LiveGood Review: Ben Glinsky returns with discount supps
LiveGood operates in the nutritional supplement MLM niche.
The company is based out of Florida and is headed up by CEO Ben Glinsky.
Glinsky (right) made a name for himself in the MLM industry as founder and CEO of Skinny Body Care.
Skinny Body Care appears to have been abandoned in 2018.
The company was eventually sold off to Valentus in early 2019.
Glinsky has a mixed history spanning offline real estate, MLM lead generation (Pro Builder) and running various other MLM companies before Skinny Body Care (the last of which was Rejuvenate Worldwide).
Another name I recognized on LiveGood corporate was Director of Network Marketing, Nauder Khazan (right).
Khazan first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar in 2011, as founder and CEO of the pyramid scheme Stiforp.
BehindMLM came across Khazan again in 2019, as founder and CEO of AliveMax, and co-founder of Globallee. Both companies appear to still be in business.
Update 2nd March 2023 – As of December 2022 AliveMax’s website has been taken offline. It appears the company has shut down.
As at the time of this update, I wasn’t able to determine a reason for AliveMax’s collapse. /end update
Read on for a full review of LiveGood’s MLM opportunity.
LiveGood’s Products
LiveGood markets a range of nutritional supplements.
Note that while retail pricing is quoted below, discounted pricing is available to LiveGood Members for $9.95 a month or $99.95 annually.
- Bio-Active Complete Multivitamin (Men’s and Women’s varieties) – “strategically formulated with the highest quality ingredients at the optimal dosages to give your body 24 different vitamins and minerals”, retails at $12.95 for a bottle of 30 servings (60 capsules)
- D3-K2 – vitamin D supplement, retails at $12.50 for a bottle of 60 capsules
- Ultra Magnesium Complex – magnesium supplement, retails at $12.50 for a bottle of 60 capsules
- Complete Plant-Based Protein – “designed to be the ULTIMATE Protein Supplement on the market, giving your body the MAXIMUM amount of nutrition with the best ingredients on the PLANET!”, retails at $28.50 for a tub of 15 servings (20 g protein per serving)
- Organic Super Greens – “like a safety net for your health by filling in the nutrient gaps that our diets are not providing us”, retails at $24.50 for a tub of 30 servings
- Organic Super Reds – “contain the highest amount of fruit and vegetable extracts known to help improve blood flow by increasing our body’s production of Nitric Oxide, boosting blood circulation, supporting brain and cognitive function, sexual health, heart health, immune function and helping to maximize your body’s overall health!”, retails at $24.50 for a tub of 30 servings
- Organic Coffee – “healthy organic weight management coffee with mushrooms”, retails at $21.95 for a tub of 30 servings
- CBD Oil – “our CBD Oil represents that to the utmost level. Derived from only the top 1% of hemp farms in the country”, retails at $24 for a 1 oz. (30 ml) bottle of 750 mg or $34 for 1500 mg
- CBD Oil For Pets – “our 300mg chicken flavored pet formula is great to help pets with anxiety, pain relief and so much more!”, retails at $18 for a 1 oz. (30 ml) bottle of 300 mg
- Essential Aminos – “support muscle strength and function, to help maintain lean muscle mass, to boost stamina and recovery, and to promote healthy energy and focus!”, retails at $28 for a tub of 30 servings
- Daily Essentials Pack – combines Bio-Active Complete Multivitamin, D3K2 and Ulta Magnesium Complex for $34.95 retail
LiveGood’s website also details three “limited time” products:
No indication how long they’ll be available for, but I wanted to note Instant Youth and Ageless Skin Serum were both Skinny Body Care products. Not sure how that fits into the acquisition by Valentus.
LiveGood claims its supplement range contains “only the highest quality products of their kind available anywhere in the world.”
The nutritional information labels suggest LiveGood’s products are manufactured in the US.
LiveGood’s Compensation Plan
LiveGood’s compensation plan revolves around the sale of Membership, both to retail customers and recruited affiliates.
Retail (non-Member) Commissions
LiveGood pays commissions on the sale of products to retail customers.
Retail commissions are paid out as the difference between the retail and Member pricing of products ordered.
Influencer Bonus
The Influencer Bonus is a retail bonus paid on accumulated monthly retail sales volume.
- generate $2500 in retail sales in a month and earn a 10% Influencer Bonus
- generate $5000 in retail sales in a month and earn a 20% Influencer Bonus
- generate $10,000 in retail sales in a month and earn a 30% Influencer Bonus
- generate $25,000 in retail sales in a month and earn a 40% Influencer Bonus
- generate $50,000 in retail sales in a month and earn a 50% Influencer Bonus
LiveGood Affiliate Ranks
There are six affiliate ranks within LiveGood’s compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Affiliate – sign up as a LiveGood affiliate
- Bronze – personally refer three Members and have at least five Members across your downline
- Silver – personally refer ten Members or recruit three affiliates (each recruitment leg must have a Bronze or higher in it), and have at least twenty Members across your downline
- Gold – personally refer thirty Members or maintain recruit three personally recruited affiliates (each recruitment leg must have a Silver or higher in it), and have at least one hundred Members across your downline
- Platinum – personally refer one hundred Members or maintain three personally recruited affiliates (each recruitment leg must have a Gold or higher in it), and have at least five hundred Members across your downline
- Diamond – maintain three personally recruited affiliates (each recruitment leg must have a Platinum or higher in it), and have at least two thousand five hundred Members across your downline
Members are LiveGood customers (retail and affiliate), who pay $9.95 a month or $99.95 annually in exchange for discount pricing.
To count towards rank qualification, referred Members must be current with membership fee payments.
Member Referral Commissions
LiveGood pays Member referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
LiveGood caps Member referral commissions down ten levels of recruitment (unilevel).
How many levels Member referral commissions are earned on is determined by rank:
- Affiliates earn 50% on level 1 (personally referred Members)
- Bronze ranked affiliates earn 50% on level 1 and 10% on level 2
- Silver ranked affiliates earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 and 4
- Gold ranked affiliates earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 3% on level 5 and 2% on level 6
- Platinum ranked affiliates earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 3% on level 5, 2% on levels 6 and 7 and 1% on level 8
- Diamond ranked affiliates earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 3% on level 5, 2% on levels 6 and 7 and 1% on levels 8 to 10
Note that Member referral commissions are only paid on the first month of membership. This is calculated off a $10 base membership price.
Recruitment Commissions
LiveGood affiliates pay a $40 fee when they sign up. LiveGood uses this fee to pay recruitment commissions.
LiveGood pays recruitment commissions using the same unilevel compensation structure and commission rates as Member referral commissions (see above).
Residual Commissions
After a Member’s first month, LiveGood pays residual commissions on monthly $9.95 Membership payments (both retail and affiliate Members) via a 2×15 matrix.
A 2×15 matrix places a LiveGood affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:
These two positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).
Levels thee to fifteen of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.
Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect referral of LiveGood Members.
A 2.5% commission is paid per matrix position filled with a LiveGood Member.
How many matrix levels residual commissions are earned on is determined by a LiveGood affiliate’s rank:
- Affiliates earn a 2.5% residual commission on twelve matrix levels
- Bronzes and Silvers earn a 2.5% residual commission on thirteen matrix levels
- Golds and Platinums earn a 2.5% residual commission on fourteen matrix levels
- Diamonds earn a 2.5% residual commission on fifteen matrix levels
Matching Bonus
LiveGood pays a Matching Bonus on residual commissions earned by downline affiliates.
The Matching Bonus is paid via the same 2×15 matrix used to pay residual commissions (see “Residual Commissions” above)
Generations within the matrix are defined in a linear manner based on rank. E.g. the first Silver in your matrix is your first generation Silver. The second Silver in your matrix is your second generation Silver and so on and so forth.
Using this generational structure, the Matching Bonus is paid out as follows:
- Affiliates earn 50% on residual commissions earned by personally recruited Affiliates
- Silvers earn the Affiliate Matching Bonus and 10% on up to two Silver generations
- Golds earn the Affiliate and Silver Matching Bonus and 5% on up to three Gold generations
- Platinums earn the Affiliate, Silver and Gold Matching Bonus, and 5% on up to four Platinum generations
- Diamonds earn the Affiliate, Silver, Gold and Platinum Matching Bonus, and 3% on up to five Diamond generations
Higher ranked LiveGood affiliates earn lower ranked Matching Bonuses, but the official explanation is a bit odd:
If you are a Platinum, for example, you will also get the Gold and Silver Generation Matches. So someone on your 2nd Silver generation, may also be your First Generation Gold, and your First Generation Platinum, so you would get a 10% 2nd Generation Silver Match, a 5% 1st Generation Gold Match, AND a 5% 1st Generation Platinum Match on that persons entire matrix!
I’m reading that as each rank is a Matching Bonus tier, with higher ranked affiliates earning on lower ranked tiers.
The rank crossover from the quote above (a second generation Silver can also be a first generation Gold and first generation Platinum), sounds like higher ranked affiliates qualify as lower ranked affiliates for the purpose of generation calculation.
E.g. a personally recruited Diamond downline affiliate would count as a generation in all five Matching Bonus generation tiers.
Note that the Matching Bonus is paid out from a LiveGood affiliate’s second month with the company.
Diamond Bonus Pool
LiveGood takes 2% of company-wide revenue and pays it out equally to Diamond ranked affiliates every month.
Joining LiveGood
LiveGood affiliate membership is $40.
LiveGood Conclusion
LiveGood’s business model is certainly interesting.
The marketing pitch is that that “92% of Americans are vitamin deficient”, and that LiveGood has cheap supplements with “high quality ingredients” to address the problem.
I did note that LiveGood don’t cite their “92%” figure.
Getting back to the business model; LiveGood pays retail commissions on product sales volume, but otherwise you’re just getting paid on Member fees.
This is typically a problem when we see Membership tied to the MLM opportunity (access to discounts isn’t a product). In LiveGood affiliate membership is an additional $40 so they’re in the clear there.
While it’s technically true LiveGood are selling and paying commissions on “access to discounts”, it makes zero sense to purchase access unless you’re going to buy actual products.
This is true for both affiliates and retail customers.
This is what makes LiveGood’s business model interesting. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen “access to discounts” done within the boundaries of regulatory compliance.
All of that said, if the majority of LiveGood members are affiliates – the company can still operate as a pyramid scheme.
LiveGood could easily negate this possibility by baking in retail Membership requirements into rank advancement.
Pending that change, our best bet is determining retail viability.
For what you’re getting, LiveGood’s products seem competitively priced – even at full retail. Full pricing is readily available on LiveGood’s website without any hoops to jump through, so price comparison against the competition is easy.
LiveGood themselves take a dig at the competition with price comparisons on every product page.
From an MLM due-diligence perspective, you’ll want to know how many retail Memberships your upline has sold versus recruited affiliate Memberships.
You’re looking for a roughly even spread, ideally ratioed in favor of retail over recruited affiliates. Sales volume doesn’t really factor into things as LiveGood affiliates are only paid on retail volume.
If you find your potential LiveGood upline is primarily focused on selling Memberships bundled with the $40 MLM opportunity, beware.
Otherwise if your own comparison has confirmed LiveGood is competitive in your area and online, the cost of entry is affordable and, as far as I can see, there’s no strings attached.
Good luck!
Update 25th December 2022 – LiveGood affiliate membership now appears to be $40. This is based on signing up as an affiliate and being a Member costing $49.95.
Being a LiveGood member still costs $9.95 a month, so it follows that affiliate membership is now $40.
I’ve adjusted LiveGood affiliate membership pricing (formerly $20) across the review.
Update 21st January 2023 – LiveGood have made some changes to their compensation plan.
There wasn’t enough changes to warrant a separate updated review, so I’ve added in the changes.
- unilevel based residual commissions are now paid out via a 2×15 matrix
- Matching Bonus added
- Influencer Bonus retail bonus added
They weren’t significant enough to alter the review conclusion so I’ve left that as is.
I’ll make one note that while any retail bonus is welcome in an MLM opportunity, LiveGood’s Influencer Bonus requires $2500 in retail volume a month just to qualify.
Most affiliates probably aren’t going to reach this so it seems, as the name suggests, those with an existing large potential customer-base.
As a MLM veteran of 28 years FT and a Live Good affiliate I don’t want to sound bias.
I have followed and used the blog as it is great information and you nail it every time.
People are tired of paying jacked up prices for products to pay upline commissions and forced autoships to earn.
It is time for a change and fix this broken industry. Thanks for the review.
Thanks for the support!
People are tired and fed up with the crazy prices and the lack of retail opportunities that offer companies have.
Most are thinly disguised pyramid schemes this is a refreshing chang in mlm.
Finally, great Quality and very affordable products. As an affilliate, I am very pleased to share this opportunity or products to family and friends.
It makes me feel good as a person, knowing they don’t have to go broke to stay healthy using these products.
I just bought a load of products and got free shipping. I’m in LOVE with LIVEGOOD!
Priced right and membership is only $9.95 a month, simply amazing to have nutritional products at a fair price.
No money games here, everyone wins.
Amazing, great quality products! With a compensation plan that makes it easy for everyone to finally succeed!
Best decision ever to join LiveGood!! I’m already seeing results!!
Starting to look a bit spammy guys.
I stopped reading at “…chicken flavored pet formula is great to help pets…”.
Can we please rewind the clock to when MLM was about plastic things you could touch and reasonable quality cosmetics?
I was in Skinny body care in the past You mention it was abandoned in 2018. Why would I want to follow this company when it is owned by the SAME guy?
Have they changed the fee? It appears to be $49.95 now. I’m reading $40 for the affiliate signup & 9.95 for the membership fee.
I have a question: If I join to participate in the fast start plan and matrix comp plan, do I and my recruits even need to purchase and use the products?
It also appears that I don’t need to retail them if I don’t care about making a retail profit. If true, wouldn’t this just be some sort of cash-gifting scheme using cheap, private label supplements as a front?
Alternative Labs, the actual manufacturer, provides the certificate of analysis on their products.
Indeed .com provides quite a few negative and unsettling reviews on Alternative Labs’ cleanliness, machines, and management.
I’m not sure who Alpine 4 Holdings is, but here’s hoping they’ve cleaned up the place. But again, I’m not even sure the supplements are relevant to the “opportunity”. Oz?
*I said cash gifting, but maybe I meant straight-up pyramid scheme. I always get them confused.
Yeah $49.95 for affiliate membership and to be a LiveGood Member would mean affiliate membership has been bumped up to $40 (Membership is still $9.95 a month).
Affiliates don’t need to spend anything beyond the fee but the compensation plan is geared towards Membership sales. Membership sales can be made to retail customers (non-affiliates) or recruited affiliates. There’s no differentiation or retail requirement.
I have been in the industry for 30 years. Live Good doesn’t look bad at first glance. I would be very concerned with “any” type of commissions paid on a membership fee??
I do not believe one of the terms of what a pyramid is is when a commission is paid on “recruitment?? Research it out…
Now the prices look very good! When you look into their COA’s their still pretty good for the quality. Now… $9.95 monthly fee to be a distributor???
Now there becomes an issue and understand how they can sell their product a bit less than a lot of the products you find in dispensaries and gas stations.
Think about it.. $9.95 “fee” to be a distributor? That goes directly to the company? That does not sound very good too me??
Kinda makes me think that that charge helps them reduce the price to the user but at the distributors cost???
Thnk about the “fee” of $9.95 a month. When they hit 50k distributors (That shouldn’t take that long) that’s $497.500 to the company a “month”.
100k at $9.95 a month fee to distributors is $995,000! That’s basically a million $’s a month on the fees they bring in!
‘As I said the quality is not that bad. I have compared the COA’s with much higher quality products that can NOT be sold at such a low cost because “HIGH” quality products come at a high cost.
My personal take is, they will be adjusting things as soon as they rope a shit load od people in. “Remember” $9.95 per person?? That is something, along with a few other things that do not add up…
From what I understand…A commission is paid on the 9.95 monthly fee. 2.5% down 15 levels in a 2X12 forced matrix. Can someone explain that??
Sounds like a good plan for those affiliates who live outside of the US and Canada if the majority of LiveGood members are affiliates the company can still operate as a pyramid scheme. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Commissions paid on member signups has always been illegal because of the “endless chain” problem where the last few people get left holding the bag.
That is why the FTC shuts them down as a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.
How they plan on getting away with this alludes me, but that is why no one else is doing it. It certainly is a well known marketing ploy.
Does no one care that LiveGood is practicing an illegal marketing system?
The FTC clearly forbids any MLM plan where someone can build an entire network of distributors and make money based on memberships alone. Product or service purchases MUST be exchanged.
I try to tell ppl this and get laughed at, told I’m full of sh** (like I was today) and that I’m a loser that’ll never make money.
Just wait till the FTC gets a few complaints about this and they shut down the company.
Oh, I guess my 25 year membership’s with pre paid legal and my Ameriplan memberships are illegal.
Membership is totally optional as our retail prices are almost 1/3 the price most MLM companies. Retail.
Revisit and look at the retail plan. Best I have ever seen hands down.
Lol, the 9.95 does not go to the company geniuses. The 9.95 is commisionable.
The prices are lower not to do with quality. They just don’t pay the commissions like traditional MLM.
Take a $20.00 product, sell it for 80.00 and pay out the CV+Profits) LG does not pay any CV upline so they don’t have to jack em up to pay a few leaders, influencers, and owners. IJS
Pay attention to my previous message AND the others who state the “FACT” YOU CAN NOT PAY COMMISSIOND ON RECRUITMENT!??
My GOD people?? STOP getting caught up in your emotions!
Contact the FTC or any regulating administration. They will tell you the main Law governing MLM’s is, they CAN “ONLY” pay commissions on the sales of products or services (PERIOD) Paying commissions on marketing materials or fees to recruit people CAN “NOT” be paid out in any form as commissions (PERIOD)!
Ben and that other guy Nauder have done this type of thing before. The KEY FACTOR is, The FTC WILL NOT go after any company that is operating ILLEGALLY life LG until they have a sh*t load of money the FTC can cease! THAT IS A FACT.
This is where Ben will jump out, if he’s smart, BEFORE the FTC steps in. Don’t think for a second they aren’t starting to watch them now!
IF you, ANY of you would look into the simple fact and TRUTH, this is an ILLEGALLY run pyramid, maybe you might realize, or CARE that, you are setting people up to be hurt when it shuts down.
Most of you people who jump in these scams don’t care how many people you HURT anyway!!
Exactly – which is why the next best option to shut these illegal practices down is to file a complaint with the State Attorney General – and from what I’ve heard, Florida’s is a tough cookie. If she got enough folks filing, I have a feeling she would act.
Sadly you are right: there are far too many ppl that jump in, illegal or not, and are 100% selfish: Get mine and I don’t care what happens to you.
Had three different ppl cuss me out, tell me I was “ridiculous” and just shut me down when I attempted to point out the illegal marketing of this.
One is a simple-minded lady that I used to thing was a sweetheart. She is gullible and is following a millionaire and his crap-talk about how this company will make her a millinaire, too.
I tried to reason with her, pointed to the exact FTC rule on this – it didn’t end well.
I guess I care too much about people.
Timbo: Nothing wrong with a legitimate MLM, that’s for sure. Amway, PPLS, Primerica are three very old companies where I personally have known millionaires (one, I still have contact with- he’s been in it for 25 years as well – dude is crazy wealthy).
I’ve heard it said that more millionaires have been made by legitimate MLM opportunities than any other business endeavor.
LiveGood came up for review update today. There were a few changes to the compensation plan.
Not enough to warrant a new published review though, so I’ve just updated the compensation details of this review.
None of the changes warranted an update to the rest of the review so I’ve left it as it.
Oz, that was a bit confusing. Where is this review that you’ve left as is? What do you mean they “came up for review”?
Frustrating that they do have GREAT prices (altho that makes me wonder about their quality, and I can’t find any independent lab info so wonder just how good their vitamins are (as an example)) but they risk being shuttered due to illegal practices.
I’d join them in a heartbeat if it weren’t for that. I’ve endured a MLM shut-down by the gov and it ain’t fun.
Typically when I mark a review for an update I publish a new updated review. News is covered “as it happens” but for BehindMLM reviews I work off a list I maintain.
Not enough changed with LiveGood to warrant a new published review, so I just edited this first review and made a note of it.
I joined but I’m thinking about quitting. I think I’m starting to have a problem with being paid on the $9.95. But I also think why is Costco and Sam’s allowed to make money off of memberships and we can’t? They also sell a ton of services and products.
I would feel better once they start publishing % affiliates vs % customers. I see alot of people in one the groups ordering products. I’m sure most of them are affiliates. I ordered Factor 4 when I joined.
I’ve heard Kevin Thompson guess as to what the FTC would want. He thought somewhere around 70% customers and 30% affiliates. Maybe the hasn’t put pen to paper because that would be hard for a company to regulate.
I did chat with Ben and told him theirs a lot he could do with a membership model. Whatever it is he does he needs to be selling a crap load of services and products. He told be theirs a lot coming.
Oz you yourself would you say they are borderline illegal?
Nonsense again. Pre paid legal sells and pays on a membership. Ameriplan sells a membership. If folk wanna go pay 10x on a nutrition product God bless them.
No where does the FTC say you cannot pay on memberships.
Many travel companies sell memberships and pay on them even if you just take trips and never sell any travel.
Who gonna complain about a 9.95 membership and can buy these products at 1/3 the prices these MLM’s are selling at 19x to pay a few leaders, influencers, and owners. IJS.
Hmm…for for those monthly fees (Ameriplan) you are purchasing a service – right? You tell me how to interpret this document from the FTC that gives an overview of legal vs illegal practices (not exhaustive, as it says within the doc):
I’m the first to admit I’m not an attorney but have sure heard from one that has specialized in MLM litigation (including fighting the FTC when they overstep!).
Not MLM so pyramid concerns don’t apply.
Read the review.
If the majority of revenue generated within an MLM company is sourced from affiliates, that company is operating as a pyramid scheme.
This revenue can be derived through either product or service (membership) sales, it doesn’t matter.
And the ones with little to no retail (most of them) are pyramid schemes. WorldVentures was the most prominent example until it collapsed.
Ya know, Tim? You can go on and on about Costco, Sams or any other non-MLM all you want.
If you want to ignore the exact wording of the FTC where MLM’s are concerned, knock yourself out. I really do not wish any ill-will.
I love the inexpensive (although what’s the quality??) of the products. I just don’t love State’s Attorney General’s and/or the FTC shutting down an illegal pyramid in the middle of me building.
Any MLM that has a marketing model where NO sales are necessary (of products or services) to make money, and all I have to do is sign up people – that’s illegal… clearly stated in the FTC guidelines/rules for MLM’s.
We ain’t talking about Costco – we’re talking MLM’s. Don’t ask me why the FTC is harder on MLM’s than ANY other business model – but they are.
No one said they were anything less than corrupt…but it’s their rules and they literally have unlimited depth to their pockets and corruption.
I know this from a now 3-year-old case that’s going before a Federal Judge in 4 days as we FOUGHT BACK against those jackals.
I’ll bow out of this – I’ve said all I need to say. If they change their marketing model to line up with FTC rules, I’ll join. I need some of their products!
I love the live good products point blank I am an affilliate as well as a consistent customer . My friends and family are consistent customers and we absolutely love the products.
If you need the products stop the going back and fourth and get you some of these products at the wholesale cost. It’s just that simple!!!
If you choose not to build and share the info don’t. But get the products your health is your wealth!!!!
You can’t change the ftc or anyone else but yourself… it’s all about the great products that live good produces!
The results are in. I’m getting nothing but good testimonies about these products including my own.
@ Andy…There is an article that Kevin Thompson did about membership fees.
If you don’t know who he is… Google Kevin Thompson mlm attorney.
Aaron: Yes, am familiar with Mr. Thompson and indeed follow him on FB.
Because selling dreams to sell the dream, or selling the opportunity to sell the opportunity, is a scam. And, you cannot use that money to pay commission to the people who have sold the most dreams to dreamers also hoping to make money off of selling dreams.
Unlike non-MLM businesses, if people only buy/use MLM products because of the “opportunity”, you have a product-based pyramid scheme. The products only play a supportive roll to mask the dream/opportunity selling.
This is not okay. People don’t shop at Costco for the opportunity to make money; they’re there for the products.
The entire MLM system is inherently flawed, i.e, a scam. Why pay retail when you too can sign up, get a discount, and become a bajillionaire?
To be clearer, they must be sales to non-affiliates. Majority “selling” to downline does not count.
Didn’t you mean, “Shutting it down when you’re in the middle of retailing products to non-affiliate customers”?
The FTC is protecting people from paying for the opportunity to sell the opportunity. My criticism is that they don’t enforce it enough.
They should be ashamed they’ve let Amway et al. carry on for as long as they have. Very few people overpay for MLM products unless they’re also involved in the opportunity.
And besides, recruiting (not re-retailing) is actually encouraged by the company itself because this is how THEY reach new people and make their money. Affiliates dreaming to be bajillionaires are the best customers.
Did I mention inherently flawed? Yeah, I did.
You have your opinion – I don’t share it.
I see no difference between a traditional Corporate Org Chart and an MLM compensation plan. (Ozedit: snip, see below)
One is an MLM business model and the other isn’t.
First and last warning; BehindMLM isn’t the place to play dumbass.
You don’t see the difference between Paying to participate,and being Paid to participate?
Did your parents drop you as a toddler?
I hear this all the time. I think you’re just repeating an argument you’ve heard, and no one has ever explained the difference.
A legitimate corporate organization, and the pyramid structure I assume you refer to, derives its funds from people OUTSIDE the structure.
Suffice to say, the lower-level employees are not paying out of their own pockets to pay management. The funds to pay ALL the employees come from people who don’t work there, aren’t affiliated with the company, and don’t expect a paycheck themselves.
In the MLM world, that would translate to non-affiliate retail customers funding the pyramid organization. Then that money would be distributed accordingly.
If I were to use your analogy, office assistants employed by the corporation would be spending their own money for the privilege to work there, and that money would pay their bosses. That’s just stupid.
Now, try being an MLMer without buying/spending/investing in the MLM product or service yourself. You can’t.
MLM is as idiotic as an employee paying money to corporate headquarters to work at their corporate job. Still want to compare the two?
been there done that! Owners only care about there Profit!!!
They Target a demographic area, this time is the underdogs making $ 25 from the inicial $50 sign in. Thats a lot of money lol 10k affiliate a week represent them $250k a week $1,000,000 million a month only on sign in fees.
Plus the $10 bucks a month they only pay $3.75 per person .25 cents x 15 and the the matching bonus.
you have to build a huge huge group in other to make 16k im telling you they only thinking about themselves, not the little guy.
They claim products cost $5 to $6 per product and sell them 2x what is fine they also profit from the products and dont pay you guys nothing, NADA 0. COME ON GUYS.
Combine they build like 6 companies charging what they claim high prices Lets talk in 18 months good luck.
We all know that people purchase Costco memberships specifically to “shop at” Costco for products at discounted prices, and there is a saying “a penny saved is a penny earned”, therefore…
How many Walmart employees shop at Walmart?
I would suggest(expect) that the percentage would be damn close to 100%, for at least some of their purchases, given the “employee discounts” they receive.
Costco and Walmart aren’t MLM companies. They are entirely irrelevant with respect to LiveGood.
If the majority of LiveGood Members are also affiliates, it’s a pyramid scheme.
Oh good grief, it’s like teaching third-grade reading comprehension.
Maybe 100% percent of the employees shop at Walmart, but 99% of Walmart shoppers are not employees/affiliates.
WOW!! There are so many response I could make. There are people that are simply blinded by greed. They WILL only listen to ridiculous things told to them to justify their decisions.
Just one I will spend time on…
One of the most outspoken here keeps coming back more and more and someone has to be feeding him the nonsense he continues to post…
Costco Sam’s club ARE NOT MLM’s as stated here. FACT!!!
“Simply” put, These “NON MLM” Companies DO NOT pay “”ANYONE”” commissions for referring others to these companies???
I have said it many times, here’s the truth of this issue;
The FTC WILL NOT go after LG, or any other company operating illegally until they are financially VERY strong. They will not spend money or resources on these companies, Until… There is enough money to “cease” and cover their operating costs AND most of all extra “profit” for them.
That is the cold hard facts guys. The FTC is a “business” as well, think about it!
Pre paid legal/Legal Shield and others like this have a service (Legal Representation). Pick up the phone and you can be serviced “at any time” by an attorney for legal advice.
That is legit. To charge people $9.95 could fly if it was not ALL ABOUT people paying commissions on “RECRUITING” others!
I enjoy researching companies, comp plans and “Quality” of products in MLM. The products that LG have are simply “me to products???”
Research them with others you can purchase at you local store??? for the most part they are a bit less than you can throw in you cart while grocery shopping.
So think about this… If you choose to participate in what they are doing, Think!
If you want to purchase a couple products for say $25 a piece. That would be $50 right? Now, from what I understand you would have to factor in the $9.95 just to purchase anything.
Then you would have to factor in Tax, lets say approx 8%, that would be approx $4. Then factor in shipping, the cost of that has increased but let’s say 2 products shipping cost would be $10.
I believe I have seen, there is free shipping over a $75 product purchase.
Also, we all understand MANY companies have shipping agreements with companies that bulk ship and choose to charge customers “more” to gain a little profit.
ANYONE who believes Ben & Nauder are not doing this have NOT done a thorough background search on these guys. For me, I would say they are ABSOLUTELY charging a bit extra for profit.
$50 (Products)
$4 (Tax)
$10 (Shipping
Total (approx) $64 for the 2. Each product goes from $25 to a cost of $32 for each product.
Now they are pretty much the cost of what you could purchase at NON MLM businesses such as Costco, Sam’s or BJ’s AGAIN THEY DO NOT PAY ANYONE ANY TYPE OF COMMISSIONS TO HAVE PEOPLE BE COME A MEMBER.
@ Jonathan relax dude theirs more coming…Ben has stated to me and on a call they are not stopping with Health and Wellness. More services and products coming.
You need to read an article that Kevin Thompson wrote. He says that a membership mlm is ok as long as their is a need for the products… people want them.
Now where they could get into trouble Is having more reps than customers. If you want to disagree with him then knock yourself out.
So again genius. How is Pre Paid Legal or Legal Shield and Ameriplan USA paying on MEMBERSHIPS?
You do NOT get paid on the attorney, the dentists, the Eye wear provider, or the drug companies when you get a discount on your fees with your MEMBERSHIP!!!
I’ll wait on another book. I’m rocking with LG. No autoships, no jacked up products costs to pay upline, and the ability to work anything I want without fear of termination.
I am Live Good.
Not even gonna waist time reading that book he wrote with his opinion lol.
How many months will the people you recruit stay once they see they can’t afford to pay the fees to stay in and or recruit enough to cover the fees each month?
There are no fantastical products here that people would or should want to keep buying month after month.
You are just here to exploit a comp plan for the moment to move on to the next scheme.
Not withstanding the affiliate/membership pyramid scheme issue, I believe these memberships are actual services.
Access to discounts isn’t a service (think the MLM travel pyramid model, i.e. WorldVentures).
Also if you’re not going to read previous comments I’ll be quick to hit the spam button if I see anything redundant.
This isn’t a one-way street. And you’re certainly doing nothing towards convincing anyone the majority of LiveGood Memberships are sold to recruited affiliates.
What Service does Pre Paid Legal or Ameriplan provide? They sell memberships that allow you to get a discount on attorney fee’s, billable hrs, discounts on Dental Care, discounts on Vision and discounts on prescriptions. There is NO services provided for being a member.
Prepaid will handle a small traffic ticket but call them with a real issue and you get a discount on the hrs billed.
As far as people canceling a membership for 9.00 a month we will see. Better than paying 80.00 for a pill A bottle on an autoship every month.
A waste is a waste.
Actually PPL / Legalshield does have extras included. I know legalshield includes Wills as a specific part of the package (already paid for) that you don’t get charged for extra.
Not saying it’s not overpriced, but do they do give a product as part of things that has a tangible value.
I Know What I Am About To Say Is Going To Blow The Top Off A Lot Of People In This Program But It’s The Truth So Please Listen.
First Off, Let’s Discuss The So Called “Overpriced Non-MLM” Products Members Keeps Barking About.
Most High & Premium Quality Supplements CANNOT Be Brought Down To A Cheap Price Because Most That Care Will Never Allow A Cheap Price Or ANY Price For That Matter To Be Put On Your Health & Well-Being.
Those Stores Like Walmart Does Sell Supplements, However, Stores Like That And Even Online Supplements Stores Have The Guidance Of A Certified Physician Or Certified Pharmacy Tech Within Those Stores And Online Shops That Can Help Guide You Because Even A Simple To Use Supplement Product Need Extra Care When Using Them.
If You Sell Supplements, Cheap Or Overpriced, It Needs To Have An Advisor, Physician Or A Coach Attached To Help And Show You The Proper Way To Use Them, Exercise When Using Them Are Important As Well.
If You Have NO Idea What A Person’s Medical History Is, Even “The Cheapest Supplements On The Market” Can Do You Harm, But No One Is Talking About That Important Fact!
Now, As Far As The Comp Plan Goes, It Just Makes No Sense. First Off, The Comp Plan, For You To Win, You Have To Have Outstanding Sales Abilities And Even Greater Recruiting And Management Skills.
Do You Really Think A Newbie With No Sales And Recruiting Skills Will Win In This Game? NOPE.
They Are Saying You DON’t Need To Recruit To Make $2k A Month. REALLY? There Are So Called Levels In That Program You Have To Achieve To Make Higher Commissions And You CANNOT Do That By Doing Nothing! It’s All About Recruit, Recruit, Recruit And Less About The Products.
However, I Am Guessing That LG Does Not Tell Them The Comp Plan Until They Become An Affiliate & Member For $50. By Then, It’s Too Late, They Would Have No Choice But To Stay Because They Have Paid The Money To Get In. And That’s Sad.
I Love Inexpensive Supplements As Well, I Stay Fit As Much As I Can. I Will Say This Though, If It Came Down Between So Called “Overpriced” Supplements Which I Think These Guys Exaggerate A Bit And LG, It Will Always Be From Someone Who Knows What They Are Talking Because My Health Is NOT A Cheap Commodity!
And Since They Keep Yelling About Overpriced Supplements That Others Are Selling, Why Not Look At Your Comp Plan Because It’s Right Up That Alley.
Not Understanding If You Pay $50 To Sell The Products And The Biz Opp, Why Would You Need To Pay $9.95 Every Month Thereafter? Why Would You Need Discounting On Products That’s Already At Bottom Low Pricing?
Like I Said It’s Probably Going To Blow The Top Off Some But It’s The Truth.
If The Products Are So Much Better That Others As Far As Quality & Price, Then Why Not Prove That By Just Having The Members Sell The Products And Base Their Commission On That Instead Of Forcing Them To Pay Recruitment and Enrollment Fees To Sell Your Products? Hmm?
Enough Said.
Live Good with their membership fees were outlawed decades ago. It’s the same as cash Gifting. Bringing in money for nothing of value just to pay commissions on is the same as cash gifting.
No Timbo, cash gifting membership fees is different than subscriptions for actual services like legal shield in Ameriplan. 30 year hack more like it.
Why would anyone participate with the people that were part of the skinny body care scam. Doesn’t anyone remember that they were sued for stealing someone else’s product and selling it?
WOW!! The denial from some? AND the repeating of nonsense has now become entertaining!
So Jame & Mike… These guys are far from thinking logical (PERIOD). What you guys stated were facts and easy to research ftc (dot) gov.
Problem with this and some of these guys IF they were to actually research, they wouldn’t understand OR have the patience to grasp that facts of how MLM companies are governed.
I Own 10 websites that pay on recruiting new members, true they only pay 1 level down so no pyramid involved, and….my payment processor is PayPal, for 18yrs.
I’d like to know who they use. I generally judge by this, as most know PayPal ‘TOC’ is pretty tough and they weed òut marketers, and companies at will.
For the guy above who says the FTC ‘cease’ the companies holdings…when you can spell ‘seize’, I’ll be more likely to take legal advice from you!!! but
I judge if you have the option to make a commission on endless-chain recruiting i.e., building a team with team members who can also build a team.
That’s it, period, full stop. With or without products, what type of product if they have them is completely irrelevant.
It is literally that simple to know if it’s one type of scam. Just ask, “Can you endless-chain recruit?” Not do you have to, but CAN you?
Word on the street is that several Founders from the bizarre MLM OnPassive are cross recruiting their teams over to LiveGood — because there still aren’t any paid OnPassive products to sell, and because the latest launch was a flop.
At least they’ll go broke much faster with this opportunity, allegedly.
Morning. Surprise. Term and conditions, point 3 Compensation:
Buy in Europe and Asia only money are made are from sponsoring…..
That’s standard MLM pseudo-compliance.
In reality if the majority of Members are also affiliates, then commissions are defacto paid on recruitment.
That’s straight up a lie and can be proved by just looking at any of their affiliates posting on Facebook.
It’s the worst compensation plan on paper but the unintelligent have no idea.
Their number one earner only earned $7700 for the month and recruited 369 personals. The average person is lucky if they can recruit one person a week.
So what’s it really mean about their compensation plan when they have their top earner only making seven grand with all those personal recruitment. Right now all they do is celebrate the size of their team and not their income.
The company has them so fooled into thinking that the size of a team is more important what you make. And the #1 earner doesn’t even make money on the products his team purchases.
By the way the number one earner is the postcard guy. Remember him?
I always check this site before joining company. Thanks for your great reviews.
When I saw LiveGood, I just fall in love with the products and of course the price. I grabbed the Ultimate plan and not interested with the Comp Plan because I was looking for an alternative for my expensive GREENS from another company that I am paying $139 monthly for years but I don’t do their network marketing.
LiveGood will move faster, helping us avail of these affordable products. I am 62 and only loves Organic Healthy Products. Hope LiveGood will be forever and more products will be added.
God bless LiveGood and its customers like me.
Can Someone explain This To Me Please? From My Understanding, In Order To Purchase LG’s Products At A Discount, You Need To Become A Member Right?
So My Question Is, Why Would Any REAL Consumer Buy Into Any Discounting Program With Products They May Never Buy Again?
A Consumer Is NOT A Guaranteed Repeat Consumer, But They Are Being Forced To Pay $9.95 Per Month. People Can Go Down The Street And Get The Same Type Of Health Supplements At Their Local Pharmacy Or Health Store Without Waiting Weeks To Receive It Or Pay Shipping Fees, Ridiculous Discounting Fees Every Month And More Importantly, Ask Questions To See If That Product Has Any Allergic Reactions They Need To Be Aware Of.
Why Is It Fair To Those People Who are Trying To Be Real About Their Health? Products That’s Already At Their Lowest Pricing Should Not Need Discounting Further.
If You Cannot Afford That Extra $10 LG Is Snatching From You Every Month After Taking $50 The First Month, Then Maybe You Don’t Need It.
LG And It’s Members Are More About The Comp Plan Rather Than The Products. The People That Come On Here Complaining About High Priced Products Need To Look At Your Own Product Line Because If Yours Weren’t Overpriced, Then You Would NOT Need Discounting For Them.
It’s All About That $3.75 They Get From The $10 A Month That People Are Forced Into Paying Even If Some Members Are Not Concerned About Selling The Products And Many Of Them Aren’t.
I Tell You Though, Greed Is The Ruler Of ALL Evil. Geez!
Reply to above. The products are sold supposedly for less money because they are low grade ingredients. They were made by a MLM mill company in Naples Florida that will put a label on any bottle for you and call it what you want.
You could say that you invented a penis pill and it works great and it will grow like Pinocchio nose and they will put a label on the bottle for you. And you could have anything in the bottle.
Why anyone would trust and risk their health for a compensation plan baffles the mind.
Recruiters and sponsors should take responsibility on possibly hurting peoples health. And for a health and wellness company why aren’t the distributors being paid on the product purchases in the unilevel?
There is no motivation to sell the products. It’s just a $10 scam that they paid 75 cents to 15 people. The company pays out a total of $3.75. Of the $10.
And don’t bother saying that they pay a little extra because of checkmatch, Because that’s the secret catch. 98% of the distributors are not qualified for the check match that they keep on bragging about in the compensation plan.
Don’t you see the scheme now? Get in for a whole year and pay your $10 in advance, look at your large team of people in the matrix and only a couple are qualified to make check match on those people.
The only way to get qualified is if you are a big recruiter just like in any other company.
And the real scam by corporate is that most people are paying for the full year of the $9.95.
So they use those numbers to show the growth of the company when no one‘s even promoting it much after their first month but the company has their money for the year.
Oh, Now I Understand, Thanks Mike. I Thought They Get The Whole $3.75 Of The $10 Fee. That’s Even Worse!
Like I Said Above, If You Can’t Afford The Money You Need To Go Elsewhere For Your Supplements But Instead Need To Be Roped In To Get A Cheap Price On Your Health By Paying Ridiculous Discounting Fees To Get It, Then For Most Of Us, It’s Not Worth It.
Why In The World Would A Sane Retail Customer Allow Any Online Health Program To Take Their Money, Especially On A Monthly Basis For NO Reason Or A Ridiculous One And Not Question It? I Wouldn’t. And With That Said, I Highly Doubt The Products Are Flying Off Those Shelves Every Month As Some Claim.
So It’s ALL About Making Those Small Dollar Bills My Friends, No Other Way Of Prettying it Up, It Is What It Is.
They’re taking the $10 for a membership fee from every country and not shipping product. If that doesn’t prove it’s a money scam I don’t know what does.
This thread is getting more hilarious by the minute. From top earners earnings to not shipping products and all the other nonsense is funny to watch. LG is rocking!
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! Show Proof That Your “Cheap” Products Are Flying Off The Shelves.
Come Back To The Real World My Friend And See This Thing For What Is It. This Owner Has Been Through 1 Other Site I Know Of That Says That Same Jargon But This Time With LG It’s $2,047 Without Enrolling A Single Person? Yeah, Okay TIMBO.
His Other Site Is Called Pro Wealth Solutions Which Was $1,093 Without Enrolling A Single Soul And Then It’s Skinny Body Care Which Says The Same Jargon,That Time It Was $1468, Seriously? Please Do Your Research Please?
Every Site He Has That Said This Same Jargon Has Left The Station. What Makes You Think This Will Be Any Different Once People Finally See The Truth.
No Point In Denying It, It Is What It Is.
OK …..
Lets get a couple of things in Order here ….. I have worked as a Consultant For this Industry at the Company level for over 20 years ……And work with Compliance as for the Governing Agencies in this Space ….. Simple …..
the way it stands with Paying the Commissions from the Membership Fees…. That is a Ponzi Scheme by definition inside this Industry …. because you are Governed by a Compensation Plan …. Not Opinion …..
And as Far as Calling a Company Organic ….. That will bit you in the Tail as well …. Because if you Properly know how to Read Ingredients …. Then you will find that this is NOT an Organic Company and is Far From it ….. as Some of the Products contain Extremely Synthetic Toxic Chemicals on their Labels ……
Just Facts !!
SEAN can you tell what are nonorganic because it is a big scam and people do not see this?
SEAN please tell which are this non organic to tell that ponzi promoters? Tky
Paid on Recruitment or Product Sales?
The way i see it LiveGood monthly membership at $9.95 is a commissionable digital product, being the “PowerLine Marketing System” that they offer.
Surely that is a product & is worth the monthly $9.95 as an affiliate?
Additionally, members have the ability to be able to make retail commissions, as there is no affiliate commissions paid, on the sale on their Health product Range?
Super Stars Only? Will you need to be an absolute superstar recruiter, to make money with this deal at $9.95 a month max spend because all product sales money, goes directly to the company and the affiliates get nada?
I can see a shit show ensuing here, as tradtional MLM’s wont like the spin, LiveGood Affiliates are throwing around, and the mass exodus.
Access to discounts isn’t a product with respect to the FTC Act (think discount travel pyramid schemes). Company-wide revenue needs to come primarily from retail customers buying whatever is discounted.
Thought I would chime in here…
I joined LIVEGOOD back in the summer of 2022, before the international launch on December 13th. We joined for the great prices of quality products.
I was tired of the overpriced product packages and marked-up pricing of other direct sales, mlm, and network marketing companies. Next, I noticed the product prices were even lower than Walmart, CVS, and Walmart.
When LIVEGOOD announced its international launch, more products, rank advancement, 2×15 matrix with unilevel, additional pay plan, powerline marketing system, three websites for affiliates, international shipping, and additional distribution centers coming around the world… the gates opened wide.
Thanks to LIVEGOOD, I am seeing the industry do a total change from the traditionally high price grabbing for entrance into a company. LiveGOOD doesn’t do any of that.
I currently have loads of customers only buying products from the company and not even in the business. The retail pricing still beats all other companies from what I see, plus the member pricing is amazing therefore, loads of people are joining.
Yes, people are exhausted from the old ways of direct sales, mlm, etc. LiveGood is showing others how to have an affordably priced product, top quality, and a simple way to start a home business.
Distribution centers all over the world will begin to pop up after fulfilling all legal documentions and requirements. In addition to that, more products will be introduced.
Currently, a distribution center in Germany will soon open to service EU / Africa & Germany. Exciting times.
I getting great results with the products, my friend been trying tons products two years and got results eith clicking knee and stiffness with factor 4, really helps my hernia pain.
the coffee is fab, super greens and reds I have great energy and my hypnic jerks have eased off so I can go sleep without jumping, sometimes odd jump, coffee gives me energy, curbs appetite, I’ve lost inches.
Just say to people please just try the products and stop been Judge and jury, on the livegood webinars all they talk about is the products.
You only start earning on memberships 2nd month, 2.5 per cent and down through matrix. You get paid very well on retailing, with matching bonuses.
try the products their certified, try before you shout your mouth off because if you have, not tried these fab products then talking bull.
Wow, Now Here It Comes My Friends and I Knew We Would Eventually Get There. The Very Day When We Meet A Rep That Shows Us How Far LG Will Go To Protect It’s Income Right?
“The Powerline Marketing System Is A Commissionable Digital Product and Wait Don’t Forget, It’s Worthy Of The $9.95 Per Month!
I Have Never Heard Anything More Ridiculous And More Desperate In My Life. Superstars? Given That You’re Probably One Of Those So-Called Heavy Hitters, Doesn’t Mean The People Below You Are.
Your So Called Digital Marketing System Just Doesn’t Include The Ridiculous Powerline, It Also Includes A Ridculous Ranking System. So, How Do You Suppose Your Newbies Would Be Able To Reach Those Ranks Without The Skills To Bring In People At A Rapid Rate On A Jargon That’s Dishonest.
You Will NOT Make $2,047 A Month Without Enrolling A Single Person, That’s A Lie! And That Is How You Rope Them In With The Promise Of 100’s Of People In Their Downline Before They Even Become A Member, Bizarre, But Okay.
Further, I AM So Sick Of Hearing LG Members Complaining About Overpriced MLM Products. It’s The Only Thing They Ever Say.
Well Let Me Say This, Those Traditional MLM’s Are Still Around, Why? Because They Are Legal To Be Around And Probably At Better Quality.
They Pay Their Reps On The Sale Of A Product And Not On Ridiculous Recruiting Fees, So Called Discounting Fees Or Enrollment Fees.
You’re Supposed To Be A Company That Sells REAL Quality HEALTH Products. REAL Quality Never Gets Reduced To Nothing.
Further, Why Aren’t You Guys Asking Questions When Selling Products Like This? You Have NO Ideas If They Are Even Allergenic To The Products You Are Selling.
Are They Supposed To Just Read The Label On The Package? There”‘s So Many Things Wrong With That. DO You Even Care?
Probably Not. So Don’t Talk About Other MLM Products Because As I Said Before, If Yours Weren’t Overpriced, You Would NOT Need The Discount To Buy It.
Good Luck!
Speaking of “talking bull”, feel to provide peer-reviewed medical studies demonstrating any of LiveGood’s products can be used to treat hernias.
Failing which, you’re running around making illegal and unsubstantiated medical claims about LiveGood’s products. And being an affiliate, you’re probably marketing the products in violation of the FTC Act too.
@Oz – To be fair he never said it treated his hernia,. He said it has helped with the pain from his hernia. Big difference.
“Helping with the pain” = treatment.
Psuedo-compliance BS doesn’t work here. It doesn’t work with the FTC either.
Did he freeze the stuff and put it on his hernia as a cold compress? No?
Then do tell how it helped – be specific.
Kelly and Patrick speak for yourself. No one‘s tired of anything except you never making money and joining a new system every few days.
We are getting bored with the same old are products are certified and less money than all products. No they’re not.
Ben doesn’t care about the products. His skinny body care product was poop. And he copied it from my real company which is why they went under.
Tell the truth about these people that can’t recruit that they won’t make anything. they won’t get checkmatch on people that they don’t have personally sponsored.
Two cents for each person in the matrix and you make no money when your team sells product. It’s the biggest scam for the dumbest affiliates of all time.
Has Mr Ben Glinsky been living under a rock or just ignoring the Ponzi laws?
Paying on a $9.95 membership, Nope cant do that.
Paying on the $40 one time fee. Nope cant do that, either.
Not Paying members on downline product purchases, Nope you can get away with that Bs.
If each member only pays a $9.95 monthly membership, how many 1000’s of monthly 9.95 memberships do people need to get a decent paycheck?
Max downline volume per member is 10 BUX. = ridiculous.
Members/customers could be buying $millions in products and member/affiliates, will not be paid on product sales, = Nope you cant do that?
Why would members buy product if they don’t have to, as the complan pays on 9.95 monthly fees?
Has anyone checked the shipping and handling fee’s? OMG
LiveGood looks like it’s in the shipping and handling business.
I have never seen such stupid high prices, especially for internationals. They are triple the price of other companies.
They are click baiting people on the powerline to suck people in and lambasting MLM companies for over priced products. = Nope cant do that.
The way i see it, there are 4 major out points.
1) The so called heavily discounted prices are pulled back by the stupid high shipping charges.
2) They are deceiving people in using the powerline as click bait.
3) You can join and purchase product directly from the company website, skipping past the affiliate’s. = Nope You cant do that, not in Affiliate programs.
4) You can get paid on product sales volume= Ridiculous.
People will see through all this hooplah by june/july, and there will be a lot of disappointed people, as i can see 100’s of people complaining already that the click bait system, is not delivering as expected..
When it comes to Health and nutrition products in this day and age MLM/affiliate programs do not enjoy the rock star status they had in times past.
There are 1000’s of online sites, selling comparable products at reasonable prices, if it’s really the products your after.
I have heard it said, that if an affiliate is not making more than they are spending on products within 4 to 6 months there are gone.
Which kinda shows the real reason they were in the business.
@oz never said about treating hernias, only said it helped,your the one twisting things,
@Mike, just say what you have to say but don’t be calling people dumb, I’d live to know uiur background and your dumb mistakes.
if you want to make a point do it but don’t be slagging pe off or start name-calling that’s dirty.
@Joe thanks
Pain management is a form of treatment. Again, pseudo-compliance BS won’t work on here or with the FTC.
Pain management is a form of treatment , I said it helps my hernia pain, can I not say that, what’s wrong with that, so I am supposed to not say that keep my mouth shut would you cop on.
if you were using a good product and told a friend its helped you and I say you,very done that or recommended products yourself, get a grip will you.
And I asked you to provide peer-reviewed medical studies to verify LiveGood’s products can be used to treat hernia pain.
Failing which, making unsubstantiated medical claims about LiveGood’s products is a violation of the FTC Act.
I’m So Frustrated Of Seeing People Acting Brand New To The World!
This Is A Simple Concept Because Obviously You Guys Don’t Get It. Talk Is Cheap! Prove To Us That What You Said Is Accurate.
There Is NO Scientific Proof That LiveGood Products Relieve Any Pain, Weight Loss etc. Did You Have A Scientist Run Those Products Through Scientific Based Studies And Clinical Trials? If So Let’s See It!
Is Ben A Medical Consultant Certified To Even Sell Important Products Like Supplements? NO!
Usually A Health Company Has Their Own Products. Some Of Those Products You Guys Are Touting Don’t Belong To Him.
Super Reds, Anti-Aging Serum, CBD Oils And Few Others. Those Products Were On Another Site Called CTFO.
How Do I Know? Because I Was In That Program Before. Kick Them To The Curb Because They Were Pulling Stunts I Didn’t Like.
Also, When I Would Ask For Scientific Proof, I Got No Response.
Products From Skinny Body Care Was Also Brought To The Table, But That Company Was Sued And Site Abandoned Don’t Believe Me, Do Your Research. Why Would I Buy From LiveGood?
NO MLM Program Should Ever Sell Health Products Without Scientific Backing! I Refuse To Join, Pay Or Recommend Any Company That Has That Mentally Of “Buy Now and Tell Us Later” NO Way That’s Happening!
This Is The Most Egregious Practice I’ve Ever Seen In Any MLM! Forget About Your Bank Account, Human Lives At Stake.
Do You Care? If You Don’t Fine We Care.
Testimonials Coming From Members Is Irrelevant. Unless You Can Show Us How You Were Before Compare To After. Scientific Proof That These Products Went Under A Microscope At A Reputable Place With Scientific Based Studies And Clinical Trial To Actually See If It Really Works EVERYONE The Way You Claim.
Proof Please? Nothing Less Will Do.
@Jame , well you know more than me, I know my own body and don’t need to prove nothing to you or anyone (Ozedit: snip, see below)
Nobody is above the law. Spam-binned.
Pat, I Said Scientific Based Studied And HUMAN Clinical Trials To See If It Actually Works On People Like You Say!
Why Would I Believe What LG And Members Say? LG Is Touting Products NOT Scientifically Based!
Who Cares About A Questionable Analysis Pat! I Said Clinical Trials, Why Would I Believe in the LG Program?
You Guys Are Making Money With This, So You Say What Have To.You Don’t Like That Concept, Sorry But It’s The Truth.
People Who Own Their Own Health Products Usually Go Through Studies And Human Clinical Trials To See If They’re Selling A Product Safe And Actually Works!
Your Products Have Not Been Through That Process So I Don’t Believe It Until I See It and From A Reputable Place That Can Be Fact-Checked!
You Will NOT Convince Me Otherwise. Unless You Have Some Clinical Trials And Science Based Feedback From A Scientific Medical Consultant In This Analysis, I Don’t Want To See It Because It’s NOT What I Asked For. Good Luck.
Yep, it’s ridiculous. There are so many stupid people, I mean really stupid people. Illegal Hype train – they get paid .25 cents, I mean LOL, LOL, LOL, did I say LOL? And nothing for product sales.
Yes, it is a total SHAM – WHAM BAM – SHAM! Remember Zeek, they got something like 1.5 million in before they were closed down.
The old FOMO Fear of missing out – they give the industry a bad name for sure and make lazy people even lazier.
Leaders putting their people into a scam because of fear. They should be ashamed of their selves. But the same naïve will still follow them into their next deal. They did the same thing with my res club.
They worked it for one month promo and now telling everyone they’re going to be blessed to join them in their next big program.
You are mimicking what others are saying? That type of duplication is disastrous. High quality products? You are copying that as well?
They are simply buying low grade products and slapping their logo on them… THAT is called “White Labeling” Many people do that!
Just their CBD alone is just a typical “Me Too” product you can buy at Walmart or the nearest gas station??? Read their COA’s (Third Party Lab Tests) Compare them with other “HIGHER GRADE” products?
In the world of CBD there is and average of 6 to 10% absorption into the body with standard “Me Too” products. NOW… IF one was to research, just a little, they would find that there are products MUCH HIGHER and with absorptions around 90%.
I understand I just wasted my time but maybe someone will take the initiative to actually check what people are filling their heads worth and jump off the sheep train 🙂
I-Payout runs all commission plans through Attorney Kevin Thompson and his firm for compliance and LiveGood uses I-Payout for commission payments to the field.
Kevin Thompson put his seal of approval on the LiveGood compensation plan. He either knows what he is talking about or he doesnt as far as the FTC requirement for commissions being paid for sales of product to the end consumer.
Is a membership a product? I think this is really a question for Kevin and his team.
The comp plan on its own isn’t an issue. But if the majority of LiveGood Members are also affiliates, then the company is operating as a pyramid scheme.
Retail volume requirements address this and strengthen a compensation plan. A lawyer can’t force a company owner to ensure compliance.
FTC Or Lawyer Right? Hmm, Hard Choice, But I’m Going to Have To Go With FTC, They Know Better.
Thanks For Playing, Come Back To Play Again Sometime!
Wow, LiveGood people are so stupid…. their top guys, recruited over 180 people, all their money is from recruiting, his residual is less than $200, his income is from recruiting.
And they make nothing on the products that are hyped up nonsense. Let’s see if in month 4 the top earners are telling people…. they make $300 a month is residuals!
After they runs through their list and stops recruiting they won’t be able to pay their bills. And after they get shut down for an illegal membership payouts (sponsor nobody and make $2000) all the idiots will be starting over again.
Shame on them promoting this crap, shame on them for promoting laziness!
I’d need to see proof of this before I’d give it any credit. I also greatly believe that no proof is forthcoming.
Absolutely! And If He Did, The Only Way That Would Happen Is If They Did NOT Disclose Their Tactics Of Getting People In.
I Researched Him. The Man SAID That Any MLM Must Be Truthful And Transparent About Their Business Model And Products To Affiliates, Consumers And Distributors! I Do Research On ALL MLMs That Have BULL Jargon Like LG! ALL DAY!
They Have NOT Been Truthful About Any! Including The Traditional Cut-Throat, Manipulation And FOMO Tactics! That’s Fact And It’s The Reason Why So Many Joined, NOT Because It’s So Wonderful! How Can They Know That If They Are Not Even Told The Compensation Plan Before Handing Over Their $50?
Every Time LG Open It’s Mouth, I Have To Get To Work, Fact-Checking! It’s Really Annoying So Why Don’t You Just Tell The Truth And Stop Throwing People Under The Bus To Save Your Own Skin!
Truth And Transparency? Looks Like Their Definition And Ours Very Different My Friend. This Is Why I Quit MLM! The Cut-Throat Tactics These Programs Have Is Devastating To The Soul,
Stop It!
LiveGood SCAM LOL, Live Good idiots spamming messager…. my reply
After all these distributors get abused when the company gets closed down, their new slogan will be I hate MLM because my company got closed down. 
Fact check:
The #3 earner earned way more than Mr. Mike posted above. Actually I know her personally and know what she is earning and your not even close. I never disclose my income but if anyone wants the facts simply message me.
Our products are FDA verified organic. Not just ORGANIC. Look it up and the verification process to get that certificate.
We are all members. I am a member and order products but not forced to on a forced autoship to earn.
We will have way more members than anything I have seen in the industry as there is no qualifying orders forced on members to order each month.
Our products are not cheap. The average cost of a MLM product in this space is $5.00-$15.00 period. To see what the typical MLM pays for products simply remove all the fast starts commissions, CV (Commission volume), BV (Business volume) and/or points that go in a leg as volume for a binary. That’s all the markup.
The 9.95 does not go to Ben or anyone else. Up to 80% of that is paid out to the field. Go read the comp plan!
I know people are upset LG is crushing it adding over 1000 members a day. I appreciate this site and all the concerns from OZ and his opinion but some of these comments are not factual so I want to clear it up. Get your facts straight first.
Oh, I just figured out who Mike is…lol. I caught it with the Live Bad Statement. I know your upset everyone is leaving your deal but I wish you well.
TIMBO: You Are Ridiculous! Why Would Anybody Be Mad At Anything! You People Keep Barking Orders But NOT One Of You Has EVER Showed Any Recent Proof That These Products Have Been Through Rigorous Testing. Health Products MUST Go Through The Process Of Science-Based Studies And HUMAN Clinical Trials Before Putting Them On The Market! Your Flapping Gums Are NOT Science Based Evidence!
MUST Be From An UNBIASED, Reputable Medical Lab With A Certified Medical Consultant. A REAL Health & Nutrition Company Usually Go Through That Process Of Science-Based Studies And HUMAN Clinical Trials To Make Sure Their Product Is Safe, Has Little To NO Side Effects And Make Sure It’s Safe For Those With Allergenic Reactions! That Kind Of Research Takes Years To Complete. Yours Has NEVER Been Through That Process, Stop Being Silly!
If I Was A Customer And You Came To Me With These Products, The First I Will Ask And Many Others Is “Is There Proof In What You’re Saying” Science Is The ONLY Evidence That Can Satisfy The Masses. Good Luck!
As Far As Your Compensation Plan, Why Would We Be Mad About That? Crushing It? Of Course You Are, Using Cut-Throat Tactics! But I Am Not As Callous As You Are To Lie To Get A Few Pennies In My Pocket! You Can Pretty This Up All You Want TIMBO, But It Just Looks The Same, Your Compensation Plan Makes NO Sense, You Can’t Sell Your Products Outright So You Have To Enact That $10 In There So Whether You Sell PrOduct Not You Get Paid. That’s Illegal And Harmful. You Bark About Who’s Going To Leave For A Mere $10? That May True For You, But NOT To Someone Who Really Needs To Pay Their Bills And Put Food On The Table!
Who Wants To Log Into Their LG Account And See People Ranked Up Higher Than Them On A Monthly Basis. They Will Get Discouraged And Then Resort To Lying And Cut-Throat Tactics To Get There. Then When That Doesn’t Work, They Leave. Be Careful How You Go About So Called Telling People Off. NOT Everyone Joins And Stays, Even For A Mere $10. Thanks, But NO Thanks!
Lol, you just told on yourself. You took a tour lol. I’m just in here to correct the misInformation and not to argue with clowns.
lot of people like you didn’t see the money in a 10 membership but I guess that’s better than a 80.00 a month autoship.
I guarantee we will have the highest retention rate in the industry but time will tell as were only 8 weeks out the gate.
Stay tuned and I will keep you posted. Now go sell your science based products and wish you well. We may knock it off and sell it at 1/3 the price to our members.
Know What You Are Talking About Silly! I Did NOT Take The Tour, It’s Called Old Fashion And UNBIASED RESEARCH, You Should Try It Sometime! You Don’t Think People Talk? Then You Don’t Know Half The People In The Universe Then!
Go Crush It! I Know The BIG BOSSES Will Be Asking The Same Questions Soon. You Know Them Right, The FTC And NAD, Of The Course You Do! Now Let’s See You Tell Them That TIMBO!
We’ll Instead Stay Tuned For That, It’s More In The Department Of Obtaining Justice For ALL Those That Have Been Hurt By You Ridiculous MLM Sayers!
Good Luck, You’re Going To Need It.
I have read all the comments and agree that the compensation plan which gives commissions on memberships isn’t okay and is highly deceptive telling people they can make 2,000 a month from spillover.
What is interesting is that people do love the products. I will not promote the business, but plan to keep buying the Factor 4 because I can’t find anywhere else a combo of turmeric, fish oil, CoQ10, and garlic (I was buying 3 of these separately before for more money).
I also love the multi and D/K because they use the best form of K(MK-7) which many supplements do not.
I did my research on supplements and learned that the filler magnesium stearate is actually safe(one of my favorite vitamin companies, not MLM, called Innovix Labs uses it), but the internet has demonized it, and I’m guessing is why someone put in the comments that Live Good uses toxic ingredients.
With thousands of people buying the products for the pure love of them such as myself, it seems that will keep the company in business. I pray they will stop deceiving people about the comp plan.
How much you’re charging doesn’t matter. If the majority of LiveGood Members are affiliates then it’s operating as a pyramid scheme.
Kare, they are not selling products. They are selling people.
Timbo, highest retention? Because you duped suckers into paying for a yearly $10 membership for a measly hundred dollars.
So they’re locked in even if they’re not promoting or working and being lazy. But none of them, I mean none of them will make The $2000 you keep on guaranteeing on your live good tour and out of your mouth.
Timbo, you claim you have over 12,000 people on your team and you only earned $11,000 in over eight weeks and you’re the number three recruiter personally.
That is an awful numbers. And a legit program where products are being sold and not a illegal fake membership 12,000 people would be $1 million a year earnings.
Timbo most professionals call it live bad.
I’ve never met you in my life. And I don’t do MLM. So you got the wrong leader
Listen, I’m Done Sounding Like A Broken Record. Why Are You Trying To Win A War That’s Already Over? It’s Useless!
The FTC Has Updated Their Law Called “The Consumers Protection Act” Gearing Towards Both Health & Non-Health MLM Programs. That Law Is Designed To Protect Consumers From Injury!
Most Need To Feel Safe In An Environment With People That Actually Know What They’re Talking About, Whether It’s Offline Or Online, NO Difference.
If They Are Prevented From Asking Any Meaningful Questions Before Handing Over Their Money And Have To Resort To Tactics That Are Cut-Throat And Downright Dishonest To Earn What’s Promised To Them, Then They Hurt The Next Person They’re Trying To Feed That Crap To! That’s Injury, Don’t You Understand That Genius? On A Health, Financial & Human Scale!
The FTC Said, Any MLM Product AND Its Compensation Plan Advertised MUST Be In Truth & Transparency.
What You Tell Others About Your Health Products MUST BE TRUE, Every Single Product! Followed By Real Proof Of Scientific Clinical Studies And Random Human Clinical Trials Before Selling Those Products To The Public, They Accept Nothing Less!
And That Does NOT Include Questionable Analysis Or Word Of Mouth!
Why Do You Think I’m Lying and Being A Clown? See It For Yourself, It’s Right There In Plain Sight!
The FTC’s “Consumers Protection Act” Is LAW! There’s No Dissecting It To See If There’s An “Unless” Clause In It.
This Is Their Territory Remember? Everyone Else Is Irrelevant! So You MUST Conduct Yourself How The FTC Wants You To, Because That’s The LAW!
If You Violate It, Then You’re Punished, Pure & Simple! But You Guys Don’t Want To Hear That Unbiased Side, Only The Side That’s Telling You “We Are Trouble Makers!”
And Once Again, Quit Barking About Overpriced MLM Products When YOUR Boss Was Doing The Same Thing With 2 Other Sites He Had (Pro Wealth Solutions & Skinny Body Care), Until He Couldn’t! LG Has Already Lost This War!
Why? Because Truth, Honesty & Transparency Has Always Been A Winning Policy!
The FTC’s “Consumer Protection Act” Is Set In Stone To Protect The Public From The Greedy Lion’s Den Called “MLM Industry” And It’s Harmful Tactics! That’s Fact, Look It Up, But I Doubt You Will.
NO Jealousy Here And I’m NOT A Clown! Just A Concerned Citizen Who’s Within The Boundary Walls Of Our BIG Boss’s Law Zone.
Pretty Happy About It Too! Are You? Well, Good Luck.
I know this is offtopic and I’ve refrained from commenting on it, but why on Earth do you capitalize every word?
It makes for an awful reading experience.
1$0 a month is very cheap if you can earn atleast #50 a month by referring people and doing retail sales of product.
I do not see the bad things on this, should they operate legally in the US country? If they have a legal papers NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT…
I’m Sorry Oz, Forgive Me. But When I Have Repeated Something 20 Different Times, It Gets Annoying.
Emphasis On The Point, Until They Get It Oz, Sorry My Friend.
What you can and can’t do is irrelevant if the majority of LiveGood Members are also affiliates.
If the majority of LiveGood Members are affiliates then it’s operating as a pyramid scheme.
The essence of pyramid scheme has no Products at all.. I ve been there since 1997.
As a networker, as long there is a product involve and buying the products online what i did before and up to now then got health benefits on it.. What s the problem….
Pyramiding is operating purely no products at all.
Product-based pyramid scheme. Look it up.
If the majority of LiveGood Members are affiliates then it’s operating as a pyramid scheme.
In addition their matrix scheme is not pyramid scheme.
If you are not a networker, do not use pyramid scheme.
Nobody said it was.
If the majority of LiveGood Members are affiliates then it’s operating as a pyramid scheme.
Matrix scheme (with products) is different from pyramid scheme (no products).
Cool story bro.
If the majority of LiveGood Members are affiliates then it’s operating as a pyramid scheme.
*finger hovers over spam-bin button*
What are your benefit from monthly subscription to livegood e commerce, to subscription from Netflix. (Ozedit: derails removed)
Netflix is not an MLM opportunity. Welcome to the spam-bin.
You Know What? Go Ahead And Do What You Want. I Hope You Have A Better Explanation When The Boss Comes Ringing!
They Are The Only Ones That Matter In This Whole Conversation. So Good Luck Because Matrix Schemes Even With Products Is A Violation Of The Act. You’re Earning Commissions On The matrix Too Instead Of Only Product Sales!
Product Sales Is All That You Are Allowed To Be Commissioned On, Anything More Than That Violates The Act.There Is No Other Way Around That.
Having a Product Or No Product Is Irrelevant! It’s Not Supposed To Happen Under Any Circumstances Okay? Goodness!
CHRISTIAN…? Where’s the documentation of Kevin’s? Documentation beats conversation…
There is still one BIG choice before an MLM attorney and that is, the ones who actually go after companies operating illegally…
PLEASE don’t think you need to dispute what I just said. The FTC has much more pull and authority than an MLM attorney that actually makes bank when a company needs their services. 🙂
GLIMDROPPER… Sad to say that I would not be shocked if no “Documentation” BY KEVIN is ever shown. Just like SO MUCH of what they keep feeding their distributors, FABRICATED to say the least.
I have to say, it’s getting to be very entertaining to hear these guys repeat what their told AND BELIVE THEIR OWN WORDS…
Timbo, What?? You must be new to NWM? The way I read what Mike said was “”Residual”” income. NOT the $25 dollar payment for recruiting? TIMBO… It’s easy to understand the difference of any type of upfront one time commission vs repeat orders of products and services customers and reps create.
What LG has are me to products? It’s that simple. They have these different products “White Labeled” Many companies do this and it gives people an illusion that the company name on the product is made by them and their science team.
So what if the products are FDA Verified organic? That just means they are probably manufacture in an FDA registered facility, TONs of companies do???
FDA anything means JACK in the health industry, YOU should know that?? It’s also very true, you get what you pay for with products.
I looked into the 750 & 1500 CBD. Those COA’s are very common to many products sold in stores and gas stations. I have studied many companies COA’s in case that has you scratching you head, it means Lab tests, 3rd party lab tests.
I have seen so many that were MUCH higher but cost more than 20 or 30 dollars. Those cheap brands are the majority out there that has the average 6 to 8% absorption.
There are a few companies that actually constantly are working to better their products. There are companies out there that have 60 to 90% absorption.
Quality like that where it would take numerous bottles of LG’s CBD to come close real quality.
Kind of like buying a 4 ply tire vs a 10 ply tire. (tires may look the same, but aren’t)
Buying 80% lean Hamburger vs Fillet Mignon (There both beef)
Buying a Honda vs a Harley. (There both motorcycles)
Timbo… YOU sir are so conditioned to bark back but NEVER listen to obvious facts???
Timbo is crying now because the bugger eaters that joined in LiveGood are now doing the same thing and quitting Live Good to join Nitroline We Got Friends. It’s fun to watch.
The crazy part is NitroLine We got friends opportunity has a more lucrative pay plan than Live Good.
Better entry level profits and paid on team levels on purchases which LiVeGood ceo doesn’t pay on and keeps all that breakage for himself.
The newest scam by LiveGood company is they are shutting members websites down because of too many leads.
The CEO wants to be your nanny and boss while taking most of the money for himself. Because if you go to the corporate homepage he takes orders which is competing with affiliates.
If you are making too many sales and getting too many leads he just makes an excuse up and shuts your tour site down and puts you out of business. AFTER YOU PAID!
@ Jonathan J Hill… It irks me when I see words used in the wrong sentences or context.
It’s not “cease” which means “to stop or to halt”.
You mean “sieze” which means “to take or to confiscate”.
I get it that many folks write words as they hear them without checking if it’s the correct word. But at some point in time it’s good to verify how similar sounding words are spelled and their true meanings.
You’d be surprised how often people use the wrong words without realizing it.
I just took a quick initial look. LiveGood sounds like just another MLM.
They are not product driven or else they would show you the science behind their products, if its in-house manf, whos the outsourced company and their testings among other transparencies.
Its recruitment based company, nothing more. The top gets the food.
Ah ……
TOMBO is either New to this Industry or is FLAT OUT LYING ……
I worked with the Regulatory Agencies in this Industry for Years ….. The FDA has Absolutely NOTHING to do with Registrations by the USDA ….. Nor Clearance on any Personal Care or Nutritional Supplements …….. EVER !!!!
So Keep Putting that out there and you are Going to Get the RED FLAGS Sooner than they are going to Happen as NOW the way things Stands ……
They Truly are Violating FTC Law…… Again, I worked with the Agencies for over 22 years and NOTHING has Changed …. You are either doing things RIGHT or Doing things WRONG …..
Its BACK AND WHITE …… And I already Feel sorry for some of the People in the Field and the Consequences that will Follow ……
Period .
Capitalizing the first letter of every word is annoying! Furthermore, it does not convey emphasis; it just makes our eyes cross.
Amen to that! I gave up reading any of Jame’s posts. They literally gave me headaches.
Listen, You Guys Are Trying To Get A Ruse Out Of Me And It’s Not Working. If You Noticed, My Last Post Did Not Have Any Sort Of Capitalizing To It Right?
You Do Not Have To Keep Repeating That Fact, I Already Know. You Don’t Just Not Like My Capitalization, But What I Have To Say As A Whole.
So Sorry, But The Truth Is The Truth And An Unbiased One.
If You Don’t Like What I Have To Say, That’s Perfectly Fine. I Will Always Give Oz The Maximum Respect, So If I Have To Say Something Pertaining To Facts, Then I Will Do That Without Hesitating (and Without Caps Of Course).
I guess you aren’t good at crosswords. People who can’t use punctuation generally aren’t.
You’re a scammer.
Here’s a lesson in English via a crossword clue: “Jame supporting a scam is a ?”
Four letters begins with the third letter of the alphabet, contains one vowel and ends in a consonant. The vowel is the first letter of uniform, umbrella, unicorn, etc.
Maximum respect. Loser
Scammer? Seriously, What Scam Do You Think Am I Actually Supporting? It’s Just Like I Said, You Don’t Want To Hear The Truth.
It’s Totally Fine, I Was Not Asking For Your Approval On The Matter Anyway. I Have No Idea What That Comment Was About, But It’s Pointless To Argue With Minors.
Just Like Everyone Else, I Have A Right To Speak. I Speak Truth And Facts, If You Don’t Want To Know What Is True And Not True, That’s Totally Fine, Can’t Please Everyone.
Scammer? Well, If Telling The Truth Is Being Called A “Scam” These Days, Then So Be It!
And Yes, Maximum Respect!
This comp plan video is so ridiculous.
LOL “Turn $49 into $10K/mth”
And the second “claim” — “Up to $2,047.50 per month without enrolling”.
Nothing to see here, Folks. LOL.
Hey OZ,
Interesting review/comments.
AliveMax domain is no longer active (at least from our end)
The FTC has them on their radar.
Interesting. AliveMax’s website domain was available as late as December 2022. Was pulled down sometime after.
Wonder if it had something to do with LiveGood taking off. I can’t speak to a related FTC action, haven’t heard anything.
I think LG is a brewing time bomb. The owner might have good intentions but they cannot sustain this plan as they grow.
That’s when they are going to vanish, have problems and eventually banned by the FTC.
I joined with the $50, didn’t receive any product. The using a psychological trigger of FOMO by showing you a powerline system and for you not to miss out, pay $10 so you don’t lose your spot.
Now if I pay this money I get nothing for it. Can you imagine 1000000 paying $10 every month just to maintain an imaginary powerline where you have no control of?
For me this is suspicious. I don’t know why people cannot read in between the lines.
This company is an American company, yet reaching out to the world using hungry networkers who see this as their chance to make money.
If the get shut down by the FTC, most people not in the USA will lose out. For me I will not endorse this company as a legit mlm company.
You are capitalizing the first letter of every single word you type (including in the post you claim had “[no] capitalizing to it”. Why? It makes your posts difficult to read.
Maybe it’s not as bad as typing in ALL CAPS, but nearly so. No one is trying to get a rise out of you; we’re just saying you have a habit you need to drop if you want to engage with readers.
In English, only the first letters of sentences, quotes, and proper names ahould be capitalized. (In the German language, the first letters of nouns are also capitalized, but not in English.)
I hope this helps. No one is trying to pick on you, Jame.
Okay, I get it. but I have been typing that way for as long as I can remember. I don’t know how to type or write any other way.
It doesn’t feel right this way but I will try. It’s a habit that’s not easily broken but again, I will try.
Very good. Well done, Sir!
Interesting. I asserted back in comment #10 that the exchange of products wasn’t even necessary. Possible, but not necessary.
You don’t think he’s pulling a fast one by collecting money and working with big recruiters also collecting fees? That the cheap white-label products are merely a front?
In practical working terms, i.e., not just written on paper, “legit MLM” is an oxymoron.
*Claps hands for Jame attempting to correct a bad habit. Well done.
SHADOWMAN YOU sir are funny! Do you understand your words are typical “”KAREN”” words…
I use voice text most of the time and don’t spend my time rereading every time. My comments are for people who have commonsense and understanding.
YOU sir understood what my words were… yet… you had to take your intelligence and kill it by pulling a KAREN and make senseless comment…
This is offtopic but ironically the only Karen here is you.
Someone corrected your grammar, cop it on the chin instead of going all Karen on them.
Thank you for publishing a review on LiveGood.
To my understanding, if a company pays comissions on pure membership subscriptions (aka no products sold), it’s a pyramid scheme.
Don’t you think so ?
And why do you say it’s not an MLM project ?
Best regards,
That’s one type of pyramid scheme. LiveGood would fall under the “product-based pyramid scheme” model.
Anyone who claims an MLM company isn’t an MLM company is wrong.
Seeing Faith Sloane now pimping this now. Huge Red Flag right there.
The owner of this page is doing the Lord’s work. Thank you so much for exposing these frauds
Rather than all the words back and forth, why not direction to the source the means the most?
This is just a small portion that was sent to me awhile back that had me look deeper into the ones who govern how MLM operates.
Some will STILL have a blind eye to this and will not spend the time to evaluate and unpack this information before dragging others into it…
Paying Commissions on Sales Tools, Sales Kits, and Training Materials…… No!
We often hear the question, “Can we pay commission on sales tools, sales kits, and training materials?” The definitive answer is NO! This isn’t appropriate.
Think about it, if a company paid commissions on sales tools and training then, conceivably, no one in the company would ever have to sell the company’s products or services.
Everyone would make money only by selling sales tools, sign up fees, and training materials. This has all the elements of a pyramid, head-hunting recruitment scheme.
This is an illegal pyramid scheme.
You can NOT require the purchase of a product or service for which commissions are paid on to join and/or participate in a business opportunity. They are requiring the purchase of the $40 and the $9.95 BOTH of which are paying commissions.
The FTC is going to love this (they are fastly becoming the purple tile on the gray wall), and this is the last thing our industry needs.
Oz I dont know what your intentions were when you wrote this review. But all the ponzi promoters are using this as a positive review to promote Livegood now.
Same intention as any BehindMLM review: to provide the most accurate information about an MLM company available.
Ponzi scammers are free to use that information, same as anyone else.
I’m sure there are not many if any retail REAL customers. Doesn’t there need to be a certain % in retail sales? Or non affiliate sales?
As per the FTC “the majority” of an MLM company’s sales revenue needs to come from retail customers.
Given we’ve now got serial MLM Ponzi promoters like Faith Sloan pillaging South Africa for recruits (MLM crypto fraud is pretty dead at the moment), not retail customers, it’s pretty obvious LiveGood likely falls well-short in the retail sales revenue department.
For his part, Ben Glinsky doesn’t seem to care.
Does LiveGood deliver the product to your retail customer on your behalf and in Australia?
David Harrison
I imagine so if products are ordered online.
So it begins:
Possibly not same Live Good? Dates are off.. sorry.
All good, it is the same company name.
Had a look into it; The FDA’s warning pertains to Berry Gen Slim, sold by Live Good Inc. This predates LiveGood the MLM company by a year (2021 vs. 2022 MLM launch).
If anyone else comes across the FDA’s diabetes warning from September 2021, note that it’s not related to the LiveGood MLM company reviewed here.
Is the Live Good scam worth it when the FTC does a TRO on the owners personal assets. That’s how it works.
Timbo and Ben, Karma has no menu. You get served what You deserve
Thanks everyone, i learnt a lot reading this.
It’s totally logical that if the majority of LiveGood Members are affiliates then it’s operating as a pyramid scheme.
If most of their revenue comes from memberships and not product purchases then its a pyramid scheme.
Makes sense to me. You’all saved me a lot of time. Cheers.
$40 one time fee to the company & $9.95 a month membership, no commissions on product volume and insane shipping costs.
Why would you even bother?
This is one of the idiotic deals i have seen in years. Yet 100’s of monric MLM Leaders persist in pushing this nonsense.
Have they forgotten the last 10 years of FTC rulings and warnings or are they just plain batshit stupid?
This pretty much sums LiveGood up.
-Interesting comment on crypto deals being pretty dead, what makes you say that?-
Most of what I’m seeing (and you’re seeing reviewed) are low effort crypto scams from the same actors in Dubai/Russia/Ukraine/Singapore etc.
These are mostly targeting third-world countries with a smattering of western investors.
The few MLM Ponzis catering to the west, your NovaTechs, CryptoPrograms, Ultron/Mavie, OmegaPros etc., either aren’t going well or have collapsed. Recruitment is down across the board.
The rate of new launches has also dropped significantly. I’m trying to keep up so I can get into the larger MLM companies on my list. I wasn’t able to over the last few years. Since Q4 2022 things have slowed down such that I’m almost able to.
I’ll go into it a bit more next month. Got a surprise I’ve been meaning to get started for years.
Seems as if Livegood has a crypto payment option….
That would explain the attraction of the MLM crypto Ponzi crowd.
They’ve already got the victims to recruit into it and LiveGood would be a defacto crypto offramp for them.
You are not wrong, but products can also be used as “tools”. The transfer of money is just attached to products instead of the training materials.
It’s simple. If affiliates are the only ones buying/using the products, and upline commissions are generated from that, I quote, “no one in the company would ever have to sell the company’s products or services.”
One just has the appearance of being “less bad”.
You know honestly I hope that LiveGood does stick around. I really likle the products. They are much cheaper then the organic products I use to buy on Amazon and they actually do seem to be working.
I have been taking them daily for the past 3 weeks and I feel a lot better. Much more energy ,better sleep, circulation etc.. Also I like the fact that they stand behind the product by doing Q and A going over the details.
Thats just my thoughts though also I would hate to see thousands of people being promised certain things financially and it being pulled out from under them but only time will truly tell.
Appreciate your reviews as always and you giving a perspective on your thoughts on different companies.
This industry can be ruthless but there are a few long standing companies and hopefully LiveGood even if just for products sake will be one of them.
In USA if you pay comissions just for memberships, without product…that´s considered an allegued ponzi…and Live Good does it.
Is not rocket science right Javier!
People can be easily be blinded greed.
*pyramid scheme. Ponzi is investment fraud. The two are not willy nilly interchangeable.
Right..but the point is…both Ponzi and Pyramid scheme are ilegal…and Live Good by offering comissions based on recruitment without products is considered an ilegal activity…
the question is…The FTC knows about it?
I would say 99.9% the FTC is well aware of LG. From what I’ve seen in the last 30 years I’ve bee in this industry how they go after companies is, they do not do it immediately.
They are patient and watch the revenues going in. Once there’s a lot of money, they step in, sees it, shut down the company, and that’s where innocent people who get recruited into that pyramid/money game by others get hurt.
Jonathan thats EXACTLY what I hope doesnt happen. The worse part about companies getting shutdown is the innocent people that are just trying to find a way to make their and their families lives better.
I hope if/when the FTC comes for LiveGood they switch it to product commissions. With the rate of sales honestly people could make more easier but then the question is is how much after production of the product is left to do so.
I guess time will only truly tell whats going to happen. I feel like in the next 6 months or sooner we will know the direction of LiveGood.
WOW!!! All this chatter over one company. That means it’s a really great company or really bad company.
I would think if the FTC had an issue with the company, it would be shut down by now.
What is shocking to me is the growth of the company. There are a huge amount of people buying into this each and every day. So, I guess it can’t be all bad. The compensation plan looks pretty good as well.
LiveGood is relatively new. The FTC typically takes years to move, if at all. We’ve seen a significant reduction in new cases since the SC’s AMG decision (pending the outcome of several long-running cases).
It is if they’re buying into the MLM opportunity.
They’ll never get it Oz. The excuses keep coming as to why they are so called the “best company there is”.
The real reason why their products are so low-cost is not because it’s best for the consumer, but because he has NOT made any changes to those products since he had them!
Made no effort to put those products through scientific research and random clinical trials like he supposed to as a REAL health and nutritional company.
But still, he thinks that his products are way better than the actual clinicians who put their OWN health products through rigorous testing before putting them on the market?
Now, if those other places are mandated by law to do so, why isn’t he? So again, why would I join a health company who doesn’t think about that concept??
Live Good promoters are telling people,that Live Good is not a MLM company. They are comparing Live Good with Netflix, Sam´s, Cotsco, Amazon… as a suspcripción company and many people are falling into this lie.
It´s curious that a helth company with healthy products… is becoming famous because they are offering a way to avoid buying the products, for $9.95 Montly so, their products are not as good as they say?
This type fo companies affect the MLM industry, that people when the FTC get to review them and make them stop doing pyramiding.. they are going to go out to tell the world that MLM is scam and it´s no fair… there are good MLM companies.
So the latest recruitment strategy is to promote that the company is in 232 countries.
How does a 6 month old company do this?
NFR – many countries don’t allow NFR. South Korea Thailand.
So are the mailing product? It will never arrive non East Timor or even Romania. plus shipping is prohibited.
Or they just paying commissions on the monthly subscription?
India Norway Italy will not like that.
Out of business by the end of the year.
Another black mark on the industry.
It just never stops getting ridiculous! They were only 196 countries on the planet. Many of those do not allow MLM yet…
Leave it to LG, and the cluster of people promoting a money deal, to come up with that many countries.
Who is the LG country manager for North Korea if they are planning for every single country?
Oh and the Russian Federation. The anti vax trump loving Christian’s will all be over this War Criminals can sign up too!!
While due to war in Ukraine and sanctions getting products shipped to Russia and making payments might be problematic, I think there is a small group of affiliates there, albeit in the downlines from other, neighbouring countries.
Wow. I am a LiveGood customer/member. I clicked on a link in Google about LiveGood reviews and came upon this back and forth…
The way I see it, LiveGood products are an excellent supplement choice.I waste 10 or more usd monthly doing or buying things that I really don’t need or could do without, so I personally don’t see why not put my 10 usd to good use, and get discount on my purchases or become an Affiliate and make some extra bucks while doing so.
For me, becoming an affiliate would be a win win. So whether one’s choice is to hate or love LiveGood, the company, it seems, is going to be around until such time…
But what you don’t understand is for a $20 product in order to make it profitable for the company they have to reduce the raw material that they put in to any given product.
Why do you ask a 250 mL bottle will cost the same for a $20 product as it will for an $80 product the transportation from a manufacturing facility to a warehouse will cost the same as an $80 product over heads and allocations for warehouseing will be the same.
The only variable is the quality of the ingredient.
It’s not just $10 you’re paying my friend. It’s the $10 membership fee but you still have to pay for your product plus shipping cost and depending on the country, that’s a lot.
So there’s not much difference from the $10 and more you were paying before.
Thanks so much for reminding everyone of the MLM inherent flaw. Sure do appreciate it.
The problem is not the $9.95us monthly fee or the $49.95 initial fee…the problem is that it is ilegal to pay commissiones based on memberships that don´t include any product…. that is considered by the FTC Pyramiding.
The other problem is… that FTC like to use the 70% Amway rule… Live Good is far away from that standard.
Well I would doubt they are Pharmaceutical Grade products, they are Food Grade at best, and the guys hitting me are comparing them to found on Amaazon.
On the videos i have seen the claims regarding the efficy of the products are are misleading
You cant say you have the best minerals on the planet without having the evidence to back it up.
Thanks for the review, I’m in South Africa and wanted clarity on whether this is a ponzi scheme or not.
a family member who has lost loads of money to ponzi schemes is so invested into LG recruiting people daily so was a bit worried.
*pyramid scheme
So what is your opinion? In the USA can you pay commissions on monthly subscriptions?
My opinion doesn’t matter. As per previous cases brought by the FTC under the FTC Act:
1. Monthly subscriptions that merely provide access to discounts isn’t a product/service in and of itself (think discounted travel pyramid schemes). Commissions need to be tied to the sale of actual products/services.
2. If actual products/services are being sold but the majority of memberships sold are held by participants in the income opportunity, that MLM company is operating as a pyramid scheme in violation of the FTC Act.
There’s a reason why LiveGood has only 45,000 reps from the United States out of the over 200,000 reps that are in third world countries. The reason is it’s a Ponzi scam.
Outside the United States they can pretend to ship product which they’re not shipping to Third World countries but most of their members are from Third World countries that are using the LG company to scam people into a pay to play opportunity with no products.
I am still waiting for my $2047.50 monthly income paycheck guarantee for doing nothing doe.
Oz mentioned only the names of Ben Glinsky and Nauder Khazan. In a video from March 20, 2023, four names are mentioned.
Ryan Goodkin on Instagram (also includes photos of Lisa Goodkin):
Did you see Troy Dooley post? About affiliates posting their income claims?
Full disclosure: While I am looking at this, I have not joined. Im here doing my due dillegence before deciding. I believe there is a huge misinterpretation on the FTC rules concerning making money on signups.
The rule is you cannot design a comp plan where the primary source of distributor pay comes from the signup.
In the past there have been companies with a product where the product commission was so low and insignificant. Example cell phone service costing $100 month and the commission being something like 10 cents.(a real example Ive seen get shut down).
To make it look like a business with good commission oppty these companies would charge like $350 startup, which carved up between 2 or 3 levels and paid out as fast start money for distributors.
The problem was you could sign up 3 or 4 distrutors a month for a couple of months, make about a grand a month. Then slow down on month 3 and only have 50 cents commission on products, which would not get paid until over time it accumulates to a min of $20.
I believe with this company some of the FTC concerns are cared for.
1) Signup $49 (is small) can be made up with signing just 2 people and you get $50 payout.
2) The product is the membership, which includes a backoffice site. Almost all companies have started to charge for the back office site, but I havent seen many companies paying residuals on the fee for backoffice site.
3) Having a backoffice site allows you to:
a) get signficant discounts on nutritional products. (most people dont take vitamins onnce in blue moon. You’re either taking them or your not.)
b) You are allowed to signup others can collect residuals on the backoffice site, and a signup bonus of $25.
I hope this helps. Love this site, We need our collective experience to help each other navigate through a sea of repeat offenders in our industry.
No need to complicate things.
If the majority of LiveGood memberships are being sold to affiliates, LiveGood is operating as a pyramid scheme.
LiveGood Company current events. Most LiveGood members and some MyDailyChoice leaders have jumped to iCoinPro Crypto MLM for their copy of the compensation powerline.
Many of the members with the most people in their matrix powerline have moved their whole team.
That’s what happens when you make a monthly guarantee of at least $2047.50 with no recruiting and doing nothing and people find out that it’s a lie.
Both owners have very shady past. Both being untrustworthy who’s worse Justin Clark or Ben Glinsky?
You can fight and argue all you want over semantics and terminology, but the bottom line is that Ben Glinsky is a “start-up” machine that has used his position of “success” to start several companies and then leave them before they get in trouble or go belly-up.
This one, like others such as World Ventures and others mentioned here will last 2-4 years and Ben and Khazan will be off to some other venture making money for those that “get in on the ground floor” while the rest will be left holding the proverbial bag.
Some of you will make money early here, but this model is not sustainable for the long haul (history has already proven it)…something for nothing leads to nothing.
Anyone in MLM/network marketing has seen it before. This affiliate/membership type comp plan has been used before and failed in the end.
So to those that are in early….good luck in making your money now…you’ll be off to another Ben Glinsky brainchild affair in a couple of years.
“Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Winston Churchill
Very well said Ron. Another problem that these people don’t understand is when you promote a deal like this and people wake up to it, or the FTC shuts it down, and they will it’s just a matter of time, your credibility takes a huge hit.
I have been seeing quite a few people in my network wake up to what’s going on. Many have not yet, and refused to because all they see are dollar signs.
I have yet to see a legit, true network marketing leader in livegood. They’re just not there!
There’s a lot of self proclaimed leaders, there’s a lot of leaders who were in the right spot in the past and became recognized, but most of them are bounce around networkers.
I see so many on my timeline that I’ve watched over the last few years jump into deal after deal. A lot of them have already been in three or four in the past year! And the ones who talk thr big talk get upset when truth and reality is spoken.
Some of them just cannot let go of that idea of making money “off” of people and instead focus on making money with people in a legit way.
Agreed Jonathan…this has all the earmarkings of another “cut-and-run” operation with a “start-up” guru making a ton of money and then disappearing after awhile… But still we see “lifers” in MLM chasing fast money… easy money of doing nothing or very little and expecting huge returns.
Folks would rather believe in this type of lottery or hitting that proverbial jackpot instead of putting in the work and sweat-equity to build something lasting and on a solid foundation.
This one too will go by the wayside…. maybe not tomorrow or next month… but it won’t be that long before it gets noticed and investigated, and ultimately, fail… but the “believers” will follow these so-called leaders on to the next shiny object.
I’ve already been approached several times about this one and two in my current organization have moved over, telling me this comp plan is the “newest and best thing ever”… and when I tell them I’ve already seen it before and it failed, tried to justify it saying this one “will be different”!
This will be yet another “Thud” in the network marketing industry I’m afraid.
There are very legit companies out there… I just don’t believe in my head or my heart… this will turn out to be one of them!!
I joined about 3 months ago and last month made $45.25 without enrolling anyone so the membership is paying for itself, but I can see you need many, many folks beneath to reach the $2047.
I also heard on a call that the membership system was perfectly legal.
It is unfortunate but you will always have people follow the next hyped-up get rich quick gimmick. Get in early and you don’t have to do a thing or ever talk to anyone.
What makes this sham company even worse is they even tell you that you don’t have to buy products, just the membership and lock your spot in the so called power-line and get commissions from that.
WOW, this is a company for bottom feeders trying to get a few scraps while Glinsky and his buddies make bank $$$ before it either collapses or the FTC comes in and fines, shuts it down or both.
Many people know this is a pyramid I even had a guy hit me up telling me he knows it’s a pyramid but get in anyway and make a few bucks.
I just feel bad for the people that really want an extra income and think it will happen with this garbage.
It is. The part they leave out it is, with respect to MLM, if the majority of memberships are purchased by affiliates then it’s a pyramid scheme.
So, in the long run, they are “selling memberships” and at some point, since they are touting the fact that people don’t need to sell or purchase products, only memberships, it will end up being shut down as a pyramid… correct??
I guess in essence, it is…but you’ve put in $30, plus the $40 affiliate fee, so you’re in for $70 so far… it’s gonna take a couple more months before you break even… but it’s good you’re seeing some return on your investment for little to no effort…hope it continues.
The broader issue is a lack of retail sales. That is if you dissected LiveGood’s monthly revenue, you’d find the majority of revenue was tied to affiliate purchases.
With respect to LiveGood being a pyramid scheme, whether this affiliate revenue is generated via membership fees or product sales is irrelevant.
With respect to determining if LiveGood is operating as a pyramid scheme, that the majority of revenue is tied to memberships instead of product sales makes it easier to determine without access to the financials.
Radio silence on this compliance issue by LiveGood and Glinsky speaks volumes.
Agreed Oz!!
Wow, really? If LG’s membership system was perfectly legal, then why did the ventures he had before that fail? He used the same type of jargon with his others.
The only difference is that he used different amounts in each of his ventures to claim you can earn without enrolling a single person.
Second, why is he not forthcoming with his compensation plan before handing over your money?
This way, people will be aware and make their own decision on whether to join. Instead, they go in blind believing it will happen for them because he said so, end up not being so and people quit but not before they at least make their money back that was taken from them.
His membership system is in no way legal because the LAW says that you cannot pay commissions based on recruitment or anything similar, ONLY on product sales, nothing more.
That is the law of the land when dealing with any MLM. This MLM program is no different from others out there so why shouldn’t he have to follow the same protocol as everyone else?
No, his membership system is NOT perfectly legal. But to him it is because he said so. Smh
I signed up and paid for the year unfortunately. After reading all of the comments I can’t in good conscience promote recruiting anyone.
Looking at the products I’m finding it hard to see real information. Is there somewhere I can look to see true product analysis?
I’m in Australia and I’m not sure it’s even legal to bring in the CBD oil.
Livegood is an organized pyramid disguised as an MLM. Normally, registration is free. Payment upon registration should be to acquire a certain fixed product. TANGIBLE product.
Livegood says the offer discount in place of a membership fee? INTANGIBLE product.
All money paid out is as a result of accumulating membership and Affiliate fees, not from the sales of products by the company as should be.
‘Rob Peter to pay Paul’
It is going to crash as it is NOT sustainable.
Zuta, you are 150,000%, correct! Nailed it to a T.
So 2 new products are coming to LG, what do they do just white label any product with their name? No testing? No documentation of who used these products?
And their affiliates are hyping the products as life changing and best on the market…. they haven’t even been in business long enough for the products to have a measurable effect on most people that just started using them.
One of my friends is so hyped about LG, it’s like she’s gone off the deep end!!!
Another person I met yesterday was talking to me about the way Ben’s previous company – Skinny Body suddenly ended, leaving a lot of people very pissed and the option was to join the other company valentus which was apparently even harder & more expensive to do than Skinny body.
5% of all company revenue must be from retail sales. This is what MLM law states.
I do not believe that livegood has 5% of their company revenue being from retail sales.
51% is a rule of thumb “majority”. It isn’t law but is the threshold the FTC use when suing an MLM company for violations of the FTC Act.
Interesting to see that the majority of reps are coming in in India South Africa and now Korea.
Those countries demand rigorous reviews of products before they can be imported. So 50% of reps didn’t even have access to products.
They’re coming in from every country but they’re not getting any product. The shipping cost is too much money. So basically they are joining just to make commissions on membership fees.
50% is paid out and the other 50% goes to the company for NOTHING with no overrides.
Kevin Thompson MLM attorney is pissed for people using his name that he backs this company.
@Tony Gage … EXACTLY … it is one big money game.
200+ countries around the world. What a joke. There are regulations to run legit biz’s in all of these countries.
Anyone with half a brain can see that. However, all of the “top marketers” ignore this and focus on the commissions.
Ben Glinsky said on one of their hype zooms recently that “top leaders” need to change deals every 3-5 years because nothing is built to last forever.
LOL. He certainly has proven that for himself.
Oh, by the way, their “company headquarters” is a joke. Go check it out on Google Maps.
Total sham operation.
Wow! Now I know why MLM is such a disaster, nobody knows the rules. Before I begin I am not an LG Affiliate or Member
Lets talk natural products for a second and validate one of LG’s claims of over priced products. Nobody will dispute that MLM products are overpriced and the so called “wholesale cost” they offer consumers/distributors is an insult if people really knew.
I am going to educate a few people here about the Natural Products Industry. If a person goes to a Whole Foods for example or GNC the price a person see’s on the store shelve has been marked up 400%. It kind of looks like this for a product that would retail for $40 USD;
Manufacturers cost: $5.00
Distributor buys at: $10.00
Retailer buys at: $20.00
Consumer pays: $40.00
MLM Product: $65.00
There is a 100% markup at each level but that can vary based on volume discounts so on average the markup at each level will be approximately 75%.
Never in my time has an MLM company ever come close to offering a “wholesale” price on their products as it might relate to a true wholesale industry value as described above.
The commission structure in MLM plans always needs higher than normal priced products in order to pay out top heavy corporate structures.
FACT: So in LG’s defense YES it is true what they say that MLM products are overpriced.
There is nothing wrong with membership plans. As some people have stated, Costco is a membership based operation and interestingly they make more net revenue from memberships ($5.84 billion/year) than from selling products out of their stores (FACT).
The membership allows people to gain access to unique products and package discounts the same way LG is doing for its prospective customers.
…so far LG is looking pretty good?
Let MLM screw up a good thing, why is it that they constantly stick their foot in their mouths?
Well this one is an easy one really. Here are the facts as to what would constitute pyramid selling;
Ask yourself, does LG pass the Koskot test? The what?!
Koscot Test was a 4 part test that determines whether the business or a scheme is a pyramid scheme. It was established in 1975 in the court case “FTC vs. Koscot Interplanetary” i.e. 86 F.T.C. 1106, 1181 (1975) “Koscot”
Since then FTC has used this test that is broken down into 4 categories;
(1) Payment of money to the company;
(2) The participant receives the right to sell a product (or service);
(3) The participant receives compensation for recruiting others into the program;
(4) The compensation is unrelated to the sale of products (or services) to the ultimate user.
…well I think it would be a resounding YES for all 4 parts
Now this can get a little murky because this pretty much makes up the lions share of MLM’s. A company must demonstrate that the bulk, more than 50% of business activities, is geared towards sales to the END USER who does not participate as a distributor or affiliate in the company.
If all people are getting paid upon is by recruiting and auto-ship orders of internal distributors then you have an illegal pyramid scheme.
I haven’t had a chance to take a closer look at their products but I am a huge health and natural supplement buff. Anyone can make and launch a supplement company these days through a plethora of independent co-packers.
In fact 98% of all MLM’s do this just so they can start an MLM company on the cheap…its’s really not that hard.
If the products have quality ingredients and are fairly priced I will always have a look. I spend easily $500 per month to maintain my physique and increase my longevity but most can not do this so if there was a way to get a price break then it is worth looking at. Without diving in on the surface they look appealing.
Just like in Real Estate it’s Location-Location-Location and in MLM it’s Track Record–Track Record–Track Record!!!
Probably the most important thing to learn is who is running the show and do they know what they are doing?
I have seen a ton of distributors who were hugely successful in being distributors but couldn’t run a company to save their lives. What sort of track record do they have?
It would seem that the track record of the leader of LG has some skeletons in the closet, never a good thing because people will ultimately find out and history tends to repeat itself.
Compensation Structure…will have to look at this closer but at first glance Uni-level plans are tough and require a lot of front line qualified members, think I saw the top pin level requiring 100 front line members (the average person sponsors 1.5 people) so it is a plan for the sharks and not the guppies 😉
I only decided to post because some MLM degenerate decided to troll my social media to tell me how wonderful and different this company is.
My first thought was a company is only as good as its people so if it is made up of or forced people to be a degenerate like the one who trolled my social media than I have no interest…AND IT IS LIKELY JUST A DIFFERENT WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.
That’s it that’s all 🙂
(Ozedit: derails and abuse removed)
Theirs posts calling the products White Products and haven’t been analysed or tested, is that really your professional opinion?, Have you even looked who manufactures them
And comments like Bens last venture failed, is that a fact? even at the top of this very page through Behind MLM’s review of LG it tells you that his company was actually sold to Valentus in early 2019.
Dont get me wrong i dont necessary agree with the business model however I see the other side of the coin and tend to agree with it presenting a chance of a small side or full income to tens of thousands of people who have been impacted, laid off, sacked what ever since the epidemic and now with all the interest rate rises, rents & food through the roof, im more inclined to hope more people might have a chance of getting hope again with something like this for basically $10 a month. Just my thoughts.
First of all, LG’s products have not been tested. The “analysed” Documents You guys Have Means NOTHING if it hasn’t been through proper scientific research and separate human clinical trials!
He spent $0 on R&D (Research and Development) and I am not sure why LG and its members can’t comprehend the fact that If those products have not been through that kind of testing, then they do not belong on the market (Per FTC Rules)
Second, only one of his ventures were sold, others like Skinny Body Care which he was sued for and another which was abandoned, look it up.
As far as the business model, I don’t know how desperate you guys need to be to be duped into something like this. He has his members using disgusting tactics and misrepresentations to make his money.
You only get $25 per new member and $.25 in the matrix and that’s only if they stay!
We will always have sympathy for others grievances. However, forcing us to see it your way and not the truthful & legal way will always be a waste of time for LG.
Fair comments although I believe your getting mixed up with Food & Drugs instead of Vitamins & Supplements.
FYI, Dietary supplements are not required by federal law to be tested for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed.
They do seem to have pretty qualified in house Team.
LiveGoods Directors of Product Development
RYAN GOODKIN – Doctorate in pharmacy from Palm Beach Atlantic University and a degree in science and nutrition from Florida State University, Ryan has a unique background of being both a natural health practitioner, as well as a pharmacist.
Lisa Goodkin – Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology, a degree in Science and Nutrition and over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry
Wow, really? Listen, please do your research?
Any kind of health product including dietary supplements need to be tested though scientific studies and random human clinical trials before putting them on the market, look it up, not just the FDA but it’s also a part of FTC’s Consumer Protection Act as far as dietary supplements and other health products people market online, look it up.
Second, what I mean by R&D is someone going through the process of developing new products after testing the old ones.
NO health store has the same product year after year without going through that process of testing and upgrading the old ones and developing new ones.
why is it that every other MLM health company has to follow these rules and LG doesn’t? LG is MLM so it should be under the same rules as everyone else.
ALL health products need to be tested and random human clinical trials and the reason for those kinds of studies and trials is because you want to make sure the product does what it said, Make sure it’s safe and have little to NO side effects before putting selling them to the public.
Why would the FTC put that in their protection law if they do not intend for anyone to follow it. The rules are there for our protection and that’s a fact.
FTC rules in a nutshell is if you’re going to market health products online including dietary supplements, they need to have documentation, that includes real scientific based studies and random human clinical trials attached to that product, PERIOD! There’s no loophole within that clause.
FTC rule in a nutshell: can ONLY pay and receive commissions from the sale of a product, that’s it! No matrix, NO discounts, ONLY product sales and to the end-user.
This is the FTC’s “Consumer Protection Act” geared towards MLM programs including health programs. LG falls under the MLM program so that means the rules apply to him as well, I don’t see why that is overlooked.
LG needs to be hit with the truth. You are not going to convince someone that what you are doing is within the law because it’s not.
LG’s products have to go through the same testing procedures every other MLM who sells health products and dietary supplements have to go through, especially when you are trying to convince someone that what they are buying is safe? how do you know? You don’t because they have never been through that kind of testing.
LG Cannot can ONLY pay commissions on product sales. anymore than that is considered illegal. LG needs to follow the same rules all others have to follow on every level.
So it really doesn’t matter what we say or think about this situation because of course we all have different opinions, it will only matter what the FTC & FDA thinks because they run the show when it comes on online MLM nonsense.
The LiveGood company tragic black eye to the industry. With around 500,000 representatives not one person has earned $2047.50 for just signing up and doing nothing as they claim.
Not one person with over 500,000 representatives! The biggest hoax and black eye to the industry. Demand your money back. 
The problem with Live Good is the way it was marketed from the very beginning… So Hyped up… telling people they could earn $2,000 without doing a damn friggin thing……
It attracted the laziest, greediest, freeloaders from all over the world….. YES top recruiters who brought in big numbers in the hundreds will earn big money from the matching bonuses… but if you cant recruit more than a couple people you will only earn pennies.
Plus many countries have no access to the products or have to pay $30 shipping for a $20 product.
Not sure what your mean by FTC’s Consumer Protection Act? There is a Federal Food Drugs & Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) & The Federal Trade Commission Act which is the primary statute of the Commission.
I did do my research, this is taken straight off the National Institute of Healths Website:
Ive provided you the research showing what ive said is correct so now can you provide your research showing what you have been saying that vitamins & dietary supplements need to be tested though scientific studies and random human clinical trials before putting them on the market?
Listen, I am not going to argue with you about this. In the FTC’s “Consumer Protection Act” it provides a section on how to behave when marketing dietary supplements and other health related products.
Second, let me just say this, if you and LG do not think that putting your products through that kind of testing before putting them on the market is important and vital to your consumer’s safety, then obviously you people do not care about your customer’s health.
This is not a one size fits all type of thing. People have health issues and if that task is not done beforehand, you will cause injury and whether you like it or not, that’s FACT!
Now, to the business, this is straight from the FTC’s Consumer’s Protection Act and how you want to interpret this, it’s irrelevant to me.
**FTC Law to Advertising of Dietary Supplements and Other Health-related Products
In other words, tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, seems LG missed the boat on that one because nothing they claim is true, not about their products or their income claims.
However you want to take that is fine. But LG seems to think that advertising these Products like “Super Reds” as a way to bring down blood pressure and cardiovascular support without that kind of scientific backing or clinical trials is a good thing. It’s NOT!
If someone asks you to give them proof, what you have according to the FTC standards is not sufficient because those so called analysis you have needs to come from a researcher in the field, not a lab.
Why would I or anyone else buy anything from a company who does not think or care to add that task to their agenda? Smh
I dont see much about the fact they do not pay any commissions on product sales, through the network.
How can this possibly be ok with the networkers doing all the work, bringing all the members in and not get paid on on anything they buy, except the lousy montly member fee?
What about FTC?… Live Good is running a pyramide scam in their nose and they don’t do anything?
It’ takes over 8000 people in a members matrix to earn the $2,047.50 a month that they claim is guaranteed with no work.
The FTC can unfortunately take years to tackle pyramid schemes. It’s one area of regulation that’s far behind the SEC/CFTC.
I read through a lot of the comments. I have joined Live Good for the products. After being part of Melaleuca for over 30 years not earning any money and prices going up Live Good is a breathe of fresh air.
I wish all the people above complaining about Live Good would just sit down and keep quiet
I know Timbo personally, he means what he says and has a good heart.
Yeah, just gonna leave that there.
People in MLM for over 30 years, fail at retail and now and can’t see a pyramid for the trees.
People join LG because it’s CHEAPER … no other reason. That’s their entire marketing strategy …be cheaper than everyone else… that’s how they sell it. Period.
The quality of their products is the LAST thing anyone talks about.
You cannot make that argument when LiveGood are running an autoship recruitment scheme.
We’ve already been down this road with Vemma. They lost.
Not sure what you mean Oz? I’m not defending LG by any means…I think they’ll be a memory after they are taken to task in a few years …
I’ve been pitched by a few friends now and the main thrust of each pitch was simply price… period…. cheap membership… lock in your position… no required product purchase… and very cheap product prices … that’s what my reply was based on.
I should have been clearer…sorry bout that!
By falsely claiming nobody is joining LiveGood other than for its cheaper products, thus denying its business model, you are in fact defending LiveGood’s business model.
That I personally I don’t care about. What I do care about is the falsity of your quoted statement.
I might have misunderstood if you were referring to the membership fee, but that’s not how I read it.
Even still, being the cheapest pyramid scheme isn’t the problem – LiveGood being a pyramid scheme is the problem. All good, I think we’re on the same page.
Curry Russell is losing his Live Good mind from the comments on this site.
Lol, of course, one more LG member coming to save the day huh? Keep quiet, that’s what you want us to do right?
Well, that will only happen when LG starts hitting the net with the truth.
Tell the truth about your products and comp plan. When you tell the truth, then and only then will we go sit down and keep quiet!
If you are going to ignore and keep lying, then we’ll keep yapping. Silencing the messengers now won’t help your case, your products and comp plan are on the wrong side of the tracks and being exposed is LG’s problem to fix and how you feel about it is irrelevant to us.
Do the right thing and you won’t be wasting your time trying your best to silence the messengers on here who do exactly what you won’t do and that’s to speak the truth.
LG says “we fixed this broken MLM industry”. No LG, just the opposite, you shattered it. Smh, absolutely ridiculous!
Live Good is giving hope for thousands of frustrated people who claim a easy business to get any result… They are ignorant people with lack of knowledge about MLM they only see they are earning some money. That´s why they are going to defend Live Good to death.
The fact is…live good is a classic pyramid scheme where earlier people is getting paid with last money joiners.
FTC is no going to react until they see and strong amount of money to seize and the day it happens these ignorant people will jump to another scam and will blame government, saying they want to keep them poor.
A the end real MLM Business will be affected by this type of scams.
Now David Dekel is promoting Live Good. He’s creating a David Dekel system and all the sheep will use it and lose their prospects to him just like all his systems.
LiveGood facebook page is full of nothing but spam. Every post is full of ‘take the tour’ links from foreign affiliates its horrid. They can’t even manage their own social media page.
Ben the known grifter owner bragged on video about letting his 14 year old son sign up and teaching him how to spam everybody’s DM on facebook. 14. Is that even legal?
AltLabs was dinged by the FDA about Elevate and Valentus using speed in their coffee products.
LiveGood has “natural flavor” that sounds so yummy. NOT.
The skinny body skin care on sale with LG is loaded with toxic chemicals including parabens.
So untrustworthy all the way around.
The protein is 20 bucks for 15 servings. to get 30 servings like most others its 40 plus 10 for a membership and now your back at 50 before shipping with 2 more huge plastic containers to dispose of.
People complaining that container is nearly empty when they open it and for an “organic” company they sure do waste a lot of plastic.
All I see is a lot of hype and smoke being blown around.
Now powdered Collagen launching at under 30.00 a bag. Are these products even clinically tested and for how long..
how are people injesting products not even tested by 3rd party? They’re claiming the BEST Collagen.
The new Collagen product isn’t new. It’s old Skinny Body Care inventory repackaged and Well below the ounces they say is in the bag.
And many of the ingredients were sourced from China.
So Jeff does it matter where it comes from or you just jealous you are not making money.
By the way, I am enjoying the products and a former member of SBC.
So Linda since you were in SBC when that scam powerline collapsed I guess you are good with scamming a new crop of bottom feeder networkers in the new powerline scam 10 years later that pays no commissions on cheap white label products.
VERY SAD BUT NOT SURPRSING that people like you never learn or don’t care just to make a few pennies while the LiveGood gimmick lasts.
Heard that MYDailychoice lost all their investments monies!
Respond to Wake up people, I wasn’t in SBC that long. So whatever happened I had moved on. When I joined a company I am about the products for my health and savings.
If I make money fine if not that’s alright to.
Hang on. You say you joined LG for the products, but right away complain that you didn’t make money in another MLM company, and then say LG is a breath of fresh air. That sounds like a direct contradiction.
So you were in Melaleuca, SBC, and now LG, and probably others I’ll bet. You accuse Jeff of being jealous of not making money. That would infer that you are, or intend to. But I thought you just joined for the products?
Like all MLMers Linda, you’re FOS.
And there it is. You are not just a customer buying retail products. Thanks for exposing one of the inherent flaws in the MLM con game.
Char…I was thinking the exact same thing you wrote and almost commented earlier in a very similar way!
You say you’re in it for the products, but my thought was, “Why would you then go for a company with 0 track record, 0 history and 0 research/results in the products?
Why not go for a tried and true company with quantifiable research, development and results in their products, if it’s not about the money?”
Now I see she’s been with Melaleuca and a few others…I’ve been a customer with Melaleuca for 20 years….for me their products are the best I’ve used and I will pay a little more for the quality of a product, when it’s worth it and, for me, theirs are.
I’ve done the biz end of things with Melaleuca and made some money with them in the past, but, since then I have remained just a customer because of the quality of the products. (And by the way, there have been very few, if any, price increases in Mela for many years, and I can state that as a fact.)
But, as I see it, you chose to move away from quality products and move to a new “shiny object” that costs less that you know nothing about but it’s cheap to get in and cheaper to buy…. you are a price shopper ….nothing more.
I don’t believe for a second that the $$ doesn’t matter to you and it’s “all about the products”. At least be honest about that part.
Just my 2 cents…I’ll step aside and let the smarter folks talk!
Following an abusive reply, Linda has been spam-binned.
Unhinged nutjobs. Whee!
Oz understandable move on Linda, abuse should never be tolerated in any place in life.
However maybe it’s not Lindas fault, she might be on the new collagen product that is 12-year-old left over from Skinny Body Care repackaged and why she is unhinged, Jeff A comment #248.
This train wreck straight-line will crash, people will stop joining, cheap ingredient white label products.
Then oh well off to the next hyped-up deal for all Bottom Feeder Networkers wanting to make a million that never want to spend a dime on advertising, that is why they all post on social media.
They have no money or any business sense, you must have a marketing budget in any business, but this is not a legitimate business; it is a pyramid scam paying people on memberships not on product purchases, this gimmick will collapse.
A bit of cheek is alright, I myself am guilty of it but Linda made no attempt to engage in the discussion. That’s where I draw the line.
I still see no responce to the fact that any product purchased by members, pay no commissions.
How is this even possible, how are they getting away with not paying on product sales to memebrs?
Bottom feeder networkers always jump to the next cheap deal. People that are desperate looking for the next gimmick just jump in to get in early and don’t even bother to look into the legitimacy of the corporate office address on Google Earth to make sure the company even exists.
Well, I did and all I can say is what a dump. WOW!
1201Jupiter Park Dr. Unit 5
Jupiter, FL 33458
They pay ZERO on members product purchases. Only on Retail customers. But do they even have RETAIL customers? I wonder what % is even US?
But what’s even worse is peoples health. Many people that have consumed LiveGood inc products are reporting Gastro inflammation and violent diarrhea.
@ Tony comment, I believe it and is totally GROSS, I guess I will buy Live Good products when I want violent diarrhea.
The good news is @ Tony is very few people are experiencing violent diarrhea because they just join for the scam powerline and don’t need to buy anything.
Real solid business model, just pass off memberships and with the track record of Glinsky Skinny Body Care straight line powerline scam.
The MLM junkies never learn, WHEN YOU PLAY STUPID GAMES, YOU GET STUPID PRIZES! Oh well MLM junkies off to the next deal and hopefully you won’t get DIARREAH.
Happy Anniversary to LiveGood!! One year since Oz first wrote about this pyramid scheme. This is proof that, unfortunately, there are plenty of people who are in such dire circumstances, they’re easily sweet talked into fast money for doing nothing.
Sadly, the people at the top know this and take advantage of these people. In most cases, the so-called leaders are only 1-3 months away from their own financial catastrophes.
Sheena Jones recommends LiveGood on her own website and on YouTube. Details here:
OMG.. now they’re making prevent diabetes claims with using livegood products.
I was on the meeting call yesterday, and live good seems to be getting even bigger. I don’t think they will get shut down & a lot of people buy the products. I don’t know.
Lol, yeah okay, that’s weird so let me ask a question if I may?
If LG keeps barking about high prices for other MLM products, then why would we believe that people are buying yours?
First off, do you really think your product costs less than others? I think not, so let me tell you my theory and the reason why I DO NOT think people are buying your products.
Reason 1: your product costs anywhere from $18 to $28, right? The problem with LG is that you guys seem to think that we’re just as gullible as you are. Your cost is NOT $18-$28, that’s the cost of the product only.
Then you have to weigh in the taxes and shipping cost, do you really think that shipping those products is cheap? No way, depending on the country you live in, it’s outrageous!
Reason 2: this is the part where it gets dicey. You people are selling products that claim to lower blood pressure and cardiovascular support.
You are claiming these things with absolutely no proof that it actually does what you tell people it does (not smart). Your so called documentation you guys keep claiming you have only have info about the product itself.
It does nothing to determine whether it’s safe for people to use. You need randomized human clinical trials attached to your so called documents which you don’t have. so I am not convinced that people are buying.
The Super Reds and Super Greens can be bought at any rite aide or Walmart store and they are $23 plus a little tax, no outrageous shipping cost and they don’t have to wait weeks to receive it.
So why would anyone order those from you when they can pay almost $24 and out they go, no outrageous shipping cost and no waiting! Also your CBD oils are NOT allowed in most countries including some states in the US so who’s buying them? Do you see my logic in this?
You guys are not telling the truth about your products and that’s not how you’re supposed to do business. You are supposed to be transparent and truthful, but you are not.
The reason your company is getting bigger is not because they love the products, no one in that company cares about anyone but themselves because if you did, you would have those products tested to see if it’s safe for your own customers to use and if it has little to no side effects.
You people haven’t done that at all. So why would anyone trust you and your products?
Second, you simply dupe people into joining using disgusting methods and FOMO tactics to get them in. sooner or later, people are going wise up and start quitting.
You guys have a responsibility to tell people the truth, I am not sure why that is foreign language to LG but it will happen, you will get shut down. maybe not tomorrow or next week, but i can almost be certain that the way LG’s path is going, you will eventually get caught.
Stop thinking you people are invincible because you’re not.
What LG is doing is illegal and nothing LG says will change that fact. Smh
LiveGood recruitment in the US and Canada has collapsed. These were the first two markets so other than spread to Europe and third-world countries, that’s a wrap.
This correlates with a drop in traffic to this review among the English-speaking world.
LiveGood isn’t going to disappear tomorrow but it’s entering the “bottom-of-the-barrel” recruitment phase.
Yes, thank you Oz, You’re absolutely right. I am from the US so I appreciate the info on that.
I am surprised about the high number of visitors from the Netherlands and Belgium:
Livegood says all other supplement companies have a 5-6 times markup.
So I’m guessing if the Reds/Greens are selling for $18 then it costs LG about $3 to make them so they are raking in the profits, yet they claim to be making only very minimal.
Craig, are you actually listening to yourself when you speak? I am thinking no because what you just said made no sense.
First, let’s just get something clear, LG did NOT make those products, they acquired them, meaning they took them from somewhere else my friend.
He Spent NOTHING on R&D (Research & Development) Because that is what you do when you own a health product such as his.
He acquired them and did nothing new to them. That’s why the products are at a low cost. If he jacked the price up without any scientific proof, he would not make a dime and would get caught in his scheme a lot faster.
He did that because he thinks no one would complain, not because he cares. He will never tell you that, but we all know better. That’s something to think about Craig.
The LG cheerleaders in the background are doing all the screaming and you’re just a spectator. Just being a spectator in this mess of a company will only ruin your own reputation on and offline.
Instead, be an advocate for the truth, it’s the safest way, the only way.
LG have no clue how other companies sell their products and yet have you believe they are experts! Far from it.
My suggestion to you is to do your research and come up with a decision on your own because LG will say anything to make themselves top dogs of MLM because that’s how they have a large company.
If they actually made those products, then they have a responsibility to test them in human clinical trials before selling them.
But even if LG’s Ratio is correct, he would only know that if he did it himself at least once. He has no idea what he’s talking about but he did achieve his goal by saying that. His Real Message to you was:
“ignore them! answer only to me, not to the Law or even Science because it’s irrelevant to us”. And just like a good subordinate, you listened of course.
Don’t be a spectator, be an advocate for the truth, your reputation depends on it.
Where are you getting your info that LG has collapsed in the US and Canada ? I’m from Canada and membership is skyrocketing here.
There have been several new recruits in the last 4 months in my area and is still growing very strong.
SimilarWeb tracked a 16% and 23% decline in Canadian and US LiveGood website traffic respectively over July 2023. Don’t have August stats yet.
It’s not dead but it’s also not growth.
In addition to LG (which stands for Low Grade) not owning its products …
Who’s to say how long thee products have been sitting on some shelf. Or shelves. Over a period of months. Maybe even years.
Wow, LG’s products are priced SO LOW against the competition!
Now you know why. 🙂
Brilliant for those at the top of the binary!
I was wondering about that because LiveGood was selling a few products under the old Skinny Body Care name. So that could have been old stock.
The $9.95 Live-Scam membership is collapsing. No commissions paid on products… cheap white label expired products relabeled from Glinskys Skinny Body Care Scam.
It really sucks for people that want to make an income, but when you partner with a proven serial scammer Glinsky and play his stupid game, you get stupid prizes.
SO SAD PEOPLE FOLLOW A FALSE PROFIT. While he and his crew pocket millions and you make pennies. What a scam!
After all the venting I’ve been reading. Has anyone tried the Live Good coffee yet? Truly delicious. I was buying Starbucks before, $5 a day, 30 days a month, spending $150.
Now, I spend $ 17.95 on 30 days of delicious and healthier coffee.
From spending $150 to $18. and saving $132 a month works for me. And guess what. With those $132 and $8 more, you have 3 websites to start, save and grow a business ALL year. Buy products or don’t, invite people or don’t. Just have a good coffee and save $132 every month vs starbucks or pete’s, etc.
Forget the $9.95 a month, that’s for beginners with fear. It’s $140 to have a business ALL year, that’s it. And you save $132 a month or $1,452 that year Just on Coffee.
If the FTC does anything or not, so be it.
If B.Glinskey and partners sells or not their business with a record high of associates and consumers in less than 8 months, not likely, but so be it.
If you have enough money to purchase large quantities of products and want to put your own brand on it. Do it!
On the other hand, if you are afraid you are going to lose ALL your money, a whopping $140/year. Don’t join, keep buying expensive healthy products elsewhere, nobody is forcing you.
The only suggestion I can make, talk is cheap from people that don’t put their money where their mouth is. So why bother commenting on a business, Live Good or any other business, if you haven’t tried it yourself.
That’s all from me folks, have a great life and if you can… LIVE GOOD! /FrankNichols
Because joining an MLM company isn’t a prerequisite to performing due-diligence into one.
I don’t need to be in a car hitting a brick wall at 100 mph to know it’s not going to be a good time.
Are we talking about business or going nuts driving at that speed? Due Diligence, of course and I applaud your review, almost complete, except for personal opinions without learning by doing.
How much would it cost anyone to build one business website on their own? Live Good at $140 per YEAR, made more sense.
Have a coffee and a good morning folks!
We’re talking about having to join an MLM opportunity to review it being a crap take. I thought that was made obvious.
With respect to evaluating LiveGood as an MLM opportunity, the answer is utterly irrelevant.
First and last warning, this is not the place for trotting out marketing shilling 101.
Not tracking w/ your statement from months ago OZ, that this is the first CO you have seen that is possibly compliant yet paying commissions on fees vs. on sales of products. (paraphrasing)
While I know this aspect is not the primary reason to question its’ legitimacy, (that would be the ratio of affiliates vs. true retail customers), can you elaborate on that statement?
RE: True retail customers.. I certainly agree with you how important that is. I was involved w/ a company that did have very legit products BUT, discouraged customer enrollments (via comp plan) even though the vast majority were actually customers…hence, we got hit by FTC because “on paper” there were far more affiliates than customers.
What we learned (industry wide…for awhile anyway) is that YES, the ‘powers that be’ want to see true retail customers.
So I get that is the big test of LG and under scrutiny, should scrutiny befall them, they will hope they have a ratio that is acceptable to the FTC.
Paying comm’s on fees is a pretty well known no-no industry wide which is why I was asking you to elaborate on your comment that they might have found a way to do that and still be compliant.
I know that BEN G and NK have been around a long, long time. I’ve met both of them over the years. They both are well aware of the rules of the industry so I’d be curious how/why/under what ‘rule’ Kevin T (also well known MLM atty) gave the green light on that portion of the plan, assuming he did.
At best it’s a gray area. Combine that w a potential iffy customer/affiliate ratio, my gut says it might not fare well under the microscope should it ever be scrutinized.
When the FTC comes, they don’t come to mess around and as you stated, ‘pseudo compliance’ is not considered compliance by their standards.
I don’t have a dog in this fight. I was just curious what you meant re: them possibly being compliant w/ regard to paying comm’s on fees. Thank you.
I don’t get why LiveGood is an ongoing source of confusion. It’s the same model as the discount travel companies, applied to supplements.
If participation in the MLM opportunity was tied to the discount membership, it’d be a straight pyramid scheme.
It’s not, and so only if the majority of discount memberships are held by affiliates is it a problem.
Like most MLM discount travel companies, there’s a high probability the majority of active LiveGood discount memberships are held by affiliates.
Kevin Thompson posts occasional videos on his facebook page. He has been EMPHATIC that he has never had anything what so ever to do with LiveGood.
So this guy posts his 1500.00 earnings and a retail bonus of $1.50.
So I guess maybe 1 retail customer:
I think this nicely sums up the pyramid scheme issue with LiveGood.
Another day, another ego driven, above the law meathead promoting yet another program that breaks all the laws but still operates.
Why do these people keep getting away with it? Even Vick Strizheus is back and with another bloody 10k Challenge! The man arrested for insurance fraud where he worked who managed to get the judge to let him only serve at the weekends because he has a child!
They always seem to pop up toward the end of the year. I’m expecting the Rich Jerk to show up any day now.
Vick, I remember him. Yes right, 4 percent. And the other Dan lok
4 Percent, Big Idea Mastermind, High Traffic Academy, Global Success Club, Empower Network, 7 Figure Marketing School and more. He’s pushed the lot.
They all revolve around his model of giving away worthless training that he claims is worth thousands for free IF you join the program he’s currently shilling and go “ALL-IN” as in paying for the full membership. This way it’s not him that’s liable for the refunds.
With 10k Challenge he basically told all his members to promote a link thought that they were promoting for themselves when he actually changed the code on the 3rd capture page to his own Referral link for the program.
He made something like $600,000 in 28 days because it wasn’t him doing the work. He was stealing referrals others were promoting.
I’ve seen FB posts re LiveGood and got curious. Googled “LiveGood Reviews” and found this page.
Appreciate the comprehensive info plus an education on pyramid schemes as defined by FTC. Discussions were interesting. I read most of the pros and cons. Had a difficult time reading Jame’s post (gave up eventually).
I will now try some of the LiveGood products LG affiliates are selling on eBay for less than SRP.
Thanks to posters and the reviewer.
P.S. Glad Jame finally stopped using CAPS on every other word. 😀
Have a great Monday folks. 12/4/2023
Faith Sloan is selling this piramide mess.tell you when she is scamming around livegood is doomed to collapse very soon.
That’s dumb. You read about a pyramid scheme run by a sketchy person, yet you want to try the products?
Me, I don’t trust what MLM scam founders might be putting in their products, nor would I trust any quality control.
Plus, why would I want to support a scam? There are no pros.
It is really pretty sad, Glinsky and his buddies are making millions and laughing, while the average joe member gets a spot in a so-called powerline making pennies.
Not to mention no commissions paid on products, supposedly they are now paying out a % or 2… WOW BIG BUCKS $$$.
I feel bad for the people who joined that are hanging on making a few hundred bucks a month making Glinsky rich. However, I do understand because of all the false millionaire dreams MLM promotes, so now are at least getting something with a cheap to join program with a monthly or annual fee.
It will go away because Live Goods business model is based on laziness, just join, do nothing, get in the powerline. Well good luck with this and cheap white label products.
live good is a money circulation scheme since it is charging money for joining and paying off members for getting new members to pay and same for the renewal.
A correction here to a mistake Everybody’s making:
The $9.95 per month is NOT an Affiliate fee, only the one-time $40 is the affiliate fee.
The $9.95 is a DISCOUNT CLUB Fee that even Retail customers can sign up to in order to get the products at a discount, Without being an affiliate. This is modelled after companies like Costco and Sam’s Club.
Is it a thinly veiled work-around to avoid being a membership Ponzi scheme? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how good their Lawyers are.
Another mistake I see people making is when they say companies like Amway, Avon and Herbalife are the only ones doing it right and legally, because the government has not been able to shut them down.
(Ozedit: whacky conspiracy theory removed)
From the review:
Yeah I don’t think anyone is making that mistake. The issue is with the majority of $10 LiveGood membership holders also being affiliates. That’s a pyramid scheme.
Cliched comparisons to Costco and Sam’s Club are irrelevant – neither is an MLM company. Also keep your whacky conspiracy theories to yourself, thanks.
I am from India…
A well established Billion Dollar Direct Selling company called DoTerra sells a 15 ML bottle of Essential oil at $78 member price and $108 retail.
LiveGood comes along and starts selling the same 15ML Essential oil, better quality for $8 member price and $12 retail price.
You ask, what about the quality? I tell, go buy it and check at zero risk.
Because LiveGood has a “90 DAYS EMPTY BOTTLE 100$ REFUND GUARANTEE”.
(Ozedit: derails removed)
Having run out of suckers in existing markets, I guess LiveGood recruitment has now migrated to low-hanging fruit in India. Africa next?
Not to defend DoTerra’s pricing but I can guarantee you the two oils aren’t the same. Besides, be honest – nobody is joining LiveGood to buy essential oils as a retail customer.
Sign up as an affiliate, pay your monthly fee and get paid to recruit others who do the same.
LiveGood has no long-standing retail market in the countries recruitment has already collapsed in.
Just one question Jame.
You do know the difference between a noun and a verb right?
Then why is every single word in your comment capitalized?
Pedantic I know but I’ve never seen anyone do that before.
Wow Jay you’re really late to the party aren’t you my friend? That subject has been nipped in the bud a long time ago.
Waste of time on paper, find something else to talk about like LG still NOT having the gall to Finally tell the truth on anything that they are doing and cheerleaders roaring in the background, instead of rehashing the old news, have a good day.
I was in no doubt about LG and if you look at the comments I did mention that back in Dec 2023.
Why would anyone think only earning commission on the affiliate fee is acceptable when you make nothing on the product?
Thank you Jay, It’s really not a hard question and that’s golden but even an easier answer:
LG refuses to do what traditional MLM do where the only way to make commissions properly and legally is through retail sales.
Unfortunately you will always have some CEO out there telling you that traditional marketing is dead. LG Says, “We’ve fixed the broken industry. NOT TRUE, But it’s their MO.
Most people who find opportunities online want cash fast! So the CEOs take total advantage of their struggles.
They are masters at making you think that you will waste time or will never make any money just promoting products without something on the back end, just in case.
This is how LG is operating. They know that just selling their products will get them nowhere because what they say about them is not so.
LG does not care about the products or they will be more careful in how they are being sold to the public.
These products have NO proof that they work the way it does and if they think that someone in this world will NOT ask for scientific documentation, then they are mistaken because we are not dumb.
That is why their pricing is so low, more importantly, if LG really thinks that their pricing is lower than their competitors then why charge a discount fee?
You see Jay, makes no sense right? So here is my point to your question, they charge those fees on that back end because first they know that most members can’t sell a product by itself and will quit because it takes too long or fear the product won’t sell at all.
so people choose these kinds of programs to promote Because it’s easier than just hoping someone will buy your product and that is why we all of a sudden see companies come out with similar programs to LG, Because if LG can get thousands using this method, why not all?
It sets a bad precedent for the industries that are actually compliant.
LG knows it’s members won’t join or stay if they have to sell just the LG products, it’s a waste of time for them because they know the products won’t sell without rigorous scientific documentation and not some questionable lab report.
so they need another way just in case. that is how these CEOs want to operate to get the most out of their gullible members around the world who need cash fast!
No thanks.
Another income posted tonight: 80K month income and his retail sales commission is $15.72.
Blows my mind that this ponzi scheme lasted this long. When does FTC look at numbers?
Wow this comments are from early 2023… are the haters gone now that livegood reach more than MILLION MEMBERS in just 13 months and still soaring high
*looks at name* *looks up IP address*
LiveGood website traffic has dropped by almost 50% over the past three months. The pyramid scheme is well and truly into the “scraping the bottom of the barrel” phase of recruitment in third world countries.
Sorry for your loss.
Seems to be a Facebook war going on between the leaders in Livegood. About cross recruiting into all the Shiny Ball objects.
Looks like the SAME MLM SCAM is being used.
LOL “Most Trusted” Direct Sales Company … and look who’s #1!
The fact that Business for Home site only managed to get a total of 348 votes of which 78 went to Livegood should tell you that not many people use that site and more likely those who voted are in the top levels of LG.
Well, refrain from making any comments here from a long long time but I just saw Dewey’s comment??
That was a pole of 1755 people?? Either you know how these things work and your banking on other people don’t, or are you really don’t know how these type of voting things work???
So, Dewey, over 20 years ago, I joined new skin, the Pharmanex branch of them. That was the first company I experienced these type of “polls”. Actually, there was another company… I think it was free life international.
It was a race to get the word out. All people had to do was login push a couple buttons and vote for free life international! So these are based on hoopla Dewey.
Try and bring something forward with credibility. This is one, of many poles that pop up, still has till April 19? Only 1758 votes are in right now Dewey??
So it was definitely not a fit for me and many other people I do wish them all the best! It was kind of obvious that it was coming out of the box as a sizzle company, but they always fizzle around their second year.
I know a number of people who have left because they fell for the, just pay your money to join, pay your $9.95 a month, don’t do anything else as far as recruiting and collect $2064 a month!
It was obvious to a lot of us who have been around for a few decades that this company would take off like wildfire, and it did! That’s called a sizzle… Companies that start that fast and sizzle usually fizzle out around their second or third year.
It seems as if the fizzle lightly started around the end of summertime. Now, from the beginning of this year, I have spoken with a lot of people who have stepped away and moved onto other things.
Now that happens in our industry! So I’m not saying that’s unusual. I’m just saying the whole model Was not built for stability.
That’s some of our opinion. I’ve always said from the very beginning when I spoke with Ben on the phone maybe two months before he launched this. He’s barking up a scary tree when it comes to the FTC.
They are known to plant people as distributors for a couple years until there’s a lot of money then they step in and confiscated all.
I hope that’s not the case, but there’s just been way too many enticing recruitment deals too many people have done from the beginning. Not so much now we hardly hear anything about Lood not compared to the first 6 to 9 months.
I do know I read a couple times early on and people from LG would Attack me for saying the things I’m saying right now and even a couple of them said you know ask Kevin Thompson he gave us the OK… Nope! That never happened!
And I remember him coming on one of the liters, Facebook comments and Taryn some a$$ for using his name!
I wouldn’t doubt, and I think I may have read somewhere on all these comments over the past year or so that he stepped in here too, and was not pleased at the LG distributors.
Anyway, teaches all glad that we’re not getting pounded with. Come join us do nothing and get rich crap anymore.
But like I did say, I do hope the best for all involved with LG just keep the PS remarks off social media and just promote it as a business.
I signed up with L.G at the very beginning with some others and none of us have made the $2064 per month!
Yes, many are joining, but a lot are leaving simultaneously.
Currently not much going on with LiveGood outside of Ukraine. If you got in early your country has already collapsed.
Latest Livegood stats:
400 new BRONZE per day (people who enroll 2 )
– 50 new SILVER per day, team of 20+
– 7 new GOLDS per day, team of 100+
– 9 new PLATINUMS this week 500+
-3 new DIAMONDS this week 2500
Looking at SimilarWeb it seems new suckers have been found in the US and to a lesser extent Canada. LiveGood is otherwise in sharp decline everywhere else.
Will probably burn through new suckers much faster the second time around.
Wow those stats are very sad!
It’s obvious it was a sizzle fizzle type company and it seems to be hanging in there which is actually a good thing! But those stats…
Again, wow! I think there’s around 1.2 million people,,,
It’s amazing how these LG affiliates are twisting Kevin Thompson words and only promoting “what they want to hear.” They keep saying Kevin Thompson approved it – he didn’t! He even didn’t know Livegood when ask about it on his FB AMA (ask me anything).
The LG affiliate loaded this video on youtube and quoted Kevin Thompson on how it is ok to pay commission on memberships and then ignored or did not say the rest of what Kevin discussed about Livegood!
Here is the link of the youtube videos:
Here is the section of the transcript from the video
Has this started up again now that LiveGood has found new suckers in the US or are you digging up an issue that’s already been resolved?
LiveGood is a subscription membership. You pay $9.95 per month to be able to buy the highest and purest products there is in the market, at an affordable price. Members buy products at Cost price.
Why do people pay memberships in Costco, Amazon Prime, NetFlix, Spotify, etc?… it’s because they get value for their money… (Ozedit: snip, see below)
You can’t make this argument when an MLM income opportunity is attached to those $9.95 payments. The only way you make the argument is if you could prove the majority of $9.95 payments within LiveGood were made by non-affiliates.
Supporting they aren’t is LiveGood keeps collapsing in every country recruitment jumps to. If anyone cared about the products LiveGood would have maintained a strong retail presence in the country’s recruitment has jumped to.
This hasn’t happened, suggesting LiveGood is operating as a pyramid scheme. That is the majority of $9.95 a month payments (noting an access to discounts isn’t a product or service), are made by LiveGood affiliates.
Here’s something you can’t do in Costco, Amazon, NetFlix, Spotify, etc.: Pay $40 and then $9.95 a month, get paid to recruit others who do the same, all the while selling nothing to nobody.
Stop making excuses for fraud.
highest quality? How do you know that? Does their new weightloss product actually have clinical studies? How do people injest something when there is no history of safety?
Do you think LiveGood will hit the 2 million membership mark for their 2nd year?
I don’t think so.
Glinsky and his buddies make millions and desperate distributors make pennies or nothing at all with the $9.95 a month powerline scam.
Very sad just a bunch of lazy ass people buying into B.S. Well the end is near and this scam is coming to an end because you eventually run out of suckers. Then its off to the next Hyped Up scam.
They can’t afford to pay $9.95 a month?
They should NOT be joining a membership then.
P.S. I bet they’re paying for Netflix, Apple Music, their cable TV service and who knows what else EVERY MONTH.
But hey!
How much your pyramid scheme costs is irrelevant to it being a pyramid scheme.
All of which provide value as opposed to participation in an illegal pyramid scheme in which the majority of participants will inevitably lose money.
You failing to account ongoing product costs is telling. Thanks for confirming LiveGood is operating as a pyramid scheme.
Finally, it should be noted that up until recently LiveGood was in the “find suckers in third-world countries” phase. There you’ll find the world’s most vulnerable, who certainly don’t have multiple subscriptions.
bUt HeY!
You won’t post my response to you, eh? (Ozedit: butthurt removed)
There was no response. You attempted a butthurt whingefest about BehindMLM which had nothing to do with the response to your comment.
Read the first few sentences, clicked spam-bin and got on with the day. Best of luck with the scamming.
Imagine being this smoothbrained to compare an entertainment subscription that delivers value on demand with a nutritional supplement discount subscription because you’re butthurt people won’t waste their time funding your lifestyle.
(when just recently one of the biggest observational studies dropped that basically could find no correlative link between morbidity-decrease and multivitamin supplementation no less)
What’s your thoughts on the new Livegood clinic targeting weight loss prescriptions like Semaglutide, Tirzepatide etc
My thoughts are if the majority of LiveGood memberships are purchased by affiliates then LiveGood is operating as a pyramid scheme.
I have seen nothing to suggest otherwise since LiveGood launched.
This is an example of an affiliate in the UK’s Facebook post from 1st August. It’s typical of the posts I’ve seen, basically promoting it as pay a subscription and do nothing and earn a passive income.
One of my friends just joined livegood and contacted me about it. I haven’t replied. She’s soo excited. What do I tell her?
She has now brought in 6 people ‘with ease’.
I told her I didn’t understand how every Livegood supplement they bring out is the best on the market, with the best ingredients certified as they claim.
Ask her if she has six/seven retail customers to match her recruitment.
If not she’s running a pyramid scheme.
She replied, ‘You don’t have to, it’s a membership club. People buy what they want when they want
Just an update, she brought in 19 so far
As previously confirmed, she has no retail customers.
Whether she admits it or not, your friend is running her LiveGood “business” as a pyramid scheme.
Calling a pyramid scheme a “membership club” doesn’t change what it is. Pyramid schemes by any name are illegal as per the FTC Act.
I don’t know how people here are defining “Retail Customers” but I have an eBay store, and some of my best selling items are LiveGood products.
I buy them at the LiveGood member price and resell on eBay for a profit. Check out eBay for LiveGood products, you will find Hundreds of sellers.
Add to that members selling on Amazon and other such sites. These ARE RETAIL SALES. I also make sales to friends and family Directly in person, which don’t show up as “Retail Customers” officially.
What you do outside of LiveGood is irrelevant. If I buy a BigMac and sell it on eBay for $2 million, that doesn’t count as $2 million in retail sales for McDonalds.
The exception to this would be if LiveGood had a mechanism by which you could verify retail sales before reordering as a promoter (upload receipt of sale etc.).
If LiveGood are primarily selling to promoters participating in the MLM opportunity, they are operating a pyramid scheme.
Why aren’t they getting shut down?
I don’t understand because LG is all over the internet.
LiveGood is a great company and business concept. Their products are world class and very affordable comparitively.
These buggers who sit in ther easy chair and spew venom on others don’t know a shit. They haven’t used the products, they haven’t experienced the comp plan.
(Ozedit: derails removed)
When you have to lie and make up narratives to shill your pyramid scheme, you’ve already lost.
One doesn’t need to use products attached to a pyramid scheme, or “experience” a pyramid scheme, to identify a pyramid scheme.
I’d ask you to confirm how many active retail customers you have in LiveGood but, given you’ve already lied, there’s no point (and we all know the answer anyway).
Nobody ever seems to ask the obvious question when it comes to these programs and that is if the product is so fantastic why would LiveGood even need an affiliate program to milk membership fees in order to recruit salesmen when we are at a time so far from the Kirby vaccum cleaner and now have Ebay and Amazon business accounts the company could just use to actually sell their fantastic product?
Why wouldn’t LG negotiate some space on supermarket shelves and pocket that profit?
The answer should be painfully obvious even to those who haven’t been in this industry for over 20 years.
Invigeron berries. Remember that episode from It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia? You sign up and pay to basically hawk a product they can’t get approved legally and you take all the risks associated.
Then you make a small profit and do it again but don’t forget you can’t do it if you don’t pay them to let you sell their product.
And the real scam is the fact you paid a bloated profit to buy a product that costs pennies to make so your job is to find other suckers ready to pay you more than what you paid for it.
So in that scenario who is the real sucker? You for buying something for far more than it costs to manufacture and then paying LG to have the right to find a sucker to buy it off you for more than you bought it.
Honestly 2024 and with all the pyramid schemes of the last 20 years all being the same thing you’d think people would recognize it by now but suckers are everywhere and the pyramid is a gift that just keeps on giving, to those at the top.
Roberto.. how can you possibly be making money if you’re reselling Livegood products on Ebay? Doesn’t Ebay keep 15% plus you have tax and cost to ship to your customers? Livegood allows this?
It’s not only LiveGood products being sold on eBay or Amazon. You can find products from nearly all MLM brands on these platforms.
Some people simply know how to navigate this as “independent” business entrepreneurs, and more power to them!
I’m commenting from Italy.. I joined Livegood a few days ago and I’m starting to build my structure, because they taught me that the strength of a company that has chosen to distribute/sell products and services with network marketing, is precisely the 2-4-8-16-32-64 pyramid scheme…
Well, in Italy the Ponzi scheme only contemplates the mere recruitment of people, without any products and services distributed, so I’m sure that Livegood is not a Ponzi scheme… but the doubt remains whether it is a legal or illegal pyramid network…
I’m not a lawyer.. I would just like to try the products, sell them through the company website customized in my name (so I am an online affiliate vendor of Livegood) but the company also gave me 2 other websites, one of which is a funnel to get people to sign up for my structure… so I don’t see any problems and I don’t feel any guilt for having chosen this company…
in my opinion it is innovative.. I will soon order some supplements to try them.. on the site there are all the product information.. let’s hope everything goes well… but I would like to know from you Americans, HONESTLY, how this company is doing in the USA?
I would like only real data, please and not personal opinions of people who work in other competing companies or enemies of the CEO of Livegood.. thanks.
LiveGood launched in the US, peaked recruitment and then died.
Earlier this year recruitment started up again and the US is currently the top source of traffic to LiveGood’s website (21%).
As for your own business; if you don’t have more retail customers than recruited affiliates by sales volume, you’re participating in a pyramid scheme.
Given LiveGood keeps collapsing and migrating countries, (Italy appears to be a new country to plunder), suspicion is there’s nothing beyond pyramid recruitment.
The claim that LiveGood “launched in the US, peaked recruitment, and then died” is not entirely accurate based on recent developments (Ozedit: derails and spam removed)
The fuck do “recent developments” have to do with LiveGood launching in the US in 2022 and moving on to other countries when recruitment inevitably collapsed?
Scroll up and read the comments, I’ve documented LiveGood’s collapse in the US and Canada (#268).
Earlier in 2024 new suckers were found and LiveGood recruitment was restarted in the US. It’ll collapse again once the new suckers run out.
And of course little to no retail sales is going on. It’s all recruitment.
Joseph…Live Good is a pyramid scheme, covered by products. The bases of real MLM, is to recomend productos or services that have worked for you but in Live Good, people pay a monthly fee in order to avoid consuming the products and still, earn commisiones from those who consume the products or at least pay the monthly fee.
When most of the people are making money out of others who just pay money… that´s the perfect sample of a pyramide scheme.
Hi Oz,
#268 is documented proof because: (This correlates with a drop in traffic to this company reviews)?
Platforms that allow constructive criticism and differing opinions often gain more respect and engagement from their audience. It shows confidence in your analyses of informed discussion and could take your platform to the next level.
Best regards.
Bro wtf are you talking about? Comment #268 is continued tracking of LiveGood’s website traffic from the US and Canada collapsing
LiveGood’s website traffic from the US and Canada collapsed == LiveGood recruitment in the US and Canada collapsed.
Your opinions about LiveGood’s website traffic don’t matter. Only facts matter.
Thank you.
Looks like it’s going fairly strong in the uk. My friend is in it, tried to recruit my wife.
It seems popular with lifestyle coach women, who i guess are into some networking already. Freedom lifestyle, generational wealth, a whole bunch of buzzwords. Speading on fb.
Their tactic seems to not mention the company name, and talk about ‘opportunity’. Urgh!
Dravin, most Facebook posts tend to follow similar buzzwords pattern for MLM companies. I’m heading into my third year in 2025 and doing well with this ‘opportunity’. Urgh!
A source told me Livegood gets their green’s for $4-$5 & sells to members for $18 + postage.
Looks like they are also in the business of selling overpriced nutritional products.
Doesn’t mean much unless you name your source for verification.
Hi There,
After reading your review and the comments on Livegood. Do you think they could be shut down? ALso how can we find out the ratio to subscription sales opposed to retail sales? Do you know?
Any MLM company could be shut down. It’s too much of a vague question.
Good luck getting accurate data on this from LiveGood. Your best bet is querying whoever is trying to recruit you and making a determination off their personal ratio.
Craig, the information from your source likely came from Ben Glinsky, the founder of LiveGood, in one of his early videos about the business, and it’s accurate that ANY company purchasing in bulk (thousands of units) can achieve lower costs.
To clarify, the retail price for LiveGood greens is $24, and it’s $18 for members, plus shipping. I encourage you to compare greens pricing across various companies—whether MLM, independent online brands, or in-store options.
Take into account the ingredients, size, and price and your experience with it, that would make for a more helpful comment on this inclusive platform.
I’ve got to say, I’ve been in the mlm industry for 17 years & through so much experience with different business models, products, companies LiveGood is a breath of fresh air.
Excellent products, priced extremely well, no autoship, no BV, no Hype, no nonsense. Just a solid company that delivers products on time, pays commissions on time, no glitches or website issues, no ego’s, just a professionally run company with a bright future.
And no retail sales. You just recruit people and earn on their “fee to access discounted products”. Maybe earn a bit more if your recruits buy some supplements.
LiveGood has collapsed at least once in every country it has spread to when recruitment inevitably runs dry.
There’s nothing “fresh” about pyramid schemes. With 17 years of claimed experience you definitely know better.
I agree with Vince Lamant. I can easily identify and earn from retail customers, view potential retail customers, view prospective affiliates, and earn from team members as well.
Hi Oz,
Please tell more about livegood collapsing in every country. What happens then?
It seems to still be going in US where it started.
Does a new pyramid start?
But you don’t. Nobody does because it’s easier to just sell the chain-recruitment opportunity @ $9.95 a month.
LiveGood launched in the US a few years ago. Recruitment took off and as it began to collapse spread to other countries. The US completely collapsed but LiveGood survived running its pyramid scheme abroad.
All those countries have come and gone as recruitment has collapse, and now a new crop of suckers are being recruited in the US. Nowhere near the level of the original round of recruiting though. This is based on tracked website data since 2022.
We know retail sales aren’t happening in LiveGood because it always collapses in a country after recruitment of suckers dries up. If retail sales were happening there’d be a sustained market.
What about Russell Brand getting involved & some other big podcasters.
What about it? Legitimacy via association isn’t a thing.
I saw a clip of Russell Brand promoting the products. I think it was for 1 minute. He sounded insincere and sarcastic as ever.
Interestingly it was JUST the products being promoted, with a discount. Not the mlm side.
I suppose it gives them some legitimacy. I wonder how much they paid him for that.
So this is to OZ. You say this is a pyramid scheme and many others do as well your comment section. I am new to this whole scene.
Why is it bad that they paid back there affiliates? I mean we do all the work of growing the company, so shouldn’t we get paid back?
I’ve seen a lot comments saying it wouldn’t be so bad if they sold more products instead making it about the affiliates and adding more people. Because apparently that is illegal. Which I didn’t know.
If I would to do it the right way. How would I go about that? Sell the products while growing the “team”? Because I do see this as an opportunity that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars and feel like I’m in a cult.
Most of these people are trying to create a system for their children to have a sayings account basically. Is that so bad?
If we put in the work so our kids can have something? I’ve seen some numbers and it is exciting to think about. But I am the type of person who doesn’t want to screw over anyone. So I’m trying to find the best way to help my children.
I don’t need no hate because I am just asking questions. I’m cautiously optimistic.
It isn’t. You just made that up.
The issue is LiveGood being a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal for good reason, they cause financial harm through the majority of participants inevitably losing money.
You need to be selling products to retail customers. This isn’t happening in LiveGood, as evidenced by LiveGood failing to maintain business in any country it has spread to.
I’m sorry, on what authority are you speaking on behalf of “most of the people” in LiveGood?
Be honest about why you’re in LiveGood: You joined for the money.
Spare us the BS about your children and similar sob stories – they’re irrelevant.
Most of the people in LG don’t buy the products once they know you don’t have to.
Pay the $10 membership & hopefully other peeps will fall beneath you, but you need thousands to make decent money.
It’s everywhere and saturated.