MyGeces System provides no information about who owns or runs the business on their website.

The MyGeces System website domain (“”) was privately registered on June 19th, 2018.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

MyGeces System Products

MyGeces System has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market MyGeces affiliate membership itself.

The MyGeces System Compensation Plan

MyGeces System affiliates purchase $10 or $30 positions in a nine-tier 2×2 matrix cycler.

A 2×2 matrix places a MyGeces System affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:

These two positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Positions in the matrix are filled via position purchases by new and existing MyGeces System affiliates.

Once all six positions in a matrix are filled, a “cycle” is generated. This triggers a commission payment and “cycle” into the next matrix tier.

Cycle commissions across MyGeces System’s nine matrix cycler tiers are as follows:

  • Feeder Matrix (positions cost $10) – $5 commission and cycles into Bronze Matrix 1
  • Bronze Matrix 1 (positions cost $30) – $40 commission and cycles into Bronze Matrix 2
  • Bronze Matrix 2 – $50 commission, generates a new Bronze Matrix 2 position and cycles into Silver Matrix 1
  • Silver Matrix 1 – $100 commission and cycles into Silver Matrix 2
  • Silver Matrix 2 – $150 commission, generates a new Silver Matrix 2 position and cycles into Gold Matrix 1
  • Gold Matrix 1 – $300 commission and cycles into Gold Matrix 2
  • Gold Matrix 2- $400 commission, generates a new Gold Matrix 2 position and cycles into Diamond Matrix 1
  • Diamond Matrix 1 – $600 commission and cycles into Diamond Matrix 2
  • Diamond Matrix 2 – $800 commission and generates a new Diamond Matrix 2 position

Sponsor Bonus

When personally recruited affiliates cycle out of MyGeces System’s matrix cycler tiers, the following Sponor Bonuses are paid out:

  • Feeder Matrix = $5
  • Bronze Matrix 1 = $20
  • Bronze Matrix 2 = $25
  • Silver Matrix 1 = $50
  • Silver Matrix 2 = $75
  • Gold Matrix 1 = $150
  • Gold Matrix 2 = $200
  • Diamond Matrix 1 = $300
  • Diamond Matrix 2 = $400

Pass-up Commissions

When a MyGeces System affiliate purchases a cycler position or cycles into a new matrix, a set amount of funds are passed upline.

In turn recruited downline affiliates must also pass up funds generated via position purchases and cycling.

Pass-up commissions are calculated via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Every MyGeces System affiliate passes up commissions on their first and fourth personally recruited affiliates.

In turn their downline (unilevel team) also passes up their first and fourth pass-up commissions.

Pass-up commissions across MyGeces System’s nine-tier cycler are as follows:

  • Feeder Matrix – no pass-up commission
  • Bronze Matrix 1 – $5 pass-up commission
  • Bronze Matrix 2 – $10 pass-up commission
  • Silver Matrix 1 – $25 pass-up commission
  • Silver Matrix 2 – $50 pass-up commission
  • Gold Matrix 1 – $50 pass-up commission
  • Gold Matrix 2 – $100 pass-up commission
  • Diamond Matrix 1 – $100 pass-up commission
  • Diamond Matrix 2 – $200 pass-up commission

Joining MyGeces System

MyGeces System affiliate membership is free.

To participate in the attached income opportunity however at least one $10 or $30 matrix cycler position purchase is required.


MyGeces System’s own opportunity is nothing more than your typical matrix cycler Ponzi.

Affiliates invest $10 or $30 on the promise of an advertised $2445 or $2440 ROI.

If it isn’t bad enough as it is requiring a ton of $10 and/or $30 position purchases to generate one ROI, bear in mind cyclers don’t fill linearly.

Thus the actual amount of new investment to generate a single position ROI skyrockets.

Typically it is only admins and a few early adopters who generate any actual money in a matrix cycler.

Everybody loses out once the matrices inevitably stall (funds attached to stalled positions provide extra money for the admin to steal).

As an additional bonus, through an “auto network builder” MyGeces System affiliates are funneled into various third-party schemes.

Perusal of SpilloverBot’s website reveals it’s another Ponzi scheme.

BehindMLM has recently published reviews on AWS Mining, AdFeedz and Crypto Pros – all of which also have fraudulent business models.

MyGeces System’s “auto network builder” is nothing more than a downline feeder for its admin’s positions in various scams.

In addition to losing money when MyGeces System’s cycler collapses, affiliates will also lose money in the attached third-party scams as they go belly up.