Golden Tech Consulting fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Golden Tech Consulting’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on September 12th, 2024.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, Golden Tech Consulting provides details for Golden Tech Consulting LLC on its website. Golden Tech Consulting is represented to be a Delaware shell company.

The provided corporate address for Golden Tech Consulting appears to belong to a company providing virtual mailing address in Delaware.

As of February 2025, SimilarWeb was tracking 95% of Golden Tech Consulting’s website traffic from India.

As opposed to the US, this suggests whoever is running Golden Tech Consulting is from India, or at the very least has ties to India.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Golden Tech Consulting’s Products

Golden Tech Consulting has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Golden Tech Consulting affiliate membership itself.

Golden Tech Consulting’s Compensation Plan

Golden Tech Consulting affiliates sign up and purchase “tickets to ride” for $50 each in cryptocurrency:

Each $50 ticket represents a 28-day subscription, through which commissions can be earned via four 3×4 matrix tiers.

A 3×4 matrix places a Golden Tech Consulting affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Levels three and four of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of Golden Tech Consulting affiliates.

Commissions paid per position filled on each of the four tiers is as follows:

  • Unity Structure 1 (positions cost $80) – $17.50 per position filled
  • Unity Structure 2 (positions cost $160) – $35 per position filled
  • Unity Structure 3 (positions cost $320) – $70 per position filled
  • Unity Structure 4 (positions cost $640) – $140 per position filled

Although not specified, it’s assumed matrices reset if filled or an affiliate’s $50 a month subscription isn’t kept up.

Joining Golden Tech Consulting

Golden Tech Consulting affiliate membership is tied to a $50 28-day subscription payment.

Full participation in the attached MLM opportunity costs an additional $1200.

Golden Tech Consulting processes payments in various cryptocurrencies.

Golden Tech Consulting Conclusion

Golden Tech Consulting is a simple MLM crypto pyramid scheme.

Newly recruited affiliates sign up, pay $50 to access the scam and then $80 to $1200 in pyramid fees.

These fees are used to pay recruitment commissions, with recruitment of new participants the only way to recoup losses.

Of note is payments within Golden Tech Consulting are being processed by NowPayments through EduTech Global Consulting LLC:

EduTech Global Consulting is a shell company of unknown origin. It’s possibly another Delaware shell company.

A marketing video suggests EduTech Global Consulting was a crypto node ruse Ponzi scheme tied to fictional Visa transactions:

Whatever EduTech Global Consulting was, it has already collapsed. This likely prompted the launch of Golden Tech Consulting.

Note the same logo between Golden Tech Consulting and Edutech Global Consulting. This suggests the same fraudsters are behind both scams.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will commissions.

Math guarantees that when a pyramid scheme inevitably collapses, the majority of participants lose money.