Meta Utopia provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

Meta Utopia’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on March 10th, 2022.

Most of the Meta Utopia marketing I came across was in Spanish and Italian:

This syncs with SimilarWeb, who track Spain (48%) as the top source of traffic to Meta Utopia’s website. Italy at 36% comes in second, although month on month visits are in decline.

On a since-deleted Latin America FaceBook promoting Meta Utopia, I came across the claim Sam Lee is behind the company:

I wasn’t able to personally verify this.

Last we heard Sam Lee was fronting HyperOne, a spinoff of his already thrice collapsed Hyperverse Ponzi scheme.

Lee is believed to be hiding from authorities in Dubai. If he is in fact behind Meta Utopia, that would mean it too is being run from Dubai.

Another possibility is Singapore. A reader sent in this photo, taken from Nicholas Coppola’s Instagram feed:

Note the Marina Bay Singapore geolocation.

Interestingly enough Nicholas Coppola has deleted his Instagram account sometime over the past few weeks.

I might be reading too much into the name, but Coppola’s involvement could explain the initial burst in Meta Utopia Italian recruitment.

Coppola’s FaceBook page is still up, revealing he’s based out of Verona, Italy:

last year he was promoting IM Mastery Academy:

It seems sometime after August 2021 Coppola reinvented himself as a crypto bro. He apparently is high enough in Meta Utopia to party with the founder in Singapore back in March.

Whether Coppola himself is involved in running Meta Utopia is unclear.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Meta Utopia’s Products

Meta Utopia has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Meta Utopia affiliate membership itself.

Meta Utopia’s Compensation Plan

Meta Utopia affiliates invest tether (USDT) for LAND tokens. This is done on the promise of a 158.59% annual return, paid in LAND tokens.

Referral commissions are paid on invested USDT via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Meta Utopia caps payable unilevel team levels at ten.

Referral commissions are paid as a percentage of USDT invested across these ten levels as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10%
  • level 2 – 8%
  • level 3 – 5%
  • level 4 – 3%
  • levels 5 to 7 – 2%
  • levels 8 to 10 – 1%

Although not explicitly clarified, I believe Meta Utopia pays referral commissions in LAND.

Joining Meta Utopia

Meta Utopia affiliate membership appears to be free.

Full participation is attached to a 100 USDT or more investment in LAND tokens. Note that Meta Utopia charge a 5% transaction fee.

Meta Utopia Conclusion

Meta Utopia is a simple MLM crypto Ponzi scheme. Under the guise of staking, an annual ROI of up to 158.59% is pitched. I’ve also seen 2% marketed but I’m not sure if that’s daily or weekly.

158.59% is what’s on Meta Utopia’s website so that’s what I’ve run with.

Rather than just admit they’re running a Ponzi scheme, Meta Utopia is dressed up in “metaverse” bandwagon marketing.

Such to the extent any “metaverse” footage is shown, it’s recorded staged footage from the game Minecraft.

Meta Utopia’s “metaverse” is just a ruse to avoid using “Ponzi scheme” to define their fraudulent investment opportunity.

LAND is BEP-20 shit token. These can be set up in a few minutes at little to no cost.

Meta Utopia generates LAND on demand to flog to affiliate investors. This and withdrawals are the only actual flow of money in and out of Meta Utopia.

LAND token is currently publicly trading at $32.21, with the majority of token holders having staked their tokens to participate in Meta Utopia’s Ponzi scheme.

Meta Utopia pays returns and commissions are paid in LAND, which is backoffice monopoly money that doesn’t exist.

When recruitment of Meta Utopia investors inevitably slows down and the Ponzi scheme collapses, affiliates will be left bagholding worthless LAND tokens.

Signs of this are also presenting, by way of Meta Utopia launching Ponzi schemes within Ponzi schemes:

Regardless of whose running a Ponzi scheme or from where, math guarantees the majority of investors in Ponzi schemes lose money.


Update 31st December 2023 – Italian authorities have arrested Nicholas Coppola on MLM crypto related fraud charges.