog called “BehindMLM” when most of what you review are matrix, cycler, HYIP, revenue sharing, pyramid and Ponzi schemes? Perhaps the blog is better named “BehindMoneyGames”.
Anything that pays over multiple levels (a matrix etc.) is MLM.
MLM opportunities can be matrix-based, cycler-based, revenue-sharing based, pyramid based and Ponzi based.
HYIPs are single-level and as a general rule of thumb I don’t review single-level compensation plans. I have more than enough on my plate sticking to the MLM industry.
An excellent question Paul and one that deserves some thought. When you consider the infinite amount of reviews by Oz exposing schemes, one might conclude that the two titles you referenced are one in the same.
Um, we are still here and $23 trillion behind us with the help of many world banks and a few Billion in our asset accounts, we are doing fine.
And not sure where you say we need affiliates? considering members only pay a one time fee per year of $20 and nothing else, its pretty plain to see we are not a Ponzi.
Never mind we are all good. Have a nice day.
A cycler Ponzi in Africa has $23 trillion “behind it”?
This sort of nonsense might fly in backwater villages but you’re not going to fool anyone with even the slightest amount of intelligence.
Next Level Africa Alexa ranking: 1.5 million. #RIP
23 trillion quatloos? Ponzi points?
$23 trillion, hahahahahhahaha!
Dude, you are deluded. Or silly. Or Mr Ponzi himself!
When I look a the NLA website, there are only four active projects, with rather strange goals, with no real means of checking their genuine status, or true charitable intentions.
The sums donated thus far are negligible. I fail to see how this is a viable “business” with billions of dollars of funding.
Am I missing something? It also says there are only a handful of members. This makes me very skeptical.
A guy called Gerald Ballantyne seems to push this crowd a lot on Facebook and YouTube.
He is into pushing all sort of MLM fads, which purport to make your rich quick, by setting up one of his “businesses” and then sitting back and watch the money roll in.
If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn’t true, that’s what my grandmother used to say!
The folks who set these things up are the only winners, as they get mugs to join up below them, and who then only make money my recruiting more members below them Snake oil springs to mind.
I first spotted Gerald Ballantyne promoting Banners Broker, he has Promoted many many scams since. When they eventually collapse and he loses his money he wails about the scammers like a little girl.
Gerald should just get himself a proper job, and stop chasing the dream of getting money for nothing through so-called “businesses” such as this NLA malarkey. The problem is that he lures mugs into this crap, and they then lose their cash along with him, too! This is why he is living in a mobile home. If he was as successful as his Ferrari baseball cap would have us believe, he would be living in a proper house by now, surely?!
Here is Mr B’s website. Some rather amazing claims here!
Asset Account? LOL!
Noel Adams fro Next Level Africa hhas been ripping people off for more than 30 years. Noel Adams belongs in the CEMETARY.
A few more weeks and our exchange at will be up and running and we will be be the ones laughing all the way to the bank.
What you’re actually going to find is you’ve been exit-scammed and once the few desperate affiliates who truly believe run out of money, you’ll have nobody to dump your your worthless NLC points onto.
Sorry for your loss.
I had Smada World on my review list for today.
It doesn’t actually appear to be an MLM opportunity in and of itself.
The NLC shitcoin has flopped and been rebooted/renamed NLA. It isn’t publicly traded and can only be flogged through Smada World’s Coin Xchange internal exchange.
The internal NLA value is grossly inflated at $290.
There’s also another Chigeling shitcoin that they’re flogging for $775 internally.
Doubt there’s any buyers other than the odd desperate Smada World / Next Level Africa affiliate.
Alexa shows Smada World and Next Level Africa have mostly collapsed. There’s a bit of activity in Cambodia but that’s about it.
Thanks for the update and current view – I follow their FB page, which is mainly just a heads-up for the “live webinars” that Adams does approx once a month.
I dipped into a couple of these later on YouTube, and it is a dreary watch, full of excuses and nonsense, and explaining the reasons for the long delays in going “live” and thus creating huge wealth.
The NLA hopefuls are very patient and (seemingly) very forgiving. I fear many of them will lose their investment stakes, and the full launch will never truly materialise, and yet more excuses will be made.
I never had any plans to invest in this scheme, as it seems highly flawed, and as soon as someone says “the value of the coin will never go down” (as said by Adams) then my alarm bells ring very loud indeed. Gerald Ballantyne is also quoted as saying “the matrix cannot fail” too, which must surely be nonsense.
Oh well, I will just sit back and watch it all implode over time!
What I cant work out with the NLA coin is what the “asset account” is all about.
I hear on the webinars that there are “billions” in an asset account with HSBC, but there is never any evidence for this, nor is there any clue as to where this cash comes from, or who it belongs to.
Also, why should a cryptocurrency rely on a large bank for any part of the process anyway? I thought the main thrust of crypto was to be distanced from that side of banking and currency.
The more I think about it, and the fact that this thing is taking forever to get fully launched, then the more I think it will all crash and burn soon.
The other coin that is linked with this lot is chingeling, and it doesn’t appear on list of cryptos, yet the chingeling coin exchange would have you believe it has an asset account of $89billion whereas bitcoin has a market cap of $68billion.
NLA coin allegedly has an “asset account” of $23billion, which would make it one-third the size of bitcoin itself.
“Asset account” = made up story to get you to invest in a Ponzi cycler.
Don’t read too much into it.
A recent SMADAWORLD webinar quotes NLA coins as trading at around $2 each. Yet they quote a price of $338.73 on their website.
I think that the patience of the NLA faithful will be running fully dry soon, and they will realise that there investment is lost.
Can’t wait for you all to be proven wrong! Keep an eye on coinxchange under NLA/DUC market! Us members will be laughing all the way to the bank soon!
Meanwhile the Next Level Africa website’s Alexa ranking is 1.7 million and falling.
Sorry for your loss.
Just listened to the smada world update on YouTube in which Noel Adams spouts the tired old excuses for the delays in properly launching his shitcoin.
He has been blaming servers and programmers for well over a year now! More nonsense about asset accounts and the backing of hsbc. And more threats from him about not disrespecting NLA in forums.
Anyone who still thinks they will make money from this scheme is either very gullible, stupid, or delusional, or maybe all three!
Not long now before Noel Adams makes us NLA investors STINKING RICH!
And how do you think that’s going to happen? Adams isn’t a magician.
Either there’s people who join after you to steal from or there isn’t.
Scam much like USI Tech.
I must take my hat off to the NLA investors. They are supremely patient, loyal and trusting.
How much longer will they have to wait to get any of their cash back at the levels Noel SCadAMs has promised them.
The curious thing, to me, is that you can buy a NLA shitcoin for next to nothing, but the alleged selling price is in the hundreds of bucks range – of course, that is NOT what you would get if you did sell it, for dubious reasons known only to Noel.
There is no business here, no product, no service, just a bad idea, poorly implemented and managed. What a crock of sh*t.
I wonder if Gerald Robert Ferrari-Hat Ballantyne is still as confident in this as he was at the end of 2018 when he was jeering at the nay-sayers who suspected NLA was doomed?
Gerald – what’s the latest news from Noel – are you still holding on for that big pay day? LOL!
Message to Alex Taylor, Mr.Curious, OZ, GD, NLA Sceptic… and all you sceptics.
I totally understand your negativity… because I get the same from my family, friends, and peers… who, like you, are all “Show Me The Money” people who never do anything but winge… criticise those of us who are prepared to try something… and then crawl out of the woodwork with their hands out when something good actually does happen.
I am a person who is dedicated to eradicating poverty in all its forms on this planet… and not one who is out to get rich quick like many of the current members.
I have been, and will remain, an NLA Member and loyal supporter of Noel Adam’s project because if it does work… as I firmly believe it will… it will give me and my extensive network of socially minded people throughout our world and access to the funds and resources we need to achieve our humanitarian goals…
… which we have never been able to get… and never will… from the otherwise grossly inefficient and mostly corrupt government, corporate and NGO funding systems.
So, continue to pride yourself with your ignorant, apathetic and negative rants… because people like you who clearly only care about yourselves… and don’t give a damn about the welfare of our planet and the people on it… are NOT welcome to our program anyway.
Peter (Pappy) Young
International Social Business Mentor
No you don’t, because you immediately dismiss the fact that Next Level Africa is a matrix cycler as “negativity”.
You’re not eradicating poverty by scamming people through matrix cyclers. All you’re doing is lining your own pocket.
OK OZ, so your gripe is with the matrix but the matrix is only the secondary part of this NLA project… and it is not not your traditional L/R leg matrix… which I also despise and would never promote to anyone… it is a single level Team Build matrix… and is NOT mandatory for our members.
The main NLA Program is a cash asset backed social investment option which is nothing to do with the Matrix… so your comment “You’re not eradicating poverty by scamming people through matrix cyclers. All you’re doing is lining your own pocket”… is understandable given your matrix focus…but simply not the case…
… so consider emailing me so I can give you the full NLA picture and, if nothing else, get us all on the same page…
(email removed)
Nope. Next Level Africa == a matrix cycler. Whatever else you get up to outside of the MLM opportunity is irrelevant.
PS. There’s no such thing as a L/R leg matrix. It’s called a binary. Nobody said Next Level Africa was using a binary model.
OK, have it your way… Peace, Peter
Thank you for acknowledging the facts. Best of luck with the scamming.
Hi Pappy, I do admire your patience with this whole NLA thing. But do you really and honestly believe the reasons for the delays that Noel has been giving for these last few years?
Also, where is all the cash in the “asset account” coming from? Who is funding this, and why? And why does the published value of the coins keep spiralling upwards when there is no real market for the coins?
Alas, my fear is that this is all a house of cards, and unless there is someone funding this at ground level by actually buying something, then the prices and market are fake and are not even worth the paper they aren’t printed on.
Nobody ever answers queries about the asset account. Does that not male you very suspicious?
Noel Adams is an mlm guy but his crypto story is the driver here. The only visible players are Adams and his seldom mentioned sidekick, South African website designer Wynand Wessels, who has a questionable history in this arena.
It would be remiss not to consider Adams as either a patsy for Wessels or them being in cahoots. For those with the t-shirt the pattern of behavior from Adams is depressingly familiar.
In the absence of any evidence to the contrary it does appear the exchange and mlm websites are entirely a Wessels creation, all the numbers, everything.
As already noted by others this would clearly point to deception with members money, be it a coin bought, an mlm or ecommerce founder package purchased, or whatever else cooked up to entice members to spend, all going to the pockets of Wessels and maybe Adams.
They are pushing this email service hard just now. Listen to this nonsense:
I am Becoming really worried about some family in Perth WA that have been sold into this scam… seemingly by a close friend (Margaret T) She seems to be very close to Noel Adams..
I am certain she is in on it or a victim herself… A long time member of many MLM schemes.
I have heard and seen emails and stories that match what I have read in the comments above its so bleeding obvious that this is a scam.
The way I have seen things communicated internally and sent out to members is ..its so sketchy its uncomfortable to watch.
These investors (victims) are so sold on the fact that they are going to be very wealthy “and help the poor through projects???
Money simply does not work like this if it did our economy would collapse as our dollar would be worthless.
Why has this not been investigated by the authorities?
Would ACA or today tonight perhaps run an investigation into this to bring it to light?
I would like to see this scam taken down before someone loses their life savings.
Unfortunately Australian authorities aren’t known for active regulation of MLM scams.
I can’t speak for ACA but it couldn’t hurt to try.
Why on earth anyone would invest in this bullshit is a constant source of surprise to me.
They say “a fool and his money are soon parted”, but Noel Adams seems to enjoy dragging money out of people quite slowly, and then keep dragging it out over time as his confidence trick grows, and more people get suckered in.
I feel sorry for the gullible and the over-optimistic people who believe this Next level Africa crap.
They simply cannot magic money out of nowhere, and the fat cats such as Noel Adams and his cronies must be laughing at the ignorance and loyalty of his “Investors”.
His excuses must be making even the most loyal of his foot-soldiers (such as Gerald Ballantyne) start to lose patience, and they must surely now be doubting the appearance of the great wealth that Adams promised them.
They won’t want to believe it, as they placed their faith in the scheme for so long, but they must be realising that it is not the dream that they were sold.
How sad for them all. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!
Oz, is there a recognized go-to authority in Australia for vetting suspect online business out of the country?
For example, where is an Australian citizen, or any other national for that matter, to turn if they suspect they are a victim of online fraud by another Australian citizen?
ACCC or ScamWatch. Neither has a track record for active investigation into MLM related fraud though.
It has been over a year since Noel Adams promised the banks were going to buy the coins and everyone was going to have a very merry Christmas.
Since then all he has seemed to have been doing is pimping other MLM scams to cream off commissions and hiding behind that Harpie in the Skype rooms.
Isn’t it about time a few focussed individuals brought a conclusion to this charade?
Roger Adams
I see he is trying to sell “nextlevelafrica” email account in a MLM manner, and now some scheme that signs up the world’s best doctors and researchers via an MLM scheme too.
As if they would sell their stuff via Noel Adams! He has said he is now linked with Elon Musk via one of his schemes, LOL! I feel sorry for the suckers that believe this nonsense.
Latest Chingeling published price allegedly places it as world’s second largest crypto currency, and NLA, their other coin, is not far behind. But nobody trades it – why oh why do people fall for this scammer?
MIt seems Adams has created a religion or cult. There is no rational to his followers.
in one breath they are defending him then in another weeping over the scam he pulled getting them signed up into BCN.
He took their comission and hasn’t even registered some of their accounts. but they still have faith NLA will make them millions.
It stime this scammer was behind bars.
@Oz I see what you mean about ACCC and ScamWatch. What about ASIC?
I haven’t seen ASIC regulate MLM related securities fraud once since starting BehindMLM.
Both myself and a couple of others would be more than willing to work with you to bring this crook to justice.
@Oz At its core this matter is actually a non-MLM related securities concern (which therefore might render it irrelevant here at BehindMLM!).
Many people have parted with their money on account of Adams’ HSBC assets claims, involving hundreds of billions of Dollars and the apparent, and now hugely tardy, intentions of a group of significant investors.
He is selling cryptocurrency (apparently). MLM is a convenient by-product.
His MLM activities, wholly reliant upon these claims, are now being pushed very hard to take advantage of those too gullible or too trusting to notice the massive red flag of just how much the original HSBC story is being supplanted and sidelined into obscurity. Anyone attempting to broach the HSBC subject is met with petulance and ridicule.
Is this a candidate for suspected non-MLM securities fraud and if so what is ASIC’s investigation threshold?
@Roger was that post for Oz or someone else?
An MLM company committing securities fraud can’t be a “non-MLM related securities concern”.
We’ve detailed Next Level Africa’s unregistered securities offering here. Anything beyond that has nothing to do with our review.
You’d have to ask ASIC about their investigation threshold. If I had to guess, regardless of the threshold outcomes vary between “do nothing” and “pretend to do something but actually do nothing”.
Which is why I referred to the non-MLM events, that gave rise to the MLM company, committing securities fraud rather than the MLM company itself.
These crucial events are connected with the subject of your review and, whilst not being concerned with the review itself, I hope mentioning them is not considered out of place.
Thank you for your review on Next Level Africa, and also your words on ASIC.
Have a listen to Noel’s latest “webcast” in which he removes NLA coins that people are trying to sell for $1.50 on their platform – he says they are actually worth more than $600 and he therefore won’t allow anyone to sell them for less than $20.
Surely this is price fixing and flies fully in the face of the free market?
Or, if he felt there was real value in the coins, then he would be foolish to overlook the chance to snap up coins at a fraction of their true worth!
He then goes on to peddle his investment in some medical research fund that quotes a return of 13000%.
They are getting desperate now, and anyone who invests in this will quickly regret it, I’m sure.
NLA SCEPTIC and all other SCEPTICS / NEGATIVE IGNORAMUSES. You should stop making such ludacris comments because they show your ignorance!
Writing negatives about banks, talking about the price of coins, declaring everyone will lose and saying sorry, peddling, desperation,mlm fraud, mlm securities, religious/cult etc etc etc.
Sounds like a number of disgruntled NLA members to me coupled with others who are tying to throw a spanner in the works!
Right, because pointing out fraud could only possibly mean “disgruntled members”.
Logic++. And sorry for your loss.
There are also many, many more members who are excited about the future and coming announcement/launch.
Not all suckers either – smart intelligent people who have worked on line for many years and these people are sick of reading negative BS. There is no FRAUD …JUST DISGRUNTLED PEOPLE.
Cycler Ponzis are fraudulent by definition. A relaunch = collapse = sorry for loss. No wonder you’re upset.
Whether the dumbasses who fall for scams like Next Level Africa are excited and/or intelligent is neither here nor there.
Henry – how many times has Noel Adams said that “something exciting” was happening, and then it doesn’t happen?
How many times has he pointed at the programmers being really busy, and it will be fixed soon, but it never is?
How many times has he been pushing more schemes at you, to try and get more cash out of you, such as email addresses and now a wonder medical cure investment scheme?
How much did you pay for your NLA coins, and how much are they REALLY worth, even if you could sell them?
What evidence do you have (other than Noel’s word for it) that there IS an “asset account” in existence? And why should there even be an asset account with HSBC anyway?
And why is Chingeling and NLA quoted as having market capitalisation values that would put them in the global top 5, but hardly anyone owns them?
Where does he get these values from, other than his own imagination? Please answer these questions, and then you might convince me that Noel is actually NOT taking the mickey out of all you loyal folks!
My own view, having seen patterns of schemes like this all fail before now, is that you will lose your investment. But I would love you to prove me wrong! Go on…. Convince me!
By the way, one of my friends is a very senior person at HSBC. Guess what – he has never heard of NLA – does that not strike you as slightly odd, if the account allegedly holds around $49,085,286,286 as at 2nd January 2020?
Think logically, Henry – do you HONESTLY believe that this account exists?
Why would Noel be trying to get you to pay more coins in the last week or so? What possible reasons could he have for doing that? Hmmmmm.
Right now when there is a webinar Noel Adam’s refuses to speak about the original intent of NLA which was the crowd funding and the loading of the lines, however he continues to take people’s money for the various schemes, e-mail accounts, medical accounts, e-commerce accounts, frega, and assorted others.
Noel Adam has a fiduciary duty to do what he said he was going to do years ago and he hasn’t.
When you post anything on the Skype page the admins dont like, you are told to remove it, so last week they made a new Skype Account so they could control the conversations.
Sounds like speech censorship to me. Noel Adam’s is a fraud.
Roger Adam’s, is there some way you can contact me about NLA not following through with any projects. Call (removed)
Henry’s posts do not read like the participant of a business or an investment, but of a religion.
Blind faith and any hint the dream is a lie is just too much for some. So when these people start to show up it is rarely a good sign.
With regards to taking things further some of us have set up an FB page to collate info with the intent of sorting some things out. Is it OK to give the name here SMADA action group.
I can’t validate groups targeting fraud victims so no thanks.
I have been watching this comments section for a while. I also think Adams, Wessels, and AngelenaBN should be held to account.
Excellent initiative BooBoo, keep it going. Might I suggest a Skype room as well? Not only for a more fluid debate but not everyone’s on FB, myself included.
I know one or two concerned individuals who could be invited. I’m sure there will be others.
It is time.
Seems this shit is hitting the fan now. Even Gerald Ballantyne has lost faith in this one now! He is saying it’s a scam!
I think the once loyal and patient Gerald has lost his loyalty and patience now!
I bugger orf for a couple of weeks and it gets all exciting. Who’d have thunk it !
Looks like there is a facebook page up for the disgruntled:
I grab a bag of popcorn n check it out.
It’s all gone quiet on the SMADA front in the last few weeks. No regular webinars, or NLA coin updates.
They were pushing the crazy 13400% return on some medical research malarkey, and were pushing the sale of some PET coins at a “discounted rate” but it all still stinks of Ponzi.
Has anyone here ever received any profits from any of Noel Adams’ schemes? Honestly?
It has been more than six months since any activity here. Does anyone have any news about Noel Adams and his various scams?
I was booted off their Facebook pages as I dared to challenge them on one aspect of their coin. Have they been shut down yet?
He’s still at it, just too small for the Australian feds to take notice.
Nothing stopping a member filing suit personally though.