Golden Way provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

Golden Way’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on June 6th, 2021.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, Golden Way provides incorporation documents for Dubai:

Dubai is a scam-friendly jurisdiction that provides a lawless haven for scammers.

Any MLM company hinging its legitimacy on ties to Dubai is an immediate red flag.

One interesting thing to note is, despite Golden Way’s current website domain being only seven months old, the company originally launched back in 2019.

The first video uploaded to Golden Way’s YouTube channel is an office opening in Dubai.

The video appears to feature actors. The woman represented to be running Golden Way speaks Russian.

Golden Way has long gotten rid of the original actors it hired to front the company. Today different actors are used to represent Golden Way spokespeople:

As opposed to Dubai, Golden Way’s official FaceBook page is managed from Ukraine:

Once again we have a faceless MLM company run by eastern Europeans pretending to be in Dubai.

At time of publication Alexa ranks top sources of traffic to Golden Way’s website as Saudi Arabia (44%), Algeria (30%) and Egypt (3%).

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Golden Way’s Products

Golden Way has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Golden Way affiliate membership itself.

Golden Way’s Compensation Plan

Golden Way affiliates invest €50 EUR or more on the promise of advertised returns.

Specific ROI rates are determined by how frequently a Golden Way affiliate agrees to be paid:

  • paid weekly = 256% annual ROI rate
  • paid monthly = 282% annual ROI rate
  • paid every 3 months = 308% annual ROI rate
  • paid every 6 months = 334% annual ROI rate
  • paid every 12 months = 360% annual ROI rate
  • paid every 18 months = 393.9% annual ROI rate
  • paid every 24 months = 530.4% annual ROI rate

Golden Way applies a 20% fee on all withdrawals.

Golden Way Affiliate Ranks

There are nineteen affiliate ranks within Golden Way’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Partner – generate €50 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Manager – generate €500 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Gold Manager – generate €2500 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Mentor – generate €10,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Gold Mentor – generate €50,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Master – generate €100,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Gold Master – generate €250,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Director – generate €500,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Bronze Director – generate €750,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Silver Director – generate €1,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Gold Director – generate €2,500,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Platinum Director – generate €5,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Topaz Director – generate €7,500,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Sapphire Director – generate €10,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Ruby Director – generate €25,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Emerald Director – generate €50,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Black Diamond Director – generate €75,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • Diamond Director – generate €100,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  • King Diamond – generate €150,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume

Personally recruited investment volume is investment from personally recruited affiliates.

Downline investment volume is funds invested by your total downline (direclty and indirectly recruited affiliates).

Recruitment Commissions

Golden Way affiliates earn 5% of funds invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Residual Commissions

Golden Way pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structrue.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Commissions on funds invested across the unilevel team are based on rank:

  • Partner – 10%
  • Manager – 10.5%
  • Gold Manager – 11%
  • Mentor – 11.5%
  • Gold Mentor – 12%
  • Master – 12.5%
  • Gold Master – 13%
  • Director – 13.5%
  • Bronze Director – 14%
  • Silver Director – 14.5%
  • Gold Director – 15%
  • Platinum Director – 15.5%
  • Topaz Director – 16%
  • Sapphire Director – 16.5%
  • Ruby Director – 17%
  • Emerald Director – 17.5%
  • Black Diamond Director – 18%
  • Diamond Director – 18.5%
  • King Diamond – 19%

Residual commissions come into play by way of 19% being paid out on every investment.

This sees higher ranked affiliates paid the difference between their ranked residual commission rate and lesser ranked affiliates in their unilevel team.

E.g. a Master recruits someone who invests €1000 EUR.

The Master is paid their 12.5%, leaving 6.5% to pay out.

The system searches upline for a Gold Master or higher to pay the remaining percentage out to.

If a Sapphire Director was found first, they’d receive 4% (the difference between 16.5% and 12.5%), still leaving 2.5% to pay out.

The system would continue to search upline for either a Ruby Director or higher.

This continues until a King Diamond is found, at which point whatever is then left to pay out is paid out.

Note that nothing is ever passed up from King Diamond affiliates.

Speaker Bonus

Golden Way rewards affiliate speakers (that term isn’t defined), with “additional income from the whole structure”.

Specifics aren’t provided but this is obviously a reference to downline sales volume.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Golden Way rewards affiliates for qualifying at Manager and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Partner and receive €15 EUR
  • qualify at Manager and receive €60 EUR
  • qualify at Gold Manager and receive €225 EUR
  • qualify at Mentor and receive €225 EUR
  • qualify at Gold Mentor and receive €1200 EUR
  • qualify at Master and receive €1500 EUR
  • qualify at Gold Master and receive €4500 EUR
  • qualify at Director and receive €7500 EUR
  • qualify at Bronze Director and receive €7500 EUR
  • qualify at Silver Director and receive €7500 EUR
  • qualify at Gold Director and receive €45,000 EUR
  • qualify at Platinum Director and receive €75,000 EUR
  • qualify at Topaz Director and receive €75,000 EUR
  • qualify at Sapphire Director and receive €75,000 EUR
  • qualify at Ruby Director and receive €450,000 EUR
  • qualify at Emerald Director and receive €750,000 EUR
  • qualify at Black Diamond Director and receive €750,000 EUR
  • qualify at Diamond Director and receive €750,000 EUR
  • qualify at King Diamond and receive €1,500,000 EUR

Joining Golden Way

Golden Way affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum €50 EUR investment.

Golden Way solicits investment in fiat, ethereum and bitcoin.

Golden Way Conclusion

Golden Way represents its affiliates are investing in gold. To that end the company purports to sell gold on its website:

This has nothing to do with the MLM side of the business. It’s simply a ruse to mask new investment being used to pay existing Golden Way investors.

For starters, investing in gold doesn’t generate a consistent 530.4% annual ROI.

Golden Way don’t provide any explanation for the returns offered.

Even if they did, this brings us back to the meaningless Dubai documents. Golden Way fails to provide audited financial reports detailing any external revenue generation.

This is because there isn’t any.

Furthermore, Golden Way is not registered to offer securities in any of its primary investment markets.

Boris CEOs, Dubai and Ukrainian scammers – the Ponzi trifecta.

The only impact the gold ruse has on Golden Way’s Ponzi scheme is an excuse to charge affiliates a 20% withdrawal fee. This is in lieu of taking an imaginary gold delivery.

Such to the extent Golden Way might be pressed on this, they’d no doubt buy gold with what they’d have to pay out anyway. Everything, including delivery,  would then be billed to the withdrawing affiliate.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Golden Way of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.


Update 6th January 2022 – The GoldenWay Ponzi scheme has collapsed.


Update 23rd September 2024 – Golden Way is being rebooted as Golden Grove.