DeFinity FI Academy provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

In fact as I write this, DeFinity FI Academy’s website is locked behind a referral form:

DeFinity FI Academy’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on October 6th, 2021.

Further research reveals official DeFinity FI Academy marketing videos hosted by Toan Nguyen and Wayne Marcel “Blockchain Wayne”.

Nguyen refers to himself as DeFinity FI Academy’s “lead consultant”. Marcel is cited as the company’s “head educator”.

Toan and his partner Van appear to have gotten involved in MLM through Legal Shield over a decade ago.

Nerium was next (2015), followed by Wor(l)d Global Network (2017), ByDzyne (2019) and BioReigns (also 2019).

Promotion of BioReigns seems to have stopped around October 2020.

Nguyen’s crypto bro journey appears to have started in mid 2018.

After starting out promoting various shitcoins through “PIG” or “Passive Income Group”, Nguyen began promoting “yield farm” Ponzi schemes about six months ago.

This led to MLM crypto Ponzi schemes, starting with BNBBusiness in October 2021.

Yesterday Nguyen began promoting Meta Bounty Hunters, an MLM NFT crypto Ponzi.

Wayne Mancel (right) is co-founder of Crypto Experience.

Crypto Experience is an annual crypto bro event held in Florida.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

DeFinity FI Academy’s Products

DeFinity FI Academy markets an education and training platform in their presentation videos.

Details of the platform are not available on DeFinity FI Academy’s website.

The platform is accessed via “Reward Tokens”, which are bundled with BNB matrix position purchases.

  • buy in at the $30 in BNB tier and receive 10 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $50 in BNB tier and receive 25 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $120 in BNB tier and receive 50 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $200 in BNB tier and receive 100 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $300 in BNB tier and receive 180 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $400 in BNB tier and receive 250 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $700 in BNB tier and receive 450 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $1000 in BNB tier and receive 650 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $1200 in BNB tier and receive 800 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $1500 in BNB tier and receive 1000 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $2000 in BNB tier and receive 1400 Reward Tokens
  • buy in at the $2500 in BNB tier and receive 1700 Reward Tokens

A DeFinity FI Academy marketing video states their platform is designed

to provide a community of experts that will equip you with easy to understand education programs for opportunities to earn income.

DeFinity FI Academy Compensation Plan

DeFinity FI Academy affiliates purchase matrix positions in BNB.

These positions correspond with twelve matrix tiers:

  • $30 in BNB
  • $50 in BNB
  • $120 in BNB
  • $200 in BNB
  • $300 in BNB
  • $400 in BNB
  • $700 in BNB
  • $1000 in BNB
  • $1200 in BNB
  • $1500 in BNB
  • $2000 in BNB
  • $2500 in BNB

Tiers can be purchased individually or together for $10,000 in BNB.

DeFinity FI Academy Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within DeFinity FI Academy’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Affiliate – sign up as a DeFinity FI Academy affiliate and buy into a BNB matrix tier
  • Bronze – generate $5000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Silver – generate $50,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Gold – generate $250,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Platinum – generate $500,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Ruby – generate $800,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Emerald – generate $1,000,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Diamond – generate $2,000,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Double Diamond – generate $3,000,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Triple Diamond – generate $4,000,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team
  • Crown Diamond – generate $5,000,000 in BNB buy-in volume across levels 1 and 2 of your unilevel team

Required buy-in volume is accumulative.

Levels 1 and 2 of a unilevel team refer to personally recruited affiliates (level 1) and those they recruit (level 2).

Passive Returns

DeFinity FI Academy pays passive returns via shares.

The shares are tied to the “DeFinity Fi Profit Program”, which is revenue DeFinity FI Academy claims it generates via “trading”.

No specifics are provided.

DeFinity FI Academy affiliates earn shares via the Share Bonus and Rank Achievement Bonus (details below).

Reward Token Recruitment Commissions

DeFinity FI Academy affiliates earn Reward Tokens when they convince others to invest.

  • convince someone to buy in at the $30 tier and receive 5 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $50 tier and receive 10 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $120 tier and receive 30 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $200 tier and receive 50 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $300 tier and receive 75 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $400 tier and receive 100 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $700 tier and receive 150 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $1000 tier and receive 200 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $1200 tier and receive 250 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $1500 tier and receive 300 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $2000 tier and receive 350 Reward Tokens
  • convince someone to buy in at the $2500 tier and receive 450 Reward Tokens

Reward Tokens are used to access DeFinity FI Academy’s education platform.

Recruitment Commissions

In addition to Reward Tokens, DeFinity FI Academy affiliates also earn regular commissions on BNB buy ins from personally recruited affiliates.

  • 10% is paid on BNB invested on your first three recruits
  • 15% is paid on BNB invested from your fourth recruit onward

Residual Commissions

DeFinity FI Academy affiliates earn residual commissions on each tier via a 3×12 matrix.

A 3×12 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix.

The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each.

Levels three to twelve of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many commissions as the previous level.

DeFinity FI Academy affiliates unlock matrix levels through recruitment:

  • no recruitment required to earn on levels 1 to 2 of a tier matrix
  • recruit one affiliate and unlock levels 3 and 4 of a tier matrix
  • recruit two affiliates and unlock levels 5 and 6 of a tier matrix
  • recruit three affiliates and unlock levels 7 and 8 of a tier matrix
  • recruit four affiliates and unlock levels 9 and 10 of a tier matrix
  • recruit five affiliates and unlock all twelve levels of a tier matrix

Recruited affiliates count if they buy in at the same or higher tier being unlocked.

E.g. recruiting someone who buys in at the $700 in BNB tier would unlock levels 3 and 4 of the $700 in BNB tier. It would also unlock matrix levels 3 and 4 of all the tiers below it.

With the above level unlock qualification in mind, residual commissions are paid as 5% of each BNB buy in across all twelve BNB tiers.

Super Matrix Bonus

Upon filling the first five levels of any tier matrix, a new position is created in that same matrix tier.

This position is placed in the affiliates existing tier matrix and generates its own commissions.

Each new matrix position generated also pays out corresponding Token Rewards.

There doesn’t appear to be any limit on how many Super Matrix Bonus positions can be created as each tier.

Share Bonus

DeFinity FI Academy rewards affiliates with shares when they recruit four affiliates who buy in at each tier.

Shares are also received when an affiliate generates a new matrix tier position.

How many shares are received is determined by which tier either four affiliates bought into, or a Super Matrix Bonus position was created on.

  • tier 1 = 1 share
  • tier 2 = 2 shares
  • tier 3 – 4 shares
  • tier 4 – 7 shares
  • tier 5 – 10 shares
  • tier 6 – 14 shares
  • tier 7 – 24 shares
  • tier 8 – 34 shares
  • tier 9 – 40 shares
  • tier 10 – 50 shares
  • tier 11 – 67 shares
  • tier 12 – 84 shares

The shares appear to correspond to the DeFinity Fi Profit Program (see “Passive Returns” above)

Recruitment Bonus

DeFinity FI Academy rewards the top 10 recruiters across the company with a monthly Recruitment Bonus.

Specifics of the bonus are not provided.

Leadership Global Bonus

Diamond, Double DIamond, Triple Diamond and Crown Diamond ranked affiliates qualify for a Leadership Global Bonus.

The Leadership Global Bonus is essentially four rank-based bonus pools. Specifics are not provided.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Diamond and higher ranked DeFinity FI Academy affiliates receive an undisclosed amount of bonus shares each month.

These shares correspond to the DeFinity Fi Profit Program (see “Passive Returns” above).

Joining DeFinity FI Academy

Basic DeFinity FI Academy affiliate membership is the price of an unspecified gas fee.

Gas fees are cryptocurrency transaction fees.

Participation in DeFinity FI Academy’s MLM opportunity requires a $30 to $2500 BNB buy-in.

Full participation in DeFinity FI Academy’s MLM opportunity costs $10,000 in BNB.

DeFinity FI Academy affiliates can also buy into tiers by passing up four personal referral commissions on each tier.

DeFinity FI Academy Conclusion

After losing money in who knows how many shady crypto schemes, Toan Nguyen has realized it’s mostly people running the scams making money.

And so we have DeFinity FI Academy.

Nguyen presents himself as a “lead consultant”. Whether he’s running DeFinity FI Academy, and if not who is, is unclear.

What I can tell you it’s yet another MLM crypto Ponzi, dressed up as an education platform.

This has been going on for years. Perhaps the most notorious education package Ponzi, OneCoin, launched in 2014.

DeFinity FI Academy’s education platform seems to be put together by Wayne Marcel and other people you’ve never heard of.

DeFinity FI Academy presents retail access as an option, but one visit to the company’s website reveals this is a joke.

Such to the extent retail is available in DeFinity FI Academy, it’s pseudo-compliance.

This is because Nguyen is no stranger to MLM. He knows what pyramid scheme and Ponzi schemes are.

And so we have meaningless education packages. In an attempt to legitimize DeFinity FI Academy’s Ponzi scheme, we have this silly disclaimer:

DeFinity FI Academy represent they generate external ROI revenue via trading.

No evidence of trading revenue being used to pay returns is provided.

More importantly, DeFinity FI Academy’s passive returns constitutes a securities offering. Neither DeFinity FI Academy, Toan Nguyen or Wayne Marcel are registered with the SEC.

This means that at a minimum, DeFinity FI Academy is committing securities fraud.

The rest of DeFinity FI Academy’s compensation plan constitutes a pyramid scheme. Retail sale so of BNB positions would negate this but, as previously pointed out, retail in DeFinity FI Academy is a joke.

It also wouldn’t change DeFinity FI Academy committing securities fraud.

As it stands the only verifiable source of revenue entering DeFinity FI Academy is new investment.

Using new investment to pay daily returns makes DeFinity FI Academy a Ponzi scheme.

Paying recruitment commissions in the absence of significant retail sales makes DeFinity FI Academy a pyramid scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once recruitment dries up so too will new revenue.

This will starve DeFinity FI Academy of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.